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  • Economic mechanism of adaptation

    Problems of theoretical issues of adaptation economic mechanism forming are considered. The theoretical justification for the functioning of the economic mechanism of adaptation through the use of the basic principles of adaptation and adaptive enterprise, the conceptual foundations of adaptive accounting and control systems functioning, engineering methodologies of adaptive accounting and adaptive engineering tools is held. Using the principles of adaptation is considered from the point of view of the organization and methodology of adaptive accounting. We consider the nature, value and feasibility of a systematic, comprehensive and situational approaches to adaptive accounting, information-dimensional approach to accounting. The engineering methodology maintenance of the adaptive accounting on the basis of the evolutionary-adaptive balance theory positions is shown. Attention is also given to the substantiation of the structured plans of accounts adaptive evolution using possibilities. The basic idea of adaptive engineering tools using is to ensure the integration capabilities of adaptive accounting system based on their integration into the structure of the plan of accounts. The structural elements of the economic mechanism of adaptive change management based on an alternative choice and a multiplicity of solutions are identified. Attention is given to the interpretation and implementation of the adaptive accounting results.

    Keywords: adaptive management, adaptive enterprise, economic mechanism of adaptation, adaptation principles, evolutionary-adaptive balance theory, adaptive accounting, adaptive architecture model, structured plan of accounts, adaptive engineering tools, derivative

  • Personnel streams in logistics of transport

    Problems of formation of the logistical approach to management of personnel streams of the enterprise are considered.

    Keywords: Logistic, person, stream, transport, logistics sistem

  • Evaluation of geological hazards and risks of the Eastern Donbass agglomeration

    To the East Donbass agglomeration has developed thematic maps of subsiding soils, indicating their capacity, groundwater levels, surface subsidence above mining, landslide and erosion hazards. Sources of information were the materials of the geological surveys, maps and literature data, and numerical modeling. For the purposes of industrial and civil construction built the final map of the cumulative effects of geological hazards.

    Keywords: geological hazard, modeling, geofiltration,subsidence, landslides, erosion, underflooding, agglomeration.

  • Development of physical model of process of air pollution for a site of charging of accumulators at the motor transportation enterprises

    In article negative impact of objects of municipal economy on an urban environment, on the example of a site of charging of accumulators of the motor transportation enterprise is considered. The physical model of process of pollution of the air environment is developed for a site of charging of accumulators on ATP. The description is given to basic elements of model (technological raw materials, processing equipment, etc.), participating in air pollution process.

    Keywords: the municipal economy polluting substance, process of pollution of the air environment, technological raw materials, processing equipment

  • Investing in human capital as a condition for the development of innovation in construction

    Analyzes human capital as one of the key components of the innovation development of the Russian economy and the construction industry in particular. Shows the positive aspects of investment in human capital - increase in the level of education, improvement of nutrition and health, which leads to an increase in the productivity of capital, and reducing mortality, increasing life expectancy. To construction weak extent of development of the intellectual capital is typical, it is necessary to change this tendency. And, at the stage of recruitment to pay attention to human capital of seekers. It is noted, there where it is possible, importance of determination of potential of competitors without experience, with further training within the company, to please to professional skills. Continuous development of the human capital of the construction organization is a right way for the company, wishing to advance competitors and to get profit.

    Keywords: human capital, innovation, construction, recruitment, staff, investment, development, education, the potential, profit

  • Researches of an environment of the organization on to providing consumers in housing and communal services

    Questions by definition are considered the basic organization environments on providing consumers in Zhkh.Issledovany environments to providing consumers in housing and communal services is a set of tools, forms, methods and the processes of the economic analysis directed on an assessment of a real environment of providing, identification of its factors defining and development of tactical policy organization environments

    Keywords: housing-and-municipal хозяйствеконъюнктура organizations; economic analysis; tactical policy.

  • Institutional barriers to the development of Russian information market

    The paper discusses the features of the domestic market of information products. Discloses the main problems hindering its further growth. The basic directions of perfection of the Russian information market and focuses on the role of the state in its regulation. State, being the largest customer IT systems, their demand is, of course, has a significant impact on the positive dynamics of the information market, but the market is faced with a rather long-term problems: unreasonably high investment risk and insufficient funding. Obviously, under favorable trends in the global economy, these problems are solved in part by foreign investment, on the other hand, provides a gradual increase in the involvement of the Russian information market in the world.

    Keywords: information market, barriers, ways to improve, public policy

  • Approaches and realization of personnel motivation strategy

    Personnel motivation strategy is a part of a strategy of the whole company. It is long-term plan of particular actions, which has an aim to develop personnel’s potential to the full extent. As an impact, this allows the company to have a competitive advantage in strategy.
    There are a few main approaches to strategy development and, as a consequence, a few options of personnel motivation strategy.
    When it comes to development of personnel motivation strategy, there are several stages that shall be competed, as follows: diagnostics of current personnel motivation strategy; development of main strategies, aims and principles of company’s motivation policy, as well as its content and structure;  development of employees’ material monetary and noncash remuneration, and non-financial reward; development of internal white papers in order to establish personnel motivation strategy; implementation and effect monitoring of established personnel motivation strategy.

    Keywords: personnel motivation, motivation strategy, material remuneration, non-financial remuneration, effectiveness of personnel motivation.

  • Determination of deflections of beams with corrugated web with the shear strain

    This article is devoted to the analytical determination of deflections of beams with corrugated web. The reduced shear modulus which must be considered when determining the components deflection from of the shear strain in the beam with corrugated web is defined. Applying the energy method in the form of the Ritz, the problem of determining deflections with considering of bending strain and shear strain is solved. This article, as an example, is considered simply supported beam on both sides of constant and variable cross-section and are given to the final formulas according with three kinds of loading. The results of the calculation of the numerical examples for the three main shapes of corrugated web are submitted. Numerical results with great accuracy are consistent with calculations based on the finite element method.

    Keywords: beams, corrugated web, energy, work, deflection, shear strain

  • The interconnected control system of heating and ventilation installations in the protected ground

    Consider the use of management system of heating and ventilation plants in greenhouses, uniform distribution of heat and humidity in the area of biological objects, the use of an improved system of management regimes of the microclimate in the protected ground on the basis of programmable smart relays

    Keywords: power consumption, temperature-humidity conditions, microclimate

  • Mathematical modeling of kinematic ruled surfaces on the base of one-sheet hyperboloid of revolution as fixed and moving axoids

      New mathematical model of complex moving one axoid along another for the case of one-sheet hyperboloid of revolution as fixed and moving axoids has been proposed. On the base of this model analytical development and computer graphics of the new kinematic ruled surfaces are realized.   

    Keywords: Mathematical Modeling, Computer Graphics, Kinematic Surfaces

  • The analysis of means of protection of a metalwork from corrosion

    The article provides an example evaluation of the technical condition of building and handling machines in terms of corrosion resistance. Using functional method of determining the weights estimated sufficiency compositions anticorrosion treatment building and handling machines.

    Keywords: The sufficiency condition, the generalized criterion, a metric multiplicative convolution operator on the set of individual criteria

  • On matters concerning improvement of energy performance of multi-storey housing blocks

    At the present stage, energy-efficient construction is one of the important issues included in the legislation in most countries. One of the promising ways of lowering thermal energy demand for heating is to reduce heat losses with air exchange in buildings, which accounts for over 60% of heat loss.
    Civilizational development of the society is only possible with the decrease in specific energy consumption and economical use of heat. The article discusses the main methods to improve energy performance of buildings under construction and operation. It also addressed issues of investment in energy efficiency projects. The article substantiates the effectiveness of the combined extract and input ventilation with heat recovery of vented emissions in Rostov- on-Don.  

    Keywords: energy conservation, improvement of the energy efficiency, efficiency assessment, investment, energy-saving measures.

  • Personal selling is a tool for promotion in the system of integrated marketing communications

    Is considered a tool of marketing communications - personal selling. Describes the basic theoretical aspects of the system of integrated marketing communications, differences of classical and integrated complex of the promotion, analysis of a modern condition of integrated marketing communications. Allocated significance, main features, the uniqueness, the advantages and disadvantages of personal sales. Defined are the main differences between personal sales from the other instruments of the complex progress, as well as the identification of the characteristics of personal sales in the integration with other promotion tools of the marketing complex. Describes the use of personal sales, the system of integrated marketing communications. Allocation of the basic purposes and tasks of the personal sale in a complex of promotion and in integrated marketing communications.

    Keywords: Complex promotion, marketing communication, integrated marketing communications, personal selling, personal contact

  • The value of color vision in the professional training of designers

    In the article the problems of color organizations of the urban environment and the value of professional skills of specialists working with color organization of the surrounding space. Volume of one article will not reliably accurately describe the problem and research in this area, more detailed information will be published in the monograph

    Keywords: Color, colour modelling, color harmonization of environment, colorimeter, spectroscope.