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  • Methods of intellectual analysis in the task of detecting ransomware

    The purpose of this work is to analyze the concept of the threat of ransomware, methods of their detection, as well as to consider methods of intelligent analysis in solving the problem of detection, which are a popular tool among researchers of ransomware and malicious software (malware) in general. Data mining helps to improve the accuracy and speed up the malware detection process by processing large amounts of information. Specialists can identify new, previously unknown malware. And with the help of generative adversarial networks, zero-day malware can be detected. Despite the fact that a direct and objective comparison of all the studies presented in the work is impossible, due to different data sets, it can be assumed that using the architecture of generative-adversarial networks is the most promising way to solve the problem of detection.

    Keywords: malware, ransomware, intelligent analysis, machine learning, neural network, generative adversarial network