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  • A comparison of machine learning libraries for introducing artificial intelligence into CRM system

    This paper analyzes the performance of solving the classification problem using various open-source artificial intelligence and machine learning libraries in the field of marketing and customer relationship management; based on the results of experiments, the best library is selected for the purpose of introducing artificial intelligence into domestic CRM systems based on numerical performance indicators.

    Keywords: artificial intelligence, machine learning, big data, classification, marketing, customer relationship management, import substitution, open source

  • Algorithm to analyze and controll data quality and project quality using digital information model

    Paper presents an algorithm for analyzing and controlling data and project quality in construction using building information modeling and extensible markup language. The authors, argue that project quality stems from data quality and information quality. The proposed algorithm integrates BIM with extensible markup language, converting data quality and project quality criteria from employer information requirements into an extensible markup language scheme to ensure compliance with established standards. Key criteria for data quality and project quality include classification, identity, hierarchy, information identity, coordination, level of development , association, redundancy, staging, and spatial orientation. The algorithm involves creating a test BIM model, to simulate employer information requirements violations, performing checks using a Model Checker, automation tool in Autodesk Revit, and ensuring all criteria are met. The process includes saving verification checks, combining them, and generating reports in comma separated values format for transparency and further analysis. The authors highlight the importance of applying the algorithm from the early stages of project discussions, involving all participants to ensure the accuracy of data quality and project quality schemes. This approach leverages both international and domestic standards for continuous monitoring and immediate decision-making support throughout the project lifecycle.

    Keywords: extensible markup language, information technical requirements, employer information requirements, building information model, information quality, project quality, model checking

  • Selecting a converter of aerodynamic forces and moments into the trajectory of motion for Simulink flight models of aircraft

    The article explores the problem of creating aircraft flight models in the Simulink environment. The reference systems in which transformations are carried out are considered. The equations of motion used in the simplest converters are given. The initial conditions for the equations are determined: the speed of the body, the angular orientation of the body's pitch position, the angle between the velocity vector and the body, the speed of rotation of the body, the initial position, the mass and inertia of the body, the source of gravity, the acceleration due to gravity, the curb and total mass of the body, speed of air flow, inertia of an empty and full body, flight trajectory, etc. An analysis of converters of aerodynamic forces and moments into the trajectory of motion as part of an aerospace package in the Simulink environment was carried out. Recommendations are given for their use for various modeling purposes. The results of modeling a simple converter with three degrees of freedom are presented.

    Keywords: modeling, MatLab, Simulink, equations of motion, aerodynamic torque, flight path, coordinate transformations, reference system, degrees of freedom

  • Study of the microclimate of the swimming pool when using in-floor convectors

    In residential and public buildings, in-floor convectors are often used as heating devices. This study examines the operation of convectors in a swimming pool room. The results of numerical modeling of room microclimate parameters taking into account calculated heat loads and moisture emissions are presented. A comparative analysis of the operation of various heating and ventilation systems for a public swimming pool was carried out. The results of the study were obtained in the form of temperature distribution fields, movement speeds and relative air humidity. A conclusion is drawn about the effectiveness of using in-floor convectors in indoor public swimming pools.

    Keywords: heating system, in-floor convector, moisture content, excess heat, excess moisture, air exchange, numerical modeling, room microclimate, SolidWorks, STAR-CCM+

  • Calculation of spherical shells under ring loads

    Nowadays, numerical methods are widely used to realise complex calculations.Verification of the correctness of the numerical calculation results is a relevant task. The validity of the results can be confirmed by determining the stress-strain state by various methods. This paper presents the results of the calculation of thin isotropic ring spherical shells of constant thickness with half-shell angle in the range of (90-170) degrees by two numerical methods. The results of solving the system of differential equations of the general moment theory of shells with the use of the computer mathematics system (Maple 2017) and the finite element method (FEM) are discussed. The given examples show that the calculation results with the use of the selected finite element KE-44 coincide with an accuracy of 10-15 % for shells with a half-shell angle of 120 degrees. When the angle is increased to 170 degrees, the difference in function values becomes significant. The paper gives some examples of calculation of ring spherical shells under the action of one and three annular loads. The variation of axial and radial displacements, of meridional bending moment for shells with the ratio of radius of the curvature to shell thickness 25, 50, 100, 200 is shown. Plots of meridional bending moment and moment isopole are given.

    Keywords: elastic, spherical shell, numerical method, computer mathematics system, finite element method.

  • Simplex methods for optimizing the composition of composite building materials

    The article discusses the use of simplex methods of experiment planning to determine the optimal composition of composite building materials. Composite building materials are multicomponent systems, so their properties depend on a large number of factors that are diverse in nature and influence. The use of orthogonal plans is not able to adequately describe experimental data with a wide range of varying factors. Therefore, the article proposes to use simplex-lattice Scheffe's plans. A complete third-order model was developed to determine the optimal composition of the filled cement composite, and a regression equation was written. The adequacy of the equation was confirmed at the control points of the plan using the Student's criterion. The proposed planning method can be used to optimize the composition of multicomponent systems.

    Keywords: multicomponent system, optimization methods, composite building material, experiment planning, simplex plans, Scheffe's polynomial, regression equation

  • Investigation of the influence of wind on the flight path in a Simulink model of a lightweight aircraft

    A Simulink model of a lightweight aircraft is being studied as part of the Aerospace Blockset package, including a system model of the aircraft, an environmental model, a model of pilot influences, and a visualization block. The structure of the flight model is considered and models of the effects of the environment and wind are disclosed in detail, consisting of blocks of physical terrain features, wind models and an atmospheric model, a gravity model, each of which is set to an altitude. The Wind Shear Model block calculates the amount of wind shear as a function of altitude and measured speed wind. The Discrete Wind Gust Model block determines the resulting wind speed as a function of the distance traveled, the amplitude and length of the gust. The turbulence equations comply with the MIL-F-8785C specification, which describes turbulence as a random process determined by velocity spectra. Simulation results are presented that reflect changes in the trajectory of movement under various wind influences specified in the wind speed gradient block.

    Keywords: modeling, airplane flight, Simulink, Aerospace Blockset, crosswind, turbulence, turbulence equations, gravity model, motion trajectory

  • Algorithm for modeling the characteristics of crop production under unfavorable conditions

    The paper presents an algorithm for modeling production and economic characteristics for obtaining crop products, with the help of which planning problems are solved using multi-level parametric programming methods under average and unfavorable operating conditions for commodity producers. Since time series of characteristics associated with the production of products can be described by trends to assess adverse events, an algorithm for their identification was used based on the construction of multi-level trends according to the idea of ​​​​the hierarchical structure of the time series. When using this algorithm, a sequence of local minima is formed from the original series, a trend is built, and levels located below this trend, called unfavorable events, are identified. The assessment of the probabilities of these events is determined by the distribution law, which describes a number of differences in actual data and trend values ​​of a sequence of local minima. In the absence of trends and considering series of characteristics in the form of random variables, statistical and physical criteria are applicable to identify unfavorable events. As such, it is proposed to use the average value of local minima. Of the adverse events received, the smallest of them are distinguished, which represent rare events. Based on the identified events and other characteristics, the problem of optimizing the production of agricultural products is formed, the solution of which allows us to obtain optimal production volumes in accordance with maximum incomes corresponding to the calculated probability of events. A comparative analysis of planning results under average conditions and taking into account unfavorable events shows the likely losses of commodity producers at the enterprise and municipal district level.

    Keywords: parametric programming, trend, adverse event, production and economic characteristics, crop production, losses, risks

  • Mathematical modeling of the motion of a planning body of complex configuration

    motion of the body are obtained, which can only be solved numerically. The equilibrium equations are solved and the basic stationary modes of body motion are obtained. The main result is the most gentle body planning mode. In the matlab computer mathematics system, a set of programs is written that searches for a numerical solution and outputs trajectories. The movement of the modes under consideration is modeled and the stability of the main modes is looked at using numerical calculations.

    Keywords: body, planning mode, stability, geometric dimensions

  • Numerical methods of calculation of thin isotropic rotation shells

    Numerical methods for calculating shells provide a wide range of solutions when varying various parameters. The object of this study is a mathematical model of thin isotropic elastic shells of revolution of constant thickness. The problem is solved from the position of moment theory.To determine the stress-strain-state of the shell, the solving system is obtained by transforming the basic systems of equations of rotational shells by moment theory and the variables separation. All SSS and load components are decomposed into Fourier series along the circumferentail coordinate. A programme in the Python programming language was written to verify the numerical solution by a computer mathematics system (CMS-Maple 17). Matplotlib library was used for plotting graphs. Examples of numerical calculation of ring spherical shells for the action of ring loads are given. The variants of action of one and two ring loads on shells with different conditions of support along the contours and different half shell angles are presented. The difference between the calculation results of the two methods for bending moment functions and displacement functions is tabulated. The highest value of the difference is 0.0015%. Plots of the variation of meridional bending moment under the action of two ring loads are presented. The variants of rigid pinching along the contours and hinged support are considered. Exsmples are given for shells with the ratio of radius of curvature to shell thickness equal o R/h = 25, 50, 150, 200. Considered of the half shell angles equal to 90, 100, 130 degrees.

    Keywords: rotation shell, spherical, isotropic, elastic, computer mathematics system, Python programming language

  • Analysis of standard models of titanium oxide-based memristors for use in artificial intelligence systems

    The article discusses standard models of titanium dioxide-based memristors. A memristor is similar to a memory resistor and demonstrates a nonlinear resistance characteristic in which the charge parameter is a state variable. They can be used to create new types of electronic devices with high energy efficiency and performance, as well as to create machines that can learn and adapt to changing environmental conditions and in many practical applications: data storage memory (binary and multilevel), switches in logical electronic circuits, plastic components in neuromorphic artificial systems intelligence based on nanoelectronic components. It has been shown that when voltage is applied to charged ions, they begin to drift, and the boundary between the two regions shifts. When a sinusoidal alternating voltage of a given frequency is applied to the memristor, the shape of the volt-ampere characteristic (VAC) resembles a Lissajous diagram centered at the origin.

    Keywords: memristor, model, voltage characteristic, nonlinearity

  • Methodology for calculating the ultimate longitudinal force from an excentric external load acting on compressed reinforced concrete element

    The article addresses the issue of determining the ultimate eccentric compressive longitudinal force from an external load acting on a compressed reinforced concrete element. The calculation assumptions are adopted in accordance with the current code of practice SP 63.13330.2018. The transformation of the initial formulas given in this code allowed the explicit solution of the cubic equation with respect to the compressive longitudinal force without the need for iterative calculation methods. The solution thus obtained can be employed in the design process to determine the optimal section dimensions.

    Keywords: reinforced concrete, excentric compression,ultimate forces

  • Empirical analysis of the predictive properties of the continuous form of the maximum consistency method

    The article studies the possibility of using the continuous form of the maximum consistency method when constructing regression models to calculate the forecast values of the air transport passenger turnover indicator in the Russian Federation. The method under study is compared with classical methods of regression analysis - least squares and moduli. To assess the predictive properties of the methods, the average relative forecast error and the continuous form of the criterion for the consistency of behavior between the calculated and actual values of the dependent variable are used. As a result of the analysis, a conclusion was made about the possibility of using the method under study to solve forecast problems.

    Keywords: least squares method, continuous form of the maximum consistency method, modeling, passenger turnover, air transport, adequacy criteria

  • Using the Experiment Planning Method when determining strength characteristics stabilized saline soils

    The article examines the application of the method of mathematical planning of an optimal experiment in determining the strength characteristics of reinforced soils. For the analysis, a multicomponent soil system was studied, consisting of unsalted and saline soils reinforced with bitumen with cement additives and surfactants. During the planning of the experiment, factors affecting the strength characteristics and their levels, as well as the intervals of variation of factors, were determined. As a result of solving the problem, mathematical models of adhesion and angle of internal friction of reinforced soils were obtained. Based on the obtained regression equations, the main conclusions were drawn.

    Keywords: stabilized soils, complex soil strengthening, experiment planning, complete factor experiment, mathematical model, regression equation

  • A website for debugging of robots artificial intelligence technologies

    The article presents the state of technology of websites for designing robots with artificial intelligence. The image of a modern technical site-book as a place for the development of artificial intelligence applications is considered, the possibility of executing algorithms from the page to ensure the connection of robots with real and virtual objects is shown.

    Keywords: mathematical network, technical website-book, artificial intelligence, algorithms executed on the website-book, network development of robots

  • Development of a mathematical model and a software package for automating scientific research in the field of financial industry news analysis

    The article is devoted to the development of a mathematical model and a software package designed to automate scientific research in the field of financial industry news analysis. The authors propose an approach based on the use of graph theory methods to identify the most significant scientific hypotheses, the methods used, as well as the obtained qualitative and quantitative results of the scientific community in this field. The proposed model and software package make it possible to automate the process of scientific research, which contributes to a more effective analysis of it. The research results can be useful both for professional participants in financial markets and for the academic community, since the identification of the most cited and fundamental works serves as the starting point of any scientific work.

    Keywords: software package, modeling, graph theory, news streams, Russian stock market, stocks, citation graph

  • Developing a Piecewise Linear Regression Model for a Steel Company Using Continuous Form of Maximum Consistency Method

    The paper presents a brief overview of publications describing the experience of using mathematical modeling methods to solve various problems. A multivariate piecewise linear regression model of a steel company was built using the continuous form of the maximum consistency method. To assess the adequacy of the model, the following criteria were used: average relative error of approximation, continuous criterion of consistency of behavior, sum of modules of approximation errors. It is concluded that the resulting model has sufficient accuracy and can be used for forecasting.

    Keywords: mathematical modeling, piecewise linear regression, least modulus method, continuous form of maximum consistency method, steel company

  • Development of a behavior pattern for a game bot with artificial intelligence elements based on Markov chains

    The subject of this article is the development of a behavior pattern with AI elements for an opponent bot in the single-player game Steal Tower. The essence of which is to collect resources to build a tower faster than opponents. To create the illusion that the same people are playing against the player, an imitation stochastic model based on the Monte Carlo method for Markov chains has been developed. Based on the results of its tests, balanced system parameters were determined, which are embedded in the behavioral pattern of the bot, which is implemented using the Enum AIStates enumeration consisting of five states: Idle (inactivity), GoTo (movement) and GoToWarehouse (return to the warehouse), Win (victory), Loose (scoring). Each of them has developed functions for the optimal behavior of the bot given in the article. So for the GoTo state, functions have been created that analyze the benefits of different types of behavior: steal or collect, or walk to the warehouse or to the tower.

    Keywords: game intelligence, behavioral pattern, live world emulation, bot behavior scenario, state structure, Markov chains, Monte Carlo method, simulation model, Unity environment, C# language

  • Comparison of results of analytical and simulation modelling of the process of selective assembly of two elements taking into account measurement errors during sorting

    The validity of analytical models of the process of one-parameter selective assembly of two elements was evaluated by comparison with the results of simulation modelling. A series of machine experiments including one-factor and two-factor experiments were carried out. At the accepted levels of variation of factors, the confidence interval of the probability of yield of good products from the initial population of elements that did not pass sorting was determined using Student's criterion at the given level of significance and number of degrees of freedom. Comparison of the simulation results revealed the facts of reaching the specified process indicator, determined by the analytical model, for all experiments within the confidence intervals and the presence of relatively small deviations from their centres.

    Keywords: selective assembly, analytical model, simulation model, measurement error, simulation results

  • Development of a numerical method for assessing the energy requirements for airborne radars for weather navigation in polar latitudes

    A new numerical method for calculating weather conditions has been developed for airborne radar systems for Arctic purposes. Based on the numerical method obtained in the study, software was developed that takes into account various models of electromagnetic wave propagation in various weather conditions. The results of calculations for estimating the detection range of dangerous weather conditions are presented. This assessment indicates that the threshold for detecting adverse weather conditions can be reduced. The basis for lowering the threshold without deteriorating the resulting probabilities of correct detection and false alarm is the fact that the occurrence of cases of false detection is possible only when a certain total extent of difficult weather conditions is reached, which can already be considered dangerous for the flight. The features of the formation of reflected signals from Arctic rain clouds, turbulence over a snowy desert and wind shear are considered. It is shown that all of them are characterized by lower radar reflectivity, therefore the resulting detection ranges are less than those that can be obtained at more southern latitudes, but at the same time they are sufficient for the navigation of UAVs or small aircraft.

    Keywords: airborne radar, numerical methods for assessing weather conditions, weather navigation in polar latitudes, UAV navigation, hazardous weather formation

  • Modeling and experimental study of influence of pressure in the gas supply system of plasma installation on the flow velocity

    The article is devoted to the study of the flow rate depending on the pressure in the gas supply system of the plasma head. The problem was solved by conducting a computer experiment with subsequent verification of the results by a full-scale experiment. The laboratory plasma installation MAK-10 assembled on the basis of the IMET UB RAS, used in the processes of coating, powder production and surface modification of parts, was simulated. The computer experiment was carried out using the SolidWorks Flow Simulation software package. As a result of the work performed, the distribution of the flow rate along its axis was demonstrated during the operation of the plasma installation with a pressure in the gas supply system of 0.1; 0.2 and 0.3 MPa. Recommendations for conducting coating, powder production and surface modification processes have been developed, which have practical benefits for consumers of process equipment.

    Keywords: mathematical model, flow, velocity, pressure, plasma method, powder production, coating, surface modification

  • Applicability of GRP fabrication methods in the construction of horizontal tanks

    The study of the influence of the number of layers of glass composite pipe on dynamic loading, including operation in seismically active areas, is conditioned by compliance with the requirements of the latest documents in the field of construction standard control. Mechanical characteristics of glass composite pipe depend on elastic and strength properties of glass fibre, silica sand and binder, their ratio and bonding strength between layers. The key parameter of glass composite pipe compliance with the given requirements is ring stiffness. The strength of the composite material is determined using the rule of mixtures. The properties of the glass composite pipe using the rule of mixtures are determined. The influence of the number of layers of glass composite pipe on its elastic-strength properties is considered. The experiment with uniaxial compression of the pipe link is simulated in Midas GTS NX software package. The maximum load at which the sample reaches 5% deformation was determined. According to the results of the study, it was obtained that the best elastic-strength and operational properties have three-layer composite structure.

    Keywords: glass composite pipe, layer scheme, earthquake resistance, continuous winding method, elastic-strength properties

  • Reliability Model of RAID-60 Disk Arrays

    The general characteristics of the innovative RAID-60 data storage system, which combines the best aspects of RAID-6 and RAID-0E technologies, as well as the reliability model of this data storage sys-tem, are presented. The main purpose of this connection is to provide outstanding performance with maximum data redundancy. The arti-cle discusses in detail the structural analysis, advantages and various scenarios for the use of the specified RAID-60 data storage system and the proposed model of its reliability. An important aspect is also the comparison of the RAID-60 system with other widespread vari-ants of data storage systems, such as RAID-0, RAID-1 and RAID-5, as well as with the reliability models of these systems. Particular at-tention is paid to the formula that allows you to calculate the average operating time to failure of a disk array. Also, for completeness of the analysis, attention is paid to plotting the probability of a RAID-60 failure (P(t)) over time (t). This graph is an important tool for visu-alizing the dynamics of reliability of data storage systems.

    Keywords: RAID-60, reliability, disk array, data redundancy, manufacturer, parity blocks, data storage

  • Use of the space partitioning algorithms in the problems of computation geometry

    Algorithms and structures of spatial partitioning kd-tree, BVH are considered and studied in relation to the problem of modeling the flow of air around a body of complex shape. The use of these algorithms makes it possible to significantly reduce the computation time when searching for collisions of air particles with each other and with a streamlined body.

    Keywords: collision detection, computational geometry, data structures and algorithms, kd-tree, BVH

  • Modeling of object state estimation based on queries with fuzzy conditions

    The paper offers one of the variants of construction and use of fuzzy query mechanism for modeling of telecommunication network state estimation. The modular architecture of the application is considered in detail, the logic of calculating the degrees of belongingness to each term of the selected linguistic variables is described, the stages of the algorithm of work with the mechanism of fuzzy queries are given.

    Keywords: fuzzy query, search, membership function parameters, state estimation modeling, database, knowledge, fuzzy classification