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  • Integrated waste management system in the Rostov region

    The article analyzes the sources of waste in the Rostov region, namely the accumulation of toxic chemicals, household activities of the population, the fuel and energy complex. As a result of violations of waste disposal technologies is a high level of air pollution, water pollution, soil degradation, soil and water contamination by heavy metals, spontaneous combustion of landfill biogas allocation.      Consider measures to ensure environmental safety in the Rostov region ""for 2014 - 2020 g provided a long-term regional target program of 2,012m

    Keywords: biogas, waste management, waste water, desertification, environmental security, Rostov region

  • The investigation of properties of gas sensitive materials based on SiO2SnOxCuOy thin films used in gas sensors for multisensory air monitoring system

    The establishment of automated air monitoring systems is a promising way of the air monitoring devices development. The comparative analysis of literature has shown that thin films based on semiconductor metal oxides are effective and widely used material for air monitoring systems creation. In order to create effective and more sensitive sensors it is important to research processes that occur on the surface of the gas sensitive material when it contacts with different substances. The processes that proceed on the surface of gas sensitive material based on SiO2SnOxCuOy during the interaction with molecules of nitrogen dioxide. Quantum chemical calculations have shown that there are three possible mechanisms of interaction between the molecules of nitrogen dioxide with a surface of gas sensitive material.

    Keywords: multitouch system of the monitoring, gas-sensitive material, molecules of dioxide of nitrogen

  • Studing of creation a properties of anthropogenic sediments in phosphogypsum dumps' by remaking basic material from various deposits

    There is two type of phosphate minerals for phosphate basic materials. Features of the apatite and the phosphorite deposits are given consideration. It is marked, that stacking process is forming from two sorts of phosphogypsum: dehydrate and semi-hydrate calcium sulphite. The results of studying the phosphogypsums' physical-mechanical properties are given. Specific structurial-mechanical, strength and strain conditions are considered.

    Keywords: apatite deposits, phosporite deposits, extraction method, dehydrate and semi-hydrate phosphogypsum, dumps, geotechnical properties

  • The influence of multiple-charge impurity centers on the potential distribution in the semiconductor surficial region

    The mathematical model of the potential distribution in the semiconductor surficial region in the presence of deep-lying levels in its forbidden zone which specified by multiple-charge impurity centers has been developed. The simulation results can be used for the width of the space charge region estimation, for the prognostication of the most probable mechanism of the charge carriers transfer in metal-semiconductor structure with multiple-charge deep-lying levels and also for the prognostication of the barrier capacitance value. It can be used in the development of solid-state electronic devices with improved values of some parameters.

    Keywords: Poisson’s equation, multiple-charge impurity center, potential distribution, deep-lying levels

  • Research of process of drying of conversion lime carbonate in a tube-dryer

    In article findings of investigation of process of drying of conversion lime carbonate in an air-operated tube-dryer are resulted. For the first time dependences of moisture content in a tube-dryer from reference temperature of air or gases and from length of a tube-dryer are received. Results of researches can be used for designing of tubes-dryers for large-tonnage productions of conversion lime carbonate. 

    Keywords: conversion lime carbonate, drying, tube-dryer

  • Study of SiO2SnOxCuOy Sensor Response Stability to Carbon Oxide (II)

      Stability of sensors on the basis of inorganic oxide materials is one of the primary goals by working out of atmospheric air control devices. In this work long-term stability of a sensor response on the basis of the SiO2SnOxCuOy material to carbon oxide (II) exposure in a range of concentration 1-100 ppm is studied. It is shown that the sensor response differs high stability and reproducibility. Continuous heating within 21 days to working temperature (350°С) influence its value negligibly.

    Keywords: stability of a response, sensor, carbon oxide, material of structure of SiO2SnOxCuOy.

  • Ensuring functioning of city system of environmental monitoring of data on the address with production wastes and consumption in Taganrog

      In city system of environmental monitoring works on collecting data on production wastes and consumption of the enterprises of Taganrog are performed. The system includes three sections: quantity and types of a waste; data on places of long storage of a waste; data on the enterprises and technologies of processing of a waste. The scheme of management, maintaining and processing of base of ecological data is provided. Types of the analysis of collected data are considered. 

    Keywords: Production wastes and consumption, monitoring of a waste, municipal control system of a waste, scheme of management of a database

  • Export-oriented policy as a tool of the industrial sector

    The main maintenance of a diversification of production as activity of subjects of managing is considered. being shown in purchase of the operating enterprises, the organizations of the new enterprises, redistribution of investments in interests of the organization and development of new production on available floor spaces. The most important organizational economic targets of a diversification of management are presented by innovative activity of the industrial enterprise.

    Keywords: industrial policy, import substitution, export-oriented policies, the competitiveness of industries

  • Sensitivity analysis of ZnO thin film deposited by rf reactive magnetron sputtering

      Results of researches of gas sensitive properties of zinc oxide films grown by reactive rf magnetron sputtering was shown. Process parameters, affected on the gas-sensitive ratio, response time, recovery time and the type of electrical conductivity of obtained films were identified. Optimal modes of magnetron sputtering of zinc oxide for implementing gas sensors (RF sputtering Zn target in a gas mixture of oxygen and argon at a concentration of 80% oxygen, a chamber pressure of 0.8 Pa and the magnetron power 100 W) were established. Avarage response time on NO2 gas was 5-15 sec.  The obtained values ​​of the gas-sensitivity were in the range 30-67% for NO2 concentrations from 20 to 100 ppm, CO and CO2 from 50 to 100 ppm and 81-97% for higher gas concentrations from 500 to 1000 ppm.  

    Keywords: Nanotechnology, magnetron sputtering, zinc oxide, thin films, gas sensitivity

  • Development of sensors based on ferroelectric films for hybrid sensor systems

      In this work researches of structural and electrophysical properties of ferroelectric films of lead zirconate titanate (PZT) which afterwards is planned to apply in hybrid sensor systems are done. Values of capacities of the received samples are in the range from 200 to 1100 pF, the range of thickness of the received films is 300-1000 nanometers. X-ray analysis showed direct dependence of the quantitative maintenance of crystalline PZT in film structure from partial pressure of oxygen in the camera. By results of research the range of polarization of samples are in the range 0,06 – 2,2 µC/cm2, and values of calculated piezoelectric modules are in the range 0,04*10-12 – 13,3*10-12 C/N.

    Keywords: sensors, segnetoelektric films, touch systems, piezoelectric modules.

  • Determination of design data of the screw mixer of bulks

      Analytical dependence for determination of the key design data of the screw is received. Influence of quantity of recyclings of mixing of materials and mixing duration on these parameters is shown. Dependence of quality of a mix on quantity of cycles of mixing is established.  

    Keywords: screw mixer, bulks, quantity of cycles, mixing duration, quality of a mix

  • Accounting for the effects of differences between the moduli of elasticity in compression and tension in the calculation of the strength of reinforced beams with filler of foamy fibrous concrete

    The article investigates the impact on the normal stresses of inequality of the young modulus for tension and compression in the bending of reinforced beams. Obtained formulas for determination of the bending moments that arise in the fixture, compressed and stretched zone of the aggregate. Found the formula for the normal stresses arbitrarily supported reinforced beams, arbitrary cross section and arbitrarily loaded bending loads. For example, reinforced beams of rectangular cross-section shows the determination of the neutral line and maximum stresses.

    Keywords: reinforced beam, elastic modulus, stress, normal concrete

  • Cracking of reinforced-concrete elements with holes during torsion and during torsion wist

    Cracking of reinforced-concrete elements with holes is examined. Comparison of theoretical and experiment moments of crack’s  formation during torsion, and during intensive torsion with twist. Formula for practical calculations of cracking of reinforced-concrete elements with holes during torsion and formula for estimate of cracking of reinforced-concrete elements with holes during intensive torsion with twist is suggested.

    Keywords: Crack, twist, torsion, reinforced-concrete, elements, hole, beam

  • Research of point surface defect’s composition and structure on casts of stainless steel when casting by investment pattern

    Results of research the ties of refrectory oxide, which form in the course of filling with stainless steels, and specific point defects impairing casts of stainless steel.

    Keywords: quartz mould, chromium steel, oxides, chemical analysis, physicochemical interaction

  • A method of numerical modeling of spectrometric systems of gas sensors

      A principle of spectrometric systems of gas sensors was described. A model and a method of numerical modeling of spectrometric gas sensor with the combined radiator-receiver of infrared radiation on the basis of the punched semiconductor thermoresistor were proposed.

    Keywords: spectrometric gas sensor, model, method of modeling