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  • Development and research of a model for comprehensive quality assessment of sports and entertainment complexes

    A model for assessing the consumer attractiveness of commercial real estate objects is described on the example of assessing the quality of sports and entertainment centers in the city of Perm. In the course of the study, a sociological survey was conducted to identify the factors that influence the choice of consumers of a sports and entertainment center to visit. The results of the survey became the information base for the model of assessing the quality and consumer attractiveness of the studied objects. Two approaches to the definition of quality were compared – the mechanism of complex assessment and the qualimetric model.

    Keywords: commercial real estate management, sports and entertainment centers, integrated assessment mechanisms, management efficiency, quality of commercial real estate, consumer attractiveness, probability of choice, decision trees, convolution matrices

  • Influence of meteorological conditions and traffic flow on the spread of carbon monoxide

    The article discusses the speed and direction of the wind as one of the key factors affecting the spread of carbon monoxide in the linear city of Volgograd. It also investigates the intensity and rolling stock of the traffic flow, which have a negative impact on the pollution of the surface atmospheric layers of the air. Research has been carried out on Raboche-Krestyanskaya street in order to measure the concentration of carbon monoxide on the curb of the roadway.

    Keywords: road transport, wind direction, wind speed, meteorological conditions, sources of pollution, highways, residential buildings, meteorological stations

  • Research of the process of dryung asbestos ores in a suspended layer

    The article presents the results of research of dryung asbestos ores in a suspended layer. Equations are obtained that reflect the effect of the initial moisture content of the ore on the Nusselt criterion. The obtained dependencies can be used for calculating tube-dryers for asbestos ores in a suspended layer.

    Keywords: drying, tube-dryer, asbestos ore, suspended layer, moisture content, speed of the material, mass transfer coefficient, Reynolds criterion, Nusselt criterion, criterion equations

  • Experimental and theoretical determination of the parameters of a two-mass oscillatory system

    When designing vibration machines and calculating their dynamic models, great difficulties are encountered. The presence of contacts of the working body with the medium significantly complicates the determination of the dynamic and kinematic parameters of the oscillatory system. This is due to the fact that different layers of the vibrated medium have different vibration amplitudes, therefore it is necessary to introduce the concept of "mass attachment", which is, as it were, rigidly attached to the working body and vibrates with its amplitude. It is difficult to determine the coefficients of elastic and dissipative resistance of the elements of the oscillatory system. The authors propose an experimental-theoretical method for determining all parameters of an oscillatory two-mass system with two degrees of freedom, which can be easily extended to more complex linear dynamical systems.

    Keywords: vibration machines, vibrating system, road-building machines, free vibrations, phase-frequency response

  • Simulating of an optical vector analyzer with high-resolution and high-accuracy based on optical double-sideband modulation and stimulated Brillouin scattering

    The article discusses an optical vector analyzer with high resolution and high accuracy based on optical double-sideband modulation and stimulated Brillouin scattering. A model of an optical vector analyzer is presented.

    Keywords: optical vector analyzer, double-sideband modulation, stimulated Brillouin scattering, fiber Bragg grating with phase shift, simulation, Optisystem

  • The solution of the Euler problem on the stability of a rod with nonclassical boundary conditions

    Traditional analytical methods for determining critical forces lead to difficult solutions of transcendental equations, therefore they are not universal and are ineffective for rods with complex design schemes. The proposed numerical-graphical method for determining critical forces, can be easily adapted to complex non-classical problems.

    Keywords: Euler problem, rod, critical force, stability, differential equations, boundary conditions, finite difference method, eigenvalues

  • Cellular automaton modeling of gas emission kinetics in a finite volume of coal

    The paper is devoted to cellular automaton modeling based on the class of cellular automata with the Margolus neighborhood. A simulation of the kinetics of gas emission in the final volume of coal, including: convection, diffusion, sorption, is performed. To organize this kind of evolutionary process, the cell-automaton modeling method was supplemented with the Monte Carlo method.

    Keywords: cellular automaton, Margolus neighborhood, Monte Carlo method, diffusion, convection, sorption, porous medium, coal

  • Types of formwork systems for frame and monolithic construction

    The main types of formwork systems used in monolithic construction are described. The types of formwork by construction, by the type of concreted structures, by the base material, by turnover, as well as the types of formwork during concreting under different temperature conditions are considered. The historical reference of the appearance of the formwork is given.

    Keywords: formwork, frame-monolithic construction, structures, vertical, horizontal, large-panel, small-panel, block, volume-adjustable, heating, inventory formwork

  • Algorithm for conceptual design of an object monitoring system with a collaborative multi-agent robotic system

    The issues of modeling the interaction of humans and robots in a common operating environment are considered in order to select the optimal parameters of such a system. The context of the application of multi-agent robotic systems (MRTS) is the monitoring of a fire hazardous area. The homogeneous MRTS includes unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) that cyclically perform operations of flying around their area of ​​the territory (with identification of fires) in an autonomous mode, returning to the charging base, waiting for charging, charging, returning to their area of ​​responsibility, flying around their area, etc. etc. An operator works in the charging area, to which the UAVs should not approach less than a certain distance. The system is presented as a multi-channel queuing system (in the charging area). A simulation model is constructed that allows, according to the data of many runs, to construct polynomial regression dependences of the quality indicators of the MRTS operation on its parameters, by which to solve the multicriteria problem of choosing the optimal parameters of the MRTS charging terminal.

    Keywords: cobots, simulation, unmanned aerial vehicles, queuing system, regression equations, optimization

  • Improving the economic efficiency of conducting cost expertise in the restoration of real estate after a fire

    The article deals with the forecasting of direct material damage to urban areas depending on the number of fires based on official data of the Ministry of Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters, presented in state reports on the state of protection of the population and territories of the Russian Federation from natural and man-made emergencies for five years, based on the model of correlation analysis, which allows us to determine the degree of mutual influence of the parameters under consideration and the linear regression responsible for determining trends for subsequent years. The analysis of the reasons associated with the lack of the possibility of assessing the damage resulting from the fire of the structures of the building or its premises and its subsequent extinguishing in order to increase the economic efficiency of the cost examination during the restoration of real estate is an auxiliary basis for the construction of a correlation-regressive forecasting model.

    Keywords: fires, cost assessment, cost of restoration repairs, real estate objects, economic efficiency, statistics, direct material damage, correlation and regression analysis

  • Development of a method for quantum color transformation and calculation of the negative of a quantum image

    This article examines the implications of the application of quantum computing in the field of image processing. A basic conversion associated with gray level processing, such as an image negative, is considered. The article shows how this operation can be expressed using quantum formalism. Whether quantum image processing (in some aspects or some specific applications) has an advantage over classical image processing in realistic scenarios remains to be seen. This depends on solving a number of problems, some of which are unique to quantum image processing, such as feature extraction of a quantum image. Some of them are common to quantum algorithms, such as noise processing. Identifying one of them will significantly speed up the study of this field.

    Keywords: qubit, quantum circuit, entanglement, quantum circuit, register, quantum recognition, gate, parallelism, interference, quantum computer

  • Implementation of a quantum algorithm for detecting object boundaries and image edges

    This article is devoted to solving the problem of research and development of methods for the functioning of quantum algorithms and models of quantum computing devices. The quantum algorithm, implemented in the work, makes it possible to transform a classical image into a quantum state, isolate boundaries and convert a halftone image to a binary one, shows the possibilities of quantum information theory in the interpretation of classical problems. The aim of the work is computer simulation of a quantum algorithm for solving the problem of transforming a classical image using quantum computing tools and methods, studying existing pattern recognition algorithms and creating an effective recognition model using the properties and methods of quantum computing. The relevance of these studies lies in mathematical and software modeling and implementation of a quantum algorithm for solving classes of problems of a classical nature. The scientific novelty of this area is primarily expressed in the constant updating and supplementation of the field of quantum research in a number of areas, and the computer simulation of quantum physical phenomena and features is poorly covered in the world.

    Keywords: quantum algorithm, quantum bit, quantum computing model, quantum circuit, entanglement, quantum circuit, register, quantum recognition, gate, parallelism, interference, quantum computer

  • On the issue of carrying out a cost examination of investment renovation projects

    The article discusses the need for a cost examination in the implementation of investment activities of renovated objects. The article is devoted to the actual problem of renovation of real estate objects. The key stages of technical expertise and methods for assessing the technical condition are investigated to determine the cost indicators of the renovated object. The article is devoted to a comprehensive study of the factor space, which is formed by technical and geo-economic factors and has a significant impact on the cost indicators of an investment renovation project. The article deals with the problem of determining the investment attractiveness and economic efficiency of renovation. The scientific novelty of the work lies in a comprehensive study of the factor space and cost indicators of the renovated object to determine its investment attractiveness.

    Keywords: renovation, cost expertise, cost indicators, investment attractiveness, geo-economic and technical factors

  • On the issue of reducing energy consumption in environmental protection installations by using jet devices

    The article discusses the methods and ways of protecting the environment by cleaning the exhaust gases of power plants, using the effect of vibration turbulization. The advantages of using jet devices over the use of vibration technology in eco-protective installations are theoretically substantiated.

    Keywords: vibration turbulization, environmental protection technologies, energy efficiency

  • "The influence of seasonal changes on the quantitative indicators of the quality of natural waters of the Penza region"

    A study of the quality of drinking water (spring and centralized water supply) was conducted. Determination of water hardness and alkalinity was carried out by titrimetric analysis methods in a chemical laboratory. The dependence of these parameters in the autumn and spring period is established. The limits of changes in water hardness values are 3.4-9.9 mmol / l in autumn, 3.2-9.8 mmol / l in spring. Most of the studied natural waters are of medium hardness and hard water, therefore, there is a need for water softening. The limits of change in the alkalinity of water are 0.6 - 5.1 mmol / l in autumn, 0.8-5.3 mmol / l in spring. The alkalinity values of all samples are within the limits of the MPC norms. A comparative analysis of the results of the study is carried out, which establishes the dependence of the hardness and alkalinity of water in different seasons. The values of water hardness decrease during the flood, while the values of alkalinity increase during this period. It is recommended to conduct further research in order to determine the feasibility of using water softening methods for objects where water has high hardness values, and to choose the optimal softening methods.

    Keywords: alkalinity, hardness, methods of titrimetric analysis, natural water, softening, autumn period, spring period