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  • The use of a multi-segment model of the spatial characteristics of the transformation to improve the accuracy of measurements hot-wire gauges liquid flow rate

    To achieve high accuracy of measurement of liquid flow rate using the hot-wire gauges are encouraged to use multi-segment method of spatial characteristics of the transformation. The method is based on the nonlinear three-dimensional elements. Model the spatial characteristics of the transformation is maximally adapted to the peculiarities of the conversion function of the primary transmitter. Model repeats its spatial form with the non-linearity, zero drift, the influence of external factors, including temperature. This provides a low error rate calculation of flow. Study of the effectiveness of the method was based on experimental data obtained during the calibration at different temperatures. Maximum reduced measurement error does not exceed ~ 0.45% at an arbitrary temperature, recorded during measurement.

    Keywords: thermoanemometric meter spatial multi segment conversion characteristic, the error rate of fluid flow, the approximation method of least squares

  • Increase of efficiency of removal of trees and shrubs in a continuous movement of forest machines

    The article is devoted to the problem of improving the efficiency of removal of trees and shrubs (cutting and milling) in a continuous movement of forest machines. Brush cutters with active and passive working elements, as well as specialized machines are used for cutting and milling trees and shrubs. These machines have a disadvantage. It is a low reliability in operation. A general layout scheme of machines for removal of trees and shrubs is offered in the article which allows minimizing this problem. The machine has two working bodies: a basic and an additional. The basic working body is for cutting trees and shrubs. The additional working body is for milling stumps and roots and also for mixing pieces of wood with soil.

    Keywords: Through workflow, timber industry, trees and shrubs, brush cutter, mower, machine for cutting trees and shrubs

  • The crack resistance of concrete structures as a function of the marginal elasticity of concrete

    The article considers the problem of determining the moment of cracking in flexible reinforced concrete structures. It is shown that the stress at which cracks, significantly depend on the modulus of elasticity of concrete under tension, equal to the ratio of the elastic part of the deformation to the limit of elasticity of concrete.

    Keywords: diversification of management, production diversification, financial and economic purposes of a diversification, technological purposes of ensuring flexibility of production

  • Progress in elaboration of nonisocyanate polyurethanes based on cyclic carbonates

    In the article is given a review on production and application nonisocyanate polyurethanes based on cyclic carbonate oligomers. Nonisocyanate polyurethane (NIPU) networks are obtained by reaction between the polycyclic carbonate oligomers and aliphatic or cycloaliphatic polyamines with primary amino groups. This forms a crosslinked polymer with β-hydroxyurethane groups of different structure – polyhydroxyurethane polymer. Considered as a proper NIPU and hybrid polymers, involving various other oligomeric systems (HNIPU). Significant attention was paid to the materials based on renewable raw materials.The authors give an overview of recent publications in the field with a more detailed description of the Polymate Ltd. achievements.

    Keywords: nonisocyanate polyurethanes, cyclic carbonates, polyhydroxyurethane polymer.

  • Education as a social institution and a cultural phenomenon: social and cultural analysis

    In this article, the author refers to the socio-cultural study of the educational system, considering it in the institutional and systemic aspects. The author focuses on the many aspects of the concept of "education." According to the author, the complexity of the essential and functional characteristics of education implies the need for an integrated approach in its study, and allows us to consider education as a social institution and as a social and cultural phenomenon. The author refers to the analysis of the various stages in the development of the education system, formulating a conclusion about the need to bring the institutional characteristics of the education system in line with the demands and challenges of modern society. Emphasizes the importance of information and communication technology, connectedness modern education system, which also requires an adjustment of the existing approaches to the study of the phenomenon of education.

    Keywords: education, social institution, society, innovation, information

  • Nanocomposite organic-hybrid materials

    In this article is reviewed the nature of organic hybrid nanocomposites. Promising directions in the field of organic hybrid nanocomposite materials will be methods for the synthesis of multicomponent materials, as well as the type of "net net" and "host-guest". The fundamental problem with the chemistry and physics of nanocomposites is dependent "structure-property". Solving this problem will move from research materials to their purposeful design.

    Keywords: nanocomposite sol-gel technology, synthesis, nanoparticles.

  • Ecological model of vegetation steppes of the Don basin

    The paper provides information on the results of ordination analysis of Don basin steppes

    Keywords: ordination, Don basin, steppes

  • Conceptual modeling of basic tasks of a cultural infrastructure

    The article deals with the basic tasks of infrastructure cultural complex. According to the results of the analysis proposed a conceptual model of the basic tasks of cultural infrastructure for further study using integrated simulation.

    Keywords: Culture, cultural complex, conceptual modelling, uml-diagrams

  • Energy conservation during treatment of sewage from populated area

    At present an important role in solving energy conservation problem is assigned to thermal pumping plants (TPP). Using processes of evaporation and condensation of easily boiling liquid circulating in the system they extract low potential heat from environmental objects and provide heat supply for buildings, constructions, greenhousee and so on. Artificial sources of low potential heat for TPP of different capacity can be, for instance, ventilation air and exhaust gases, circulating and waste water,ground. Energy efficient reasonability of TPP use in the system of water disposal for the town of Novocherkassk in Rostov region is considered. Calculations indicate that there is a technical potential to replace a boiler house operating on expensive gas fuel and emissing into the atmospere more than 850 t of carbon dioxide - greenhouse gas - with ecologically clean TPP, one of which uses heat of waste water and the other - heat of ground.

    Keywords: thermal pumping plant, renewable sources, energy conservation, evaporation, condensation, waste water, ground

  • Finite element analysis of the applicability of the applied theories of calculation of piezoelectric device of energy storage of stack configuration

    This paper considers basic element of device of energy storage which is a piezoelectric generator (PEG) of cylindrical form with the attached inertial mass. A finite element modeling of the device operation is carried out during active load in the external circuit. The main purpose of the operation is to compare the output potential and frequency characteristics of the device known in the literature models of systems with concentrated parameters. On the basis of these models, we can receive the analytical dependence of parameters of PEG with its geometric characteristics and mechanical properties of the used materials. However, the question of the range of applicability of these formulas is still open. In this paper, based on the numerical analysis of finite element models of PEG in package ANSYS, we obtained comparison with the analytical formulas that show the values of some parameters of simplified models and set the boundaries of their applicability.

    Keywords: energy storage, PEG, piezoceramics, effective mass, resonant frequency, FEM

  • Automation of monitoring of technical condition of bridges on meliorative channels of the Rostov region

    Problems of service and repair of bridge constructions of a network of the irrigation canals which are on balance of managements of melioration are considered. The description and functionality of the automated imnformatsionny system developed by authors, allowing to carry out the account and monitoring of technical condition of bridge constructions in the territory of the Rostov region is provided.

    Keywords: The meliorative channel, bridge construction, durability and operational reliability of bridge moving via water carrying out channels, monitoring of a condition of the bridge moving, the automated information system

  • Way of coding of the information at the task of the geometrical Models of executive mechanisms of robots

    The method of coding of the geometrical information is offered at the task of executive mechanisms on the basis of use of the set set of spatial primitive things and their orientation in mobile systems of co-ordinates. The method of a designation of geometrical models of mechanisms of robots is offered. One of advantages of the developed method of representation of geometrical models of kinematic chains, possibility of more exact task of a spatial configuration of manipulators by means of use of a considerable quantity of central points and various position of volume primitive things concerning a constructive plane is.

    Keywords: Mechanisms of manipulators, geometrical models, virtual modelling of movements of robots

  • Management of production systems under conditions of uncertainty: a regional perspective

    The uncertainty is investigated and regularities of their impact on production systems, taking into account the search management strategies. It is proved, that uncertainty is a parameter that accompanies any productive activity for the period of the projection; due to a number of laws (integrativnost′û, integrity, communication, hierarchical structure, osuŝestvlâemost′û, etc.); is based on two basic scenarios: conservative and innovation Are key factors of uncertainty. (information, bureaucratic, change the value of the currency, sanctions, stagnation and so on) in the development of targeted corrective measures on projected periods.

    Keywords: Uncertainty and their patterns, parameters, key factors of production systems management, corrective actions

  • Joint-stock insurance business on the Don in the second half of XIX - early XX centuries

    History share of insurance business in the Province of the Don, the characteristic four stages of development process, the analysis in general and the specific activity of sixteen joint campaigns, including foreign, on the Don in the late XIX - early XX centuries. ("New York", "Urbain", "Ekvitebl"). The social composition of the policyholders, insurance forms discounts logic of competition  

    Keywords: insurance organization of insurance business corporate insurance insured event insurance discount insurance premium insurance rates insurance capital

  • Acoustic method monitoring electrochemical processes

    The article describes the research of thermodurability of glass-carbon - one of the most promising carbon materials used in the production of luminophors and semiconductor materials, optical single crystals, etc. The aim of this work was to study the behavior glass-carbon in the course of thermo-cyclic testing. As a method of diagnostics of the birth and development of micro-cracks was used by the reception of signals of acoustic emission. It is shown that at heating in the samples glass-carbon there was a strong movement of dislocations in thermocyclic effects ,recognized in the signals of acoustic emission. As the number of pulses when heated above, than during the cooling of the sample, it is evidence of the accumulation of damages in the structure of the cyclic thermal processing glass-carbon samples. It is established, that the curves of the accumulation of defects at the pulses of acoustic emission, differ on the stage of heating and cooling. Proposed to use the curve of the aggregate accounts of acoustic emission pulses as a possible harbinger of destruction when heated glass-carbon of the product.

    Keywords: acoustic emission, electrodeposition, the activity of the AE, the remote control.