The development of a methodology for the formation of an estimate of a construction object on the basis of its information model is considered, taking into account the state of development of software systems for BIM modeling and the peculiarities of regulatory regulation of the construction of construction projects in Russia. The factors that limit the possibility of drawing up estimate documentation for the information model have been identified. Taking into account the identified limitations, a set of operations necessary for the formation of an estimate for a construction object based on its information model is presented.
Keywords: BIM, 5D BIM-model, estimate documentation, civil and industrial construction
Geotechnical input to the design, construction, and operations of pipelines in permafrost may differ significantly from that for pipelines in temperate terrain. The general remoteness and terrain fragility of permafrost regions are key issues that challenge the geotechnical input. Specific geotechnical issues that necessitate input include pipeline routing, slope stability, thaw settlement and frost heave, ditching, buoyancy control, upheaval buckling. and others. It is necessary to develop and implement new technological solutions, taking into account long-term forecasts of the temperature conditions of the soil bases, which should be able to prevent or compensate for the negative impact of heat for all pipelines laid in permafrost conditions.
Keywords: gas and oil pipeline, permafrost, seasonally frozen soil, innovative technologies geosell, geosynthetic, modeling