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  • Comparison of different numerical methods for ultrasonic positioning mobile robot task in an enclosed space

    The article describes the solution of the problem of mobile robot ultrasonic positioning in a confined space. The solution of this task is overdue, if necessary, calculate the coordinates of a moving object in an enclosed area of ​​a small size. Most available technology in this case is ultrasonic technology, since it provides sufficient accuracy and more simple to implement. Methods for solving the problem is using a triangulation system, consisting of an object with an ultrasonic emitter and four sensors located at the corners of the permissible area. The mathematical model of the system is a system of nonlinear equations, numerical method can be applied to solve a. The authors compare two numerical methods for solving the ultrasonic positioning tasks: the simplest gradient method and the Levenberg-Marquardt method. The final choice was made in favor of the Levenberg-Marquardt.

    Keywords: Ultrasound positioning, mobile robot positioning, numerical method, the simplest gradient method, Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm

  • Cooperative games modeling of social partnership in the system of continuing professional education: a problem setup

    A dynamic cooperative games formalization of the problem of concordance of interests of the social partnership agents the the system of continuing professional education is proposed. The setup based on the previously considered differential games in normal form. The time consistency problem and its sociological interpretation are discussed.

    Keywords: differential games in normal form, differential cooperative games, time consistency, continuing professional education, social partnership

  • The wavelet decompositions as a method of power-generating diagnostic

    The problem of equipment diagnosis for wear and tear is considered in the article. The reduction in expenditure for equipment service maintenance can be reached by early failure detection. For this purpose it is required an extension of diagnosis method. The purpose of the article is the analysis of using wavelet decomposition device for detection of malfunctions of the hydraulic and pneumatic equipment. Works of other authors on this subject are analyzed. By means of a mathematical package of the applied MATLAB program the three-dimensional scale gram of wavelet decomposition are constructed. It gives much attention to comparison of widely applied method of Fourier transformation and the low-studied wavelet decomposition method. Two main equations of wavelet decomposition used for the solution of performance targets are considered. Introduction of new transformation algorithm gives more exact and quality assessment of equipment performance.

    Keywords: power-generating diagnostic, vibration-based diagnostics, vibration signal, wavelet decomposition, Fourier transformation

  • Physicomechanical processes of loading at a driving tunnels depending on characteristics of material

    In article the factors defining efficiency of roadheader technology application of transport tunnels construction are considered. As one of the factors containing growth of carrying out speed of tunnels is the loading part of the combine, in article the analysis of the factors influencing efficiency is made. Stochastic process of interaction with the destroyed mountain weight is considered. The analysis of the developed approaches to determination of executive body loadings productivity with loading paws with a destroyed mountain weightstack is made. Influence of a form of the immersed material particles and geometrical ratios of loading body and average fineness of material particles is analysed. It is revealed that extent of influence of a particles form doesn't exceed the statistical errors arising at research of loading process of lump mountain weight, and geometrical ratios have significant effect on loadings and productivity. When determining loadings it is offered to apply model taking into account linear proportions coefficient, and it is necessary to apply the model considering influence of active volume on formation of system output characteristics to calculation of loading part productivity. Taking into account influence of the described factors, the calculated value of productivity and loadings increases in comparison with the generalized models that confirms expediency of use of the described dependences.

    Keywords: Driving of tunnels, factors of productivity formation, driving combines of selective action, form coefficient, coefficient of linear proportions, active volume

  • Determination of degree of homogenization of composition mixtures based on estimation of entropy of optoleptical information obtained by mixture surface photosensitive scanning

    In this article we consider technique of determination of degree of homogeneity of heterogeneous mixtures by using tool contactless method. This method uses optoleptical information of mixture surface. This method can be used in automatic control systems. An optoleptical information may be obtained using standard devices of photosensitive scanning. The value of entropy of otptoleptical information is used to estimate the degree of mixture homogenization. Operations of component mixing are widely used in technological processes. The degree of homogenization of mixture is the one of quality indicators of mixing process. The degree of homogenization is usually determined by laboratory method, which requires additional time for analysis. The degree of homogenization can also be determined by using the senses. In this case, the results of determination depends on the experience of the expert. In this article we looked at an example for the paint industry. The method can be applied to a wide range of heterogeneous composition.

    Keywords: Mixing, heterogeneous composition, homogenization, homogeneity,operation monitoring, tool optoleptical method, entropy of information

  • A multi-dimensional model of social attitudes for the politically active part of the Rostov region population

    The technique of the multidimensional analysis of socio-political attitudes is shown on a concrete example. The results of questioning which was carried out in the spring of 2014 among the Rostov region population participating in the work of election commissions of the lower level are the basis for work. In total 144 persons were surveyed. On gender and age distribution, and also on socio-economic indexes our sample was typical for the above mentioned population. About 29 characteristics were used as input parameters in model. They were levels of affective and cognitive perception of the local and central authorities, cognitive estimates by respondents of the relation to various parties of socio-political life, the characteristic of a social portrait of respondents. The affective components were determined by technology of semantic differential, with the subsequent calculation within nonlinear approach. All cognitive components were computed by results of direct poll. Entrance sizes were unwrapped a multidimensional cube on a platform of a package of the multidimensional analysis by IBM Cognos. The functions of respondent’s distribution were computed both for separate components, and for various sections of a cube at the exit of model. The analysis for social and economic, national, confessional, territorial, gender profiles is carried out. It was discovered, in particular, the essential peculiarities in the territorial plan for the main leading factors of a conflictogenity (an affective component of political attitudes). Hierarchy of factors of social tension was created It is shown that the presented technique allows to conduct comprehensive investigation of a socio-political condition of any audience.

    Keywords: questioning, semantic differential, affective component, direct poll, cognitive component, multidimensional cube, Cognos, social sections, territorial factor, social tension

  • Synthesis manipulator mechanism movement path in a space of generalized coordinates based on the use of areas defining allowed configuration

    A method for the synthesis of the trajectory of the manipulator motion mechanism, based on the use of the field, set permissions configuration in the space of generalized coordinates. Investigated compliance with the provisions of points in space, and the output level of the configuration space.

    Keywords: synthesis robot, configuration space, restricted areas, intelligent robot control system

  • Optimization method of measuring the angle of the phase shift between the two quasi-harmonic signals

    The paper proposes a modification of earlier mentioned method reduces the number of computing operations and improve the accuracy of estimating the phase shift, which is close to the limit set by the Cramer-Rao inequality. The article also presents the results of numerical modeling of systematic and random errors parametric estimation of the phase shift angle of the proposed method.

    Keywords: phase shift quasi-harmonic signal, Cramer-Rao lower band, parametric method

  • The use of econometric models for the formation of efficient portfolios of Russian securities are not limited to the sale of rights

    In article the task of creation of effective portfolios of securities arising in practical investment activities is considered. Theoretical calculations decisions, necessary for creation of algorithm, are analyzed. It is noted that a basis of calculations is calculation of risk and the expected profitability of both separate assets, and all portfolio in general. For creation of model eight issuers of securities and their real course profitability in ten months according to the Moscow exchange are used. The kovariatsion matrix and a vector of the average income by means of which two effective portfolios are calculated is constructed and the assessment of their profitability and risk is carried out. According to the obtained data the effective border is simulated and displayed graphically. All necessary operations are performed by means of MS Excel.

    Keywords: efficient portfolio , portfolio theory , realized a lot of expected revenue , profitability , dispersion, risk , investment , securities , envelope curve , effective border

  • On the definition of the parameters of the field loosening

    This article describes a new method to determine the geometrical characteristics of the transverse profile (loop) field loosening that occurs during processing of the formation of the soil system deformers chisel plow. This technique allows you to analyze system deformers Subsoilers all types and versions with a depth of 45 cm by loosening and deeper. Full-scale experiment was conducted in field conditions in the experimental field of the Institute FGBNU SKNIIMESKH Zernograd, Rostov region. Showing a comparative study of different models chisel. The parameters of cutting intrasoil walls necessary for the accumulation of subsurface water on cultivated slopes. Application of a new methodology for determining the area of ​​loosening allow the most qualitative loosen the soil without overturning, create new and improve existing designs chisel various modifications.

    Keywords: slope of land, subsurface wall сhisel plow type, region loosening, sample receiver, vaccum system deformers, natural experiment

  • Enhancement of construction of a podklinovy spring of a node of blanking of oscillations of the cart of the freight car means 3D – simulations

    Complex use of CAD and CAE-technologies for enhancement of a podklinovy outer spring of spring suspension of the three-element cart of the freight car of model 18-100 is offered. As the initial prototype the outer spring, development of JSC NPK Uralvagonzavod was selected. Solid modeling and an assessment of the intense deformed status was executed in the instrumental environment Autodesk Inventor Professional 2015. It allowed to receive more rugged construction of a spring in comparison with a basic spring on condition of saving overall dimensions.

    Keywords: the cart of the freight car, podklinovy spring, knot of blanking out of fluctuations, 3d – modeling, strength, durability, working capacity, a frictional chock

  • Computer modelling of idle mode of electromechanical phase splitter on the basis of a three-phase induction motor

    This article presents the results of computer simulation of electromechanical phase splitter working at idle mode based on a three-phase induction motor type HVA-55 with squirrel cage type rotor. Simulation made on the basis of previous studies of the auxiliary electric drives onboard of AC electric locomotives. These studies include: the development of a mathematical model of the three-phase induction electric machine that is suitable for describing the dynamics of electromagnetic, electromechanical and thermal processes under unbalance the power supply voltage, and also at not equal parameters at the each phase of machine; the development of computer models of various schemes of auxiliary electric drives of AC locomotives, having in its composition induction motor mathematical model. It has been demonstrated that the selected mathematical model of the induction machine can adequately describe the phase splitting process: the conversion of single-phase AC catenary voltage to three-phase voltage for auxiliary loads feeding.

    Keywords: induction motor, mathematical model, electromechanical phase splitter, idle mode, AC electri locomotive, electric auxiliary drive, working capacity, start-up capacity, rotor, stator winding phase

  • Analytical assessment of change of office properties of details of friction pairs of the cart of the freight car in operation

    The analytical assessment of change of office properties of heavy-duty details of friction pairs of the cart of the freight car on the first depot repair is presented. The technique of definition of iznos of details of the cart is applied to determination of faults. The most subject are shown to defects nodes of the cart of the freight car.

    Keywords: cart of the freight car, frictional wedge, cap of a skolzun, thrust bearing disk, frictional level, wear, wear resistance, defects of the cart of the car

  • Analysis of patents as a factor in the study of technical level of technological development on the example of jaw crushers

    The article presents the results of analyzing patents, aimed at improving the design of jaw crushers and crushing processes using them,conducted in order to establish the technical level of their development.

    Keywords: rock, objective tree, crushing, patent, jaw crusher

  • Rail transport in the city as a factor in the growth and sustainability of social and economic development

    The article discusses the functioning of the transport system of the city, revealed problems in the development of urban transport and the role of rail transport, barriers and opportunities of using railways in the city for intercity passenger transportation.

    Keywords: urban transport, intercity rail transportation efficiency, the organization of transportation, sustainability