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  • The usage of the tubes of the corrosion proof design for the reliability assurance of oil and gas transport systems in West Siberia

    In the article the types of the tubes, used for transportation of hydrocarbon resources on oil and gas fields of West Siberia are considered. the analysis of the statistical data and materials on the corrosion protection in the West-Siberian region is also provided in the article. moreover, the most optimal and effective ways of corrosion protection using the tubes of high corrosion resistance are introduced in the article.

    Keywords: hostile environment, incident, corrosion, alloy steel, reliability, refusal, pipeline

  • Pattern development and essential parameters of diversified entrepreneurial structures

    Modern trends in the transformation of business structures and forms of inter-firm cooperation have led to the emergence of new organizational and structural solutions allowing businesses to successfully compete in the market, respond quickly to changes in the external environment and internal changes, contributing to the development potential of the business. So in the Russian economic practice, along with established corporate organizational structures and network business structures brand new specific structural forms are gaining popularity, being diversified entrepreneurial business systems, combining features of corporate and network structures, but also having specific characteristics that allow them to be identified as an independent type of structures. This paper discusses the most important parameters influencing the development of a diversified network of entrepreneurial business systems and analyses key characteristics of the data structures to identify their place in the chain of organizational structures evolution  

    Keywords: organizational evolution, corporate structure, network structure, diversified entrepreneurial structure, business system

  • Thermostability of oxide alkali tungsten and molybdenum bronzes

    Oxide bronzes MxEO3 (M–Na,K; E – W,Mo) are the inorganic materials for technics and chemical technology. Its properties, for example stability in wide interval of temperatures, are of great practical interest (electrodes for fuel elements, electronic apparatuses  and others).                                                                             In this article the results of studies of thermostability of sodium and potassium tungsten and molybdenum bronzes in atmosphere and vacuum condition at the temperatures range 20-1110°C were found. The samples are prepared by electrolysis of melts of sodium and potassium isopolytungstates and molybdates. Dates for bronzes Na0.92WO3 , Na0.68WO3 , Na0.53WO3 , Na0.15MoO3, K0.3MoO3 were characterized by the termogravimetric-differential- thermal analysis (TG-DTA). Regions of stability of Na0.92WO3 : 20-700°C , of MxMoO3 : 300-500°C were founded. Conclusion about correlation of  nonstoichiometry of chemical composition of EOx bronzes and oxides, which making important role in formation of less - common metal bronzes structure.

    Keywords: oxide alkali bronzes, tungsten, molybdenum, thermostability, nonstoichiometry, thermal analysis

  • Methods for the synthesis of LaMnO3 (Review)

    "This review covers various methods of synthesis LaMnO3 ferroics. The general analysis of the solid-phase synthesis reactions methods and wet methods (sol-gel, sorption, co-precipitation) are carred out. The original results of LaMnO3 syntheses from various precursors by means of the in situ method are showned. The advantages and disadvantages of different methods of synthesis are determined. The analysis of synthesis LaMnO3 ferroics published data is shown:
    - the structure formation of LaMnO3 in perovskite-type phases occurs at different temperatures, depending on precursors states;
    - LaMnO3 perovskite phases differ in symmetry and unit cells parameters at room temperature, depending on the preparation conditions;
    - the highest synthesis temperature of LaMnO3 are typical for solid phase reactions method (950-1050 ° C), the lowest - for wet synthesis methods (500-700 ° C);
     - the synthesis conditions effect the stoichiometry of LaMnO3 for oxygen content.
    Our studies of structure formation processes of LaMnO3 by in situ method are allowed to define the role of precursors states at synthesis of solid phase reactions methods, adsorption, co-precipitation and sol-gel mixtures.
    It is determined that in samples prepared by wet chemical methods, the formation processes of  LaMnO3 perovskite phases occur at lower temperatures than by solid phase reaction (sol-gel precursor - 500 <T <600 ° C; precursors obtained by coprecipitation and sorption methods - at 600 <T <700 ° C and 700 <T <800 ° C, respectively).  

    Keywords: ferroics, LaMnO3, X-ray diffraction, solid-phase synthesis, sol-gel synthesis, sorption, co-precipitation

  • The research questions about the compressed reinforced concrete structures strengthened different types of composite materials

    The article presents a brief overview of the results of a study of the compressed elements in our country and abroad, reinforced composite materials. Noted that in Russia this question is poorly understood. Represented a broad research program developed by the Department JBK RSSU aimed to fill these questions.

    Keywords: concrete, steel, carbon-fiber reinforcement, test samples, strength, deformability, cracking.

  • Comparative analysis of the artificial neural network training algorithms

    There has been carried out the comparative analysis of the training algorithms of artificial neural networks of perceptron type: genetic, adaptive and hybrid.The comparison revealed that the adaptive algorithm is better coped with the task than the other algorithms. It is better to use the hybrid algorithm to solve the problem with complex target multiextremal function for which the adaptive algorithm is less convenient.

    Keywords: artificial neural networks, multilayer perceptron, genetic, adaptive, hybrid algorithm

  • Increase of power efficiency of protecting designs - a way of increase of efficiency of operation of buildings and constructions

    The role of technical inspection as source of definition of an actual state of protecting designs is considered. Not destroying methods of definition of durability and thermal properties of materials of external walls are resulted. The thermographic method of not destroying control is considered, the list of thermal characteristics which can be defined with its use is presented. Modern requirements to thermal characteristics of external walls are presented and the materials most often meeting in protecting designs are considered. It is considered as a possible variant of increase of thermal properties of protecting designs - the device of hinged ventilated facades. The scheme of carrying out of a damage control, a substantiation of economic efficiency of the device of hinged ventilated facades and other technical advantages concerning other ways of warming of facades is presented.

    Keywords: Technical inspection, thermographic quality monitoring, thermal characteristics of protecting designs, hinged ventilated facade

  • The extent of the stress-strain diagram of eccentrically compressed concrete pillars

    On the basis of experimental data on the resistance of reinforced concrete columns eccentric compression was obtained analytical dependence of the limiting compressibility of concrete from the varied factors: the relative eccentricity of the external force eo / h and the reinforcement ratio μ.

    Keywords: reinforced concrete column, longitudinal reinforcement, a protective layer of concrete, finite element method, critical load

  • The choice of boundary conditions for the simulation of the temperature field of soil

    The existing methods of calculation of the annual change in soil temperature. Identified areas of their application and the possible deviations from reality. The requirements to the boundary conditions of the calculation. Defines the principles of the choice of initial conditions. The preconditions for the development of a universal method of calculation.

    Keywords: heat pump, renewable energy, solar radiation, transient mode, soil

  • The algorithm of determination of mechanical characteristics of metal at calculation of a residual resource of cranes

    Is considered the main content of the possibilities for extending the services of the lifting cranes, on the basis of the definition of a residual resource of the machine. The algorithm is sampled( measurements) of the metal structures of cranes. A variant of transition from the hardness of steel to its  strength.

    Keywords: chapel strength, chapel, endurance, a residual resource, providing design, resource rationing, hardness

  • Method of calculation of power characteristics of belt elastic element

    Currently actively developing direction of seismic protection, the identified using absorbing screens made in the form of sandwich structures with упругопластическими energy-absorbing elements. In this article, on the basis of the conducted research and analysis, the formulas for the calculation of power characteristics of belt elastic element.

    Keywords: Dynamic loading, uprugoplastichesky deformation, deformation chart, power absorption

  • Information content of the frequency characteristics of N-gram of the websites text fragments for search systems

      The work in the Internet is impossible without the use of search systems. The quality of the responses to user’s requests to a large extent depends on the keywords. However, due to some circumstances the user is not able to accurately enough to formulate a request and the number of received responses is great. In these situations, additional feature relevant answers selection can be text documents belonging to a particular implicit group. Implicitness group is shown in the fact that the text belongs to it is determined not by direct comparison with the reference (key) words, but by matching the semantic features, the wording of which is absent in the search text. Implementation of text classification can be made on the basis of the frequency characteristics of N-grams. The purpose of the work is to assess the possibility of using the frequency characteristics of N-gram of the websites text fragments to improve search engine based on a study of their information content. In this work designed a method based on the selection of informative indicators of N-gram with low computational requirements and with application of the correlation analysis. Based on its application has been shown that the frequency characteristics of N-grams have sufficient information content to improve search engines. The developed method has many common with systems of writing, because it relies not only on the alphabetic systems.  

    Keywords: N-gram, request, semantic features, search engine

  • The neural networks recognition of the classes in real time

    The work is devoted to the development of theoretical and practical basis for the use of intelligent technologies for productive extraction of knowledge from data sets for decision-making in real time.Developed the method  construction of the accelerating algorithm, while controlling for allowable adequacy model allows training neural network models in the rate of real-time within a given risk. Proposed accelerating algorithm and neural network models are built based on a standard emulator, providing the required efficiency in the processing of the input array. within the limits.

    Keywords: neyroemulyator speeding up the algorithm, cascade circuit training sample, gradient descent, back propagation of error

  • Personnel streams in logistics of transport

    Problems of formation of the logistical approach to management of personnel streams of the enterprise are considered.

    Keywords: Logistic, person, stream, transport, logistics sistem

  • Service as a markering and logistics category

    In the article was shown the essence of the concept of "service" from the standpoint of marketing and logistic activities, the service dualism, the assessment of service of marketing and logistic positions. In the article was made an attempt to differentiate service operations to marketing or logistics activities in the aim of improving the management process of customer service and competitiveness of the company

    Keywords: service, service management, logistics service, marketing service, service assessment