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  • System for detecting surface defects in materials of engineering structures

    The article describes the implementation methodology, structure and functional diagram of a surface defect detection system based on the method of electrical impedance tomography in materials of engineering structures that are subjected to significant loads during operation. A control device for the system for collecting measurements and supplying voltage to the boundary electrodes of the sensing element is considered and an algorithm for its operation is described. The implementation method is proposed and the simulation results of this system are presented.

    Keywords: defect monitoring, non-destructive testing, electrical impedance tomography, modeling, sensitive element, functional diagram

  • Clustering data using the growing neural gas method

    The article discusses the problems that arise in pattern recognition related to clustering and data abstraction. Detailed typical data clustering options. The problem of data transformation by vector quantization with the least error is given. A competitive training system for an artificial neural network based on a growing neural gas is described. Using the method of growing neural gas, an improved algorithm of a self-learning artificial neural network of competitive training is proposed. The criteria for completing clustering using the adaptation criterion as a stop criterion are defined. Examples of data clustering by an artificial neural network using the method of growing neural gas are given.

    Keywords: clustering, artificial neural network, computer modeling, pattern recognition, self-learning intelligent systems

  • Development the system for analysis of real estate in typical apartment buildings based on mass valuation methods

    The paper discusses modern approaches to the mass valuation of real estate, automated systems for typical buildings assessment, and also provides the development of a method for the continuous assessment of real estate objects, which makes it possible to effectively evaluate groups of real estate objects and infrastructure. This research is aimed at studying the economic component of this process - modeling of a system for assessing the market valuation of real estate in typal development objects. The purpose of the study is to develop a system of continuous assessment (mass valuation) of real estate, taking into account the current methodological support of the process of assessing the market value of real estate, and should contribute to the improvement of the comparative approach to valuation in the framework of the practical activities of appraisers, as well as for state regulation of the real estate market.

    Keywords: diversification of management, production diversification, financial and economic purposes of a diversification, technological purposes of ensuring flexibility of production

  • Algorithm to control saturation contrast of digital images and its program realization

    The paper deals with virtual-optic image processing, particularly – with contrast enhancement, specifically – with control of color saturation contrasts in order to detect latent graphic information. The theorem of a hue invariance at color saturation through RGB-coordinates shift and its brightness restoration through RGB-coordinates proportional variation is proved. Meeting the corresponding requirements for analytical software tools, the original algorithm and program to enhance saturation contrasts were developed. The truncated brightness equation is presented. The possibility to optimize the speed versus accuracy of the conversion is laid. The program was successfully approved: a significant increase in the information content of the image was recorded. The efficiency of the created software product application to expert problems is demonstrated.

    Keywords: graphic information, color saturation, saturation contrast, contrast control, algorithm and program, latent images, expert applications

  • Calculation of the dose of mineral coagulant for water purification by the method of concentrated coagulation

    The method of calculating the coagulant dose using the technology of concentrated coagulation with the addition of air is given. The paper considers the peculiarities of using aluminum sulphate and aluminum polyoxychloride as a coagulant in different periods of the year, taking into account seasonal changes in water quality. Recommended values of parameters used in calculations of the coagulant dose during the year are given. The refined method of calculating the coagulant dose allows determining the weight dose of the reagent, including the mixed coagulant, taking into account the required air saturation of water, as well as the optimal volume of the so-called auxiliary water flow sent for concentrated coagulation.

    Keywords: coagulant dose, aluminum sulphate, aluminum polyoxychloride, air saturation, concentrated coagulation, auxiliary flow, mixed coagulant

  • Improvement of the executive documentation preparation for construction of buildings and structeres in modern conditions

    The main part of the technical documents in creation, reconstruction and capital repair of buildings and structures consists of technical executive documentation. Its formation, design, processing demand a lot of time and labor expenses. With the purpose of optimization of these processes and decreasing of work expenses it is necessary to appeal to automatic means of control and exploitation of executive documentation. In the article there are considered technical possibilities of the programs, allowing to simplify compilation of technical executive documentation at construction plant.

    Keywords: construction, executive technical documentation, automatic method, optimization, construction control, software systems, systematization of documentation

  • Modern methods of building roads in marshy areas

    Often, during the construction of roads in a swampy area, difficulties arise from the adverse conditions of this biome. This becomes a serious problem both at the design stage and at the construction stage. In order for the road to stand the time allotted to it by the project, designers and builders often resort to non-standard solutions, solutions that are rarely used in other conditions. This article will discuss some of them that are most widely used, due to their reliability and effectiveness.

    Keywords: road, construction, design, swamp, peat, aggressive environment, geotextiles, geo-piles, concrete, asphalt concrete, retaining walls, armored ground

  • Simulation of the design activity diversification of innovative enterprise

    A new closed solution of the related dynamic problem of thermoelastic for a long cylinder in case of temperature change on its faces (boundary conditions of the 1st kind) has been built. The mathematical formulation of the problem in question includes linear equations of motion and thermal conductivity relative to the radial component of the displacement vector, as well as functions of temperature field change. To solve the problem, a mathematical apparatus is used to separate variables in the form of a generalized final integral transformation (instrument). The constructed design ratios make it possible to determine the stress-deformed state and temperature field of the elastic element under arbitrary temperature external influence. The influence of the rate of change of load and physical properties of the material on the inertial properties of the elastic system has been analyzed, as well as the parameters at which it is necessary to take into account the connectivity of mechanical and temperature fields have been determined.

    Keywords: Long cylinder, associated thermoelastic problem, transient temperature impact, final integral transformations

  • Assessment of the suitability of water resources of water wells for water supply of rice systems in floodplain areas

    This article discusses the possibility of using water wells for water supply of rice irrigation systems. The aim of the study of this work is to study the prospects for the possible use of water wells for irrigation of flood fields of the Krasnodar Territory. This issue has been studied by the example of a water well, which is located in the village of the Black Sea Seversky district of the Krasnodar Territory. The relevance of the study of this issue is expressed in the fact that of all types of agricultural nature management in the Krasnodar Territory, one of the most important types is rice growing. Naturally, in the field of rice production, irrigation sources play an important role, which, in our opinion, include water wells. The relevance of this study is associated with the importance of the production of rice groats, as one of the most important types of agricultural nature management in the Krasnodar Territory and the Republic of Adygea. Irrigation sources are of great importance in the field of rice growing, which consists in the fact that for the irrigation of flood fields, a large amount of water is required, providing a favorable environment for rice growth. At the same time, the quality of rice cultivated directly depends on the qualitative characteristics of the water resources used for rice systems. The value of irrigation sources is that a favorable environment for the cultivation of rice groats is created by water resources, which are used in large quantities for irrigation of rice fields. Water resources used for irrigation of flood fields have a direct impact on the quality of rice cereal, which is grown on irrigated fields. In this regard, there is a need to conduct a study of water resources extracted from water wells for their compliance with sanitary norms and rules, the results of which will be considered in this paper.

    Keywords: siltation, reservoir, water resources, floodplain territories, rational water use, water resources

  • Eliminating odors of malodorous pollutants in water treatment systems

    The paper reveals the problem and causes of the formation of fetid compounds in the systems of transportation and wastewater treatment. Various methods used at the moment to eliminate and neutralize unpleasant odors, as well as a number of measures to clean the air from fetid compounds are considered. A new method is described to prevent the formation of odors of fetid compounds in wastewater transportation and treatment systems and a device for its implementation using low-intensity cavitation. The scheme of the device for sewage treatment from smells of fetid compounds. The principle of operation of this installation is described.

    Keywords: fetid compounds , air purification, biological purification, low-intensity cavitation

  • Simulation of the design activity diversification of innovative enterprise

    The article presents an analysis of objects with concrete-filled steel tube columns. Also the article describes methods for solving the concomitant disadvantages and describes ways to increase the effectiveness of this solution. Prospects for studies of increasing the adhesive component of the mutual work of the concrete core and steel shell are presented. The analysis allows you to give recommendations on the following issues: improving the technological level of concrete-filled steel tube columns, the convenience of joining the column with the frame.

    Keywords: concrete-filled steel tube columns, combined steel and reinforced concrete structures, tubular section, fixed formwork, steel cage, concrete core, adhesion of materials, side compression effect, frame building, construction in the low-temperature conditio

  • Theoretical basis for the design of high-power semiconductor thermoresistors

    The problem of creating semiconductor thermoresistors (PTR) capable of dissipating large amounts of heat is an urgent problem of semiconductor technology. The article presents a brief analysis of the possibilities of using high-power ATGM, the picture of the distribution of thermal fields in the mass of the thermistor under certain boundary and initial conditions. It is shown that when selecting a thermistor material, special attention should be paid to the specific thermal conductivity of the material.

    Keywords: High power thermistors, current density, thermal conductivity, energy balance, similarity criteria

  • Survey of monitoring program generation systems

    Systems that allow generating programs for monitoring the state of technical objects are explored. The generation of programs involves the construction of models of objects from the data received from them and the construction of data collection processes. The dependences of the complexity of the generation of models of monitoring objects on the dimension of the input stream, the dimensions of the characteristic vectors describing the state of the elements of the objects of monitoring, as well as the dependences of the complexity of the generation of data collection processes on the number of structural levels of objects, the number of information elements on each level, and the probabilities of generating processes on each of the levels. Based on the results obtained, recommendations are formulated on the use of monitoring program generation systems in solving practical problems in particular domain: recommendation on selecting right balance between often and rare model rebuilding and expediency criteria of the monitoring process generation system usage.

    Keywords: complex technical object, monitoring, program generation

  • Evaluation of empirical models of centimeter and millimeter radio wave propagation in forests

    This article concentrates on the issues of radio wave propagation in forest conditions. The issue of representing the forest mass as a heterogeneous structure with a low dielectric constant is considered. Calculation and comparison of radio signal attenuation using several empirical models were carried out. It is shown that empirical models take into account the heterogeneous structure of the forest when moving from free space to the forest.

    Keywords: radiowave propagation, wooded area, empirical model, radiowave attenuation, path loss, ground mobile communication, electrodynamic characteristics of a heterogeneous structure

  • Using the thermal imaging method to examine buildings and structures: review

    Thermal imaging technology has become one of the most valuable diagnostic tools for inspecting and inspecting buildings and structures. This article describes the features of this method, the history of its creation, the basic principles of thermal imaging cameras. The authors of the article show the scope of thermal imaging technologies and their place in the construction industry. This article describes in detail both the positive aspects of thermal imaging technologies and their shortcomings. The authors concluded that thermal imaging cameras are a universal tool, and new innovative ways to use them have become a key technology for construction inspection work around the world.

    Keywords: thermal imager, thermography, thermal imaging device, building inspection, reconstruction, energy audit, construction diagnostics, thermal imaging