Abstract. The article examines the spatial planning solutions of buildings of foreign embassies from the point of view of general security, access control, protection from terrorist acts and other types of criminal encroachments. The relevance of the work is increasing as public safety in general and the growing tension in international relations become increasingly important. The main goal is to study architectural solutions, dividing the planning structure by access levels and identifying the most characteristic protective means used by designers. The object of the study is the buildings of embassies, the subject is their layout and functional zoning. As a research method, an analysis of modern buildings is carried out, divided into groups depending on the planning organization and volumetric structure. The examples demonstrate exactly how a volumetric structure can meet security requirements, how architectural techniques for separating human flows, restricting and controlling access, and others are used.
Keywords: consulate, security, surveillance, planning, atrium, anti-terrorism, embassy, architecture, control, protection
The article is devoted to the importance of preserving historical buildings in Syria for local communities in the face of modern challenges. The article analyzes the role of architectural monuments in the formation of cultural identity, social integration and reconstruction of the country after the conflict. The problems of restoration of facilities and its impact on the morale of the population are considered. Using the example of existing projects, the importance of heritage as a symbol of memory and national unity is shown. Finally, recommendations are proposed to improve the preservation of cultural heritage.
Keywords: syria, historical buildings, architectural heritage, socio-cultural significance, restoration, post-conflict reconstruction, social cohesion, local communities
For the effective preservation of cultural heritage sites (CHS), it is necessary to carry out a set of engineering, technical and scientific measures already at the stage of their registration and conservation. Proposed work on the repair, restoration and renovation of CHS is subject to a comprehensive study. The approach to the preservation of CHS should be systemic, including digital volumetric-spatial and planning solutions, technology and organization of repair, restoration and renovation, development of new repair and renovation binders and materials, soils, bases and foundations, calculations of dynamic and seismic impacts, etc. To develop modern repair and renovation binders and compositions, it is necessary to study traditional or so-called handicraft technologies that were used in the old days - in the late period and the Middle Ages. Knowledge of handicraft technologies allows us to develop binders and compositions that are as close as possible to the original (parent) ones. From the point of view of a natural study of handicraft technologies for the production of lime binders, the following are of interest: those found in the Shoan tower complex. Guli, Dzheyrakh district, Republic of Ingushetia, fragments of kilns, the study and research of which is the subject of this article.
Keywords: historical and cultural monuments, cultural heritage sites, handicraft technologies, furnaces, kilns, X-ray phase analysis
The article considers the issues of developing a database of wooden architecture objects in Karelia. The database includes 1009 attributed photographs obtained as part of the comprehensive expedition of the Ministry of Culture of Karelia in 1979-1980 and the comprehensive expedition to Syamozerye in 2000-2001. The expedition research was carried out by specialists and students of Petrozavodsk State University under the supervision of Academician Vyacheslav Petrovich Orfinsky. The database was developed in the MySQL database management system. The database scheme is provided, the tables are described, and an example of a photograph with attributes is presented. The database allows storing and editing materials from historical and architectural expeditions and research by employees of Petrozavodsk State University, as well as searching for photographs of wooden architecture objects in Karelia by various criteria, including date, location, type of object, and author.
Keywords: wooden architecture, database, expeditions, MySQL DBMS, photographs of wooden architecture objects
The concept of symbiosis of architecture, design objects and monumental and decorative art in the interiors of public buildings in the context of renovation of industrial facilities is aimed at preserving the historical identity of buildings, adapting them to modern functions and creating a unique aesthetic where architectural forms, design solutions and artistic elements form a single whole. Renovation of industrial facilities involves a number of challenges: the need to maintain a balance between history and innovation, the integration of artistic and functional aspects, as well as compliance with environmental standards. The use of recycled materials, hybrid technologies and "smart" interiors makes it possible to cope with these tasks. The concept of three components contributes to the creation of spaces that become cultural and social centers. Such projects inspire, emphasize the value of architectural heritage and open up new perspectives for the sustainable development of the urban environment, contributing to the formation of emotionally rich and functionally significant interiors that reflect the spirit of the times and preserve the connection with the past.
Keywords: renovation, industrial buildings, renovation of industrial buildings, public buildings, sustainable architecture, design, monumental and decorative arts, interiors of public buildings, historical heritage, interdisciplinary approach
The colonial period lasted in China from 1840 to 1949. During this time the economy and culture of traditional China underwent significant changes. The influence of European culture was strongly reflected in the architecture of Guangzhou. The compositional solutions of facades and stylistic techniques of residential buildings bear the features of European architecture. The purpose of this article is to analyze the types of residential buildings erected in Guangzhou during the colonial period and to determine their specific features. The following methods were used in the study: • comprehensive field surveys, photo recording and landscape-visual analysis of Guangzhou buildings erected during the colonial period; • historical and urban planning analysis of literary, cartographic and iconographic sources; • study of archival and design materials such as: - analysis of the work of Chinese architects of the late 19th - early 20th centuries, who studied in Europe and the USA, - analysis of the creative methods of European architects who arrived in Guangzhou during the colonial period. At the beginning of the colonial period, due to the rapid development of industry and trade, urban land was in short supply. Therefore, the plots of land acquired for construction had the shape of an elongated rectangle, when a short part of the plot faced the street. Hence the Zhutong commercial and residential buildings emerged, one of the traditional forms of residence in Guangzhou, widespread in the colonial period. The planning scheme of the new type of Guangzhou development - the Chilou houses, which formed long sections of streets with arcades, also arose on the basis of the Zhutong house. Typical examples of colonial architecture, in the layout of which features of a traditional Chinese house appear, although the facades are made in the style of the neo-Renaissance, are the Xiguan mansions and houses in the Shamian concession. Like the Chilou houses, which form pedestrian streets with their galleries, the facades of residential buildings of the colonial period have a completely European appearance, but the planning structure is based on the structure of a traditional Chinese house.
Keywords: Guangzhou, colonial period, European trends, traditional Chinese architecture, volumetric-spatial solutions, housing construction
This article is devoted to the study of domestic and international experience in designing children’s educational centers. The purpose of the study is to identify urban planning and spatial-planning aspects of design, as well as trends and approaches to designing children’s educational centers, taking into account the specific features of architectural development.
Keywords: education, design, leisure, culture, planning solution, structure, multifunctionality, unique facility, environment, public space
The article is designed to identify the basic principles of the formation of the museum complex ""New Chersonesos"" and its thematic, visual and sacred relationship with ancient Chersonesos. The article considers a brief history of the formation and development of Tauric Chersonesos, its significance as one of the key places of the Russian cultural tradition and national identity. The article evaluates the architectural and compositional features of the New Chersonesos museum complex. The interrelation of its constituent objects and their functional and planning features is given. The basis of the model for the development of the territory of New Chersonesos was a system of contact joints and axes that determine the compositional structure of individual ensembles, the placement of spatial accents that give the direction of movement within the complex itself and in adjacent territories. The article is carried out within the framework of a dissertation research devoted to the Hellenistic cities of the Northern
Keywords: Tauric Chersonesos, New Chersonesos, museum complex, archeology, Byzantine style, axial compositions, functional and planning features
The article examines the stages of the formation of medical education in Russia, which influenced the architectural formation of medical universities in the south, namely in Rostov-on-Don, Astrakhan, Krasnodar, Volgograd and Stavropol. The stages are considered from the beginning of the 20th century to the present. The gradual development of the organizational structure and architecture of universities has been studied. The current problems in the field of organization and architecture that are required for further modernization are identified.
Keywords: medical universities, universities of the South of Russia, university architecture, regional architecture, stages of architectural development of medical universities
The article publishes the results of the research work devoted to the analysis of architectural and spatial elements of the ancient city. Various types of public buildings in the structure of the Greek polis are considered. A brief description of their spatial and architectural features is given. The consistent evolution of these structures from simple forms of the Archaic era to more complex planning solutions in the Hellenistic era is traced - the time when the theoretical and practical skills of architects found their highest expression.
Keywords: architecture of Ancient Greece, architectural and spatial elements of the Greek polis, public buildings in the structure of the polis
The article discusses the problem of renovation of facilities of port complexes (PCs). The purpose of the study is to identify possible architectural and spatial models of renovation. The method of morphological analysis is used. The port complex is being "decomposed" into its main structural elements, and their classification is given.: 1) elements of the water area; 2) functional and spatial elements; 3) components of the communication framework; 4) elements of visual communication. The obtained models create a methodological basis for the architectural and spatial renovation of the facilities of the port complex.
Keywords: port complex, renovation, models, aspects, elements, morphological approach
The conducted studies show that more than 70% of failures and breakdowns during repair, restoration and restoration works at cultural heritage sites occur as a result of uncoordinated actions of repairmen and restorers. This is due to the fact that repair and restoration works are carried out in complex and cramped conditions on hard-to-reach sites. Therefore, a deep study and scientific substantiation of repair and restoration technologies is one of the main conditions for increasing the efficiency, safety and reliability of the human operator (repairman, restorer, technical and line workers, etc.) in the construction and technical sphere. It is important to take into account the reliability and safety of the human-machine system (HMS) when designing repair and restoration technologies, technical systems and devices for lifting and moving loads in cramped conditions on hard-to-reach sites. The article presents a system-structural method that allows us to consider a single human-machine system as a continuous series of simple human-machine systems that are formed and destroyed, and to divide a simple human-machine system into subsystems, subsystems into working methods, actions, micro-movements, etc.
Keywords: historical and cultural monuments, cultural heritage sites, systems method, systems-structural analysis, system, safety, cramped conditions
Recent trends in the architecture of public buildings and structures are aimed at innovation and sustainable development, driven by the needs of the environment and society. The design, which takes into account the challenges of the pandemic, includes improved ventilation, contactless technologies and adaptable layout to create safer spaces. Digital twin technology provides real-time monitoring and optimization of building systems, paving the way for a more ergonomic infrastructure. Mass-scale wooden construction represents an ecological, aesthetic and low-carbon alternative to traditional materials. Zero-energy buildings integrate renewable energy sources and efficient systems to balance energy consumption and production. 3D printing in construction allows you to quickly create prototypes and complex projects, expanding architectural possibilities. Green and blue infrastructure combines natural elements, storm water management and urban environment cooling. Together, these trends contribute to the creation of more advanced and adaptable public buildings, reducing environmental impacts and improving energy efficiency. The combination of these achievements leads to the creation of innovative combined architectural solutions that contribute to the creation of a healthier and more harmonious urban environment.
Keywords: public buildings, 3D printing in construction, additive manufacturing, sustainable architecture, energy conservation, energy efficiency, environmental friendliness, green architecture, eco-friendly design, zero-consumption buildings
The features of the functional-planning and architectural-environmental organization of rehabilitation centers for injured athletes are investigated. A comparative analysis of the functional process of existing rehabilitation centers for the disabled and rehabilitation institutions for athletes is carried out; a system of additional specific measures and functional blocks influencing their architectural, environmental and planning characteristics is identified. For the stabilization, adaptation, recovery and consolidation stages, a specific group of rooms, spaces and equipment is offered, including: individual exercise machines, halls and rooms for group classes, simulators of psychological stress, as well as universal gyms and outdoor playgrounds for demonstration performances of athletes (at the "consolidation" stage). The presented proposals on the functional organization serve as a methodological basis for the formation of adaptive architectural and planning models of rehabilitation centers for athletes.
Keywords: rehabilitation center for athletes, architectural and planning organization, functional blocks
The article examines the history of the development of a children’s educational center and the influence of society’s social needs on shaping the architectural image of educational and cultural leisure institutions.
Keywords: education, school, leisure, culture, social institution, planning, structure, multifunctionality, monastery, university, cultural center, design principles
The article deals with the problems of modern use of cultural heritage objects. The object of the study is the manor complexes on the territory of St. Petersburg and neighboring counties of St. Petersburg province. It is established that some part of the objects is not included in the register of cultural heritage objects and is subject to destruction. Contradictions in the issues of preservation and modern use of estate complexes are revealed. The main reasons for the destruction of objects are defined as the lack of information about the territory of the cultural heritage object in the Unified State Register of Real Estate (hereinafter referred to as USRN) and non-utilization of the potential of estates, due to the loss of the subject of attraction of the territory. The main provisions of protection of cultural heritage objects are briefly considered. The reasons for the incompleteness of information in the real estate register are established. The possibility and expediency of restoration of completely destroyed objects are considered. Possible options for the use of abandoned and lost estate complexes are proposed.
Keywords: cultural heritage object, manor complex, register of cultural heritage objects, use,protection , condition of cultural heritage objects
The article is devoted to ancient mansions and mansions of the XVIII-XX century, which are in an abandoned state. But with the restoration, they could become new cultural spaces. We will talk about three mansions in St. Petersburg (Nobel Mansion, Ernest Igel mansion, Demidov manor) and four country estates in the Leningrad region (Faberge cottage, Mikhailovka Manor, Princess Paley Palace, Eliseev-Novinsky manor). The article describes: the history of the estates up to the present day, their current state against the background of their architectural value. Based on a brief analysis, the following features of the location of the described architectural objects can be distinguished. Within walking distance are: the Nobel Mansion, the Ernest Igel mansion, the Demidov estate. And the following objects are accessible by transport: Faberge cottage, Mikhailovka manor, Princess Paley Palace, Eliseev-Novinsky manor. And it is proposed to transform them into a new point of attraction for people – the "third place", which is an urgent issue for a modern city.
Keywords: estates, architectural monuments, cultural heritage sites, mansions, monuments of the past, restoration, third place
At the moment, it is necessary to actively develop domestic tourism. One of the options for affordable outdoor recreation near the house is glamping. Glamping is attractive because it can be located in recreational areas and does not require capital buildings. Prefabricated structures are used to organize recreation and leisure. The traditional structures are a geo dome and various prisms. The authors transformed the basic shapes of the glamping buildings in search of an optimal architectural design solution, which made it possible to create three different layout schemes. As a result of the conducted research, a variant of the development of the shape of the structure was proposed when combining a hemisphere and a triangular prism.
Keywords: domestic tourism, glamping, geodesic dome, aframe, dome frame, frame frame
The article analyzes the evolution of the architectural and spatial structure and recreational complex of mass housing in the largest cities of Southern Russia in relation to the socio-professional structure of the population from the beginning of the twentieth century to the present day. The research method is based on the provisions of the concept of the evolution of residential architecture based on the development of a recreational complex, developed by Professor V.M. Molchanov. The research method consists of conducting a retrospective analysis of the architectural and spatial structure and recreational complex of housing in the largest cities of Southern Russia based on the study and processing of literary sources, graphical analysis of the prevailing APS residential development in each designated period. Based on the revealed relationship, the social foundations of the formation of the architecture of mass housing in the period under review were revealed. Based on the results obtained, a forecast was made about prospective forms of organization of the architectural and spatial structure of the dwelling, taking into account current changes in professional groups of the post-industrial era, including a growing number of workers employed in the information sphere, culture and education. The conclusion is substantiated about the prospects of medium-rise urban development, which provides active recreation and professional work for a significant part of the modern urban population.
Keywords: architectural and spatial structure, urban housing, mass housing, recreation and wellness complex, social foundations of design, socio-professional structure of the population, evolution of housing
This article is devoted to the study of the advantages and disadvantages of the underground location of public facilities. Advantages such as: favorable acoustic conditions, stable temperature and humidity conditions, natural protection of the object from vibrations, natural noise protection of the object, aesthetic, economic and functional effects from the potential absence of a ground part, increased service life, lack of influence of weather conditions, inexhaustibility of underground resources, the possibility of improving engineering networks, independence from topographic terrain conditions. The following disadvantages are also considered: increased financial costs for construction, the presence of stereotypes regarding the psychological comfort of staying in an underground space, the lack of daylight. In conclusion, the article concludes that it is necessary to develop architectural methods and techniques to compensate for the disadvantages of the underground location of public facilities.
Keywords: architecture, underground architecture, underground space, public underground facility, architectural methods, underground urbanism, underground theater "Shanghai Culture Plaza Theater", underground ice complex "Gjovik", Ihva University campus
In modern architectural design, a balance is being sought between preserving the value of ancient monuments and the need to create a modern comfortable, aesthetic, well-maintained urban environment using modern technologies, styles and methods. This contradiction makes it difficult to implement such projects to integrate historical and cultural monuments into the modern environment, which leads to a decrease in the quality of urban structures. In the article, using the example of the historically developed Gremyachaya Gora complex, which includes an element of the cultural heritage object "The Complex of Fortifications of the Roundabout City" in Pskov – the Gremyachaya Tower, the main problems preventing the implementation of various design solutions are identified, as well as modern architectural trends and techniques used when working with ancient objects located in the natural landscape are investigated. The author of the article proposes an up–to-date concept of the formation and use of the Rattlesnake Mountain complex, the basic principles of which are implemented in one of the most successful projects of recent decades on this topic - a tourist center organized on the basis of the medieval Hammershus fortress in Denmark.
Keywords: Preservation of cultural heritage, Yu.P. Spegalsky, Architecture of ancient Pskov, the Gremyachaya Gora Complex, regeneration of the urban environment of ancient settlements
In the context of the administrative-territorial organization of Kuban, key features that determine the formation of church architecture are identified. Particular importance is given to the complex of architectural and urban planning solutions that were envisaged during the construction of Orthodox churches in Yekaterinodar. The individual, not preserved objects of church architecture in the historical period under study, recognized as significant for this settlement, are noted. The historical plan of Yekaterinodar of the first 19th century with established residential areas, religious buildings and structures is designated. A retrospective analysis of the placement of these objects in the architectural and planning structure of the city was conducted. Visual illustrations presented in the scientific study contribute to the structuring of the material. Attention is focused on the preservation of historical memory through objects of Orthodox heritage.
Keywords: church architecture, Cossacks, Kuban, religion, church, Orthodox churches, architecture, object, structure, appearance, tradition
The article examines current trends in the design of multifunctional residential complexes (MHCs), reflecting changes in the requirements for the urban environment and social demands. The historical stages of the evolution of the MCC are analyzed, starting with ancient civilizations and ending with modern concepts of sustainable development. Special attention is paid to such key aspects as flexibility and adaptability of spaces, environmental sustainability, integration of high technologies, as well as social and community integration. The article also highlights additional trends such as polycentricity, autonomy, regulation of the boundaries of responsibility of residential units, functional and typological intensification of courtyard spaces, the principle of openness and transparency. It is concluded that modern housing and communal services strive to create a sustainable and comfortable urban environment capable of adapting to changes and meeting the needs of residents.
Keywords: multifunctional residential complex, sustainable architecture, autonomous architecture, adaptive architecture, residential environment, residential buildings
The article analyzes the architectural features of the visitor centers of natural parks in the Volgograd region. The features of the influence of this type of building on ensuring protection and assisting in educating the public about the significance and uniqueness of various territories are considered. Visitor centers are specially created buildings or complexes designed for outreach work with park visitors. They perform a number of functions: informational, educational, environmental. The architectural features of visitor centers of natural parks in the Volgograd region are described. The concept of visitor centers of the Volga-Akhtubinskaya Floodplain Natural Park has been developed
Keywords: architecture, visitor center, natural and national parks, environmental architecture, recreational and health potential, national characteristics, construction, architectural design
In this article the existing principles of application of the illusion technique in architecture are considered. The classification of objects by purpose is presented, the key features of classification groups are highlighted. Examples of already existing constructed buildings with different typology are given and analyzed. The target direction of the article is based on the creation of the concept of volume (building) with the use of optical illusions to form a complex solution to clarify the overall concept of the object and achieve the effect of paradox in the viewer. The article also describes in detail the art-architectural and constructive solutions of the proposed concept with the definition of the exact location of the building in relation to the view and approach to it.
Keywords: Illusion, architectural volume, complex solution, paradox, dematerialization, visual perception, structural element, mirrored surface, hovering effect, tilt angle, master plan organization