The article discusses the difficulties and issues of the effectiveness of the implementation of digital technologies of electronic document management (EDM) in construction organizations, the prospects for digitalization of document management. It is noted that in construction, digital EDM technologies play a significant role due to the significant volume of construction documentation, the complexities of investment and construction projects, the need to comply with the requirements and deadlines for the implementation of construction processes and work at the stages of the project life cycle. The stages of assessing the results of applying digital EDM technologies in a construction organization are presented. Some digital EDM technologies are characterized. The correlation of the goals and objectives of applying digital EDM technologies in the format of functional decomposition of business processes of a construction organization is determined. An assessment of the results of applying some digital EDM technologies in a construction organization is presented.
Keywords: electronic document management, electronic document management system, digitalization, digital technology, digital space, construction organization, construction sector, assessment, result
The stages of pre-project and design preparation are fundamental for the further implementation of the investment and construction project. The success of construction and commissioning of facilities depends on the successful completion of these stages. The duration of the stages depends on the competence and consistency of interaction between the participants in the investment and construction project, the rationality of decision-making by the technical customer (developer) and a number of other factors. Identifying factors and finding options for rational planning of the stages of pre-project and design preparation is very relevant. As part of the study, a formula was derived for determining the duration of the stages of pre-design and design preparation of objects for construction, taking into account the influence of negative factors. The results of the study are used in planning the stages of pre-design and design preparation of a facility for construction.
Keywords: factors, stages of pre-project and design preparation of objects for construction, duration of procedures
As part of the development of the stages of pre-project and design preparation, a set of procedures is carried out, starting with planning further stages of the implementation of a construction project, ending with obtaining a construction permit. The article describes the main provisions of the methodology for choosing rational organizational and technological solutions at the stages of pre-project and design preparation of an object for construction, and also presents the results of its implementation in construction practice. The methodology defines the main procedures at the stages of pre-project and design preparation of facilities for construction; factors influencing the duration of the procedures at the stages of pre-project and design preparation of facilities for construction. On the basis of the methodology for choosing rational organizational and technological solutions at the stages of pre-project and design preparation for the construction of an object, organizational and managerial models for passing the stages with determining the duration of procedures, taking into account the influence of factors, have been developed. The proposed methodology, used in the practice of the organization, made it possible to take into account the influence of factors on the duration of the stages of pre-design and design preparation of the above facilities for construction, thereby reducing it.
Keywords: technical customer, developer, stages of pre-design and design preparation of facilities for construction, organizational and technological solutions
Purpose: The purpose of the study is to identify the duration of the implementation and linkage between procedures and the development of a basic organizational and management model for their passage by the technical customer (developer) at the stages of pre-design and design preparation of the facility for construction. Carrying out this study is relevant, since today there is a single regulation for a technical customer (developer), describing the sequence and the possibility of paralleling and the duration of functions during the passage of procedures at the stages under consideration. Methods: The conducted research is based on the analysis of scientific and technical literature, regulatory and technical, regulatory and legal documents, the method of expert assessments is also applied. Results: The processing of the arrays of data from the questionnaire survey of experts made it possible to determine the intervals of the duration of the procedure by the technical customer (developer) and to link them with each other in time at the stages under study. As a result, a basic organizational and managerial model was developed for the passage of procedures by a technical customer (developer) at the stages of pre-design and design preparation of an object for construction. Conclusions: The use of the basic organizational and management model by organizations performing the functions of a technical customer (developer) will simplify the planning and management of processes when going through the procedures at the stages of pre-design and design preparation of an object for construction.
Keywords: technical customer, developer, pre-project and project preparation, organizational and management model
The purpose of the study is to identify the average time parameters of the passage of procedures at the stage of pre-design and design preparation of the facility for construction. Determining the actual time spent on going through the procedures required to obtain a building permit is relevant at the present stage, since their passage is accompanied by huge time and financial costs for investors, developers, technical customers. The research is based on the method of expert assessments. The processing of the obtained data sets was carried out according to the following algorithm: correlation analysis, construction and solution of the linear regression equation, assessment of the quality of the regression equation using Fisher's F-criterion, conclusion. The processing of arrays of data from the questionnaire survey of experts made it possible to determine the average time intervals for the passage of procedures by a technical customer (developer) at the stages under study. The results for all considered procedures were summarized in a summary table. The obtained averaged time intervals will allow developers, investors, technical customers to determine the duration of implementation and rationally allocate labor and financial resources at the stages of pre-design and design preparation of facilities for construction.
Keywords: technical customer, developer, pre-design and design preparation, time intervals