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  • Problems of ensuring the safety of water supply and sanitation networks

    The article discusses the causes of accidents in water supply and sanitation systems. methods for improving the quality of drinking water in the construction and reconstruction of water pipes, the use of new materials to reduce breakdowns on networks are considered. the analysis of the durability of pipelines made of various materials is carried out, according to which it is concluded which material is the best in use for installation work. frequent destruction of pipes occurs from an aggressive environment, so a comparative analysis of various materials from which they are made: polyvinyl chloride, polypropylene, reinforced concrete, cast iron and fiberglass. due to poor-quality cleaning, there are environmental problems that occur when using old structures, lack of funding. It is concluded that fiberglass pipes can serve as a high-quality material.

    Keywords: quality water, replacement of pipelines, water supply and sanitation, corrosion and destruction of pipes, new polymer material, pipe materials, comparison of pipes made of different materials, service life, wastewater treatment, ecology

  • Regularities of carbon monoxide in the air of the Krasnoarmeisky district of the linear city of Volgograd

    The article deals with the laws of distribution of pollutants in a linear city. The highest values of carbon monoxide concentration were determined in the near-main territories of the Krasnoarmeysky district of Volgograd. Also in this paper, the question of the dependence of the level of gas pollution in the mainline areas on various factors, which include human activity and natural, natural factors, is raised. The influence of temperature inversions on the speed of pollution propagation and their limiting value in various points of the city is considered. For the experimental part, 18 points of technical measurements of CO concentration were taken, during which compliance with the MPC standards of the samples taken was revealed.

    Keywords: linear city, district, law of distribution of carbon monoxide, transport of impurities, air pollution

  • Strategic planning in a construction organization

    The essence of strategic planning is revealed. The importance of strategic planning in construction is proved. The stages of strategic planning are briefly described. The strategic planning procedure is described. The stages of implementing the strategic plan are outlined.

    Keywords: strategic planning, organization, construction, resources, financing, development, modeling, expert, implementation, information

  • Instruments for experimental construction of a model of errors of a MEMS accelerometer

    The problem of experimental determination of the parameters of the error model of MEMS accelerometers is considered. Possible sources of errors and their nature are shown. When developing a model of errors, the influence of non-orthogonality of the axes, temperature dependences of the conversion coefficient, and displacement of zeros were taken into account. A mathematical model of the MEMS accelerometer errors and an algorithm for the experimental determination of its parameters have been developed. Specific structural schemes of the stands are presented. Their hardware and software implementation is described. Specific features of temperature control in a small-sized heat chamber with a heater and a cooler based on a Peltier element are considered. An example of experimental estimation of the parameters of the error model for one axis of the MPU6050 accelerometer is shown. The developed tools make it possible to start a systematic study and objective comparison of the characteristics of MEMS accelerometers from different companies, as well as to obtain their working error models suitable for use in filtering algorithms in the construction of various systems of inertial navigation and angular stabilization of objects.

    Keywords: microelectromechanical systems, MEMS, errors, models, methods, designs, accelerometer, microcircuit, modeling

  • Analysis of subsidence processes during compression compression of clay soils in the Rostov region and the Republic of Kalmykia

    Based on the results of engineering and geological survey of real construction sites in Rostov-on-Don and the Republic of Kalmykia, the dynamics of subsidence processes on laboratory samples of loess soil tested for compression according to the "one curve" scheme according to GOST 23161-2012 was studied.

    Keywords: subsidence, compression compression, odometer, loess soil, subsidence pressure, surveys, geomechanics, soil mechanics

  • The reaction of a building with a kinematic seismic isolation system to wind force and its analysis by means of Lira-SAPR

    The article describes the device and principle of operation of the Kurzanov-Semyonov kinematic support. Advantages and disadvantages of this type seismic isolation are also highlighted. In addition, the structural design scheme of the operated high-rise apartment building with and without kinematic support system was created in the Lira-CAD software package (CAE FEA software). Based on the computing results, a comparative analysis of the reaction of the building superstructure block under the influence of wind force in three directions was carried out. It was determined that the wind force does not affect the performance of the kinematic support system negatively.

    Keywords: kinematic support (KS), seismic isolation, seismic protection, wind, wind load, Lira-SAPR, finite element method, shift, modal analysis

  • Modeling the output amplifier of a photodetecting device

    Recognition of radiation from celestial bodies by technical means is an important task in the orientation of spacecraft. For a device that is part of the Earth orientation device, a variant of modeling an electronic signal amplifier received from a pyroelectric sensor is studied. On the recommendation of the developers, the properties of trans-impedance operational amplifiers were studied, and suitable coefficients for the negative feedback circuit were selected. The type of output signal of the model is studied in comparison with the recording of values taken from a real photodetector. The preferred design of the model in the Matlab Simulink environment is shown – a model defined by an electrical circuit using the Simscape Electrical library.

    Keywords: simulation of electric circuits, space orientation, photodetecting device, transimpedance amplifier, optoelectronic devices, space instrumentation

  • Determination of electrophysical parameters of spiral inclusions in a dielectric medium to ensure chiral properties

    In this work, R, L, C - parameters of spiral structures with sizes l and S were determined to obtain artificial chiral substrates. This made it possible, given the parameters of the polarizability of the helical structures αij, to use these features to determine the conducting properties of metamaterials. The basic relationships have been determined (for determining the electrophysical parameters of spirals (left- and right-handed) that are included as chiral inclusions in the metamaterial. An algorithm for calculating conducting structures using the proposed equations is proposed.

    Keywords: biological liquid medium, dielectric constant, complex dielectric constant, loss tangent, medium conductivity, frequency response, fluctuation, frequency range, biophysical parameter

  • Development of a dynamic model of the electric drive of the Earth orientation device scanning mechanism

    The article reveals the results of the work carried out on modeling the dynamic model of the electric drive of the scanning mechanism of the Earth orientation device, which is based on a hybrid stepping motor. The simulation is based on NEMA 17HS3410 motor parameters. A brief description and features of hybrid stepper motors are provided. The simplest model of an electric drive is considered, in which there is a rigidly set moment of force, a moment of inertia of the rotor of an electric motor, and also the moments of dry friction and the moment of liquid friction are taken into account. It is shown how the change in the value of fluid friction affects the general behavior of the mathematical model of a hybrid electric motor. The behavior of a single-pole stepper drive is simulated. The relationship of the value of the moment of force acting on the rotor with the passport characteristics of the investigated electric motor is considered. The possibility of controlling the scanning mechanism based on P- and PI-controllers is estimated.

    Keywords: electrodive, Simulink, moment of force, inetria moment, liquid fricton

  • Integrated usage of a linear regression model and a neural network in the problem of predicting the trend of Bitcoin cryptocurrency quotes

    The paper presents an integrated approach using machine learning methods for choosing a trading strategy on the currency exchange. The presented approach uses the calculation of the linear regression angle coefficient by log return indicators and determination of the BTC/USD currency pair quotes trend in the next period based on the calculated coefficient sign. The feedforward multilayer neural network is used to predict the angle coefficient value in the next ten minute period for the current twenty minute period. The paper proposes a combined approach to the use of machine learning methods for choosing a trading strategy in foreign exchange. The study presents the results of experiments evaluating the practical results of effective and ineffective strategies based on the predicted values ​​of linear regression coefficients.

    Keywords: diversification of management, production diversification, financial and economic purposes of a diversification, technological purposes of ensuring flexibility of production

  • Assessment and prediction of material properties using molecular modeling

    The present paper presents studies of friction and wear characteristics occurring in the frictional contact zone when various frictional substances are forcibly introduced into the active contact zone by the method of molecular dynamics.

    Keywords: friction activation, special material, method, quantum-chemical analysis, molecular dynamics, tribology, friction, computer simulation

  • Development of a competitive transport services market

    This article analyzes the development of competition in the transport services market. The development of a competitive transport services market requires creating conditions for exceeding the level of supply of high-quality transport services over demand, as well as ensuring publicity and information openness of the market in terms of prices and quality of services. This will allow consumers to freely choose transport services, make the "price-quality" mechanism work, and make price and quality the subject of competition. Transport communications unite all territorial entities in the region, which is a necessary condition for the unity of its economic space.

    Keywords: the transport services market, competition, the safety of passengers

  • A systematic approach to the mulcher machine power selection for the forest area preparation and combating forest fires

    The use of mulcher machines is a promisingmethod of preventing and combating forest fires. Whenpreparing forest areas with the use of mulcher machines the soil is crushed altogether with the vegetation growing on the surface, roots and otherwood inclusions, while the process of interaction of the working body with the soil requires significant energy costs. The analysis of the mulcher operating modes with a working body in the form of a drum-chopper has been carried out and, as the result, the operating modes of the mulcher machine have been determined. The mulcher machine operation mode when cutting woody vegetation has been examined. A computer program has been developed to determine the rational parameters and operating modes of the mulcher machine.

    Keywords: drum-chopper, combating forest fires, mulcher machine, wood vegetation cutting

  • Weather control system for the Elevator unit

    In this article, a scheme of an Elevator with weather regulation is proposed and comparative results of a study of the temperature of the return pipeline with and without regulation are presented. An Elevator with weather control adjusts the temperature relative to the outside air temperature, while a heat point with a classic Elevator returns water to the main line with a constant, higher temperature. The estimated savings from the implementation of the event Elevator with weather control in the building of the administrative building No. 10 in physical terms amounted to 71.13 Gcal, and in monetary terms 124,828 thousand rubles. the payback Period of this event was 1.3 years.

    Keywords: Elevator, weather control, heating system, controller, pump, valve, sensor, temperature, heat energy, tariff

  • On the issue of calculating the steady-state modes of electric power systems

    When determining the locations of compensating devices, it is necessary to make complex calculations that take into account various factors (included in the equations in the form of variables). To get results, calculations are performed repeatedly. Newton's method with coefficients in the form of a Jacobi matrix is widely used. An algorithm for solving the necessary equations by the Gauss method is considered, and the required number of iterations is determined to obtain reliable results.

    Keywords: compensating devices, electric power, network state, nodal conductivity matrix, Gauss method, algorithm, Newton's method, electrical nodes, iterations, convergence, algorithm