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  • Planning and natural frameworks the region as a basis for the formation of tourist and recreational areas

    The article analyzes the urban planning documents of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, establishing the boundaries of the planned tourist and recreational zones of regional significance on the territory. The author gives proposals for the creation and development of planning frameworks for the region: ecological, tourist-recreational and natural water, contributing to the balanced socio-economic development of the territory of the Leningrad region. The classification of recreation and tourism objects for a particular region is formulated, as a basis for the formation of tourist and recreational zones of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

    Keywords: Planning framework, ecological framework, tourist and recreational framework, natural water framework, forest park green belt, specially protected natural area, tourist and recreational zone, objects of recreation and tourism

  • Application of energy-efficient and green technologies in the construction of a multi-storey residential building

    The analysis of the use of renewable energy sources in Russia is carried out. The main features of the use of energy-efficient technologies in construction are considered. On the example of the construction of a 9-storey residential building, a comprehensive analysis of the construction area is performed. Solutions with the use of energy-efficient and green technologies are proposed.

    Keywords: construction, energy-efficient technologies, green technologies, renewable energy sources, energy saving, energy efficiency

  • Behavioral features of a virtual personality on the web

    This article provides information that there are different categories of users with different groups of behavioral features. All this data is separated from each other. In the course of this work, it was found that if all data on user models are combined into one method, then the analysis by which information about a virtual person is obtained can lead to improved adaptability of web resources using new technologies.

    Keywords: usability, virtual reality, types of virtual personalities, segmentation, socialization, user, Internet

  • Automatic segmentation of subretinal fluid boundaries in retinal macular layers to improve the analysis quality of optical coherence tomography scans of retinal patients with wet AMD

    This paper proposes an algorithm for automatic segmentation of subretinal fluids in the macular retinal layers of the retina. The proposed algorithm is implemented in an integrated development environment - PyCharm, a high-level general-purpose programming language (GPL) - Python was chosen. The proposed algorithm together with other methods of analysis of morphometric parameters of the human retina, which are still under development, will be used for more accurate diagnosis of the stage and degree of retinal damage in age-related macular degeneration.

    Keywords: software, image processing, diagnostics, automatic segmentation, macula, retina, age-related macular degeneration, optical coherence tomography

  • A model for assessing the timeliness and completeness of the exchange of information resources in corporate systems with a distributed registry

    The article considers a model for evaluating the performance indicators of information resource exchange in corporate systems, designed to analyze the ability of systems with a distributed registry to ensure the timeliness and completeness of information exchange. As the main indicator, it is proposed to take into account the probability of failure of a segment of the corporate system for each epoch. To find this indicator, we use probabilistic estimates of sums bounded from above by hypergeometric and binomial distributions with probability boundaries of Chebyshev, Heffding, and Schwatal. A numerical and comparative analysis of the proposed estimates is carried out.

    Keywords: distributed registry technology, information system, segmentation, block chain

  • Methodology for ensuring the timeliness and completeness of the exchange of information resources in corporate networks with a distributed registry

    The article discusses the methodology for ensuring the timeliness and completeness of the exchange of information resources in corporate networks built on the basis of distributed registry technology, which takes into account the variability of the strategy of the behavior of the distributed registry system during information exchange. The technique takes into account non-standard functions, such as the formation of a branch of the processed data and the impact of an attacker, and also allows you to determine the average value of the block generation delay time by adjusting the number of operations required to solve the block. The use of this method allows to increase the value of the indicator of timeliness and completeness of the exchange of information resources in the corporate network by 30% compared to the existing system of information exchange.

    Keywords: distributed registry technology, corporate network, information resources

  • Investigation of the distribution of dust particles in a sports room

    This article is devoted to the study of the characteristics of fine dust particles in the gym. The monitoring of the dust content of the sports premises with fine particles was carried out, and the dispersed composition of the settled dust was also studied. The regularity of the dust distribution in the room depending on the measurement height is analyzed. The analysis of the state of the system of external respiratory organs is carried out.

    Keywords: monitoring, gym, dispersion analysis, fine particles, respiratory organs, PM2. 5, PM10, dust factor

  • Investigation of the dust factor in the residential premises of a multi-storey student dormitory

    This article is devoted to the study of the dust factor in the residential premises of a student dormitory during repair work, including the assessment of the regularities of the distribution of solid suspended particles by equivalent diameters (PM0.5, PM1, PM2.5, PM5 and PM10) and the determination of their concentrations.

    Keywords: dust pollution, PM2. 5, PM10, solid suspended particles, fine dust fractions, student dormitory

  • Diagrid system review as constuctions made of rods mesh

    The article provides a brief overview of the creation of the Diagrid system, describes the concept of forming this structure, its key elements and their role in creating geometrically immutable integral structures. The main directions of application in construction and the peculiarities of work on vertical and horizontal force effects are given. It also provides an overview of the materials of construction used and the main design constraints. This article will be useful for design engineers and architects engaged in the design and calculation of high-rise buildings, as well as buildings with a complex architectural form made of reinforced concrete and metal structures.

    Keywords: diagrid, mesh supporting structures, reinforced concrete structures, metal structures, stability, free architectural form

  • Research of the difference model of coordination of public and private interests of resource allocation in marketing networks by simulation methods

    The article deals with the difference model of coordination of general and private interests in the distribution of resources in marketing networks. The dynamics of a managed system describes the interaction of members of the target audience (base agents), leading to a change in their opinions (spending on the purchase of goods and services of firms competing in a certain market). The gain of each firm includes two components: the total opinion of the base agents, taking into account marketing costs (the common interest for all agents of influence) and the return on investment in some private activity. The Coordinating Center determines the marketing budgets of the firms and maximizes the total opinion of the base agents, taking into account the resources allocated to the firms. The total discounted income of the Center and the agents of influence are found. The results are analyzed and the optimal allocation of resources is concluded.

    Keywords: models of coordination of public and private interests, simulation, modeling, marketing, resource allocation, budget, private activity

  • Research of methods of loading of bales of biomass

    This study shows how it is possible to reduce the cost of transporting bales of biomass from the place of their production – the field, to the place of storage and processing on farms. The developed model of increasing the number of small warehouses allows farmers to transport round bales to storage locations in the most efficient way. The calculation was carried out in a field with an area of 16 hectares, the optimal distance for transporting bales is 0.8 km.

    Keywords: straw, bale, biomass bale crop parts, bale logistics, bale transport from the field, delivery efficiency, transportation costs, bale storage locations, front loader, self-loading trailer

  • Development of a general scheme for the movement of solid municipal waste from the consumer to the finished final product

    This article discusses the general waste management system in Russia, which includes five main areas (landfills, waste sorting complexes, waste incineration complexes, waste processing complexes, waste composting plants). Two types of sorting of municipal solid waste are considered: manual and automatic. Also, a scheme was proposed for the movement of the main products of solid municipal waste from the consumer to the finished final product.

    Keywords: municipal solid waste, waste sorting problems, waste preparation for sorting, technologies for automatic waste sorting

  • Features of constructing a mathematical model of compaction of subsidence soils by deep explosions

    The method of compaction of subsident soils by deep explosions is widely used in civil construction of buildings and structures. It is characterized by high efficiency of soil compaction and low financial costs for the production of works. This emphasizes the undoubted advantage of the method in comparison with other analogues. In this paper, some features of constructing a mathematical model of compaction of subsident soils by deep explosions are described. The conditions for the existence and uniqueness of the solution of boundary value problems in the framework of the investigated model are given.

    Keywords: subsidence soil, loess, deep explosion, concentrated charge, elongated charge, soil compaction, mathematical model, diffusion equation, boundary value problem, solvability of the model

  • A method of sending messages, using best practices for organizing data exchange and cryptographic instant messaging protocols using end-to-end encryption

    This article proposes the development of a method for transmitting secure messages using a combination of best practices for organizing data exchange and cryptographic instant messaging protocols using end-to-end encryption. It considers ways of organizing an application using a peer-to-peer network and client-server architecture. It analyzes popular instant messaging protocols using end-to-end encryption. The software components of the application based on the developed method are described.

    Keywords: messenger, end-to-end encryption, cryptographic protocol, instant messaging, peer-to-peer network, client-server

  • Methods for recognizing named entities in Russian

    This article briefly discusses recurrent neural networks and bidirectional recurrent neural networks. A conditional random field is also described. In particular, we consider the vector representation in the form of the ELMo model, the bidirectional language model and its fine-tuning. A diagram of the architecture of a bidirectional recurrent neural network with CRF is also given.

    Keywords: named entity recognition, neural network, word vector representation, language model, conditional random field, neural network architecture, recurrent neural network, natural language processing, bidirectional recurrent neural network