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  • Optimization of a bending-type piezoelectric transducer

    This article presents the results of a parameters study on a piezoelectric flexible transducer of a beam type. The analysis was performed by the finite element method using the ANSYS Multiphysics software package. It is shown that there are optimal parameters ratios of the structural elements of the transducer under study for which it is the most effective

    Keywords: bending-type piezoelectric transducer, piezoelectric element, elastic plate, resonance frequency, conversion coefficient, Electromechanical coupling coefficient

  • Comparative analysis of the structure of sheet and modified cellulose

    An impact on mechanochemical activation on morphology and structure of wood cellulose was examined. A comparative analysis of structure of sheet cellulose and fluffed cellulose was made using infrared spectroscopy and scanning microscopy. It was given that the cellulose I tranformed into a modification of cellulose II with more reacting power as a result of pulping. It ascertained that mechanochemical activation of the cellulose can increase the physical and chemical indicators of technical carboxymethylcellulose.

    Keywords: cellulose, mechanochemical activation, carboxymethylcellulose

  • Theoretical study of decay in binary systems. Part II. The equation of a line of spinodal decomposition (spinodal) in a binary mixture at structural phase transitions

    The equations of spinodal decay in binary systems in which there is a phase transition-improper decay are obtained. For the first time, spinodal equations for a phase transition with one multicomponent order parameter (two one-component) are obtained.

    Keywords: binary solutions, spinodal decay, structural phase transition

  • Evaluation of the effect of selecting a concrete deformation diagram on the results of calculating a reinforced concrete truss

    The paper considers the results of research on the use of various types of approximations of concrete deformation diagrams on the example of calculating a large-span reinforced concrete truss with a length of 18 m. calculations were performed taking into account the physical nonlinearity of concrete and reinforcement. The following concrete deformation diagrams were used : bilinear, trilinear , and curved with a descending branch. The result of the calculation was the forces in the truss rods, the displacement and the width of the crack opening. Conclusions were made about the influence of the choice of the concrete deformation diagram on the calculation results.

    Keywords: concrete, deformation diagram, approximation, physical nonlinearity, stress-strain state, longitudinal force, bending moment, displacement, crack resistance , truss

  • Methodical bases for automation of a engineer workplace of transport in the conditions of the North

    The article deals with the reducing issues the time spent of making informed decisions by automating the workplace of a transport engineer on the basis of the development and use of methods for selecting and calculating the number of vehicles for servicing remote objects. A specific example based on the transport service of electric power facilities, which can be implemented in any software of the organization, is considered

    Keywords: Workplace automation, transport operation engineer, transport service, electric power facility, calculation of the number of vehicles.

  • Deflections of a monolithic flat overlap with post-tension at different ratios of the sides of the slab cell

    The article presents the results of a study of the deflections of a monolithic flat floor with a different grid of columns with prestressed reinforcement without adhesion to concrete. To analyze the deflections, numerical studies of slabs with different rectangular columns and thicknesses were performed. The studies were performed using the LIRA CAD software package. The aspect ratio of rectangular cells of monolithic flat floors is determined, for which the application of prestressing is ineffective on the short side of the cell or most effective on the long side. It was revealed that the use of high-strength reinforcement of the "monostrand" type is most effective for a grid of columns 5x9m from the volume of the studied cell sides. It was found that the application of post-tension on the short side of the slab cell practically does not affect the total deflection of the cell - with the aspect ratio a / b> 1.2. The conclusion is drawn about the increase in the efficiency of using contour reinforcement with an increase in the deflections that affect the amount of rope repulsion. The results can be used in the design of slabs using prestressed reinforcement without adhesion to concrete of the "monostrand" type.

    Keywords: rope, high-strength reinforcement, finite element, monostrand, repulse, prestressing, post-stressing, deflection

  • Development of a comprehensive construction and technical expertise of industrial building structures

    The article presents a program of comprehensive construction and technical expertise of the structures of an industrial building. The features of the construction and technical expertise of the structures of the agricultural warehouse of mineral fertilizers are described. An algorithm of the sequence of actions for the technical expertise of the structures of the object is developed. Measures have been developed to repair and restore the working condition of damaged structures

    Keywords: construction and technical expertise, defects, bearing capacity, structural repair, property management

  • The task of developing a demo-genetic model for the adaptation of pests to agricultural crops, taking into account the type of taxis

    The publication is devoted to the task of developing a demo-genetic model of the adaptation of pests to transgenic and hybrid agricultural crops, taking into account the type of taxis. An assumption is introduced that the dynamics of hybrid agricultural crops can be investigated using demo-genetic models. A description of the problem is given in accordance with the characteristics of the growth of biomass of agricultural crops and the dynamics of pests, as well as taxis species. The modeling of the processes of fast and slow taxis depending on the behavior of pests at a particular point in time is described in detail, taking into account the type of their genotypes that affect the acquisition of mutations. The paper describes the features of the physiological structure and life cycle of insect pests, affecting the prediction of their spatial concentration and, accordingly, the prediction of productivity; the possibilities of their application in mathematical modeling.

    Keywords: demo-genetic model, taxis, transgenic agriculture, hybrid, pest, biomass, diffusion

  • Mathematical modeling of the reliability of a solar hot water system in the Republic of Mari El

    The reliability of the solar heating system with solar collectors was studied using the logical-probabilistic method by building a fault tree. The fault tree was obtained by sequentially detailing the events associated with failures of the solar heating system, as well as its elements. Events were taken into account: conducting test diagnostics of elements of the power supply system, repairing failed elements, failure of elements, reducing the power of solar collectors due to a decrease in the intensity of the solar radiation. The events were divided into two groups: events in which there is sufficient intensity of solar radiation for the hot water supply from the solar collectors, as well as events when the heating supply cannot be provided only due to the solar collectors. The last group of events was divided into two subgroups, within events caused short-term downtimes (at the time of switching) and long-term downtimes (at the time of replacing or repairing a failed system element). Long shutdowns are associated with the coincidence of failures, repair or diagnosis of one or more elements of the solar heating system. Expressions are compiled to calculate the probability of long downtimes, the probability of short downtimes, the probability of failure due to a decrease in the intensity of the solar radiation, and the total probability of failures. As a result of substituting the values of the reliability indicators of the elements of the solar heating system, the value of the total probability of failure during the year is 4.03∙10-5.

    Keywords: solar hot water supply, reliability, solar collector, failure cause, reliability modeling

  • Comprehensive spatial data system Rail infrastructure

    The object of the research, the result of which is the presented work, is a comprehensive system of spatial data of the railway infrastructure, within which a high-precision system of coordinates of the Russian Railways has been created, and methods definition of normal heights in the Baltic Heights System 1977. The strategy and prospects for the development of high-speed transport highways (VSM) have been described. Methods for determining normal heights at research sites are given.

    Keywords: Global navigation satellite systems (GNSS), GLONASS, high-speed highway (Navy), high-precision coordinate system (WCC), altitude system, quasi-geoid

  • Judicial value examination as a tool for resolving a dispute about the value of the original value of the pledged property

    To date, the socio-economic situation in the country creates for the population quite significant obstacles in the implementation of tasks for the purchase of housing and other real estate through mortgage lending. However, when it comes to collecting the amounts owed on the loan, banks are faced with an analysis of the prospects for the sale of mortgaged property, as a result of which, in most cases, come to the conclusion that the original sale price of the mortgaged property with the realities of the market. In the article, the authors consider the judicial practice of determining the initial price of the mortgaged property and analyze the situation in which there is a need for judicial value examination, as well as give the main aspects of the methodology of this type of expertise. The purpose of the article is to form a clear idea of the reader about the process of resolving the dispute arising from the breach of obligations under the loan agreement.

    Keywords: expert, forensic examination, subject of pledge, cost examination, assessment report, methodology

  • Development of a unified module with microprocessor control system for container pneumatic transport

    issues of optimization of the structure of the container pneumatic transport system are considered. The expediency of combining the functions of the equipment included in the transport system is shown. A functional diagram of a universal module that performs the functions of all blocks of a pneumatic transport system is presented. A block diagram of a microprocessor control system that provides the functioning of the mechanisms of a universal module is proposed.

    Keywords: microprocessor system, pneumatic transport system, transport container, stations of the transport system, control algorithm, structure of the transport system, transport pipeline

  • The use of modern building materials and technologies in the device roofs

    One of the most complex structural elements of the building is the roof. It protects the building from the external environment: precipitation, temperature changes, solar radiation, wind effects, as well as from air pollution. The main element of the roof is the roof, as the condition of the roofing depends on the condition of the other elements of the roof and in this article will be considered modern building materials used in the device of roofs.

    Keywords: roofing, roof, modern roofing, metal, profiled flooring, Ondulin, membranes, slate, tile

  • Analysis of the stress-strain state of the rotor shaft of a turbocharger with the installed repair sleeve

    The Minsk Motor Plant D-245 engines are the most widely used in automobiles and tractor manufacturing in Russia and neighboring countries. These engines are installed on cars of the GAZ and MAZ family, PAZ buses, special equipment manufactured by Amkodor, MTZ tractors, etc. A turbocharger is one of the engines units affects power and environmental performance. The presence of a large number of engines under consideration makes it important for repair enterprises to improve the technological process of repairing turbochargers. A large number of technologies for repair rotor shaft of the turbocharger have been developed to date. However, there is no technology to restore the outer surface of the rotor seal sleeve after they touch the hole of the middle housing. The article presents the results of calculating the stress-strain state of the rotor shaft of a turbocharger, taking into account the installation of an additional (repair) part as a turbine seal sleeve. The analysis of the created solid-state model was carried out using of the SolidWorks Simulation system. The calculation was carried out at various shaft diameters for bearings. The study found that the voltage in dangerous sections of the rotor shaft with the installed repair sleeve is higher than without it. However, they are much lower than the permissible torsional stresses. Therefore, the probability of destruction of the rotor shaft during normal operation of the turbocharger, due to the occurrence of a resonance phenomenon, even with the minimum allowable diameter, will be very small. The presented data allow the use of this repair method to restore the operability of the rotor shaft of the TKR-6 turbocharger.

    Keywords: engine, turbocharger, defect, repair technology, additional part, repair sleeve, stress-strain state, solid-state model, dangerous section, permissible stress

  • Formalization of regulatory and system-wide requirements for the curriculum of a typical university

    In this work, the author has compiled a list of requirements and corresponding indicators that must be taken into account in the process of creating the university timetable and estimates of the significance of each of these indicators are obtained. The task is to formulate directly the timetable formation procedure on the basis of the list of indicators and assessments of their importance. It is supposed to consider the possibility of solving this problem based on the use of its formalized model. To form a model, it is first necessary to formalize all the requirements from their list. There is considered an example of some of these requirements that briefly describe the procedure for their formalization.

    Keywords: higher education institution, timetable, timetable requirements, formalization, initial data