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  • The experience of building piled foundations of the piles on nonuniform basis during the construction of a 17-storey residential building in Rostov-on-don

    The article describes the experience of the device of pile foundations under the multi-storey building in difficult engineering-geological conditions in Rostov-on-don

    Keywords: Drilling piles, test, conductor pipe, sandconcrete, foundation

  • Influence of the manganese nitrate surface phenomena characteristics on impregnating tantalum capacitor anode

    The influence of manganese nitrate impregnating solutions concentration and temperature dynamic viscosity, the wetting angle, interface “porous tantalum electrode - solution” free surface energy and the impregnation degree of porous tantalum anode was researched. A quantitative characteristic of manganese nitrate solution application on porous tantalum anode of solid-electrolyte capacitor during the process of impregnation was defined and work of adhesion and cohesion was calculated. Thus increasing of solution concentration above 42% wt brings to sharp growth of surface tension and so work of cohesion is increased but carriers impregnation is fallen. The most effective impregnation is realized at concentration 27% wt. This fact corresponds to best value of tantalum anode capacitor free surface energy. So using received data we are able to estimate optimal conditions of impregnation and wetting process by nitrate magnesium.  

    Keywords: manganese nitrate, manganese dioxide, limiting wetting angle, free surface energy

  • BioComputing in real processes.

    Principle of operation of a Turing machine and its variations, including finite automata, is to read the data tape; such an organization is a direct analogy with the coding information biopolimers, wich in turm served as the basis for the creation of several DNA-based computers. Computer input device in the form of O-DNA created before, however, the input and output demanded difficult reactions, each of which require human supervision.

    Keywords: hardware basis cascade limitations hybridization ligativny cycle, coding information, computer DNA, enzymes, molecular software

  • Processing and filtering signals. State of the art

    An overview of research related to the tasks of processing and filtering of signals. Signal is considered as a random process defined by probabilistic characteristics. This article addresses the issues of the history of the development of methods of signal filtering. Recent scientific publications in which the results and the main directions of research in the field of signal processing and filtering are analyzed. Presented material extends the current state of knowledge about the problem.

    Keywords: signal, signal filtering, signal processing, stochastic process

  • Research of emission of greenhouse gases from a water complex of housing and communal services

    The question of an assessment of emission of greenhouse gases from a water complex of housing and communal services is considered. The bundled software, allowing to calculate emission of dioxide of carbon from sewage treatment processes taking into account specific conditions of their course is created. Having defined specific emissions from concrete constructions and stages of transportation and sewage treatment it is possible to supervise and regulate processes of transportation and processing of sewage  

    Keywords: emission of greenhouse gases, emission of dioxide of carbon, processing of sewage, bundled software, specific emissions

  • Prospective grinding equip-ment for factories and mobile units

    The necessity to improve the grinding process of building materials used in the construc-tion of roads using mobile mo-bile plants, based on the con-centration of operations on a single machine, a diagram of a fundamentally new developed systems for their implementa-tion

    Keywords: Mobile installations, roads, cement-concrete mixtures, crushing and grinding equip-ment, mill dynamic autogenous grinding, two-mill dynamic autogenous, factionalism, energy

  • Program complex for calculation of issue of CO2 from objects of a water complex of housing and communal services

    Measurements of partial pressure of carbon dioxide on various treatment facilities of the sewerage are carried out. It is revealed that the partial pressure of carbon dioxide can be an indicator of environmental friendliness of work of treatment facilities. It is offered to apply an indicator of redox process to expeditious control of work of sewer treatment facilities - rH2. The bundled software is developed for simplification of calculations of emission of carbon dioxide  

    Keywords: emission of greenhouse gases, emission of dioxide of carbon, partial pressure of carbon dioxide, processing of sewage, bundled software

  • Model of application of system mimo for suppression of reflections from the surface of earth in the way beamforming

    Suppression of a signal reflected from the underlying surface is being performed for the cause of location of the low-lying objects. Since the spectral characteristics of the signal and noise match, spatial difference is formed by oblique irradiation. Spatial differences are allocated by the radiation pattern. The suppression is performed by forming the zero value in the equivalent radiation pattern. The equivalent radiation pattern is a section of a generalized ambiguity function of the signals. The graphs of equivalent diagrams are shown for several areas of suppression in the view sector. The adaptive system is performing the equivalent radiation pattern zero-value scan of the underlying surface in the view sector. These algorithms are successfully applied to the MIMO system. A feature of the MIMO system is spotted in the task of forming zero values of the equivalent radiation pattern.  

    Keywords: MIMO, underlying surface, ambiguity function, adaptive system, passive noise

  • Influence of specific pressure of pressing and firing temperature on frost resistance of the modified laboratory samples from atyukhtinsky clay raw materials

    Results of researches on joint influence of specific pressure of pressing and firing temperature on physico-mechanical properties of laboratory samples on the basis of atyukhtinsky clay raw materials is shown. For the purpose of increase of frost resistance of the burned samples into structure of masses entered a carbonat containing modifying additive in an amount of 5%. For a quantitative assessment of influence of the specified factors on the main indicators of the burned samples researches with application of mathematical planning of experiment and computer processing of results were conducted. Specific pressure of pressing varied within 20±5 MPa, firing temperature – 1000±50 0C. By results of experiment the regression equations are received. It is defined that at increase of value of both varied factors, frost resistance and durability of samples increase, and water absorption – decreases. It is shown that, operating even with two technology factors – the specific pressure of pressing and firing temperature – it is possible to change significantly properties of finished products, and, using the received equations, it is possible to predict future properties of products at a stage of their production.

    Keywords: frost resistance, burned sample, modifying additive, specific pressing pressure, firing temperature, mathematical experiment planning

  • Housing services: availability and quality improvement.

    he paper deals with public utilities and their specificity. Address the issue of affordability of housing and communal services. Sformulrovano one of the areas of economic transformation utilities in Russia. The main forms of contracts of public-private partnership in the sphere of housing and communal services are: a service contract, management contract, lease, concession agreements. To implement solutions and socially important tasks of the federal target program "Complex program of modernization and reform of housing and communal services for 2010-2020 public-private partnership should be a well-oiled mechanism of long-term sotrudnichestiva government and business on mutually beneficial terms.

    Keywords: housing and communal services, the availability of housing and communal services, public-private partnership.

  • The usage of the tubes of the corrosion proof design for the reliability assurance of oil and gas transport systems in West Siberia

    In the article the types of the tubes, used for transportation of hydrocarbon resources on oil and gas fields of West Siberia are considered. the analysis of the statistical data and materials on the corrosion protection in the West-Siberian region is also provided in the article. moreover, the most optimal and effective ways of corrosion protection using the tubes of high corrosion resistance are introduced in the article.

    Keywords: hostile environment, incident, corrosion, alloy steel, reliability, refusal, pipeline

  • Pattern development and essential parameters of diversified entrepreneurial structures

    Modern trends in the transformation of business structures and forms of inter-firm cooperation have led to the emergence of new organizational and structural solutions allowing businesses to successfully compete in the market, respond quickly to changes in the external environment and internal changes, contributing to the development potential of the business. So in the Russian economic practice, along with established corporate organizational structures and network business structures brand new specific structural forms are gaining popularity, being diversified entrepreneurial business systems, combining features of corporate and network structures, but also having specific characteristics that allow them to be identified as an independent type of structures. This paper discusses the most important parameters influencing the development of a diversified network of entrepreneurial business systems and analyses key characteristics of the data structures to identify their place in the chain of organizational structures evolution  

    Keywords: organizational evolution, corporate structure, network structure, diversified entrepreneurial structure, business system

  • Methods for the synthesis of LaMnO3 (Review)

    "This review covers various methods of synthesis LaMnO3 ferroics. The general analysis of the solid-phase synthesis reactions methods and wet methods (sol-gel, sorption, co-precipitation) are carred out. The original results of LaMnO3 syntheses from various precursors by means of the in situ method are showned. The advantages and disadvantages of different methods of synthesis are determined. The analysis of synthesis LaMnO3 ferroics published data is shown:
    - the structure formation of LaMnO3 in perovskite-type phases occurs at different temperatures, depending on precursors states;
    - LaMnO3 perovskite phases differ in symmetry and unit cells parameters at room temperature, depending on the preparation conditions;
    - the highest synthesis temperature of LaMnO3 are typical for solid phase reactions method (950-1050 ° C), the lowest - for wet synthesis methods (500-700 ° C);
     - the synthesis conditions effect the stoichiometry of LaMnO3 for oxygen content.
    Our studies of structure formation processes of LaMnO3 by in situ method are allowed to define the role of precursors states at synthesis of solid phase reactions methods, adsorption, co-precipitation and sol-gel mixtures.
    It is determined that in samples prepared by wet chemical methods, the formation processes of  LaMnO3 perovskite phases occur at lower temperatures than by solid phase reaction (sol-gel precursor - 500 <T <600 ° C; precursors obtained by coprecipitation and sorption methods - at 600 <T <700 ° C and 700 <T <800 ° C, respectively).  

    Keywords: ferroics, LaMnO3, X-ray diffraction, solid-phase synthesis, sol-gel synthesis, sorption, co-precipitation

  • Optimization of thick-walled concrete shell based on the solution of the inverse problem of mechanics of heterogeneous bodies

    We solved the problem of optimization of thick-walled prestressed concrete cylinder loaded by internal pressure. Preliminary stresses in such a cylinder are created by wounding with tension cables on the outer surface. The idea of the method is to find the law of variation of modulus of elasticity , in which the state of stress is given . The analytical dependence of modulus of elasticity of the radius at which the tensile stress in the entire thickness of the shell does not occure was found. By creation of indirect heterogeneity we reduced the consumption of rebar by 10%.  The direct problem - determining the stress- strain state of a cylinder with a constant modulus of elasticity was also resolved.

    Keywords: thick-walled prestressed concrete cylinder, optimization, inverse problem, theory of elasticity, heterogeneity

  • The calculation of the optimal value of the protective layer of concrete columns of square section

    An approach to the calculation of the optimal values ​​of the protective layer of longitudinally reinforced concrete columns, operating at a central compression. Modeling performed using FEM - Ansys package for the design and implementation of spatial models of flat section of the column.

    Keywords: reinforced concrete column, longitudinal reinforcement, a protective layer of concrete, finite element method, critical load