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  • Development of a digital twin of a robotic manipulator

    The process of creating an aggregated digital twin for a physical prototype of a manipulator with a load-gripping mechanism is considered. To solve the problem of controlling the system nodes, the freely distributed software platform Robot Operating System (ROS) was used, in particular, the MoveIt packages for manipulator control, OpenCV for computer vision and RViz for visualization. A description of the physical prototype and the stages of creating a model of the robotic complex in the form of URDF files is given. The developed system creates a level of abstraction between hardware and software, which allows exploring new technological solutions in the field of automation of processes of transport and cargo systems.

    Keywords: machine vision, robotics, digital twin, control system, manipulator, ROS

  • On the issue of using an aerostatic air barrier system to protect particularly important civil and industrial facilities

    This article highlights the theoretical results of analytical research in the field of the use of tethered balloons as carriers of barrier networks, which can be used as passive protection of particularly important civil and industrial facilities from unmanned aerial vehicles and other low-flying means of air attack. A diagram of an aerostatic barrier system, theoretically capable of countering air attack means, is presented. The elements of the methodology for determining the probability of damage to aircraft from cable type air barriers are presented.

    Keywords: aerostatic air barrier system, unmanned aerial vehicles, tethered balloons, aerial protection of ground objects

  • Possible potential of using various wastes to create biofertilizers

    The paper considers the possibility of using waste from the forest industry, construction waste and ash and slag waste from boiler heating as a basis for the creation of biofertilizers and components that improve the structure of heavy soils. The analysis of experience on the impact of crushed bricks, coniferous and leaf litter with the inclusion of wood components, and ash and slag waste of boiler heating on the growth functions of red clover and watercress over various time intervals is presented. The possibility of using the presented waste in the process of self-infestation of territories is considered. A number of experiments have been conducted to identify the phytotoxic effect, as well as the reaction of general inhibition or stimulation of growth indicators of higher plants when used as a substrate in pure form, or a mixture with natural soil, wood components, samples of ash and slag waste of various shelf life, brick fighting.

    Keywords: forest industry waste, construction waste, broken bricks, ash and slag waste, self-fouling, phytotoxicity, soil structure, morphological changes of plants

  • The possibility of using forest industry waste to create biofertilizers

    The paper considers the possibility of using forest industry waste as a basis for the creation of biofertilizers. Of the main types of waste, sawdust, wood chips and bark are the most discussed. Taking into account the minimal change in composition, they can be used for the production of biofuels, such as pellets or briquettes. In addition, they can be used for the production of compost and fertilizers. The review of patents with a brief description of the method of processing and use of wood waste in the field of biotechnology is given The most promising for today can be considered the use of these wastes for the production of biofertilizers (when enriched with microbiological crops, as well as in the mixed part with animal husbandry and crop production waste), as well as the possibility of recultivation of disturbed areas during logging.

    Keywords: sawdust, compost, biofertilizers, forest industry waste, patent search, woodworking, microorganisms

  • Toward Traffic Flow Management: Technological Aspects

    The main maintenance of a diversification of production as activity of subjects of managing is considered. being shown in purchase of the operating enterprises, the organizations of the new enterprises, redistribution of investments in interests of the organization and development of new production on available floor spaces. The most important organizational economic targets of a diversification of management are presented by innovative activity of the industrial enterprise.

    Keywords: management, traffic, traffic flows, pedestrian flows, technology, design, interchanges, control method, numerical model, simulation

  • A control algorithm for autonomous objects in complex, hard-to-predict industrial timber harvesting conditions

    The article outlines the features of the developed algorithm for controlling autonomous industrial forest management facilities under real operating conditions under the forest canopy. A significant challenge faced by the developers in the presented algorithm was the practical absence of global navigation in the areas of use of potential autonomous industrial forest management objects. Thus the only alternative was local positioning algorithms, which of the existing ones were also unserviceable under real forest canopy conditions. The problem was exacerbated by the high requirements for positioning accuracy not so much for autonomous objects as for positioning accuracy relative to the object of work of the contact elements of technological equipment directly implementing the operations of the industrial timber harvesting process. The developed concept of local positioning has no analogues in the world, belongs to the algorithms of the latest generation, created by the authors on the basis of mathematical modelling of the operations of industrial forestry process and implemented in registered software complexes to manage the information flows that ensure the sustainable functioning of autonomous objects of industrial forestry in real operating conditions.

    Keywords: algorithm, method, synthesis, positioning technology, control method, digital model, automation, digitalisation, modelling

  • Development of unmanned transport and technological systems for industrial forest management

    The article considers aspects of industrial forest management based on automation of control of local positioning, engineering and information technology of unmanned industry. Original algorithms for automatic control of unmanned technical systems and contact elements of technological equipment under the forest canopy, directly implementing the operations of the technological process, have been created and tested. Software complexes for data collection and control of information flows, providing stable functioning of the last generation local positioning means, have been developed and registered. The designs, methods and architecture of unmanned ground, suspended and airborne systems for industrial forest management, forest maintenance, located in specially protected natural areas and industries indirectly related to forest or forest land have been proposed.

    Keywords: automation, digitalisation, method, algorithm, synthesis, technology, positioning, control method, digital model, modelling

  • Automation of control of hoisting-and-transport mechanisms in emergency response

    This article presents the results of studies on the possible use of hoisting-and-transport rope complexes in the aftermath of emergency and environmental situations. The advantages of using self-propelled transport and freight carriages based on soft pneumatic bearings for rescue operations are considered. An algorithm is described for a software package designed to automate the process control of a freight-carriage used to lift and move cargo at predetermined coordinates. To implement the functioning of the software package, a processing technique was used for incoming and outgoing data, input and output streams, data collection centers using Java TCP / IP technology. An example of a graphical interface of the software.

    Keywords: software package, control automation, hoisting and transport mechanism, protocol, JAVA, algorithm, environmental consequences, cable system, local coordinates

  • Features the use of helicopters in logging operations

    The article reflects the contemporary problems of the transport component of the process of logging. The analysis of the financial costs during the development of annual allowable cut, taking into account the construction of roads. The recommendations, the implementation of which contributes to the efficient and cost-effective management of air timber harvesting using a helicopter. The characteristics of the cargo helicopters and slinging mechanisms for logging operations. The calculation of the cycle time of the helicopter on the harvesting operations. Conclusions in areas conducive to efficient use of helicopter logging.

    Keywords: Helicopter timber harvesting, Logging operations hoisting mechanisms, cycle time,

  • The theory of the dynamic pressure arising in the top suspension bracket balloon cable system.

    In clause the opportunity of use balloon cable system descent to transport operations in remote mountain conditions is described. Dependence of system on wind influences is reflected. Proceeding from this, the design procedure of dynamic pressure which arise in the top suspension bracket of system is resulted, in view of mobility of a balloon under action of a wind. The technique allows to estimate the pressure arising in the top and bottom points of a suspension bracket at change of force of a wind, lengths of a suspension bracket, a corner and speed deviation of a balloon.

    Keywords: Cable balloon system, timber transport operations, fluctuations of a rope, dynamic pressure of a rope

  • The automated control systems of processes industrial forest exploitation

    It is considered questions of automation of the productions, directed on increase of efficiency of the operating enterprises and the organisation of the new enterprises providing decrease of losses of wood resources, expenses of energy and time at all stages industrial forest exploitation. Descriptions of the developed algorithm and a method of automated management are resulted by processes and information streams of the wood enterprises

    Keywords: The automated control systems, modelling methods, algorithm, processes industrial forest exploitation