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  • Review of existing division schemesof flow measuring systems of energy and water and the development of a new type of division scheme

    This paper analyzes two types of automatic flow measuring systems, energy resources and water produced in Russia and in other countries. The main features of the division scheme constructionof for systems with the collection of telemetry data in Energosbyt and based on the counters with programmable smart cards and the ability to load switching. The advantages and disadvantages of such systems are considered. The article presents the basic elements of modern automated flow measuring systems, energy resources and water: counters and power, as well as data collection and transmission device; communication and communication equipment; A computer with special software installed; Software for data exchange measurements with other companies or electricity supplier; Software for predicting energy consumption and water.

    Keywords: automated system of control and accounting of energy resources, wireless technology, multiple access to the radio channel, energy accounting device.

  • Cognitive model of performance indicators of a property management of a higher educational institution.

    In article questions of system communications of performance indicators of management of a property complex of a higher educational institution are considered. For assessment of interrelations cognitive approach is used. The main influences of indicators at each other are revealed. The cognitive map, a matrix of interrelation of indicators are constructed.

    Keywords: fixed assets, cognitive model, higher educational institution, cognitive map, performance indicator, capital productivity, capital-output ratio, fondovooruzhennost, matrix of interferences

  • Way of approaching concrete beams coatings for the construction of equal resistance

    The article presents a new design of reinforced concrete I-beam coverage with prestressed reinforcement, in which the ribs are stretched zone side ledges. This solution allows you to pick off high-strength prestressed reinforcement along the length of the element, thus increasing the ratio of reinforcement used in comparison with a standard solution

    Keywords: reinforced concrete beam is equal to the resistance of prestressed reinforcement, combined prestressing

  • The development of a technological machines robust optimization method in a joint synthesis of a parameters and tolerances on them

    The development of the approach to multi-criteria robust optimization is presented in article by developing of a technological machines robust optimization method in a joint synthesis of a parameters and tolerances on them. The ability to search for optimal solutions is the advantage of the proposed method in the absence of functional dependencies for single quality parameters from the input parameters that have extreme character and in terms of the existence of intuitive perception about their best averages. A structural (functional) synthesis, a parametric synthesis and a synthesis of tolerances theories were used to develop a method. This article may be useful for researchers studying the problems of finding optimal solutions during the implementation stages of creating and implementing life cycle of technological machines and for researchers studying the problems of improving the quality and competitiveness of technological equipment in domestic enterprises.

    Keywords: tolerance; parameter; synthesis; robust optimization; processing machine; area of optimum values

  • Projects of houses with a penthouse with garage: features of planning and construction

    Article contains features of planning of the house with a penthouse and garage, the main pluses and minuses of construction. In article advantage use of frame option of construction is described.

    Keywords: penthouse, garage, planning, drawing, low construction, heat, soil, framework, floor, warming

  • Analysis of influence of parameters of net of eventual elements on the results of selection of longitudinal armature in a monolithic girderless floor

    The results of numeral experiment you show that to split beamless slabs on finite elements without the use of absolutely rigid bodies true the following statement: with the increase of the size of the finite element area is required for calculating the reference valve As.2 is reduced. In all considered grids with the area of the transition from AЖТ to the plate in the form of triangles observed the effect of the increase required for the calculation of rebar on the distance from the face of the column, which in our opinion is illogical and difficult to explain. The creation of transition zones with finite elements having dimensions close to the size of the AЖТ leads to low results and can not be considered a good solution. The transition from AЖТ to the plate with a crushing grid to a size equal to half of the column cross-section gives results almost identical with the variant of splitting the plate into finite elements of size equal to the cross section of the column without the use of absolute rigid bodies. Given the complexity of the representation of junctions of columns with plate type 3хАЖТ practical importance is a variant of the partitioning plates (in the node pair with the column) on a square (close to square) finite elements, whose dimensions are equal to the cross section of the column.

    Keywords: reinforced concrete slab, monolithic structure, the calculation of structures in Lira-SAPR

  • Cross-cultural Communication in Terms of English Language Teaching to Science Students as a Second Language

    The latest requirements for specialist training in the system of higher education in the Russian Federation call for enhancement of foreign language learningand improving foreign language teaching. The aspect of interdisciplinary link between foreign language learning and cross-cultural communication is emphasized in the article. We suggest that in order to overcome cultural and language barriers we need to actively engage experts in cross-cultural communication in foreign language teaching, particularly, for science students.

    Keywords: system analysis, motivation, methods of education, identity, military-patriotic education, patriotism and the needcross-cultural communication, professional and cultural competence, foreign language teaching, cultural and language barriers, cultures with

  • Research of plastic properties of the heated porous powder-like materials at tests on a bend

    In the article information is presented about plastic properties of the heated porous powder-like materials from ferrous powders at tests on a bend. Dependence of tangential eτ, radial eρ is set and transversal ez deformations from initial porosity of standards and grain-size distribution. Experimental confirmation of hypothesis of flat sections and unchanging position of neutral surface is got at the bend of the heated porous standards.

    Keywords: plastic property, heating, porous powder-like material, bend, tangential deformation, radial deformation and transversal deformation

  • Brain activity modeling based on the model of Hodgkin-Huxley

    Brain neural networks models based on the model of Hodgkin-Huxley and the inhibitory and excitatory postsynaptic potentials EPSP and IPSP balance problem are investigated. The problem of the inhibitory and excitatory postsynaptic potential balance, affecting such person's ability as learning, memory, movement, ability to analyze and so on has great scientific and practical importance. Implementation of the model Hodgkin-Huxley in the Matlab environment is made. Model modification is considered given the occurrence of a synapse in neuron system.

    Keywords: mathematical modeling, EPSP, IPSP, ionic channel, modified model parameter, neural network model, Hodgkin-Huxley

  • Management properties of PZT piezo-ceramic material used in sonar radiating elements

    Piezoceramics phases of (1-х)PbTiO3-xPbZrO3 is the basis of most high-performance piezoelectric materials. Electrophysical and mechanical properties of these materials can be varied over a wide range by varying the composition and by processing methods: the methods and modes of sintering conditions polarization. Topical to study the influence on the properties of PZT materials processing methods at the stages of manufacturing piezoelectric samples. In the role model of the object has been selected multicomponent system PbTiO3-PbZrO3-PbNb2/3Zn1/3O3-PbW1/2Mg1/2O3-PbSb2/3Mn1/3O3. Samples of piezoelectric elements for the study were obtained in two ways: in the first case, the sintering samples was carried out by the usual ceramic technology, and in the second by hot pressing. The grain structure was formed in both cases in the presence of the glass phase, the quantity of which decreases with increasing temperature, while in the first case, an increase in the velocity of the secondary recrystallization, and in the second of its suppression. It was found that regardless of the technology of the samples εT33/ε0, d33 and VЕ1 at high temperatures, due to the increase of grain and coercive field, which complicates the process of polarization. Maximum values εT33/ε0, d33 and VЕ1 samples prepared by hot pressing at 10 - 15% higher than if received by conventional ceramic technology.

    Keywords: Piezoelectric ceramics, doping, combination, pezophase, piezomaterial

  • High-strength concretes with high volume fly ash of Kansk-Achinsk brown coal basin

    Strength properties of high-strength concrete on the basis of a mixture of high-calcium ash and cement crushed to a specific surface of 600 m2 / kg in the presence of a superplasticizer were investigated. It was established that at the initial stages of hardening of the binder, its strength strongly depends on the dosage of fly ash and it depends little on the water/binder ratio. After 28 days of hardening, the strength of concrete, depends more on the water-binder ratio, rather than on the ash content of the cement-ash binder. There was concluded that minerals of fly ash affect on strength of the cement-ash binder in later periods, and at the initial stages, its hardening is provided by hydration of the cement clinker. It was established that in high-strength concretes was no decrease in strength in later periods when using finely grinding ash containing a significant amount of free CaO.

    Keywords: high-strength concrete, fly ash, free CaO, cement-ash binder, strength, dump strength

  • Theoretical work basis and design philosophy of highcurrent coaxial type termoresistors

    Thermoresistors nowadays are used not only as parts of temperature sensors and flowmeters but they are used as components of starting and control devices. Use of low-powered thermoresistors as starting and control devices parts needs a lot of devices that reduces equipment reliability. Current step-up running through motor-starting devices simplifies control circuit. For using thermoresistors in electric circuits with high-discharge rate it is necessary to use special constructions in order not to let termoresistor body be overheated. Thermoresistor expansion results in changing of thermal fields distribution pattern inside this semiconductor. The authors show calculated characteristics which let determine proportions and shapes of semiconductor subject to thermoresistor temperature.

    Keywords: high power thermoresistors, thermoresistors of coaxial type, current density, temperature, analogy criterion, thermal conductance, temperature gradient, thermal field, stability criterion

  • The method of forming a reduced order modelof microelectromechanical systems using the ANSYS software suite integrated means

    The article describes the role of reduced order models (ROM) in MEMS design & testing, reflects their advantages in comparison with the finite element method (FEM) full models for real-time behavioral modeling of MEMS dynamic characteristics and versatile research of the objects' properties. The mathematical interpretation of the procedure for reducing the system dynamics equations order by switching from the full model presented in the form of state variables equations to the ROM state variables equations is given, the four existing scientific methods for reducing the FEM model order are presented in generalized form. The particularities of embedded ANSYS software capabilities application to automatically generate the ROM from the original full FEM model with lower computer power requirements and the preservation of the original model accuracy in the presence of only the structural mechanics are set out in details. Two equal algorithms for further work with the ROM in MatLab software in order to simulate the MEMS dynamics and study time and frequency properties of the model are presented: by designing the scheme consisting of prearranged Simulink function blocks and by writing an M-file program listing using the special MatLab programming language. Scientific novelty of the results is the combination of the methods for MEMS design (system of partial differential equations, ANSYS program) and behavioral modeling (system of ordinary differential equations, MatLab program) that can significantly reduce the complexity of the FEM model adaptation to the real-time modeling and eliminate computation errors.

    Keywords: micro-electro-mechanical system, finite element method, behavioral modeling, reduced order model, ANSYS, MatLab

  • A method of the identified signals relationships combining using cluster analysis

    The method of the identified signals relationships combining is proposed. Those relationships are represented in the form of precedents of the distributed control system. The method is based on the cluster analysis for further identification of the most interrelated precedents with the aim of source localization of emergency

    Keywords: precedent, cluster, decision tree, gradient, data mining, reliability, method

  • Design solutions for strengthening of soil foundation of a residential building

    The article presents the project design to strengthen the foundation reinforcement to soils through the gaps arranged at the discharge cementogenesis solutions. Also describes development work at the construction site, which allowed to adjust the project and reduce the cost of consolidation.

    Keywords: Reinforcement, soil, comentaron, cementation, directional hydraulic fracturing, drilling, well, development work