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  • Identification and risk assessment in concrete construction quality control during high-rise building construction

    The main defects of railway structures are identified, the damage of defects is characterized by the degree of influence based on the quality indicators of building structures, a mathematical model for assessing risk and damage is created, expert surveys are conducted on the nature of the conditions for the probability of defects and bringing them to damage, an algorithm for implementing the results on the construction site is presented.

    Keywords: risk assessment, probability conditions, concrete works, risk-oriented approach, risk identification

  • Improving additive manufacturing for construction by regulating the duration of breaks in 3D printing

    The results of experimental studies of improving additive manufacturing for construction due to the effect of an electric field (electrode heating) on the printed layers are presented. It makes possible to regulate the duration of the technological break of 3D printing in a wide time interval while ensuring high levels of layer adhesion and, accordingly, the quality of the finished construction product.

    Keywords: additive manufacturing for construction, 3D concrete printing, 3DCP, extrusion, technology, technological break, cold seam, bonding, adhesion, layer, concrete, quality

  • Methods for determining the bearing capacity of the supporting bases of offshore platforms under geodynamic influences in conditions of increased oil and gas production

    This article discusses the main factors leading to a decrease in the bearing capacity of the support bases and the possible loss of stability of the offshore platform, which will entail emergency consequences. The impact of free gas in the upper sections of the soil and dynamic external loads on the safety of construction and operation of oil platforms has been assessed. Calculations for the bearing capacity of the pile foundation of the support bases of the SPBU Astra in the Caspian Sea, performed according to existing methods, were analyzed. The determination of the strength of the soil is carried out for the calculated support surface – the section of the column having the maximum area.

    Keywords: geodynamic effects, bearing capacity, pile foundation, indentation depth, free gas

  • The influence of plastic shrinkage on the physical and mechanical properties of concrete during the reconstruction of buildings and structures

    The results of a study of the influence of shrinkage deformations on the basic physical and mechanical properties of concrete are presented depending on various production and technological factors. The research methodology took into account the choice of the period of aging concrete in a dry, hot climate to study the influence of physical processes in concrete on its physical and mechanical properties. The influence of shrinkage deformations on the strength characteristics of concrete was studied. an increase in the intensity of mass transfer processes between concrete and the environment leads to an increase in destructive shrinkage deformations, mainly plastic shrinkage of concrete, which lead to changes in the structure and physical and mechanical properties of mature concrete. The consistency of the concrete mixture also influences the amount of strength reduction. with a greater value of plastic shrinkage of concrete, its compressive and tensile strength in bending decreases. the destructive effect of plastic shrinkage on concrete caused depends on a number of technological factors (consistency of the concrete mixture, w/c, temperature and humidity hardening conditions, etc.).

    Keywords: curing period, mass transfer processes, plastic shrinkage, concrete structure, concrete strength, reconstruction, buildings and structures

  • Polycomplex composition for soil strengthening

    The article examines the application of properties of polyethyleneimine (PEI) and polyacrylic acid (PAK) polycomplex composition for soil strengthening. During the studies, the ratio of PEI and PAA (by dry weight) was established, at which the reagents most fully enter the complexation reaction. The polycomplex composition of the optimal composition was used to strengthen the soils of some varieties. When studying the properties of hardened soils, dependencies were obtained: the ultimate strength of the hardened soil on the relative humidity and the thickness of the layer of hardened soil on the consumption of complexing reagents. The paper concluded that the use of polycomplexes for soil strengthening is promising.

    Keywords: polycomplex composition, soil strengthening, polyethyleneimine, polyacrylic acid, impregnation method, dedusting, optimal humidity

  • Prospects for the implementation of lean construction principles

    The construction industry is undergoing regular changes these days, influenced by many different factors. Large and structurally complex construction projects reveal more and more imperfections in traditional construction methods, e.g. increased time or production costs, downtime, delays, etc. Lean construction and its principles have emerged in search of solutions to problems in construction. In the search for solutions to problems in construction, the term - lean construction and its principles appeared, which replaced traditional methods and aimed at finding new approaches in the implementation of construction activities. In this scientific article the definition of Lean Construction is given, and also the history of Lean Construction and its chronology are considered. The comparison of the traditional construction model and Lean model is given, and also the connection of Building Information Modeling (BIM) with Lean Construction principles is analysed and an example of this connection is given.

    Keywords: lean manufacturing, lean construction, construction, lean construction principles, lean technology, lean model, lean philosophy, life cycle of an object, information modelling technologies, engineering

  • Modeling the choice of the most effective roofing option

    An important condition for the high-quality development of the construction industry is the further increase in energy efficiency and environmental friendliness of design solutions in the field of roof enclosing structures. Therefore, solving the problem of correctly choosing the most effective roof instalation to increase the life cycle of the entire building becomes more relevant. The widespread use of a wide variety of both traditional and more durable and reliable roofing coverings in modern construction practice makes it difficult to choose the most effective option. The article develops a methodology for choosing an effective roof instalation option based on the use of economic and mathematical tools, based on the analysis of organizational and technological calculations and technical and economic comparison of various options

    Keywords: additive optimality criterion, roofing, roofing covering, operation, methodology, organizational and technological calculations, rational technology, roof tiles, operating costs, efficiency, economic and mathematical modeling

  • Overview of common nodal joints for 3D modular building blocks and individual structural elements

    The overview of the existing horizontal and vertical nodal joints for 3D modular building blocks and plane elements has shown that tongue and groove is the most commonly used connection today. Other types of module attachments are also discussed. Special attention is paid to a modular integrating system encompassing a design description. It is emphasized that the efficiency of modular construction depends, among others, on nodal joints used therein.

    Keywords: modular construction systems, operational reliability, horizontal and vertical attachments, coupling bolts, tongue and groove connection

  • Analysis of the objectivity of the use of BIM technologies in construction

    This article analyzes trends and examples of the use of digital technology in order to increase the efficiency and improve the quality of construction projects. BIM technologies already at the design stage make it possible to provide as much as possible all the signs that affect the construction object at the beginning of construction and its further operation. The number of these signs increases, due to the fact that the complexity of the construction process of construction objects increases, as the scale of construction increases, the volume of construction products and building materials increases. In this connection, the requirements for the general designer, contractor, customer, etc. are increasing. At the same time, the customer expects to find, in addition to the project, a solution to reduce costs and increase the functionality of the construction object with the highest parameters. The need for high-performance special technologies and methods of organizing the management of construction works is becoming more acute. BIM technologies are the physical and functional characteristics of a construction object presented in digital form. Digital technologies are an integrated special resource of competencies in order to obtain information about a construction object. It provides the basis for the possibility to accept special decisions of a construction object from construction to the moment of its demolition. This model provides an opportunity to delegate a virtual digital model from the creators of the project to the subcontractor, general contractor, owner, as well as the manager of the construction object. The technical tasks of using information modeling technologies are the starting point for planning an investment project both from the customer's position, since they define the scope of using a BIM model at all phases of the operation of a construction object according to the criteria for evaluating information, and from the position of the contractor, since it acts as the basis for generating a plan when a BIM project will be implemented. The list of characteristic technical tasks of BIM modeling application at different stages of the construction object life cycle is determined. The BIM project algorithm is proposed.

    Keywords: information modeling of the construction of objects, labor productivity, physical wear, defects, reliability, diagnostic tasks

  • Strategic management of the placement of construction industry facilities in conditions of import substitution

    The construction industry plays an important role in the national economy, and the products of construction industry enterprises are essential for economic growth and development of the state. At the same time, the current state of affairs in the construction industry is characterized by the presence of economic uncertainties and other restrictions. One of the main directions of development of the construction sector, as well as other sectors of the national economy of the country, is expanded reproduction in the conditions of import substitution, which determines the search for the most promising territories for the location of new construction industry facilities.

    Keywords: construction, construction industry, construction complex, strategic management, import substitution

  • Features of the architecture design of rehabilitation centers for combatants

    The functional and spatial aspects of the formation of the architectural environment of medical rehabilitation and rehabilitation centers for injured athletes are investigated. The theoretical basis on the problems of functioning of similar facilities - rehabilitation centers for the disabled is considered, the characteristic components of the environment are identified, as well as the technological stages of the rehabilitation process. The generalization of the best Russian experience and existing architectural and planning solutions of medical institutions with rehabilitation functions is carried out. A comparative analysis of analog facilities was carried out in three conditional groups: a) large medical centers with rehabilitation functions for the disabled; b) multidisciplinary rehabilitation centers; c) specialized rehabilitation centers for athletes. A number of promising approaches and trends are identified that can be applied to the formation of conceptual models and adaptive architectural and environmental solutions for sports medicine and rehabilitation centers.

    Keywords: rehabilitation center for athletes, functional-spatial, architectural-planning, environmental solutions, models, approaches

  • Reconstruction of medical institutions: organizational features of the construction industry, reflected in the research of scientists

    Performance of construction and installation works in the conditions of existing health care facilities requires participants of the construction industry to take into account technical equipment of facilities, their specifics, influence of various factors and external conditions on the organisation of construction production, architectural and design solutions of facilities, preservatThe performance of construction and installation works in the conditions of existing healthcare institutions requires from the participants of construction production to take into account the technical equipment of facilities, their specifics, the impact on the organisation of construction production of various factors and external conditions, architectural and planning solutions of facilities, preservation of the functionality of medical institutions and the possibility of their current operation. This article raises the question of searching for new or existing techniques in organisational and technological design, which help to increase the validity of organisational and technological solutions. The practice of reconstruction of medical institutions in modern construction production does not take into account enough factors influencing the development of architectural and planning solutions. However, it is these factors that are determined at the stage of formation of medical and technological task. Such insufficient attention to the factors can significantly affect the organisation of the construction process. The article considers the experience and peculiarities of the organisation of construction production in the reconstruction of healthcare facilities, reflected in the works of domestic and foreign scientists and researchers.

    Keywords: reconstruction, healthcare facilities, organizational and technological solutions, documentation, workspace, time, labor costs, transactional model, productivity

  • The use of slag-alkali binders in the technology of drilling piles

    The article discusses proposals for improving the use of discharge-pulse technology in the construction of boron-injection piles and camouflage widenings of bored piles with diameters of more than 300 mm. The application of voltages on the electrode system of a pulse current generator from 10 to 50 kV and an electric capacity of about 300 UF is considered. It has been found that in the case of using a relatively low voltage on the electrodes and an increase in the electrical capacity of the capacitor bank, the duration of the shock wave pressure on the ground increases several times. This contributes to a more intensive penetration of the liquid hardening material into the intergranular space of the near-well soil massif. It is proposed to use solutions using slag-alkali binders as a hardening material in the formation of boron-injection piles. Such solutions have greater fluidity compared to cement solutions and, when hardened, form a stone with greater strength and density. The article presents data from experimental studies confirming the increased strength (R = 130 MPa) and frost resistance of a solution prepared on slag-alkali binders, as well as data on determining their corrosion resistance to various aggressive media contained in groundwater. The possibility of stable breakdown of the interelectrode gap in aqueous solutions of slag-alkali media of various consistencies has been established, optimal energy parameters of the discharge have been determined for maximum effect of fixing the soils of the foundations.

    Keywords: foundations, drilling piles, discharge-pulse technology, slag-alkali binders

  • Increasing the efficiency of organizational and technological support for the capital repair system at the present stage

    One of the tasks of the state is to create decent living conditions for the population, including providing people with high-quality and comfortable housing. However, over time, housing wears out, becomes outdated, and becomes unsuitable for use. In order to slow down and prevent rapid deterioration of capital construction projects, capital repair measures are being implemented. They are aimed at restoring and replacing structural elements of residential buildings that have fallen into disrepair. Overhaul of housing is a complex of organizational, technological and economic measures aimed at reducing and eliminating the physical deterioration of buildings. Thus, the creation of decent living conditions for the population and the safety of the housing stock, as well as increasing its energy efficiency, depend on the effectiveness of the organization of the capital repair system and its organizational and technological support.

    Keywords: major renovation, apartment building, repair and construction work, energy saving, energy efficiency

  • Organizational and technological solutions for eliminating cracks in reinforced concrete foundation slabs

    In order to negate the loss of strength, that can lead to collapse of constructions, we should take measures to prevent cracking. Every crack emersion in reinforced concrete indicates that the accumulated stress has been released in this area of the structure. The cause of cracks are internal tensile stresses that can occur due to internal processes in the element and from external loads on the structure. It is possible to eliminate cracks that have already appeared with the help of repair compounds that fill the volume of cracks in various ways. Injection, as one of the solutions, will help to maintain the strength and durability of the structure.

    Keywords: cracking, concrete, reinforced concrete slab, crack, defect, deformation, strength, soil, repair compound, foundation, foundation slab, injection

  • Forecasting the risk of destruction of building structures

    The article is devoted to the assessment of signs that can lead to the destruction of building structures that undergo physical wear over time. The destruction of the elements can lead to adverse consequences. A mathematical basis is used to diagnose structural failure. With its help, it is possible to determine the influence of signs contributing to the destruction of the structure on the degree of destruction. This article discusses the main provisions of the general kinetic theory, as well as methods of its application in order to determine the emergency condition of structures. The technical condition of the structures is considered from the standpoint of the determinational theory. The concept is based on the principle of reliability of the structure before the first failure. The object's trouble-free operation model embodies the science of the speeds of processes in the field of structuring and decomposition of complex system structures throughout the life cycle and shows the adaptive response of structures to factors that shorten the service life of the object. This concept makes it possible to more accurately assess the risks of structural failure from the effects of certain adverse factors.

    Keywords: construction and technical expertise, defects, reliability, diagnostic tasks, diagnostic methods, efficiency

  • Assessment of manufacturability of assembly elements during the installation of a steel structure

    Methods for calculating technological and functional tolerances in the manufacture and installation of steel structures are described. An experimental installation of the structure was carried out to make it possible to clarify the tolerances, and the foundations of the methodology for assessing the qualitative and quantitative manufacturability of assembly elements were put forward to simplify the processes of manufacturing and assembling the structure.

    Keywords: methods for calculating tolerances, installation of a structure, manufacturing of structures, manufacturability, complex indicator of manufacturability

  • Determining the duration of the stages of pre-design and design preparation of objects for construction

    The stages of pre-project and design preparation are fundamental for the further implementation of the investment and construction project. The success of construction and commissioning of facilities depends on the successful completion of these stages. The duration of the stages depends on the competence and consistency of interaction between the participants in the investment and construction project, the rationality of decision-making by the technical customer (developer) and a number of other factors. Identifying factors and finding options for rational planning of the stages of pre-project and design preparation is very relevant. As part of the study, a formula was derived for determining the duration of the stages of pre-design and design preparation of objects for construction, taking into account the influence of negative factors. The results of the study are used in planning the stages of pre-design and design preparation of a facility for construction.

    Keywords: factors, stages of pre-project and design preparation of objects for construction, duration of procedures

  • Characteristic defects of monolithic structures in violation of the technology of work in winter

    The article provides an overview of the characteristic defects that occur during winter concreting as a result of violations of the technology of concrete work. The relevance of this topic is justified by the large-scale increase in the volume of construction of monolithic buildings for various purposes: residential, public, as well as various types of structures made of monolithic reinforced concrete. A feature of the review of these defects is in this case their main causes, which are associated with violations of concreting technology due to the need in some cases to accelerate production work. The defects presented in this article were identified based on the analysis of accounting documentation when performing visual surveys in the process of scientific and technical support for the construction of buildings of increased responsibility. The violations described in the article were observed at various monolithic construction sites within modern megacities. The article describes the main causes of these defects. The ways of eliminating these defects based on engineering practice are proposed.

    Keywords: inspection of building structures, defects of monolithic structures, scientific and technical support of construction, flaw detection of building structures, concreting in winter

  • Application of the mixed reality system in a modern Russian construction company

    This article is devoted to the analysis of the application of the software and hardware complex of mixed reality and augmented reality ""BRIO MRS"" to explore the possibility of digitalization of the construction control process within the framework of JSC CITY - XXI Century. The article also discusses the specific application of mixed reality, which consists in checking the progress of work on the construction of a real building and its compliance with the designed digital information model using a hardware and software complex for augmented and mixed reality. The complex described in this article was actually used and is being used at the construction site. The paper describes the procedure for using a hardware and software complex to verify the compliance of the progress of construction work and the digital information model. The principle of operation of the complex, as well as the prospects that were discovered during the implementation of the experience of using a mixed and augmented reality system, are the subject of further research. In conclusion, based on the conducted research, it turns out what tasks the complex described in the article allows to solve, what advantages it has over analogues and what advantages its introduction into the activities of a modern development company will bring.

    Keywords: mixed reality, augmented reality, digitalization, digital information model, modern standards, hardware and software complex, construction control

  • Assessment of an industrial facility in the design of construction

    The study highlights issues related to the characteristics of industrial facilities, and provides existing methods for evaluating facilities. The use of the concept of a complex indicator combining a number of indicators of an industrial facility in the design is proposed. It is assumed that the availability of systematized information about an industrial facility at the design stage will allow a more rational approach to the issue of forming a project team that is sufficient and effective for the implementation of the project.

    Keywords: construction, industrial construction, industrial facility, design, integrated indicator, project team, organizational structure

  • Technological adaptability of transformable and non-transformable 3D modular building blocks used in construction systems

    The focus is on the building construction technologies using 3D modular building blocks, which are capable of changing their geometric dimensions and shape or remaining unchanged during installation. The paper discusses the main advantages of using 3D modular building blocks for building construction and offers specific examples showing the related process flows. It also shows horizontal and vertical nodal joints and provides a comparison of two options based on certain criteria of installation adaptability.

    Keywords: buildings, construction technology, installation and transport manufacturability, horizontal and vertical connections, technological processes

  • China's high-rise building construction technologies and high-rise building designs

    This article provides a comprehensive overview of the primary technologies used in the construction of high-rise buildings in China. It delves into the most commonly employed construction techniques and the types of structures that are prevalent in this sector. The study is based on a thorough analysis of existing literature and showcases real-world examples to illustrate the application of these technologies. These techniques encompass various construction methods and material choices, which are critical in the successful erection of skyscrapers. The aim of this paper is to offer reference information for professionals, aiding them in selecting suitable technologies and structural types for high-rise building projects. This work is especially useful for those in the construction industry, as it highlights the significant role that building technologies play in high-rise construction. It serves as a practical guide, providing insights into the most widely used construction technologies in the field. This article is intended to be a valuable resource for specialists looking to employ advanced methods in their construction practices, thereby enhancing the efficiency and sustainability of high-rise buildings.

    Keywords: civil engineering, high-rise buildings, construction technology, reinforced concrete structure, prefabricated structure, analysis

  • Technological solutions for the inspection and restoration of combined floor coverings using marble

    In the course of the study, an analysis of the condition of the mosaic floor covering in various operating conditions and at various facilities was carried out. The main advantages and disadvantages of floor coverings using marble, the features of their operation are revealed. The purpose of the study is to simplify and confirm the acceptability of the technology of marble floors, taking into account the factors of influence and the type of room. The main tasks are to conduct a study on the wear of the floor covering over time; to determine the timing of the current repair of the floor covering; to conduct a study of the preservation of the reflectivity (gloss) of floor coverings using marble. The practical significance lies in drawing up a graph of the dependence of floor wear on its type and time based on the analysis of visual inspection and physical measurements.

    Keywords: marble floor, polishing, grinding, wear, breccia, mosaic coating, technology, profiler, restoration, seamless, colored concretes

  • Determination of the technical condition of building structures by the maximum likelihood method

    This article analyzes the assessment of the signs leading to the possible destruction of the studied building structure. To determine the degree of influence of signs (or groups) on the level of structural failure in their direct diagnosis, it is possible to use a mathematical basis, in particular, the Bayesian approach. The essence of the implementation is to compare the probability of failure for each structure under study. The result of the work is to identify and describe not only the features of the relationship between each feature affecting the destruction of the structure and the calculated probability of destruction, but also their degree of influence on increasing or decreasing the probability of an accident. According to the estimates of the mathematical definition of the signs affecting the destruction of the building structure, it is possible to more objectively assess the effectiveness of the method used to check the condition of the building structure.

    Keywords: construction and technical expertise, defects, reliability, diagnostic tasks, diagnostic methods, efficiency