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  • Main approaches to geomechanical monitoring of transport tunnels

    The article provides a brief overview of geomechanical methods for studying the stress-strain state of the soil mass and tunnel lining. The organization of monitoring in tunnels using conventional and fiber-optic systems is considered. Criteria for analysis of monitoring data and structural strength conditions are described

    Keywords: railway tunnel, construction, operation, monitoring, strain gauge, stress, strain, strength, bearing capacity

  • De-ironization of underground water with deposited membranes using a opoka

    The article is devoted to the use of natural minerals in water treatment. The paper presents the results of a study of the sorption properties of the opoka. The study showed the advantages of flask membranes compared to those deposited with silicic acid. The optimal conditions for the modification of the flask were determined, which make it possible to purify water from metal impurities to the required level.

    Keywords: groundwater, water purification, deferrization, membrane, deposited membrane, sorption methods, flask, polyacrylamide

  • Method for determining the sequential algorithm

    the article describes a variant of setting sequential algorithms in the form of bipartite graphs by further defining them, which makes it possible to work with algorithms using graph theory methods in the future. Two forms of the task are considered: modular and functional-predicative. The possibility of setting the algorithm in table-predicate form is shown. It is concluded that in addition to the generally accepted methods of setting the algorithm, it can be set in matrix-predicate or table-predicate form, which allows using methods of matrix theory and methods of predicate theory when working with algorithms. setting the algorithm in matrix-predicate form avoids isomorphism when performing algebraic and set-theoretic operations on it.; setting algorithms in matrix-predicate form allows you to perform almost any operations on them

    Keywords: graph-algorithm scheme, sequential algorithm, predicative block, functional block, pre-definition, bipartite graph, table-predicative form, graph theory, isomorphism

  • Analysis volgograd public space's material security - evidence from cultural centres

    There is an analysis of the urban development location and the capacity of public spaces for cultural and educational purposes was carried out using the example of cultural centres for Volgograd. The normative and actual material security is determined separately for each administrative district and whole sity. There are suggestions on the advisability of erecting new cultural objects.Dynamics of modern cities is taking into account.

    Keywords: planning, cultural centre, cultural and social structure, standard of material security, actual material security

  • A promising method for repairing oil pipelines using a reinforcing composite coupling

    One of the most pressing problems in the oil and gas industry is numerous pipeline accidents that require innovative solutions. This article analyzes a promising method of repair using composite couplings, which include many advantages compared to steel structures. The strength characteristics of the couplings are also given and their installation process is described.

    Keywords: Oil pipeline, overhaul, reinforcing composite coupling, composite materials

  • Problems of implementing BIM technologies in the construction sector: Overview of scientific publications

    The paper is based on a review of the scientific publications released from May through October 2019, the greater part of which, namely 14 papers, is included in the Web of Science scientometric database. The authors of the papers analyzed explore the construction industry problems over the past 5 years. The foreign studies listed in the reference section were based on the analysis of reviews falling in the above-mentioned timeline. The purpose of this paper is to identify the problems hindering the implementation of BIM technologies in the construction sector, not only in the foreign countries, but also in Russia.

    Keywords: building information modeling, construction organizations, critical problems, external factors, absence of organizational support

  • Application of information technologies in solving the optimization problem of strength calculation of rod elements

    The calculation algorithm is given and various options for solving the problem are considered when changing the parameters of the design scheme of the rod system on the example of a beam in the MS Excel software environment together with the MathCAD package. The proposed approach allows you to combine formulas, graphics, and calculation results on a single sheet, which is especially useful in the educational process. It contributes to a more conscious perception of the calculation process by students, allows them to implement various forms of distance learning in information technologies.

    Keywords: the core of the system, algorithm, modelling, integration, information technology

  • Cognitive analysis of the reproductive behavior of a young family in a multicultural region

    The authors of the article consider external socio-economic and internal motivational factors in the formation of reproductive behavior of young families living in the Rostov region. Based on empirical data, the authors of the work conclude that young spouses occupy quite active economic positions in the region we are studying. These professional strategies have a dual effect on reproductive behavior, determining the choice of one-child family model in the region

    Keywords: model, cognitive analysis, family, young family, life strategies, value orientations reproductive behavior

  • Overview of approaches to adaptive error correction when transmitting images over a noisy channel

    The directions of modern research in the field of adaptive error correction, which can be applied when transmitting images in JPEG 2000 format over a noisy channel, are examined. Adaptive correction at the network level allows you to maintain a given percentage of packet delivery. Uneven protection at the application level is intended for use in broadcast broadcasts and allows the consumer to receive an image of various quality depending on the state of the network. Adaptive uniform protection at the application level is focused on point-to-point transmission and is aimed at receiving the maximum image quality by the receiver. The network layer tools discussed can be combined with the application layer tools.

    Keywords: adaptation, noise-proof coding, forward error correction, noisy channel, JPEG 2000

  • " Calculation of the air pollution index of the city of Krasnoyarsk using the “summary calculations” tool"

    To assess the impact of various groups of sources of emissions in urban pollution, there is a method that can be called the main one - the assessment of the contribution to total gross emissions. But this method does not take into account the significant features of dispersion of pollutant emissions in the atmosphere, as well as the specifics of the mechanisms of formation of concentrations of pollutants at a specific point in the city and the calculation of complex indicators of the level of air pollution in urban areas. The authors proposed a procedure for calculating the atmospheric pollution index for source groups using the “summary calculations” tool. The calculations were carried out on the licensed software product "Ecologist-city". Based on the calculations, conclusions were drawn on the reliability of determining the influence of various groups of emission sources on air pollution in the city of Krasnoyarsk, based on the assessment of contributions to the total gross emission in the city.

    Keywords: atmosphere, air, ecology, ecology of urban areas, environmental safety, summary calculations, IZA

  • Structural characterization of carbon nanotubes by means of electronic combination scattering of light

    The work is devoted to the structural characterization of carbon nanotubes by means of electronic combination scattering of light. Samples of double-walled carbon nanotubes with various electronic configurations of the layers have been synthesized, their study has been performed by means of high-resolution transmission electron microscopy, electron diffraction, Rayleigh spectroscopy, as well as spectroscopy of combination scattering of light. The structural characterization of the synthesized nanotubes has been carried out using electronic combination scattering of light, which can play the role of an additional criteria for nanotubes indexing, helping to clarify and verify the obtained results.

    Keywords: carbon nanotubes, catalytic chemical vapor deposition, spectroscopy of combination scattering of light

  • An experimental study of the conductive properties of some liquid biological dispersed media in the EHF range

    The work investigated the behavior of volumetric electrical conductivity (and its components) of various biological liquid media in order to determine the possibility of influencing the processes of life. In the frequency range 0-50 GHz, the following biological liquid media were studied: cold-pressed sunflower oil; sunflower oil obtained using heat treatment; fresh egg yolk and protein; Bacillus amyloliquifaciens bacteria; bacteria Escherichia coli MG1655 pXen-lux. The presence of fluctuations in the dielectric permittivity parameters, the unevenness of the frequency characteristics, in the range of 35-37 GHz, the “bursts” of values ​​characteristic of the resonance nature of this dependence were observed on the frequency characteristics of the loss angle tangents.

    Keywords: biological liquid medium, dielectric constant, complex dielectric constant, loss tangent, medium conductivity, frequency response, fluctuation, frequency range, biophysical parameter

  • Calculation of the height of the flare pipe and analysis of the effect on the layout decisions of the technological object

    The article provides a study and calculation of the dependence of the hazardous area resulting from the operation of the flare equipment on the height of the flare at which service equipment and personnel can operate

    Keywords: flare unit, radiation intensity, safe operation zone, thermal voltage

  • On the possibility of using a combined disinfectant " chlorine Dioxide and chlorine»

    The article considers the results of development of water treatment technology for household drinking water in Semey, presents a comparative analysis of widely used disinfectants, and considers technological schemes for water disinfection with chlorine dioxide and a combined disinfectant " chlorine dioxide and chlorine".

    Keywords: household drinking water, disinfectants, chlorine

  • Obzor cifrovoj transformacii na osnove novy`x texnologij v neftyanoj otrasli

    V stat`e privoditsya obzor razvitiya cifrovy`x texnologij v neftyanoj otrasli v ramkax kapital`nogo stroitel`stva i operacionnoj deyatel`nosti.

    Keywords: "Permafrost soils, ground laying, aboveground laying, protective composite coating. "