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  • Design of articulated pneumatic roller for construction of winter highways

    In the Russian Federation, there are settlements that can only be reached by special equipment: swamp walkers, SUVs. Permanent access to such settlements is hindered by swamps, rivers, etc. Temporary winter roads "autozymniki" are laid to such settlements in winter. The construction of "autozymers" includes several stages: the preparatory stage, the main stage of construction, operation of the autozymer and disposal. If a temporary winter road passes through swamps, then it is advisable to push such soils with tractors with widened tracks or tracked tractors. The article proposes the design of a articulated pneumatic roller for the construction of winter highways, and also carried out a design calculation including: calculation of resistance to movement, hydraulic calculation, selection of hydraulic equipment.

    Keywords: winter road, machinery, automobile winter road, pneumatic roller, washing of swampy grounds, calculation

  • Institutional development of the region and the criterion for its determination

    In the article the authors consider the influence of development institutions on the formation of the knowledge economy, it is proposed to evaluate their quality in the form of an index of institutional development. A method of evaluation based on objective indicators is proposed. A model for ranking regions is presented, including the calculation of indicators, on the basis of which a comprehensive integral assessment of the index of regional institutional development is carried out.

    Keywords: knowledge economy, regional economy, innovation economy, innovation activity, socio-economic development, institutional infrastructure

  • Description of the process of predicting problem states using ensemble methods of machine learning

    This paper describes the process of developing machine learning models for predicting problem states. The formation of decision support systems in problem situations is based on the using of ensemble methods of machine learning: bagging, boosting and stacking. The algorithms of undersampling and oversampling is applied for improving the quality of the models. Using of complex machine learning models reduces the ability to explain the result obtained, therefore various ways of interpreting the constructed models are given. Based on the results of the study, a method for predicting problem states was formed. This approach contributes to the gradual solution of the identified problem situation and the consistent achievement of the goal.

    Keywords: machine learning, bagging, boosting, stacking, problem states, data balancing, shap-values

  • Woven sensor systems for wearable wireless networks

    A comparative analysis of the possibilities of using woven composite materials with specified sensory properties as information and measurement systems of the industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is presented. It is proposed to consider such woven sensor systems as a basis for building a network interaction environment for components of wireless wearable sensor networks, as well as systems for monitoring the stress-strain state of products made of woven composite materials. To impart sensory qualities to such multilayer 3D fabrics at the stage of their development, it is proposed to modify their structure by introducing threads, on the one hand, having the properties necessary for the formation of data transmission channels, and on the other, being piezoelectric sensors, whose signals allow monitoring the dynamics of changes in the stress-strain state of a woven composite material.The release of a functionally augmented 3D fabric in this way opens up real prospects for conducting a full-scale experiment to study the sensory properties of spatially extended products made of woven composite materials.

    Keywords: Wireless Body Area Networks, fabric sensors, textile sensors, Sensor Networks, E-textiles, Smart fabrics, woven composite materials, sensor data acquisition, Internet of Things

  • Overview of structures and design of a mobile pellet production plant

    The article discusses the production and use of environmentally friendly fuel - pellets. A review of the designs of mobile pellet production plants was carried out, the advantages and disadvantages of these designs were identified. Potential consumers of pellets and equipment (heating boilers for which pellets are the fuel) are considered. A mobile complex for the production of pellets on the chassis of the MSN-10-004-03 . The technology of pellet production using a mobile mobile installation is described.

    Keywords: pellets, mobile plant, design, biofuels, production technology

  • Principles of architectural designing industrial enterprises in modern economic conditions

    The article compares the principles of architectural designing industrial enterprises, which were fixed in the 70s - 80s of the twentieth century, and modern ones associated with changes in socio–economic relations in the XXI century. The specifics of the approach to the architectural design of large and small enterprises are described. Special attention is paid to the influence of economic factors on the industrial architecture of small enterprises, the importance of the time factor. The most acute problems that arise today in the architectural design of small enterprises are identified, and ways to solve them are proposed. A new functional element of the general plan of an industrial enterprise is described - the "development zone".

    Keywords: Iidustrial architecture, principles of architectural design, functional zoning, "flexible" planning solutions

  • Features of the use of various fixed formwork structures in frame-monolithic constructionrious sound-insulating materials in monolithic construction

    The problems of modern methods of building construction, namely the obsolescence of construction technologies and the production control system at most facilities under construction do not provide the required level of quality. Due to low-quality materials, formwork, reinforcement, laying and ramming, defects and deviations from the most important requirements for the finished product appear and resource costs increase significantly. Therefore, in order to develop and introduce effective measures to improve the existing methods of building construction, this paper lists the main disadvantages of the technologies used. The practice of applied innovative technologies that can increase the quality and speed of the structures being built is given. The technologies of erecting buildings using various fixed formwork designs are considered.

    Keywords: sound insulation, shock noise, residential buildings, noise insulation, air noise, monolithic house, comfortable environment, noise, construction, materials

  • Basic algorithm defects of observed bearing rings using the fractal dimension method and neural networks

    To improve the quality of bearing rings, modern production strives to apply new modern methods for detecting defects based on the causes of their occurrence, as well as to introduce quality control systems by creating specialized software. An accurate assessment of the dynamic properties of bearings is very important for machines and helps to avoid serious mechanical damage. As part of the experiments, the main control methods were considered and the most effective one was established - eddy current control, which has a number of advantages compared to others. To prevent the occurrence of defective products in the control system, the fractal dimension method was considered and a neural network was built to solve the tasks of diagnosing.

    Keywords: defect diagnosis, bearings, neural networks, automated control, fractal dimension, SVD filtering, Matlab software, monitoring system.

  • Analysis of the effectiveness of methods for solving systems of linear algebraic equations in calculating the integral characteristics of the functioning of distributed information processing systems

    The paper presents the results of numerical experiments on solving systems of linear algebraic equations (SLAE) with discharged matrices by the LU decomposition method, the Jacobi method, the Gauss-Seidel method, the modified Gauss-Seidel method and the modified Jacobi method with a relaxation parameter ω. In the course of numerical experiments on the solution of (SLAE) with test discharged matrices of various dimensions using the MATLAB package, it was found that the best results in the time of solving the problem were obtained by the modified Gauss-Seidel method with a relaxation parameter ω = 0.5 or a given accuracy of solutions ε= 10^-6. In the future, this method was used to calculate the integral characteristics of the functioning of distributed information processing systems for various practical applications.average system response time to user requests).

    Keywords: distributed information processing system, a system of linear algebraic, equations, sparse matrix, LU decomposition, Jacobi method, Gauss-Seidel method, relaxation parameter

  • Features of the use of various sound-insulating materials in monolithic construction

    The problems of modern monolithic construction, namely errors in the installation of sound insulation in monolithic construction, require special attention, since the increased level of noise and vibrations during the operation of premises affects the psychophysical state of a person. Modern enclosing structures are often used in standard solutions without the necessary additional sound insulation. Therefore, in order to develop and introduce effective measures to prevent existing defects in the premises, this paper lists the main factors affecting the high level of permissible noise in the premises. The practice of applied methods and solutions used to improve the sound insulation of individual structures is given. The technology of performing works on the device of sound and noise insulation in residential premises, with an indication of the maximum permissible noise level, is considered.

    Keywords: sound insulation, shock noise, residential buildings, noise insulation, air noise, monolithic house, comfortable environment, noise, construction, materials

  • Organizational and managerial aspects of the restoration of territories affected by natural disasters

    Natural disasters can cause serious damage to cities and entire regions, which makes it important to improve the efficiency of planning repair and construction work when restoring built-up areas. The article discusses the organizational and managerial aspects of the restoration of territories affected by natural disasters, which is the basis for effective planning and implementation of projects for the reconstruction and restoration of settlements.

    Keywords: natural disasters, emergency situation, urban area, advanced planning, infrastructure

  • The results of determining the influence of the interval and the value of average capital investments on the formation of a system of machines

    As part of the proper maintenance of a number of infrastructure facilities (right-of-way for roads and railways, protected zones of power lines, gas pipeline routes, etc.), work is being carried out on their territory to remove growing unwanted vegetation. The article discusses the features of determining the values ​​of capital investments for the formation of a system of machines, mechanisms and used mechanized and manual equipment for cleaning these territories from unwanted vegetation, shows an example of their calculation using specific brands of machines, mechanisms and equipment used in production, formulates a conclusion about the feasibility of introducing of the considered method into the production process of enterprises and organizations responsible for the maintenance of the indicated territories of linear infrastructure facilities.

    Keywords: territory, unwanted vegetation, removal, mechanization, equipment, definition, capital investment

  • The state of the automation level of energy facilities and solutions aimed at its improvement

    This paper analyzes the state of the automation level of energy facilities. The most rational method of assessing the level of automation is given: consideration of each energy facility (generating enterprises, transport companies, consumers) separately for the most effective assessment. The analysis of the level of automation of generating companies on the example of thermal power plants is given. A solution aimed at increasing the level of automation is proposed. The analysis of the level of automation of transport companies and consumers on the example of thermal energy is also given. The ways of increasing the level of their automation aimed at improving the efficiency of transmission and use of energy are proposed. The article presents a number of advantages of the introduction of automated systems at energy facilities on the example of an automated dispatch control system at power plants and substations. A number of the most promising solutions for increasing the level of automation of energy facilities are also presented.

    Keywords: automation, energy facilities, automated dispatch control, energy complex

  • Numerical simulation and experimental study of a liquid cooling system of a computer based on ferrofluids

    The key parameter of any cooling system is the heat transfer coefficient. The article deals with the issue of studying the dependence of the thermal resistance of the heat exchanger of a liquid cooling system based on ferrofluids and the heat transfer coefficient on the parameters of the fluid flow and the magnetic field in the heat exchanger. The study was carried out by numerical simulation and thermophysical experiment. A feature of the considered cooling system is the coolant. A ferromagnetic liquid based on Fe3O4 magnetites and propylene glycol is used as a coolant. As a result, a numerical model for calculating the heat transfer coefficient for an experimental liquid cooling system is obtained. The influence of the magnetic field on the thermal resistance of the system and the heat transfer coefficient of the wall-liquid at various magnitudes of the magnetic field strength is estimated. An experimental dependence has been obtained showing an increase in the heat transfer coefficient up to 12.5% when a magnetic field is applied.

    Keywords: numerical model of heat transfer, liquid cooling system, Laplace equation, thermal management, CPU, ferrofluid, percolation, heat transfer coefficient, nanofluid, magnetic field, electronics cooling

  • Analysis of the state of innovative development of the North Caucasus Federal District in the knowledge economy

    Research into the state of development of an innovative economy enhances the role of knowledge in terms of economic growth. The efficiency of the economic activity of the subjects of the North Caucasus Federal District, first of all, is characterized by the indicators of innovative activity, which, in our opinion, are a fairly universal and informative criterion that objectively determines the overall state of the economic system.

    Keywords: knowledge economy, regional economy, innovation economy, innovation activity, socio-economic development, institutional infrastructure.