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  • A training control technique based on error classification in complex open ended assignment

    There are different training control techniques developed to increase training and learning efficiency. Mainly they are focused on problems which can be checked by tests. But there is a large class of problems which can’t be checked by tests. These include the most of complex open ended assignments, assignments which help to form skills. The existing control techniques are examined in the paper. The basic control techniques types are observed and the most efficient type based on process approach is defined. A training control technique based on error classification is developed within the process approach. Error categories in complex open ended assignments are defined: current training course errors, finished training course errors, errors, which don’t belong to knowledge and skills.

    Keywords: training control, adaptive control, process approach, complex open ended assignment, error classification, error generalization

  • Managing a portfolio of securities using jump models and static hedging

    The article investigates approaches to managing currency risks on the Moscow exchange based on static hedging and taking into account the features of the Russian derivatives market. For more delicate managing currency risks, it is proposed to use barrier options that are not traded on the Moscow exchange. It is shown that the barrier option can be replicated with the portfolio of European options, the strike prices of which are the barrier and the strike price of the barrier option. The main idea behind the approach applied is replication of zero price of the up-an-out call (in the case of crossing the barrier) by the linear combination of European call options with different time to expiry. Examples of constructing replicating portfolios of options on the futures contract for the US dollar - Russian ruble are given . Further analysis of the portfolio's value dynamics demonstrates the inadequacy of the classical Black-Scholes model for the Russian derivatives market. The approaches of static hedging barrier options in jump models are disscussed.

    Keywords: mathematical modeling, numerical method, mathematical finance, barrier options, Black-Scholes model, static hedging, Levy models, derivatives market.

  • The influence of quantitative assessment of working conditions on the magnitude of production risk

    The article considers the problem of estimating production risks and risks of occupational injuries based on the assessment of the impact factors of the labor process. Definition of factors of production environment, harmful to the health of workers and comparative analysis of the working conditions for harmful production factors one.

    Keywords: the risk of production of harmful and dangerous production factors, industrial injuries, working conditions

  • The intensity index of patenting of results of intellectual activity by a scientific group

    The estimation of intensity of patenting of results of intellectual activity by a scientific group is offered in the article. An example of its calculation is given following the analysis of Petrozavodsk State University data

    Keywords: index of intensity of patenting, research group, university, h-index, RSCI

  • Methodology of the system calculation of reactive power compensation in electric networks of industrial enterprises and power systems

    The model of reactive power compensation system calculation in industrial enterprises and power systems electric networks is developed. The authors take into account three main problems: multidimensionality, informational fragmentation and incompleteness of information. The quadratic model of  reactive power compensation is examined. The calculation method main phases which uses all the advantages of quadratic model and methods of its improvement are given.

    Keywords: compensating devices, reactive power compensation, power system, industrial enterprises electric networks, quadratic model, mathematical model, incompleteness of information

  • Methods for evaluating the operational reliability of cars

    The study on the hardness of samples from steel ST3 and 15G. On the basis of the correlation equations obtained values of ultimate strength of the examined steels. With the application of the law of three-parameter Weibull distribution constructed density distribution and the resulting minimum value of ultimate strength. The obtained results are proposed to use to determine the value of the resource for load-bearing systems of vehicles.

    Keywords: reliability, lifetime, the hardness of steel, strength of steels, the endurance limit of steels, the Weibull law

  • The effect of the physical state of chemical additives at the time of introduction into a gas-concrete mixture on the kinetics of gas evolution and the gas diffusion coefficient

    "n this article, the influence of the physical state of chemical additives at the moment of their introduction into a gas-concrete mixture on the kinetics of gas evolution and the gas diffusion coefficient is considered. To test the working hypothesis, two compounds were designed and manufactured. As a part of С№1 chemical additives were entered in the form of a colloidal solution. A comparative analysis of the results of physical and mechanical tests of the aerated concrete samples of the tested compositions showed that the introduction of chemical additives in the form of a colloidal solution lowers the average density in the dry state due to a more intensive course of the gas evolution reaction without significantly reducing the compressive strength. At the same time, the average density increases in the composition of CN2.

    Keywords: kinetics of gas evolution, gas diffusion coefficient, aerated concrete mixture, reactivity, expansion of aerated concrete mixture, colloidal solution

  • Investigation of the intensity of gas release and reactivity of aluminum powder PAP-1 with the simultaneous introduction of a gas generator with a partially hydrated aerated concrete mixture into a cellular concrete composition

    This article considers the effect of the introduction of a partially hydrated aerated concrete mixture on the intensity of gas evolution, the reactivity of a disperse gas generator, and the physical and mechanical properties of aerated concrete. To test the working hypothesis, two compounds were designed and manufactured. The pure dispersed gas generator was introduced into composition C№1, and a mixture of a gas generator with a partially hydrated gas-concrete mixture was introduced into the composition C№2. A comparative analysis of the results of physical and mechanical tests of the aerated concrete samples of the tested compositions showed that its introduction increases the compressive strength, while reducing the density of aerated concrete. At the same time in the composition of С№1 there is a higher density and a drop in strength

    Keywords: Partially hydrated mixture, gas generator, aluminum powder PAP-1, reactivity, device PGV-2, kinetics of gas evolution, average density in the dry state, compressive strength

  • Improvement of the technology for building a multistory substructure

    The article proposes some innovative technical solutions to build a multistory substructure for residential and public buildings. To erect a building, it is proposed to construct a system of interconnected rail runways at a first storey level along which travelling gantry cranes and special platforms will move. To descend the machines, building materials, instruments to the design level, during the underground space development, it is proposed to employ travelling gantry cranes. In order to quickly relocate loads and machines from one work zone to another, an additional system of rails is mounted along which special platforms are moving. The management of the gantry cranes and special platforms movement is done by the remote operating panels. The superstructure is built in the traditional way using a tower crane, track mounted, for example. The application of the proposed designs when building multistory substructures will enable to improve the technological processes of building the substructures. The proposed technology will help to use it in all the climatic areas of our country.

    Keywords: construction of a multistory substructure, slurry wall, process of excavation, bored pile, substructure

  • A mathematical description of efficiency of process of hydrodynamic palisadian foam layer of open source companies in the construction industry

    The article presents the physical essence of the method of hydrodynamic reduction of air pollution by foam method as the most effective technology palisadian open for extended sources. The mathematical description taking into account the physico-chemical properties of dust and a bubble of foam, and the parameters of the return to technological raw materials dust particles due to the different physical mechanisms of their capture. Parametric dependence of the efficiency of dust removal as a result of setting foaming method of palisadian provides the ability to forecast its calculation for the considered technology implementation process palisadian air bearing features of the interaction of dust with a layer of foam.

    Keywords: Palisadian, dust particles, method foam, foam layer, the efficiency of palisadian, belt conveyors

  • A modern approach to the assessment of the acoustic impact on the adjoining residential zone under construction or reconstruction of airport complexes

    In the article the modern approach to the assessment of the acoustic impact on the adjoining residential zone under construction or reconstruction of airport complexes. While the features of sources of acoustic impact as ground handling and flight operations. Assessment of acoustic impact on the adjoining residential zone under construction or reconstruction of airport complexes, according to the authors, involves several stages. The implementation proposed by the authors of the stages of the assessment of acoustic impact will allow to identify the zones of acoustic discomfort and plan a set of measures aimed at reducing noise in those areas and thus enhance environmental validity under construction or reconstruction of airport complexes.

    Keywords: assessment of acoustic impact of the construction of the airport complex, adjacent residential zone, the zone of acoustic discomfort

  • Exploitation and of a heating accessory for the dual-beam SHIMADZU UV-2600 spectrophotometer

    A home-made heating accessory for UV-Vis cells was developed and tested in both DLS and UV-Vis in-situ measurements. The device is designed to be placed in a measurement chamber of the two-beam spectrophotometer (SHIMADZU UV-2600). It is made of aluminum, and contains four ceramic resistors for the simultaneous uniform heating of two standard UV-Vis cells. The outer thermal emittance is minimized by a wooden thermo-insulating shield. The accessory is painted matte black to minimize beam dispersion of the spectrophotometer. DC power supply allows to maintain temperature of the UV-Vis cells in the interval from 30 to 120 °C. The optical probe of the DLS can be immersed into heated liquid sample in a standard UV-Vis cell. The reaction of the formation of gold nanoparticles in heating accessory was in-situ monitored by simultaneous measurements with SHIMADZU UV-2600 and Microtrac Nano-flex particle size analyzer as an example.

    Keywords: Heating cell, DLS, Uv-vis, in-situ analysis,gold nanoparticles

  • Study of parameters of operation of the fan in a thermally non-stationary ventilation system

    The aim of this work is determination of regularities that determine the operation parameters of the fan in a thermally non-stationary ventilation system contains a heater located along the air flow after the fan. It is established that the ventilation system, containing the heater, has two characteristics aerodynamic resistance related to the volumetric air flow at the sections of the network before and after the heater. It is proved that when using the superposition method, P-L characteristics to determine the parameters of the fan in the system, you must apply the P-L characteristic of the network is related to the volumetric air flow to the heater. The obtained dependences determine the parameters of the fan depending on its aerodynamic characteristics and the location of the heater in the system.

    Keywords: the ventilation system is in a thermally transient mode, fan, heater, energy efficiency, energy conservation

  • On the choice of construction site of military-Patriotic centers in Russia

    the design of a new object presupposes not only the functional aspect, but an important factor is the location of the building or structure. The choice of location is one of the fundamental criteria: it is necessary to take into account the infrastructure and architectural appearance of the selected area, the needs of the district or region in the projected facility.

    Keywords: constructivism, the architectural appearance, the blue line, multi-center, prototype, monuments, cultural centers, the Great Patriotic war

  • Application of the expert method when choosing measuring equipment for a special assessment of working conditions

    In the scientific article, the problem of instrumental and methodological support of works on a special assessment of working conditions is considered. The paper presents an approach to the selection of measuring equipment for the measurement of harmful production factors, which is based on the method of expert assessments. The results of studies of the application of the expert method for determining the possibility of using a group of instruments for the assessment of physical and chemical factors for conducting a special assessment of working conditions at workplaces of a machine building enterprise are presented. Recommendations are presented for equipping the laboratory with laboratories that carry out special assessment work in the conditions of machine building enterprises.

    Keywords: labor protection, instrumentation, measuring equipment, special assessment of working conditions, method of expert evaluation