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  • Reducing energy consumption of household refrigerating appliances by intensifying the cooling condenser

    We propose a method for cooling the condenser compression refrigerator, including the use of melt water wetting the surface of the water condenser. The water is directed into the groove in the middle part of which is the tube condenser coil, and the water flows by gravity to the tribes of the inclined groove, wetting the surface of the trough and tube condenser. Remains of meltwater routed to the tank on the compressor.

    Keywords: Household refrigerating appliances, water, cooling, condenser, reducing energy consumption

  • The study of the dynamic characteristics Installations for jetting processing surface

      In this article the mathematical model dynamic process installations for blast cleaning the surface, and clearly showed the graph of the transition process, given the theoretical integer parameters yield in the specific process conditions.

    Keywords: Fluid Technology, a dynamic characteristic of the drive, nozzle - gate, jetting processing surface

  • Study the effect of different gases and volatile liquids on the mechanical properties of the films mycelium

      The algorithm of the research, including the technology of making the mycelium film on the resonator of bulk acoustic wave and gas medium with the given concentration was developed. As a result of the investigations the sorption sensitivity of extracts of the higher shiitake mushroom mycelium to the fume of volatile liquids and gases (acetone, ethyl acetate, formaldehyde, chloroform, acetic acid and hydrochloric acid, hexane, 10% aqueous ammonia) was studied. The study has shown that there are the processes of making the mycelium films, which keep the initial values of the resonant frequency and the quality factor of the resonator after moving off the fumes or gases. This work has shown that the mycelia films are very promising as a new material for gas selective coatings of electro acoustic sensors.

    Keywords: mycelia films, flying liquids, gases, gas electro-acoustic sensors

  • Mathematical and statistical models predicting efficiency of surgical treatment of certain diseases

    Article focuses on the use of statistical models to predict tolerability surgery using intracavitary hyperthermic chemotherapy (IHCT) and the definition of indications and contraindications to perform operations and tolerability for patients with cancer based on the hemostatic patient. This technique allows a high enough accuracy to prediction portability planned surgery, duration of disease-free period, the period and quality of life in the immediate and late postoperative period.Improve treatment of patients with malignant tumors of the abdomen and pelvis, is one of the priorities of modern health care. Relevance of various parameters of immunity, clinical and biological parameters of homeostasis and prognosis of malignant disease in humans will significantly reduce the proportion of late diagnoses of relapses. Recently there has been increased research to find a method of complex cytoreductive surgery and the use of cytotoxic drugs, and physical therapies, one of which is a local intraoperative hyperthermic chemotherapy. With the help of statistical methods has been studied the degree of influence on the parameters IHCT immunity and an estimate of the nature of the immunological changes in different types of surgery. Methods of binary logistic regression analysis was calculated diskriminatnogo forecast portability operation - patient survival probability. Based on the method of multiple regression were obtained algorithms calculate the duration of life of patients after surgery, and the duration of DFS. Studies based on the factor analysis showed that the main factors affecting the prognosis of disease-free period and the period of life are the morphological structure of the tumor volume cytoreduction, the sum of your immune system and cancer markers. Peritoneal cancer index, sex and age of the patient does not have a significant effect on these parameters. Thus, the introduction into clinical practice of the proposed computer systems and statistical forecasting models allow physicians to objectively evaluate the performance of homeostasis, the portability of the planned surgery, more accurately predict the course of the cancer disease and the likelihood of recurrence of the disease and the duration and quality of life.

    Keywords: statistics, modeling, forecasting, surgery, colorectal cancer, disease-free life expectancy, tolerance of surgery, immunological parameters, factor analysis, regression equation

  • Quantum-chemical analysis of various ways of the organization of polymers based on 3-alkyl pyrroles for gas sensors

      Polypyrrole is a perspective material for gas sensors. Property of polymeric chains can vary largely depending on their packing. Power characteristics are studied. Features of a structure and power tetramers thiophenes with methyl, ethyl, propyl substitutions in position 3 pyrroles a cycle are investigated. The most perspective and stable tetramers are revealed from the thermodynamic point. The estimation of laws of formation of a polymeric chain is spent.  Influence of the assistant on stability tetramers is considered.

    Keywords: Polypyrrole, quantum-chemical research, influence of alkyl substituents, tetramer, cycle, polymeric chain, power tetramers

  • Priority problem green building in Rostov-on-Don

    To create in Rostov-on-Don, ecologically effective, technologically advanced and durable green plantings to solve the problem: 1. Create a variety of trees for landscaping cities and towns; 2. Determine the principles of green plantings, ensuring their maximum environmental efficiency. In the steppe zone of Russia should use the structure of the park, with a high proportion of dense plantings (400 trees per hectare) of long-lived trees of the first magnitude.

    Keywords: green building, greening cities, assortment of trees, ecologically effective green plantings, the steppe zone

  • Multidiagnostics system for patients with postural deficits and algorithm for recognizing stabilographic signals

      Work is connected with the synthesis of information behavior of groups of autonomous intelligent agents of biomedical research, and machine learning methods to ensure the reliability of the forecast increase in their behavior using multi-agent systems based on the use of bionic principles, methods and models of swarm intelligence. Developed multi-agent system simulates the behavior of groups of autonomous intelligent agents developed methods to meet the proposed criteria of reliability, differing form the structure of the system and developed a set of specialized agents that provides the capability to model a group of biomedical robotics using autonomous intelligent agents. Classifier of stabilographic signals on the basis of Parzen method was developed. These data indicate that the auxiliary symptoms resulting from multidimensional scaling much more informative initial attributes.

    Keywords: Intelligent agent, multidiagnostics, Parzen classifier

  • Micropower selective amplifier in basis in radiation-hard process technology ABMK_1_3

    Classical implementation of active selective amplifiers (SA) are usually associated with design sophisticated active elements (operational amplifiers) that consume relatively large power from their universality. This paper present the active SA based on an analog array chip ABMK_1_3, that have high level of radiation resistance to the flow of neutrons and accumulated dose of radiation. This SA implemented on the basis of a voltage-to-current converter with a minimum number of transistors and low consumption static current. Efficient use of current amplifier can be explained by use frequency dependent symmetric chains in a feedback loop. This property provides the independence of the pole frequency f0 = fp on the gain of the active element, as well as maximizing the quality factor.
    The basic analytical expressions that establish the relationships between the SA and the characteristics of active and passive components are given. The relations that help minimize sensitivity of parameters SA to instability properties of the components are considered. Simulation results of desired SA are shown.  

    Keywords: selective amplifier, bandpass filter, active RC-filter, analog array chip, radiation hardness

  • Structural design of information and measurement systems for biopotential research

      The mathematical features of construction information and measuring health systems (IMS). Because biological systems are complex, not always well-defined structure, for their correct description and implementation of metrological analysis requires its imposition. Accordingly, the presentation described bioinstrumentalnoe MIS. Within the theory of metrological synthesis formulated the concept of IMS core. With the use of the mathematical theory of categories and object-oriented modeling describes the basic relationships between the elements of the core IMS. The basic position with regards to the construction of MIS based on its structure. A scheme of the developed system of environmental monitoring of water environment on the basis of an integrated assessment of water quality. The main components of the system were presented. Feature of the developed system is the consideration of non-fixed sources of pollution, which was made possible thanks to the developed method of integral evaluation.

    Keywords: Measuring health system, object-oriented modeling, method of integral evaluation

  • Principles for the development of biopotential amplifiers and method of processing data on reactions

      The requirements to be met by a data acquisition system in terms of each of the problems to be solved. Presented electric concept developed biopotential amplifier with a total gain of 2000. The theoretical model of the spectrum of RR intervals and changes depending on the running processes. The analysis revealed that the resulting spectrum satisfies the conditions considered in the theoretical model, and can be further analyzed with fractal characteristics.

    Keywords: Instrumental amplifier, biopotential, fractal index

  • Thermal-Electric degradation of fiber-optical communication lines problem and promising ways of its solution

    In this article authors give information about problem of fiber-optical communication lines thermal-electric degradation and its consequences and study main reasons and factors which have an influence upon the degree of thermal-electric degradation. Possible and the most promising research ways are examined in this subject area; they let not only study this subject of  fiber-optical communication lines thermal-electric degradation in detail but to solve this problem in whole.

    Keywords: electromagnetic field, thermal-electric degradation, fiber-optical communication lines, FOC-cored static wire, kevlar, electrified railway

  • Multichannel OpAmp and JFET follower IC on radiation hardened array

    The features of circuit engineering and results of chip computer simulation which consists of 4-channel operational amplifier (op amp) and 2-channel electrometric voltage follower, designed for pre-processing of sensors signals in high-energy physics are considered. 
    The characteristic properties of designed op amp are the absence of current source in the input differential stage and the use of parallel high-frequency channel for increasing of the bandwidth and slew rate.
    The results of experimental research that have confirmed the low sensitivity of the parameters of designed integrated circuits created on the field programmable gate array "FGPA-1.3" without the horizontal p-n-p transistors to the influence of gamma-irradiation and electrons with energy of 4 MeV are given.  

    Keywords: operational amplifier, field programmable gate array, voltage follower, sensor, sensing element, radiation resistance.

  • Stabilographic functional diagnostics in elite sports

      The purpose of investigation is to examine the effect of adaptation to difficult-house physical stress on the regulation of the vertical posture of man. For the analysis of the ability to maintain a vertical position used stabilographic hardware-software complex "Stabilan-1-02" (JSK Rhythm ", Russia). The ability to maintain a vertical position was evaluated in two static positions: 1) the main stand (OS) in the presence and absence of visual information, and 2) dip (PP) in the presence of visual information. Revealed that an increase of physical performance ability to maintain balance in static positions, especially in the complicated conditions (deprivation of visual information and static muscle tension) increases.

    Keywords: Sports stabilometry, adaptation, vertical pose

  • Diagnosis of psychophysiological and emotional state of the human operator

      Various non-invasive assessment of psycho-physiological and emotional state were analyzed: the fractal estimation of speech signals, the analysis of rhythmic EEG patterns and computer stabilometry. The results allowing  prediction of the transition of the individual in a particular state, were obtained and objective criteria for determining the individual personality as a specialist were identified.

    Keywords: Emotuonal speech, EEG pattern, attractor, suggestibility

  • Perfecting Devices for Tribomonitoring of Machines and Mechanisms Joints by Using Optoelectronics.

    The device for uninterrupted measurement of shaft wearing out by stuffing tightening is offered. The device for investigating sealing tightenings is worked out. Opticoelectronic systems are used for increasing the accuracy of measuring and for the purpose of uninterrupted monitoring in the construction of both devices.

    Keywords: tribomonitoring, machines and mechanisms, optoelectronics, wear, seals