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  • Effective staff management through decentralization of power

    Discusses the problems of effective management of the firm. we study the question of decentralization and delegation of authority to field offices. Seem positive and negative sides of this approach in the light of modern researches of employees of the don state technical University. The conclusion is based on the efficient organization of work units from the creative activity of managers Executive managers

    Keywords: organization of construction; personnel management; methods of management of the company

  • Diagnosis of the brake system of a car in a car workshop

    In the article the distinctive features of the cargo car service are compared with the service servicing cars. Questions of an optimum term of carrying out of diagnostics of brake system of the lorry and qualification of the personnel of car-care center are raised. A comparative analysis of three types of stands for the diagnosis of the brake system of a car is carried out.

    Keywords: Car, maintenance, diagnostics, car service, braking system, bench tests

  • Investigation of the distribution of the temperature field from a point source of heat in a convective flow by numerical methods

    In this paper, the temperature distribution from a point source of heat under convective heat transfer is studied. The Navier-Stokes equation describing the steady two-dimensional laminar motion of a fluid is solved numerically. The distribution of the temperature field of a heat-loaded point source is obtained under appropriate boundary conditions, supplemented by the boundary conditions for the flow velocity to equal zero on the paraboloid walls by numerical integration using the control volume method.

    Keywords: Radiator protrusion shape, thermal conductivity, thermal apparatus mode, the temperature of the heat source

  • Design model of a radial bearing with a two-layered porous coating on the surface of a shaft operating on an electrically conductive lubricant

    In the paper, based on the linear equations of motion of an electrically conductive liquid lubricant for the case of a "thin layer", the continuity equation and Darcy, the exact self-similar solution of the problem of hydrodynamic calculation of a radial bearing with an electrically conductive lubricant is given. A field of velocities and pressures in the lubricating and porous layers was found in the work, in the following, analytical dependences were obtained for the main operating characteristics of a bearing with a two-layer porous coating on the shaft surface. An estimate is also given of the effect of the electrically conductive properties of the lubricant, the presence of a porous layer on the main operating characteristics of the bearing.

    Keywords: Electroconductive liquid lubricant, radial bearing, permeability of porous layers, electromagnetic field

  • Investigation of the effect of the ratio of the rigidity of the structural system to the dynamic parameters of a multi-storey building depending on the seismicity of the platform

    The results of a computational experiment performed in the Lira-SAPR environment are considered in the article. The purpose of the experiment is modal analysis of various structural schemes of multi-storey reinforced concrete frame under pulsating and seismic influences. The considered design schemes differ in the ratio of the frame and diaphragm components of the frame. It was calculated three series of samples, differing by the ratio of rigidity. The stiffness ratio varied from 20% to 65.9%. Within each series calculations were performed for seismicity of 7, 8 and 9 points. For each variant of seismicity, the soils of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd seismicity categories were considered. It is established that when the role of the frame part increases, the distribution of the modal masses shifts towards the lower forms of oscillations, and the numerical values of their frequencies decrease. Accelerations of the nodes of the coating from the ratio of rigidity do not depend. They increase with increasing seismicity of the site. The ratio of stiffness affects the total consumption of the reinforcement of slabs. This influence is significant in the range of values of the ratio from 20.5% to 42.5%. Further increase in the ratio of stiffness to the consumption of reinforcement influences slightly.

    Keywords: seismicity, category of soils by seismic properties, modal analysis, rigidity, selection of fittings, PC Lira-SAPR

  • The analysis of the market of services of a car-care center of an average city, on an example of Kamensk-Shakhtinsky

    In the article the analysis of the market of services of a car-care center of an average city is carried out. A selection of popular car repair shops is given. The market is estimated by the number of required posts and the market share of the services in the city.

    Keywords: Car, maintenance, repair, market of services of car-care center, working post

  • Determination of reliability of systems

    Discusses issues related to the definition of process reliability systems. The dependence to determine the amount of damage accumulation to failure in the presence and absence of the experimental data.

    Keywords: aspiration system, process reliability, failure, wear, damage, legal distribution of a random variable, the value of damage accumulation

  • Agglomeration "Big Rostov" as a factor in the development of long-distance traffic

    Considered the location of the bus station in the urban development, its location relative to the functional areas, the design and construction stage.

    Keywords: bus stations, buses, cities "satellites", agglomeration "Bolsho Rostov", transport, infrastructure, master plan, roads

  • New structural and technological decisions on a fight against water erosion and renewal of ravines in recreational zones

    In the article an accent is done on the problem of fightagainst erosive processes in the regions of North Caucasus. It is marked that earth of recreational zones is windero dedand broken by economic activity of man. And the ant erosion actions and constructions used at the same time are inefficient, need improvement andecologization. Mountain earth is most subject to water erosion, inconnection with the abundant sinking and flow of the meltedwaters. By results of researches erosive processes on slope lands develop more intensively. The substantiation of the need for more effective erosion control measures. Based on the conducted studies the authors have developed more efficient technical solutions to combat water erosion and restoration of disturbed lands. The most effective designs of ant erosion constructions, author's development are offered. Which was found constructive and technological decisions on construction of erosion control structures of food-grade, biodegradable design to restore the ravines and pits of erosion.

    Keywords: erosive process, recreational zone, biopositiv product, antierosion construction, ravine, washout pit

  • Novel inventions of academician Oleg Figovsky

    Academician Oleg Figovsky is the founder of the Israeli research center "Polimate", as well as scientific Director R&D of companies "Polimate" and the NTI / HCT (USA). He has more than 500 inventions. The article briefly describes the most important patents received in the last 20 years in areas such as materials science, nanotechnology, building construction.

    Keywords: non-isocyanate polyurethanes, nanotechnology, polymer concretes, hybrid materials, constructions

  • Professional risk on the basis of special assessment of working conditions

    The article considers the problem of using a professional risk assessment measures the impact of factors of the labour process on health status of workers. The analysis of occupational diseases and the relationship with working conditions. Recommendations for risk management aimed at reducing the negative impact factors of production environment and labor process on the performance and health of the employee.

    Keywords: occupational disease, occupational risk, harmful and hazardous production factors, identification, conditions of work

  • Determination of the coefficient of dielectric losses of the fluidized grain layer

    The article substantiates the necessity of obtaining the dielectric properties of grain materials for studying the processes of microwave convective heat treatment of grain. The shortcomings of the existing methods for studying dielectric properties in the study of a fluidized bed and suspended layer are described. A laboratory installation and an experiment on the investigation of a suspended grain layer are described. The results of experimental studies on the determination of the dielectric loss factor of wheat subjected to microwave treatment are presented. The results obtained for different material densities correspond to the general dynamics, but differ significantly in level. Thus, for a dense layer, which corresponds to a density of 660 kg / m3 in the humidity range of 11-30%, the dielectric loss coefficient varies in the range 0.18-0.42; for the fluidized bed (440 kg / m3) 0.06-0.15; for the weighed (220 kg / m3) 0,1-0,3.

    Keywords: energy efficiency, the microwave field, thermal processing of grain, field modeling, direct heating, dielectric

  • On the stressed state of a thin disk with allowance for the dependence of the yield stress on temperature

    Within the Tresca yield criterion and its associated flow rule, the stress-strain problem in an elastic-plastic thin circular solid disk is considered under a temperature field such as the yield stress of the material depends on the temperature. In the central part of the disk the temperature is homogeneous. On the outer boundary, the disk is subjected to uniformly distributed pressure and constant temperature. The objective of the paper is to determine the service conditions which allow to obtain the temperature in the central part of the disk and its radius such as the initiation of the plastic zone starts either from the center of the disk or from its outer contour. The elastic-plastic boundary is calculated, and the plots for stresses and strains are presented. To verify the solution, the equivalent stresses for permissible plastic regimes are investigated together with the stress vector hodograph . The algorithm of similar problems is developed. The validity of the usage of the Tresca yield criterion when the yield stress of the material depends on the temperature is discussed.

    Keywords: mathematical modeling, elastoplastic body, plane stress state, piecewise linear plasticity conditions, plastic flow theory, thermoelastic plasticity

  • The frequency divider for 32

    The frequency divider for 32, operating in a range of frequencies 8-18 GHz is considered. The specifics of the schematic diagram is shown. The design and element base is described in short. The model is made and its experimental research is carried out. The technique and the block diagram of the experiment is described. Level of harmonics of an output signal is measured. For decrease of level of harmonics of the useful signal the low-pass filter of type SALF-580 is used. Presence of a parasitic output signal in the absence of an input signal is revelead.

    Keywords: frequency divider, microcircuit, experiment, amplitude-frequency characteristic, low-pass filter

  • Realization and experimental study of a dielectric cylindrical SHF waveguide

    Results of realization of a cylindrical dielectric wave guide of the SHF oven of range with the entered periodic not uniformity are presented in article. Besides the question of a research of influence of phase shift on the characteristic of a dielectric wave guide, and also dependence of change of characteristics on the provision of polarization of the field is brought up.

    Keywords: SHF dielecric cilcular waveguide whith bragg periodic inhomogeneities