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    Considered feature design of pump and presents the results of a study of Assembly parts: pump shaft, cotters, impellers. Research of include: measurement of runout of the shaft and the shaft with working wheels, on the basis of measurements was concluded. 

    Keywords: Assembly, shaft, wheel, analysis, heartbeat, gap.

  • Development of electrooptical device for analysis of motor oil contamination of the internal combustion engine with disperse particles

    A new device is offered for the analysis of motor oil contamination of the internal combustion engine with dispersed particles. Optical and ultrasonic methods for analyzing contamination of motor oils are used to obtain more informative data to estimate the concentration of pollutants in the device.  

    Keywords: tribomonitoring, electrooptical device, the internal combustion engine, motor oils, methods for analyzing contamination

  • The analysis of work of building elements hermetic shell nuclear power plant during preliminary tension and testing

    Design of the protective hermetic shell of the reactor compartment of the nuclear power plant discusses in the article. The possible deformation of elements of the hermetic shell during preliminary tension  and testing is considered

    Keywords: protective hermetic shell; change of form; deformation; strength tests

  • Microwave method for determining the position of the contact wire of electrified railways

    The paper describes the method for determining the position of the contact wire of electrified railways using microwaves. The method is based on the triangulation system of two georadars and allows to determine a contact wire zigzag and height from the rail head. The proposed method is all-weather with the possibility of continuous monitoring of the overhead contact wire in plan and profile with the opportunity to automate the processing and signaling abnormalities.

    Keywords: railroad contact line, contact wire location, GPR, automatic control systems

  • Electrobiographs of Rostov in the early twentieth century: technology and people

    This article is devoted to emergence and development of cinema on Don Region. Attention paid on the first picture theatres in Rostov-on-Don, Taganrog and Novocherkassk and their technical equipment (bioscope, biofonograf, teatrograf cosmography, vivantograf, fonohromoskopograf). In this research submitted the first main films and reaction of society and governance on them. As special aspects of cinema industry development viewed problems of professional cinema community and main tendencies of that sphere of cultural life 

    Keywords: cinematograph,еlektrobiograf, technology, cinema, picture palace,full-length film, a silent movie, spirituality, development trends

  • Terms of structural and functional stability of transport and logistics cluster

    The authors implemented methodological apparatus homeostatics used to determine the effect of the internal contradictions of the processes of functioning and development of socio-economic systems and management to the survival of the system and its transition to a new stable state.

    Keywords: structural and functional stability of the transport and logistics cluster, the cybernetic approach Homeostatics

  • Special features of mechanochemical activation Al-Si mixture and the formation of hot-deformed powder material based on the mixture

    This paper presented the study of the mechanochemical activation powder mix in dry and liquid grinding media, accompanied by agglomeration of the particles. It Is shown that when agglomerate particles having a bimodal size distribution is forming during the treatment in a dry grinding media and partially (2 wt % ) decaying at grinding by pestle in mortar. The transition to liquid grinding media is leading to a unimodal size distribution and increasing dispersion of the agglomerated particles, characterized by secondary agglomerating when using the alcohol and destruction when using activation in saturated aqueous solution of boric acid. Inherited effect mechanical activation parameters on the compaction process during cold compaction and hot stamping has been determined. Application treated in a high energy mill in an grinding media saturated aqueous H3BO3 Al-Si powder mix results in the formation of moldings with low cold-pressing relative density (0.735) and the activation of the hot stamping compaction (|εh| = 0,592) providing production of hot-deformed powder material with increased mechanical properties.

    Keywords: mechanochemical activation, hot-deformed powder material, aluminum, silicon, dispersion, agglomeration

  • Modeling of three-level vertical marketing system

    An original mathematical model describing different activities of actors in the vertical marketing system is presented. They are a provider, a agent, a trading enterprise are presented as a controlling subjects. The model is based on the game-theoretical and hierarchical approach. An equilibrium of Germeyer G1 game in terms of sustainable development is established. The method of impulsion is used as a method of hierarchical control to solve this model. The main system operation laws based on numerical experiments are presented.

    Keywords: game theory, hierarchical, three-level control system, method of impulsion

  • Spatial organization grouping signals in associative processes of artificial neural networks

    The article discusses issues related to the development of the optimal structure of neural networks. One of the major problems in the synthesis neural conrollers is ensuring optimal number of neurons and connections between layers  in the network. Necessary to achieve a compromise between the representational network capabilities, and memory that will be required to store it. The article presents a number of heuristics, allowing to reach such a compromise by limiting the number of connections for each neuron.
    This is done through the introduction of two characteristics for the neuron: the radius of the coverage and density of connections. Coverage radius determines the number of neurons that could potentially have a connection to this neuron, and the density of the compound gives the actual number of such compounds. Altogether, these characteristics determine the amount of synaptic connections, which can have a neuron. The article presents the heuristics that allow to define these characteristics depending on the network structure.  

    Keywords: neural network, neural controller, associative memory, machine learning, optimization

  • Adaptive control system for welding equipment

    In modern industry, welding plays an important role for jointing materials and arc welding has been the dominant process for many years. In general, in order to produce a high-quality weld, the system should have two main functionalities. First, it should have the capacity of directing the welding torch based on the detection of the joint location and geometry, namely “seam tracking”. Second, the system should be able to adjust the welding parameters, namely “adaptive control of the welding condition". Both functionalities heavily rely on the sensor systems. The analysis of welding technological processes, adaptive control and intelligent  systems proved the  opportunity of utilization artificial neural networks in the procedure of  weld seam tracking and weld head movement control. Welding process engineering and adaptive correction with artificial neural networks  are considered in the paper both with the computer vision system based on video monitoring and laser profilоmetry.  The paper is focused on the development of a proper sensor system to facilitate the arc welding automation and neural network-based control to provide precise seam tracking and high-quality joints.   

    Keywords: Adaptive control system, automatic welding, advanced welding equipment, adaptive welding technology , welding, pipeline.

  • Mathematical model of straining of orthotropic conical shells

    The article presents a mathematical model of deformation of thin-walled conical shells, considering orthotropic material, geometric nonlinearity and transverse shear. Showing geometric relationships, physical relationships, the functional of total energy of deformation and boundary conditions.

    Keywords: conical shell, tapered panel, mathematical model, geometric nonlinearity, orthotropic, lateral shifts

  • The main scientific directions in the study of problems to ensure the competitiveness of tourist and recreational industry and spa services

    The main issues of competitiveness, assess the quality of services, pricing strategy, especially sales service, new services, cost accounting and auditing in the tourist and recreation industry

    Keywords: competitiveness, quality of services, audit, pricing strategy, marketing, tourist and recreational industry.

  • The propagation technology of Chinese Cedar (Platycladus orientalis (L.) Franco) for green building in Rostov region.

    The main methods of Platycladus orientalis seed propagation are studied. For Platycladus orientalis industrial cultivation the following technologies of reproduction are recommended: For off-sort samples – seed propagation after stratification (25-30 days); For sorts and decorative forms:
    1.Vegetative propagation using IAA.
    2. Micropropagation of Platycladus orientalis in vitro by means of adventitious shoots induction on the MS medium adding 0,2 – 0,5 mg/l BAP. There are derived well rooted microshoots on the medium with IAA in concentration 5 mg/l.

    Keywords: green building, Platycladus orientalis, technologies of reproduction, clonal micropropagation.

  • The potential drivers of tracked forestry machines

    A comparison of wheeled and tracked vehicles propulsion forest. It is shown that the bulk of overseas logging operations, the construction of infrastructure facilities, the primary transport of forest produce machines with paddle wheels. It is proved that under natural conditions of production are tracked significant potential movers. Given the requirements of prospective car on the engine power, weight, ground pressure, speed and carrying capacity.

    Keywords: crawler gear, wheel propulsion, forest equipment, potential.

  • Analysis of the causes of water pollution of Taganrog Bay with oil products

    The article discusses the possible causes of pollution of Taganrog Bay of the Azov Sea with oil products for the period 2008-2013. The key factors of pollution were highlighted. Effects of navigation for cotion was evaluated by navigation intensity. Effect of wastewater was evaluated by the number of oil products which fall from municipal drains and wastewater from industrial plants. The data processing of the federal statistical reporting on the influence of the main contamination factors was carried out.

    Keywords: oil products, water pollution, average annual concentrations