The article provides a general overview of current information about the applied artificial intelligence technologies in outer space. The main role and effectiveness of the use of Russian intellectual developments in the space sphere are outlined. The popular modern developments of scientists who are engaged in research activities in the field of artificial intelligence in space are shown. Excerpts from articles proving the prospects for the development of artificial intelligence in the life of society are presented.
Keywords: outer space, space stations, artificial intelligence, intelligent systems, artificial intelligence technologies, artificial intelligence, neural networks, research, machine learning, neural network technologies
The work is devoted to the problems of protecting the document management system of public administration bodies. The aim of the work is to build a simulation model of the implementation of a targeted computer attack, taking into account the simultaneous (occurring with a slight delay) response of the security tools of the document management system. For modeling, it is proposed to use the apparatus of Petri-Markov networks, combining the representation of the change of states of the attacked system in the form of Markov (semi-Markov) processes and the expressive capabilities of Petri nets to describe the interaction of processes. The constructed model reflects both the specifics of attacks with increased user privileges, and the features of document processing processes, as well as the mechanisms used to counteract unauthorized access. Computational experiments conducted using the constructed simulation model allow us to assess possible risks and make a decision on choosing the most effective system of protection against the considered type of attacks.
Keywords: electronic document management system, computer attack, simulation modeling, Petri-Markov network
This article presents an overview of the tools for solving the problem of monitoring the network infrastructure. Foreign solutions are considered, their characteristics are presented, key features are described, as well as their shortcomings. The problem of import substitution in the Russian Federation is emphasized. The results were summed up, and the relevance of developing a domestic IT infrastructure monitoring system with additional functionality was developed.
Keywords: monitoring, IT infrastructure, network infrastructure, negios, zabbix, cacti, import substitution, information security, Linux, Windows
The article confirms the need for a systematic approach to the scientific justification of the electronic document management systems security(EDMS) and the relevance of the study, presents the results of the analysis of guidance documents regarding the development of mathematical models and existing experience, summarizes the procedure for the scientific justification of EDMS security, highlights the main trends in modeling today, a new approach to the construction of EDMS security models is proposed, defines its role and place in the existing theory and practice.
Keywords: Security models of computer systems, security policy, electronic document management system, systematic approach
The development of an automatic system for installing a magneto-optical magnetic field sensor in a neutral position has been carried out. Installation in the neutral position is carried out by an automatic piezoelectric drive control system based on a microcontroller. A mathematical model is constructed and numerical simulation of the automatic control system is performed. The results and parameters of the simulation are presented. The developed system provides a significant increase in the autonomy of the sensor, which makes it possible to eliminate or significantly reduce the cost of regulating the sensor.
Keywords: magnetic field sensor, magneto-optical sensor, automatic control system, piezo motor
The article describes an approach to the operation of a data transmission network protection system against computer attacks based on a hybrid neural network. It is proposed to use a hybrid neural network as a machine learning method. To calculate the output value of neural network signals, the activation function is used. The neural network model consists of recurrent cells - LSTM and GRU. Experiments have demonstrated that the proposed network protection system for detecting computer attacks based on an assessment of the self-similarity of the system functioning parameters using fractal indicators and predicting the impact of cyber attacks by applying the proposed structure of the LSTM neural network has a sufficiently high efficiency in detecting both known and unknown spacecraft. The probability of detecting known spacecraft is 0.96, and the zero-day attack is 0.8.
Keywords: data transmission network, computer attack, neural network, protection system, network traffic, auto-encoder, accuracy, completeness, detection, classifier, self-similarity, recurrent cells with long short-term memory
One of the main conditions for ensuring information security is to prevent the spread of false and intentionally distorted information. Filtering the content of Internet information resources can serve as a solution to this problem. Recently, an approach using methods and mathematical models of artificial intelligence has been increasingly considered for the analysis and classification of disseminated data. The use of neural networks allows you to automate the process of processing a large array of information and connect a person only at the decision-making stage. The paper focuses on the learning process of a neural network. Various learning algorithms are considered: stochastic gradient descent, Adagrad, RMSProp, Adam, Adama and Nadam. The results of the implementation of text subject recognition using a recurrent neural network of the LSTM model are presented. The results of computational experiments are presented, an analysis is carried out and conclusions are drawn.
Keywords: information security, text analysis, artificial intelligence method, artificial neural network, recurrent LSTM network