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  • Modeling the concept of a smart home in a virtual environment Cisco Packet Tracer

    This article discusses the technology of the Internet of things, which is used to connect smart objects to the network, for intelligent control of the power system and automation of household processes. Intelligent power system management aimed at ensuring a more uniform use of electricity and minimizing energy losses during transmission and consumption of electricity. This technology is currently being promoted globally by utilities, scientific organizations, and governments. In this work, also, a conceptual model of a smart home is built in the Cisco Packet Tracer virtual constructor and diagrams of device interaction at all levels of network construction are given.

    Keywords: internet of Things, IoT, cybersecurity, automation, Cisco Packet Tracer

  • To the selection of the optimal metal truss for a pitched roof

    The article should choose a metal truss based on the initial data for pitched roofs. Defined maximum loads and deflections in each truss. On the analysis of the residually deformed state of the truss, it was concluded that the most authentic in terms of the structural members of the truss. Recommendations are given for the design of load-bearing structures of roofs on metal trusses in the manufacture of a shed roof structure.

    Keywords: truss, effort, designing, deflection, roof, load, static calculation, displacements, trapezoidal truss, Molodechno truss

  • Comparison of logistics systems of a construction organization based on the concept of Material Requirements Planning and Just-in-Time

    This article analyzes two systems of logistics for construction organizations based on the concept of Material Requirements Planning (MRP) and Just-in-Time (JIT). The main advantages and disadvantages of each system were investigated, and which of them are most effective in the current conditions were determined. Possible options for improving MTO systems are considered, as well as recommendations for the introduction of MRP and JIT into the practice of construction organizations to increase efficiency and reduce costs are proposed. The article will be useful for specialists in the field of construction and logistics, as well as for everyone who works in the field of management and optimization of business processes.

    Keywords: logistics, Material Requirements Planning concept, Just-in-Time concept, construction project planning

  • Hadamard matrices as a source of quantum computer tests

    The problem of computing symmetric Hadamard matrices of the Balonin-Siberry construction is considered. To obtain such matrices, a large number of random binary sequences are required to select three of them, which are bound by the requirements of the matrix design. Such sequences are the first rows of three cyclic blocks of Hadamard matrices. The background of the emergence of quantum computing and the advantage of quantum generation of binary sequences for subsequent selection are considered. The calculation of Hadamard matrices is proposed as a test problem for quantum computers, which allows to show quantum superiority.

    Keywords: quantum computers, qubits, random number generators, orthogonal matrices, Mersenne matrices, Kronecker product

  • Decompaction of clay soils as a result of moisturization

    This article presents the results of a study of the process of decompaction of clay soils when they are used in soil structures. To study this issue, the following factors were chosen: the dimensions of the test samples, the amount of load on the samples, swelling when soils are moistened and shrinkage when they are dried, and the loss of strength of the samples during their decompaction was also estimated. All studies with soils were carried out in laboratory conditions. In the course of the research, dependences of relative decompaction on vertical load and changes in shear forces depending on the degree of moisture during decompaction of soils were obtained. The main conclusions of the work are given.

    Keywords: clayey soil, decompaction of soils, mineralogical composition, optimal soil moisture content, density of the soil skeleton

  • Application of factor indicators in selection of construction technologies in emergency conditions

    The article contains statistics on the number of destroyed buildings as a result of emergencies that have occurred over the past twenty years. A table has been formed taking into account the factors of selection of the method of erecting buildings.

    Keywords: earthquake, construction technology, factor, selection of construction method

  • Analysis of the stability of the technological system for the production of caramel

    The paper considers the operator model of the technological system for the production of caramel, assesses the stability of the subsystems and the content of the technological system. For a consistently stable caramel formation subsystem using the Shewhart map under specific production conditions, an analysis of the stability of the subsystem was carried out.

    Keywords: operator model, subsystem, system integrity, process stability, control charts, average values, range

  • Analysis of the assessment of the throughput capacity of a self-regulating intersection in urban conditions on the territory of Petrozavodsk

    On the basis of the study, an analysis was made of the capacity of the roundabout according to the existing traffic intensity in the city, taking into account the composition of the traffic flow, the main factors affecting the passage of vehicles at the entrance to the self-regulated intersection are given. The possibilities of reducing congestion within the framework of the existing street and road network of the city are analyzed, conclusions and recommendations are given based on the results obtained.

    Keywords: traffic capacity, traffic composition, roundabout, design speed, vehicle spacing, center island, load level, congestion, normalized traffic volume, number of lanes, service level

  • Features of conducting a forensic construction and technical expertise in accordance with the principle of unity of form and content

    The relevance of forensic construction and technical expertise in the Russian Federation increases with the increase in the level of urbanization and at the same time the community of forensic construction experts with deep knowledge in the construction field obtained as a result of professional education is growing rapidly. The article raises the issues of lagging the level of preparedness of construction experts in procedural matters, in the skills of mastering the art of polemics, in the ability to flawlessly design the results of the examination in the form of an expert opinion. The authors of the article, based on the study of the practice of conducting judicial construction and technical examinations, analyzed the organizational and legal problems arising from the expert in connection with the violation of the principle of unity of form and content during the examination, underestimating the importance of putting evidence in a strict procedural form.

    Keywords: construction and technical forensic examination, special knowledge, forensic expert, examination production, examination procedure

  • A model for assessing the intelligence security of a group of unmanned aerial vehicles for military purposes from enemy radio and radio intelligence complexes

    The article considers a probabilistic-temporal model for assessing the intelligence protection of a group of unmanned aerial vehicles for military purposes from enemy radio and radio intelligence complexes in service with the US Army, provides analytical expressions and a calculation sequence with examples.

    Keywords: intelligence security, a group of unmanned aerial vehicles, the probability of temporary contact, the probability of energy detection, stealth, signal-to-noise ratio, surveillance reconnaissance zone, detailed reconnaissance zone, radio and radio intellig

  • Evaluation of the influence of friction on the stress state of a concrete base under the influence of a rigid corner punch

    The paper considers an example of solving a plane problem of the theory of plasticity as applied to concrete, which occurs when an absolutely rigid stamp acts on a concrete base. In this case, the solution was sought in the form of isolines of characteristics, the position of which made it possible to determine the stress state of the foundation. In this case, three areas were distinguished, differing in the stressed state. In the work, it was possible to analyze the effect of friction on the surface of the stamp on the boundaries of these regions and the isolines of stresses in them. Three conditions were considered: friction is absent, friction is constant, friction is proportional to the greater principal stress. The influence of various boundary conditions on the surface of the stamp on the stress state of the concrete base is revealed.

    Keywords: concrete, theory of plasticity, plane problem, stress-strain state, stresses, friction, corner punch

  • Automated monitoring system for the lower position of the crusher cone KKD-1500/180-GWP of the processing plant of JSC Lebedinsky GOK based on a contactless inductive position sensor

    The article discusses the development of an automated monitoring system for the lower position of the crusher cone KKD-1500/180-GWP of the processing plant of JSC Lebedinsky GOK based on a contactless inductive position sensor. The purpose of this system is to inform the technological personnel in a timely manner about the irregular lowering of the crusher cone to the lower level, followed by prompt measures to eliminate or repair the crusher hydraulic unit, as well as the constant maintenance of the crushing ore optimal mode with specified quality characteristics in size. The automated monitoring system for the lower position of the crusher cone will reduce the concentrating plant concentrate losses, increase production efficiency by reducing the electricity specific consumption, as well as improve the personnel working conditions.

    Keywords: crushing of ferruginous quartzites, enrichment factory, cone crusher, granulometric composition of ore, automated system for monitoring the position of the cone crusher

  • Formation of a Systematic Approach in the Organization of Instrumental Quality Control of the Hinged Facade on the Basis of the Regulatory Framework

    When conducting quality control, it is necessary to consider the quality of both each individual element of the facade and the quality of the hinged facade as a system. When structuring the review of tools for instrumental quality control of curtain facade systems, their application should be considered according to controlled parameters, which can be divided into two groups. The quality control group of facade system elements combines methods and tools used in quality control of building materials and does not require the contractor to know about the principles of the hinged facade system. The quality control group of the device (assembly) of the hinged facade consists of operations to determine the quality of the operability of the hinged facade system. This group is entirely based on the idea of the work of the hinged facade as a single system. Based on the results of systematization and generalization of data, it was concluded that the current regulatory documentation regulates the use of instrumental control tools, leaving aside the issues of organization that come to the fore when quality control of the hinged facade of a construction object as a whole, when there is a task of choosing and using several tools of instrumental control at the same time. It is these questions that should be the subject of further research.

    Keywords: systems of hinged facades, quality control organizations, a systematic approach in the organization, instrumental control, elements of the facade system, the device of the hinged facade, methods and means of control

  • Designing a security module for evidence of identification during testing in the e-learning system

    The article describes the algorithmic realisation of a software module for evidence of learner’s identification in the testing process. The advantage of this module is simple operation, ease of implementation and execution as well as convenience of application by various categories of users. The need for such a module was engendered by the problem of examinee identification during testing in the e-learning system. The technology of program module operation is based on forming questions with the use of information stored in the learner’s personal account; the operation result is demonstrated through confirmation or non-confirmation of the examinee’s identity in real time.

    Keywords: distance learning, identification, student testing, software module, learner’s personal account

  • Using a temporal convolutional network to predict commodity futures under uncertainty

    The article discusses commodity futures price forecasting using a temporal convolutional network. Commodity futures forecasting is an important task for investors and traders because it allows you to predict future prices and the direction of the market. Commodity futures forecasting can be done using a variety of methods and approaches. One such approach is the use of deep learning models, which consists in predicting futures quotes using artificial neural networks. There are many types of neural networks, among them the most popular for the task of processing time series are recurrent neural networks. However, recurrent neural networks have certain disadvantages that a temporal convolutional network does not have. The temporal convolutional network architecture has unique features such as parallel processing of data, extraction of short- and long-term dependencies, and extraction of important features on different time scales. An experiment was conducted to assess the accuracy of predicting the closing price of seven commodity futures using a temporary convolutional network and an ARIMA statistical model with automatic selection of parameters. As a result of the experiment, it was revealed that the temporary convolutional network is superior to the statistical ARIMA model and is a very effective model for forecasting commodity futures. However, despite the high potential of the proposed forecasting model, it is also important to take into account various other analytical methods, such as fundamental analysis and expert opinion.

    Keywords: machine learning, temporal convolutional neural network, commodity futures forecasting, commodities, financial time series