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  • Adjusting characteristics of the planetary generator of the moment

    In article dependences of resistance are investigated on drove the planetary mechanism from the operating moment on the central wheel. The hypothesis about active and jet components of mechanical resistance is offered in compliance with a method of electromechanical analogies. Results of pilot studies of the adjusting characteristic of the generator of the moment confirming theoretical provisions are presented.

    Keywords: moment generator, adjusting characteristic, electromechanical analogies, jet resistance

  • Innovative development of construction industry and its risks

    The reasons for a low susceptibility of construction to innovative processes are established. Requirements to system of classification риской in construction are certain. Three versions of uncertainty are specified. The system approach to definition of priorities of realization of innovations in construction is offered  

    Keywords: Innovative processes, construction, resources, risk, planning, the system approach

  • Perception of a political order among students of Vladikavkaz in 2012

    Research presented the analysis of the cognitive components of the perception of the political order based on the pilot questioning in Vladikavkaz in 2012. 47 respondents took part in questioning. The questionnaire included a subjective assessment of the following levels the participation in political processes; the emotional involvement into them; discussion of the these processes; economic welfare; social protection; life prospects. In addition, the questionnaire included questions about the degree of religiosity, and also the general questions characterizing the respondent (a sex, age, a nationality, level of parents education). To assess the level of deprivation used the subjective opinion of respondents on the levels of economic welfare and social protection, assessment of prospects in life, and also the degree of involvement in various political processes. Received, the level of involvement of young people in Vladikavkaz in the political processes in society - 1.28, the level of emotional involvement - 1.91. Average consistent level comments political processes in the family - 2.15.  The level of economic well-being and average level of social protection of students: 2.27 and 2.34. Assessment of prospects in life is average - 2.96. It was revealed in 2012, there is a low level of participation in political life with a low level of involvement in the political process. Some parameters of relative deprivation is average, and it is expected that this component will not lead to the formation of political tension.

    Keywords: a political tension, deprivation, group installation in relation to a political order, cognitive component, questionnaire, the descriptive statistics

  • Dynamics of a cognitive component group setting among students of Grozny in relation to a political order (according to 2011 - 2012)

    Researches based on results of the questioning among the students of Grozny (GGNI), conducted in 2011 - 2012. Over the entire study period, 525 people were interviewed. The questionnaire consisted of questions focused at identifying the subjective opinions on own relation of respondents to a political order, and also questions opening level of a group relative deprivation. The received results of a cognitive component were processed by a method of the statistical analysis in software package SPSS. It is revealed, increase the level of relative deprivation among a group of students, which may indicate an increase in the level of political tension. Detected, reducing the level of emotional involvement in the political life of the Republic, which is exacerbated by increased levels of alienation from the political process. In the identification of situations among student of Grozny need to direct efforts local government at ending the fall of the level of emotional involvement, as well as to control the level of relative deprivation with fixing it to reach the middle level.

    Keywords: a political tension, deprivation, group installation in relation to a political order, cognitive component, questionnaire, the descriptive statistics

  • Application of the discriminate analysis for classification of EEG of patients by diabetic encephalopathy

    One of the most widespread endocrine diseases in the world is diabetes therefore its true diagnostics, and also diagnostics of its complications (encephalopathy, complications in cardiovascular system, etc.) is always actual. During carrying out research the analysis of psychological testing of examinees was carried out. Also in this work the attention is paid to application of methods of the statistical analysis for classification of EEG of patients by diabetic encephalopathy and healthy examinees. The most informative indicators of EEG reflecting cognitive functions of a brain were revealed. The interrelation of results of psychological testing and EEG analysis is established.

    Keywords: electroencephalography, diabetic encephalopathy, discriminant analysis

  • Efficiency of the organization of work of a building enterprise

    Personnel records and personnel management within the construction organization is of great importance to increase profits. The complex of the measures raising efficiency of the organization of work in the average and large building enterprises Is offered. The possibility of increase of such efficiency at the organization-investor is investigated  

    Keywords: Management of the personnel, methods, normalization, investments, planning

  • Assessment of the most effective version of land tenure

    The conventional methods of a choice of the most effective version of land tenure are analyzed. It is offered to use instead of them an expert method of the analysis of hierarchies. The diagram of a choice of the most effective version of land tenure on the basis of this method is represented. The degree of influence of various factors on a choice of the most effective version of use of the ground on an example of interrogation of experts in a Rostov-on-Don is certain  

    Keywords: Assessment, effective, land tenure, methods, expert, factors, hierarchy

  • Decomposition method in adaptive sonar systems design

    To study complex sonar systems, the method of decomposition was suggested. The peculiarities of the method applied to the sonar systems were considered. A four-level hierarchy of decomposition subsystems is proposed. A scheme of the first level of semantic decomposition was presented. Controlled modules allowed to build adaptive systems were described.

    Keywords: decomposition, hydro speaker systems, hierarchy of subsystems

  • The information-analytical support of strategic planning of accommodation establishments of education and health within the urban development

    One of the priorities of socio-economic development of the municipality is the effective work aimed at improving the quality of life. In this article the problem of placement for agency of health care and education considers at reconstruction of urban areas. There is an investment attractiveness and environmental condition in focus, when choosing a site location of the agency of health care and education  

    Keywords: Geoinformational systems, environmental safety, investment attractiveness, reconstruction, electronic map

  • Problems of interaction between the port and road transport.

    The article is devoted to the turnover of the largest ports in Russia for the period from 2008 to 2012. The problems that arise in the interaction of road transport and ports, as well as their possible solutions are given  

    Keywords: The seaports of the Russian Federation, Freight transport, turnover, turnover growth problems, Interaction of road transport and ports.

  • Problems of intelligent means of search, analysis and processing of biomedical information

      The work associated with the creation of an information system for working with a specialized knowledge base of common-date information, the results of research and developments in the field of medicine, as well as connectivity and clustering around a common core of information is different directional information systems for optimize of medical services, and, consequently, improve the quality of investigations and treatments of various diseases. Implementation is proposed with client-server technology, hardware virtualization technologies and data mining technologies by data clustering with neural networks.  

    Keywords: Intelligent search, neural networks, data collection systems, search systems, knowledge base

  • On the development of the wave theory of viruses

      We propose a model describing the motion of the wave of viruses inside and outside of living matter. It is shown that the Schrodinger equation can be used in the analysis of movement of the virus, as a physical material object in physical space. We calculated the de Broglie wavelength of the virus. The mechanism of viral diseases is shown as an interaction of genetic apparatus of human cells with the field structure of viruses. The concept of information-wave virus is given. The results of studies on patients with the use of information-wave of viruses, generated by a special generator of digital codes, are given. It is shown that the reliability of the mechanism of cell damage by wave digital information and viruses on the basis of vegetative resonance test. The reliability of the mechanism of cell damage by information-wave digital viruses is shown with the use vegetative resonance test. The conclusion that the suppression of viruses can be realized with the use of radiation from a special generator of numerical codes has been made.

    Keywords: information, wave, viruses, treatment

  • A simplified definition of the discrepancies between the minimum resources and collections of samples for critical parts of machines

    In article the method of calculation gamma  percentage fatigue resource of an arrow shovel excavator for population of final volume, by means analytical method of definition parameters of Weibull distribution is offered. 
    The made computing experiment has shown that the developed method allows to receive gamma percentage value of a fatigue resource of an arrow shovel excavator by means of transition from the sample data to the population data.  

    Keywords: a resource, an arrow, shovel excavator, population, Weibull

  • On the interrelation between preparatory and main works in forest harvesting

    The article considers the questions of interrelation between preparatory and main works in forest harvesting. It also examines a method of monitoring of their effectiveness with the use of geographic information systems considering the evaluation of forest offence during these works. 

    Keywords: organization of forest management, forest offence, geographic information system, preparatory works, forest logging

  • Sylvinite ore desliming under ultrasonic treatment

    The process of sylvinite ores desliming with ultrasonic treatment is considered. The influence of frequency, intensity and duration of impact to the insoluble rest removal efficiency of sylvinite ores crystals is defined. The optimum mode of sylvinite ores desliming with ultrasonic treatment is established.

    Keywords: desliming, desliming degree, sylvinite ore, ultrasonic treatment, insoluble rest