The paper deals with statically determinate and statically indeterminate reinforced beams of a rectangular cross-section of bimodule material loaded with a uniformly distributed load. Since for heterogeneous materials, the elastic modulus for tension and compression are different, the work aimed to study the influence of different boundary conditions in statically indeterminate beams on SSS. It is shown that the magnitude of the maximum normal stresses is less than the stresses found without taking into account the bimodule nature of the beam material, both in statically determinate and in statically indeterminate beams. The maximum normal stress and maximum deflection decrease with the transition to a statically indeterminate beam from a similarly statically determined beam by replacing the supports. The method used in work makes it possible to clarify the calculation of strength and rigidity, taking into account the bimodule nature of the material of the reinforced beams, and also to select the optimal fastening of the beams that ensure the bearing capacity of the structure with material saving.
Keywords: reinforced beam, heterogeneity, bimodule material, stress-strain state, normal stresses, deflection, statically indeterminate scheme, bearing capacity, strength, deformability
In this paper a form of expression in the matrix to determine the unknown ratios in double rows, appoksimiruyuschih displacement of a point of the middle surface of the shell, which is used in calculating the shell variation-energy method
Keywords: envelope variation-energy method, the minimum total potential energy of the system, movement, deformation.
In this paper, the expression for the strain energy arbitrary shell, numerically equal to the work of the internal forces in the curvilinear coordinate system, which coincides with the lines of curvature of the middle surface of the shell, which is used in calculating the shell variation-energy method.
Keywords: envelope, variation-energy method, the minimum total potential energy of the system, movement, deformation.
Currently actively promote seismic associated with the use of special devices, so-called energopoglotiteley. Are very effective konstrutsii energopoglotiteley in which the working element undergoes torsional strain. These EPA have the maximum energy absorption with minimal weight.
Keywords: Earthquake protection, energy absorption, the diagram of deformation, plastic deformation, plastic torsion