International transport-logistics corridors represent the most optimal routes in terms of structure and direction for the spatial movement of goods by various modes of transport. The routes of international transport-logistics corridors pass through the most rational directions. International transport-logistics corridors are the result of integration of the transport systems of neighboring countries into a common single common route. They pursue the goal of ensuring sustainable and reliable transportation of goods both between the countries participating in international transport and logistics corridors, and in the direction of other countries. This ensures the economic efficiency of joint transportation of goods. Therefore, international transport -logistics corridors perform an important transit function, ensuring the passage of large trade and logistics flows. In order to systematize various types of international transport and logistics corridors, their typology is being carried out. The authors of this article consider various types of international transport-logistics corridors, identified according to the most important criteria. According to the purposes of creation and the economic functions performed, transit, developing and trade international transport and logistics corridors were identified. According to the type of communication carried out, the corridors are represented by various types of land, water and air transport. On a spatial basis, trans-European, pan-European corridors, trans-Asian and North American corridors are distinguished. According to the type of transportation, corridors are classified into freight, passenger and cargo-passenger. Depending on the ratio of the parties involved, the corridors are two-sided, unequal and one-sided.
Keywords: international transport-logistics corridors, transportation, typology, typological approach, transport and logistics flow, cargo transportation, international transportation, transport systems
The article discusses the features of international transport corridors passing through the territory of the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union, analyzes the potential and problems of their development, identifies their prospects for the implementation of large transport and logistics projects. Despite the great attention of scientists from different countries to the issues under study, the issues of the functioning of international transport corridors and their integration into the global transport system require further study.
Keywords: logistics, logistics directions, transport corridors, Eurasian Economic Union, transport routes
International transport corridors in the space of the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union in their structure combine various types of transport routes, transport infrastructure facilities, vehicles, and transport authorities. The decisive factor in the development of international transport corridors on the territory of the EAEU is the spatial localization of the integration group. The location of the EAEU countries near the two main economic centers - China and the European Union, makes it possible to transit cargo through the territory of most EAEU states. At the same time, the transport complex of the EAEU faces a number of challenges that need to be transformed through promising projects, tools and tools for joint management.
Keywords: international transport corridors, Eurasian Economic Union, transport and logistics infrastructure, transport and transit links, cargo transportation
Construction, as one of the fundamental sectors of the economy, requires a large amount of building materials, products and structures used as components for the construction of buildings and structures. The uneven provision of the territory of the Russian Federation with various minerals used in construction has led to the peculiarities of the localization of enterprises for the production of building materials in different regions. To overcome the effect of spatial remoteness between manufacturers and consumers of construction industry products, logistics directions for their transportation are being formed to provide construction companies with the necessary amount of resources and materials for the uninterrupted implementation of construction, installation and finishing works. In this article, based on the analysis of the transportation of construction goods across the territory of the Russian Federation, the key logistical directions for their implementation are identified and their parameters and features are characterized.
Keywords: construction, logistics, logistics areas, building materials, cargo transportation
The North-Eastern zone of the Rostov region is typical of peripheral regions. It unites in 14 municipal districts, covering an area of 30 000 km2 (about 1/3 of area of Rostov region), where live 400 000 people. (1/10 of population of Rostov region). Occupying important place in the territorial-production system of the Rostov region, the North-Eastern zone at the same time significantly behind in its industrial development and has the specific features of agriculture as the leading type of activity. Based on an analysis of existing natural and socio-economic factors and resources can identify the following prospective specializations of the territory, designed to increase economic activity here: 1. Agriculture - save specializations in the production of cereals (wheat, barley) and industrial crops (sunflower), expansion of production of vegetables and grapes. 2. Processing of agricultural produce to the local food industry - flour and cereals, bread making, confectionery, oil press, wine. 3. In animal husbandry is actual development of poultry and fish farming. 4. Among the industry has the potential to develop coal mining in the Tatsinskiy district and building materials industry. 5. Processing of agricultural produce to the local food industry - flour and cereals, bread making, confectionery, oil press, wine. 6. In animal husbandry is actual development of poultry and fish farming. 7. Among the industry has the potential to develop coal mining in district Tatsinskiy and building materials industry. 8. In the infrastructure sector can be recognized as a priority transportation and logistics projects Morozovskiy and Volgodonskaya-Tsimlyanskii transport clusters. 9. On the many local tourists attractor has the potential to develop cognitive, memorial, ecological, rural, sports tourism, and recreation at health resorts. They are connected with memorial places of life and activity of the Nobel Prize laureate – writer Mikhail Sholokhov, events of the Second World War, historical and cultural monuments of the Don Cossacks, and vacation in ecologically clean area. Development considered specializations will diversify the economic landscape of the region, to overcome the tendency of direct export outside the districts the untreated materials, saturate the market of its own manufacturers products, activates the job market, minimizes the negative symptoms of the peripheral territories.
Keywords: Rostov region, industry specialization, socio-economic development, crop production, animal husbandry, industry, infrastructure projects, transport and logistics complexes, tourism