The work is devoted to solving the problem of increasing the efficiency of registration of access of employees of the organization to confidential information. A technique is proposed that allows automating the intellectual activity of employees of the personnel body and the information protection unit to analyze information about an employee in order to determine the possibility of his admission to the protected information. The comparison of the information indicated in the questionnaire submitted by the citizen and the supporting documents is carried out using the Levenstein metric calculated by the Wagner-Fischer algorithm. Predicate logic is used to identify possible grounds for denial of access to confidential information.
Keywords: employee, organization, process, efficiency, confidential information, automation, algorithm, metric, predicate
Electronics is the most capacious and rapidly developing industry in our country. Modern methods of designing electronic devices are unthinkable without the use of computer technology, in particular, specialized programs for computer analysis and modeling of circuit diagrams of the devices being developed. Intelligence is the key link in electronics at the present stage of its development. This is due to the emergence and widespread adoption of microcircuits such as microcontrollers. This aspect provides fundamentally new opportunities for solving a wide variety of tasks, including tasks of a strategic orientation that require prompt solutions. All this became possible primarily because devices based on a microcontroller require algorithmic and further software, which makes it possible to create intelligent systems and devices. One such device will be discussed in this article. The developed device is a system consisting directly of a control system, an actuating device, which is a decision-making device, a power unit and peripheral devices. The article explains the idea, the principle of operation of the developed device, the structural and schematic diagrams of the developed main blocks of the device, as well as their algorithmic support, which is based on the principle of intelligent control. The developed device is designed to automatically maintain the level of illumination at the level set by the operator in the premises of industrial enterprises.
Keywords: intelligent control, sensor unit, binary code, synchronization circuit, transistor switch, bus driver, optosimistor, control system, actuator, power unit
This article discusses a solution to the problem of transferring image styles using a convolutional neural network. First, the general mathematical concept of the image style transfer algorithm is considered, and then the implementation of this algorithm using Keras and TensorFlow libraries for the Python programming language, as well as the convolutional neural network VGG19, which is part of these libraries.
Keywords: machine creativity, image style transfer, convolutional neural network, Keras library, TensorFlow library, Python programming language, VGG19 network
The article presents a study aimed at developing methods and algorithms for analyzing spatial data for diagnosing the state of geosystems. It is shown that the combination of machine learning models into an ensemble makes it possible to increase the stability of the analyzing system: the accuracy of decisions made by the ensemble tends to tend to the accuracy of the most efficient monoclassifier of the system. The calculation and consolidation of territorial descriptors at the same time make it possible to reduce the dimensionality of the analyzed data, facilitate the allowable capacity of the machine learning model, increase its resistance to overfitting, and prevent a significant decrease in the classification accuracy within the framework of a specific problem being solved.
Keywords: metageosystems, spatial data, test sites, territorial descriptors, ensembles
With the development of industry and science, the size of the patent base is growing, as well as the number of patent applications received by the agencies regulating the issue of patents is growing. Each patent application must be checked for the uniqueness of the patented technology, for this, the patent office experts need to search the patent database and find analog patents. In the absence of analog patents, this technology can be considered unique and accepted for patenting. Since the patent database of various departments can number tens of millions of patents, such a patent search and evaluation of the uniqueness of the patented technology can take a very long time. The existing systems do not meet all the requirements and do not have the full necessary functionality. This article describes the development of an automated system for searching for analog patents in the patent array.
Keywords: patent, database, search, patent-analog, Hadoop, Solr, Django, Python, Haystack, HDFS
The article is devoted to the application of the Unity environment for geometric modeling of train traffic in existing directions in accordance with a given route according to a known schedule. The routes of the Moscow railway junction are considered as an object of modeling. The obtained results are supposed to be used to study the capacity of railway sections and optimize the schedules of rolling stock.
Keywords: modeling, geometric modeling, transport model, Unity, Unity3D, railway transport, Moscow railway junction
This paper describes the issue of choosing a distributed registry platform when designing information systems in the financial sector of the economy. The relevance of these studies is due to the ever-increasing growth in demand for information systems of the financial sector of the economy formed using distributed registry technology. The growing interest in this technology is associated with the need to ensure reliable storage of information, the change of which will be monitored by the participants of this transaction. The purpose of this work is to determine the most suitable platform using the hierarchy analysis method. In the course of the work, the main platforms of the distributed registry were identified, as well as the key criteria for these frameworks were determined, taking into account the requirements of business process participants. These criteria were evaluated. For each alternative evaluation matrix, the indicators of the maximum eigenvalue vector were determined according to separate criteria, and the consistency of the judgment was proved, including the determination of the consistency index, the local priority index and the consistency ratio. A synthetic analysis of the criteria under consideration was carried out. Based on the data obtained during the synthetic analysis, the most promising platform was selected. Conclusions on the evaluated systems are formed.
Keywords: distributed registry, hierarchy analysis method, system analysis, information systems, computer science
In the article, the object of the study is the spread of pollutants from the sources of their release. During the calculations, the sources of atmospheric pollution were combined with the allocation of groups taking into account the height of the mouth of the emission source. To reduce time-consuming calculations using the method of combining sources of atmospheric pollution, the program has been created that provides fast processing of a large amount of information. A data bank on the main sources of pollution of the Rostov region has been compiled; systematization and reduction of these sources to a single coordinate system has been carried out. A trial estimation calculation of the regional transport of pollutants from the combined sources of emissions with the construction of maps of pollution isolines was made.
Keywords: harmful emissions, sources of pollution, the method of unification, data bank, maps of pollution isolines
The trend in the development of information system design architectures is their complication and movement towards an increasing distribution of functions and components of the system. One of the options for developing decentralized systems are systems based on blockchain technologies. The article discusses an architectural template for applications developed on the basis of blockchain technology. The main elements of a multi-level architecture, which is the basis for building applications of this type, are considered. There are six layers that describe the infrastructure layer, data layer, network, consensus, application and representation. A brief analysis of the main features and differences of the implementation of each of the levels of the architectural template is carried out. According to the results of the analysis, the most specific components for blockchain-based systems are implemented at the level of consensus and data layers.
Keywords: decentralized application, blockchain platform, information system, multi-level architecture, pattern
The problem of data transformation in which calculations are carried out in parallel streams is considered. The goal is to draw up such a plan for the parallel assignment of data by performers, in which the conditions of validity, reliability, redundancy and adequacy of data suitable for further analysis will be satisfied. At the same time, taking into account the desire to complete data conversion cycles in the shortest possible time. The use of transport-type models is proposed for the solution. In contrast to two-dimensional minimax models by the criterion of time, the possibility of transformation of information is considered, both at source points and at destination points. The proposed model allows you to take into account the time of data delivery between processing sites. The influence of possible rules for moving information packets through intermediate points on the final value of the management quality indicator is shown.
Keywords: information chains, transport task, minimum time criterion, processing costs, data reliability
In modern conditions, the healthcare system is going through a stage of active implementation of information and analytical tools. In the regions contaminated with radionuclides as a result of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, activities for the prevention, detection and management of cases of thyroid diseases are of particular importance. Modern formalized methods of analysis, such as methods for searching for association rules, clustering using self-organizing maps, have sufficient functionality and effectiveness to be introduced as sources of new knowledge about the signs of thyroid diseases. In this paper, the authors consider the stages and results of developing a software package for information and analytical support for the process of examining the thyroid gland using ultrasound.
Keywords: diversification of management, production diversification, financial and economic purposes of a diversification, technological purposes of ensuring flexibility of production
This article analyzes the problem of determining the location of an object based on the method of passive positioning of single-station systems with a long baseline. The method proposed in the article implies that the antenna array is integrated into a single-station system with a long baseline using three antennas. The mentioned method is able to determine the actual location of the radiation object and the parameters of the object's position by estimating the phase difference and the actual direction of the radiation object. The simulation results confirm the validity of the proposed method.
Keywords: antenna array, passive positioning system, phase difference, bearing, azimuth, error
The article considers the potential of atmospheric pollution by a combination of certain average annual values of microclimatic parameters and the range of their changes. Numerical methods for solving the turbulent diffusion equation are used in the construction of research models of various scales. An important place among them is occupied by methods of component-by-component splitting. With their help, it is possible to solve not only direct, but also inverse (conjugate) problems. The presented program allows calculating one-time concentrations of impurities under various meteorological conditions based on data on sources of impurity emissions and local conditions and provides for the possibility of constructing a topo-base of the settlement platform.
Keywords: microclimatic parameters, pollution, surface concentrations, topo bases of the settlement platform, methods of component-by-component splitting
This article proposes a way to automate work on the development of the construction schedule (CP) based on BIM-model. As an example we used the project of an oil well pad developed by VolgaTEKengineering LLC in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug in 2019.
Keywords: construction, building information modeling, BIM, 3D, 4D, 5D, schedule, estimate
Many sources of environmental pollution affect human health. The concentration of harmful substances constantly changes during the day when the weather conditions change in different parts of the territory. Residents can repeatedly enter and leave areas of increased pollution without noticing it with their senses when moving around the city. The authors analyzed the existing solutions for monitoring the quality of atmospheric air, as well as key sources of pollution and their distribution in the air. The interrelation of distribution of pollutants with weather conditions is noted. Preparation of data on the presence of harmful substances on the example of the city of Volgograd has been carried out. A method for organizing monitoring of harmful substances in the atmosphere using a software and hardware complex is proposed. The developed method was applied to create a specialized web application. The implemented solution allows to monitor the state of the environment using sensors and build routes around areas with a high concentration of harmful substances.
Keywords: environment, air quality, air pollution, ecology, monitoring, web application, eco-route, spatial data, route building, cartographic visualization
This article discusses the problems of determining the organs of air respiration on computed tomography images using convolutional neural networks of the U-NET architecture. The prospects of using neural networks in the analysis of medical images, as well as the use of the U-NET architecture for semantic segmentation of images are described. The structure of an artificial neural network based on the U-NET architecture is being formed. The structure of the layers of this network is visualized and the components of this structure are described. Special attention is paid to the description and implementation of the convolution process. The formula for determining the weight coefficients of the separation boundary is presented. Algorithms for the formation of an artificial neural network model and an algorithm for constructing layers are proposed. A method of increasing data for a training sample of images of medical images is considered. The image of the result of the determination of the chest organs and the corresponding mask are presented.
Keywords: convolutional neural networks, U-NET architecture, deep learning, image recognition, machine learning
The problem of atmospheric air pollution in the regions is considered. Attention is paid to the development and implementation of automated air pollution control systems. The developed information and analytical system has a two-level system and consists of two subsystems: a city information system and a regional information system. The proposed software allows you to perform calculations of surface concentrations of pollutants with the formation of a data bank, as well as the construction of maps of pollution in the region and histograms of the distribution of the level of adverse effects of atmospheric pollution on humans.
Keywords: atmospheric air, pollution, monitoring, information and analytical system, maps of the pollution of the region
The results of clinical trials are the main source of information in the implementation of medical activities in accordance with the principles of evidence-based medicine. At the moment, there are no information systems that would allow a doctor to select clinical studies within the framework of nosology that best match the profile of a particular patient, in order to further analyze their results and select therapy. The aim of the study was to improve the existing process of searching for clinical trials by using the prioritization method according to the inclusion criteria set by the doctor during the selection. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were implemented, namely, the process of selecting and searching for clinical trials by doctors was studied and the method of searching for clinical trials by doctors and the allocation of the necessary criteria was worked out. The team of authors proposed an algorithm for searching for clinical trials according to inclusion criteria, which in turn will significantly increase the effectiveness and reduce the time for searching and choosing therapy.
Keywords: clinical studies, criteria search algorithms, criteria search methods, including factors, search for the nearest class, services