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  • Mathematical model of the formation of cavitation bubbles in a centrifugal pump

    The process of cavitation is one of the reasons for the premature wear of pumping equipment components. Elements of a pumping wheel are subject to the greatest wear. In addition, cavitation causes undesirable effects such as vibration and noise. In order to reduce cavitational damage and increase the service life of pumping equipment, the authors of this article propose to install a special-shaped flow divider at the pump inlet that breaks the flow entering the pump into separate jets of a certain shape and structure.

    Keywords: fluid, centrifugal pump, regulation, cavitation, flow, bubble, flow divider

  • The method of improving the quality of single-image video sequences

    The article discusses the causes of the emergence of digital noise in video sequence images. It is proposed to evaluate the effectiveness of noise suppression methods by measuring the peak signal-to-noise ratio. A method is proposed for preliminary improvement of the quality of images in a video sequence for further processing in order to search and recognize objects on a complex background. The originality of the method consists in using the analysis of the contribution coefficient of single images in a video sequence. The results of experiments with images from the USC-SIPI database are presented. The results obtained are not inferior to their counterparts, and surpass them in some indicators.

    Keywords: video sequence processing, video enhancement, object recognition on a complex background

  • Evolutionary algorithm of search of a set of alternative routes in the conditions of possible influences

    It is shown that the problem of simultaneous processing of dynamic information arrays of different degrees of structure and fuzziness is currently relevant. One of the prototypes of mathematical models containing such information structures is the problem of practical distribution of resources in the conditions of possible, difficult to formalize effects. In this problem there are two factor for the rational allocation of resources: network bandwidth to operating conditions and the preference of the routes of transmission resources on the network in terms of the alleged destructive effects. The high degree of uncertainty inherent in the process reduces the feasibility of resource-intensive distribution algorithms. At the same time, it is necessary to obtain a variety of alternative solutions with diversity in terms of resistance to possible impacts. Since, if all routes pass through one transit node, all of them will be equally exposed to the threats of impact inherent in this node, and when it fails, there will be no alternative routes, which will require re-search of routes for the transfer of resources. Fast heuristics, based, for example, on greedy approaches, can not provide the proper diversity, therefore, even with clear formulations of optimization problems, fall into local Optima. For this reason, it is advisable to Supplement the initial solution formation procedure with borrowed solutions from the previously considered problems. In order to improve the solutions obtained at the stage of formation of the starting population, and to ensure the diversity of the descendants of these solutions, describing the routes of resource transfer, an evolutionary algorithm for finding the set of the shortest time routes of resource transfer. The peculiarity of the process of solving the problem proposed algorithm is to maintain the diversity of the population of solutions to possible threats.

    Keywords: intelligent algorithm, distribution, fuzzy space, adaptation, transport networks

  • Development of a highly efficient design of a sulfuric acid alkylation jet reactor

    The article discusses the process of sulfuric acid alkylation used to produce high-octane gasoline, as well as the design of jet reactors, their advantages and disadvantages. Based on the existing drawbacks of jet reactors, the development of a new high-efficiency jet reactor design has been proposed.

    Keywords: reactor, sulfuric acid alkylation, isosurface, isocontours, gasoline, fractions, jet type, industry, oil refining

  • Automated test control of software systems using neural networks

    The article is devoted to solving the actual problem of improving the efficiency of software testing based on the development of an automated control system for this process. The structure of the created system is proposed, which allows specialists to form the advising effects for the best implementation of each of the software testing stages. Optimization models are presented that ensure the correct selection of the values of various attributes of test plans, test cases, defect reports and other documents created during the testing process. The structure of the neural network and the concept of its application for the most accurate selection of attribute values are described. The research is supported by a stipend of the President of the Russian Federation to young scientists and post-graduate students (No. SP-100.2018.5), which was assigned by the grants Council of the President of the Russian Federation.

    Keywords: software testing, optimization methods, automated control system, neural networks, test coverage

  • Development and use of an automated training system to improve the process of training software testing specialists

    The problem of increasing the efficiency of training specialists in software testing based on the use of an automated training system to control the process of formation of professional competencies is considered. To reduce the labor intensity and increase the efficiency of the testing process, the task is to train the novice specialist in modern testing techniques, including taking into account the experience of real software projects. The use of automation tools can intensify and improve the quality of the learning task. The paper proposes models and algorithms to control the formation of professional knowledge and skills of specialists in testing using modern mathematical methods. The research is supported by a stipend of the President of the Russian Federation to young scientists and post-graduate students (No. SP-100.2018.5), which was assigned by the grants Council of the President of the Russian Federation.

    Keywords: automated training systems, software testing, personnel training, professional knowledge and skills

  • Parasite architecture

    The article is devoted to the review of the new form of architecture - "parasite" architecture. It marks its historical and modern incarnation in various buildings. The distinctive features of the “parasite” form of architecture are distinguished from other forms. The classification of objects of “parasite” architecture is given according to a number of features. This classification is a group that relates the object to a particular architectural style. The name “parasite architecture” was formed in connection with the ability of such structures, like parasite creatures, to be attached to the existing structures of buildings and structures and to transfer their own load to them. Reception of parasitic architecture is used by a range of companies to create additional living spaces.

    Keywords: parasitic architecture, parasitic architecture, architecture, urbanization, urban environment

  • On the development of facade glazing systems for civil buildings

    A comparative analysis was made of the evolution of the development of facade glazing systems in the design of public buildings both abroad and in Russia. It has been established that both abroad and in Russia are characterized by the appearance of buildings with continuous glazing, the production of glass and double-glazed windows of a new generation: with magnetron application of heat-reflecting coatings and with energy-saving characteristics. The shape, size, placement of the glazed surfaces of the facade were determined by the climatic conditions, economic and scientific-technical development of the countries.

    Keywords: Facade glazing, translucent facades, Bauhaus, Le Corbusier, stained glass, cold-formed glass, cold facade, exhaust facade, external natural factors

  • Development of a model of the process of internal corrosion of pipelines of heating networks

    A dynamic model of the process of internal corrosion of pipelines of heating networks is considered. Model include five level: the level of the wall thickness of the pipeline, the level of slowing down of thinning of the wall of the pipeline from pH, the level of accelerating of thinning of the wall of the pipeline from temperature, the level of accelerating of thinning of the wall of the pipeline from the oxygen concentration, the level of slowing down of thinning of the wall the pipeline from the carbonate index. The composition of variables includes one level of state, thar characterize the process of thinning the wall of the pipeline due to internal corrosion, and four levels, that characterize the performance of network water. Six rates of changing of the physical indicators, that characterize the growth (dynamics) of the ongoing process, are taken into account. Four dependencies of influence are connect the subsystems of the complex into a single whole. The results of the evaluation of the dynamics of the pipe wall thinning process in the process of internal corrosion for a period of 1 year and 5 years presented. The software implementation in the Mathcad environment is considered.

    Keywords: dynamic model, internal corrosion of pipelines, corrosion of the heat network, corrosion factor

  • Technology LSTK and its features

    Light steel thin-walled structures are considered as elements of modern building erection technology. Domestic and foreign regulatory documents governing the use and design of structures made of thin-walled steel profiles are presented, and obvious advantages and operational disadvantages are indicated.

    Keywords: construction, metal structures, light steel thin-walled structures, thin-walled beams, energy efficiency

  • Mathematical methods for bearings of unmanned aerial vehicles identification in a group

    The questions of mathematical interpretation of results of trajectory measurements are discussed in terms of increasing the accuracy of identification of bearings of unmanned aerial vehicles during their movement in a "swarm" - a group. Variants of identification of horizontal and spatial bearings are offered. For each of the variants, criteria are proposed for identifying the belonging of the measured values ​​to the same object in the group and the conditions for achieving them. The situation of false positives is shown. It is determined that additional identification measures are needed to eliminate false bearing triads and uncovered ambiguities, including the use of combinatorial exhaustive search algorithms. For their study, it is necessary to develop an experimental statistical model with an algorithmic description of cause-effect relationships, which is a further development of this work.

    Keywords: " unmanned aerial vehicle, group of objects, bearing identification, horizontal bearing, spatial bearing, identification criteria, false notch"

  • Model of making decisions for the development of tours around Russia

    The questions of decision-making are considered at the development of a complex tourist product, which includes places of leisure and recreation, relocations, places of residence and others. The multicriteria problem of choosing the optimal variant of the tour with the given criteria and user ratings has been set and solved. The proposed model can be used to build a decision support system for the development of tours around Russia.

    Keywords: decision theory, expert assessments, the theory of formal languages ​​and grammars, optimization, intellectual systems

  • Information modeling of decision support system for the development of tours around Russia

    The growing interest in travel around Russia and the lack of information support determine the relevance of developing decision support systems in the tourism industry. The work presents the results of information modeling of such a system that allows, based on monitoring of thematic Internet resources, to create a database of tourist sites and events, places of residence, transport routes and based on user estimates, form a completed tourist product that appropriate the requirements. The obtained models are the basis for the development of the software environment.

    Keywords: information modeling, universal modeling language UML, decision support system

  • Modeling of direct torque control system based on fuzzy logic control in Simulink

    Two different methods for direct torque control (DTC) of induction motor are analyzed. The first one is conventional DTC strategy. In this method, stator voltage vectors are selected according to the differences between the reference and estimated actual torque and stator flux linkage. Torque and flux errors are compared in hysteresis comparators. Depending on the comparators a voltage vector is selected from the inverter optimal switching table. The other DTC method, proposed in the paper, is based on fuzzy logic concept, where fast torque response with low ripple in the torque of induction motor can be achieved. In this technique, the hysteresis comparators and the switching table used in basic DTC are replaced by a fuzzy logic switcher. Torque error, flux error and stator flux angle are given as input variables to fuzzy controller and output variable obtained from the fuzzy controller is switching state of the inverter. To approximate nonlinear functions Takagi - Sugeno fuzzy algorithm is used. Simulation results show the efficiency of the fuzzy logic switcher.

    Keywords: direct torque control, Takagi – Sugeno fuzzy algorithm, fuzzy logic switcher

  • Analysis of the ways for Express-measuring of granular media volumes

    the article presents an overview of the most common ways of measuring the volume (mass) of bulk materials currently used in various industries. The comparative analysis presented in the article methods of assessment. It is established that current methods of calculating volumes of granular media have a number of disadvantages, which significantly affects the quality of the product and its value. It is revealed that it is most expedient to carry out measurement of the volume of granular media directly in the containers or the vehicle taking into account the main characteristics of the material — moisture content, bulk and true density, temperature and fractional composition.

    Keywords: bulk materials, volume, mass, rapid method, density weighing