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  • Software for the control system for the technical condition of the main equipment of thermal power plants

    The problem of digitalization of the data accounting system and the problem of managing the technical condition of equipment at thermal power plants are considered. The performance of the entire thermal power plant depends on the operation of the boiler units. If the equipment fails and the necessary measures to resolve the emergency are not taken in time, then the probability of a decrease in the plant's performance up to the suspension of work increases. Thus, the issue of monitoring the technical condition of all operating equipment is relevant. The developed software for automation of the data recording system and visualization of technical parameters of the reliability of boiler and turbine equipment is described. The software has a methodology for determining the technical condition index of equipment. The software was developed using the JavaScript programming language, the React.js library. Digital technologies have been introduced into the process of recording data on the technical condition of equipment, where for the first time the software includes a method for automatic calculation of the technical condition index of boiler units. The software ensures that equipment downtime is reduced, as well as the likelihood of failure or critical breakdown of boilers. Thus, the operation of the software makes it possible to reduce the likelihood of an emergency state of the main equipment of power plants.

    Keywords: thermal power plant, boiler and turbine equipment, software, technical condition, reliability, repairn

  • Technical and economic comparison of design solutions for radiation protection against X-ray radiation

    This article discusses the most common materials and how they are used to protect against ionizing radiation used for medical purposes. Comparison of technical and economic devices for the construction of a protective fence from the described radiation protection materials is presented. The effectiveness of the use of self-adhesive polymer radiation-shielding materials for protection against insulation with voltage up to 100 kV has been established.

    Keywords: gamma radiation shielding, radiation shielding, EPDM, metal oxide, barite, polymer composites

  • Analysis of ways to strengthen the building structures of military infrastructure facilities

    The work is devoted to the analysis of existing and applied in practice methods of strengthening building structures, an assessment is given of the choice of the optimal method for strengthening building structures, the main advantages and disadvantages of these methods, the possibility and economic feasibility of their use in the interests of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation are considered.

    Keywords: building structures, reinforcement, bearing capacity, technical inspection, efficiency, military infrastructure

  • Dynamic control of the microcontroller core power supply voltage

    The article deals with the power supply of the microcontroller core, which allows you to adjust the voltage to ensure the necessary balance between performance and power consumption of the system. When using this source, the core power supply voltage depends on the fill factor of the pulse-width modulated generator. These expressions allow you to adapt the proposed source for a microcontroller with an arbitrary power supply voltage.

    Keywords: microcontroller, microprocessor system, embedded system, stabilizer, core power, performance, power consumption, video surveillance system, pulse-width modulation, fill factor

  • Physico-chemical aspects of the formation of multicomponent solid solutions in an inhomogeneous thermal field

    The theoretical aspects of crystallization of multicomponent solid solutions are discussed. Antimonoid heterosystems in which bismuth is present are considered, a component that largely determines the photoelectric properties of the studied materials. The features of establishing the equilibrium of the liquid and solid phases in the process of crystallization of these systems are considered. The laws of the thermodynamic behavior of heterosystems in the conditions of gradient liquid-phase epitaxy are established. The results of experimental studies on the growth of solid solutions of multicomponent bismuthides on InSb substrates are presented.

    Keywords: solid solutions, migrating liquid phase, indium antimonide arsenide, gallium bismuthide, binary pair, recrystallization, quasicrystalline structure

  • Development of a mechanism for the formation of investment attractiveness of the regional socio-economic system

    The article presents the organizational and economic mechanism for increasing the investment attractiveness of the region, based on the system of investment design and implementation of investment projects, based on the complexity of the development of the region's economy, and including not only the identification of the investment potential of the region, but also the establishment of sources of capital investments; identification of directions for the development of the region, taking into account the calculations of the possible results of financial injections into these objects; creation of a phased financing plan for the taken object, the beginning of its implementation and control over it; obtaining state support for the development sector of the regional economy during the implementation of the investment project in the form of tax incentives, lower lending rates, etc.

    Keywords: region, regional economy, investments, investment policy, risk, investment risks, investment portfolio, socio-economic development

  • Methodology for increasing the efficiency of managing resource-intensive tasks in distributed computing systems

    Currently, the problem of increasing the efficiency of managing resource-intensive tasks in distributed computing systems is quite acute. Analysis of existing task dispatching algorithms for traditional computing systems showed the limitations of using these methods in heterogeneous systems, as a result of which significant delays can occur between task switching.A functional mathematical model for estimating the workload of distributed computing systems is proposed, based on determining the probability of downtime of the processing center as a criterion for assessing the system load. Using this model will provide increased efficiency in managing resource-intensive tasks in distributed computing systems.

    Keywords: mathematical model, distributed computing system, processing center, loading

  • Modeling biological structures using electrical equivalent equivalent circuits

    The article discusses several equivalent circuits constructed by sequentially connecting circuits for the membrane and protoplasm. The solution was made using the Cardano formula for cubic equations. The roots in the expression for the determination of resonant frequencies determined the resonant frequencies for the given parameters for the membrane and intercellular fluid; to obtain numerical values, values ​​were used within several permissible limits. In the course of the calculations, it was confirmed that most resonant frequencies are in the millimeter and submillimeter ranges. It is also shown that the cell vibration frequencies occupy the decimeter, centimeter, millimeter and submillimeter wavelengths. Obviously, it is the impact on biological systems of electromagnetic radiation in the indicated wavelength ranges that will be most effective and can lead to a maximum biological response (effect).

    Keywords: equivalent equivalent circuit, biological structure, membrane, oscillatory circuit, Cardano formula, protoplasm, resonant frequencies, electrical processes, equivalent equivalent circuit, electromagnetic radiation

  • Means and methods of innovative management of innovative startups. Part II

    The work is devoted to the means and methods of innovative management. Associated mainly with startup projects. This refers to an extended concept of startups, not only and not so much as an organization that creates a new product or service in conditions of high uncertainty, but as an innovative project with a high degree of risk. The algorithm for implementing startups is considered, and the factors that influence the introduction of innovations, both external and internal, are presented. Much attention is paid to effective tools and methods for implementing startups. Such as the application of systems analysis and diversification of production. It is shown that one of the foundations of innovative technological business in the economy is currently played by industrial-agricultural symbiosis. All of the above questions are illustrated by numerous specific examples. The main goals and principles of innovation management identified in the course of the conclusion are logically derived from the totality of which. The work is of a scientific and practical nature. It can be used both in scientific research of modern business processes and for practical guidance in conducting specific campaigns.

    Keywords: innovation, startup, management, system analysis, sustainable development, synergistic systems, symbiosis, diversification, implementation algorithm, goals, means

  • Means and methods of innovative management of innovative startups Part I

    The work is devoted to the means and methods of innovative management. Associated mainly with startup projects. This refers to an extended concept of startups, not only and not so much as an organization that creates a new product or service in conditions of high uncertainty, but as an innovative project with a high degree of risk. The algorithm for implementing startups is considered, and the factors that influence the introduction of innovations, both external and internal, are presented. Much attention is paid to effective tools and methods for implementing startups. Such as the application of systems analysis and diversification of production. It is shown that one of the foundations of innovative technological business in the economy is currently played by industrial-agricultural symbiosis. All of the above questions are illustrated by numerous specific examples. The main goals and principles of innovation management identified in the course of the conclusion are logically derived from the totality of which. The work is of a scientific and practical nature. It can be used both in scientific research of modern business processes and for practical guidance in conducting specific campaigns.

    Keywords: innovation, startup, management, system analysis, sustainable development, synergistic systems, symbiosis, diversification, implementation algorithm, goals, means

  • Research of interrelation and interaction of processes of the enterprise quality management system in the space of conditions

    For the three main processes of the enterprise, identified in the decomposition of its activities, a mathematical model in the space of conditions is developed, taking into account their relationship and interaction in the quality management system. For the obtained system of differential equations, the structural composition of the operators included in it is disclosed. An example of the application of the created mathematical model in the study of the functioning of the quality management system using linear and non-linear operators and the action of random external disturbances is considered. A discussion of the simulation results at various parameter values from the point of view of the functioning of the selected processes is presented.

    Keywords: differential equation, space of conditions, process, quality management system

  • Survey of monitoring program generation systems

    Systems that allow generating programs for monitoring the state of technical objects are explored. The generation of programs involves the construction of models of objects from the data received from them and the construction of data collection processes. The dependences of the complexity of the generation of models of monitoring objects on the dimension of the input stream, the dimensions of the characteristic vectors describing the state of the elements of the objects of monitoring, as well as the dependences of the complexity of the generation of data collection processes on the number of structural levels of objects, the number of information elements on each level, and the probabilities of generating processes on each of the levels. Based on the results obtained, recommendations are formulated on the use of monitoring program generation systems in solving practical problems in particular domain: recommendation on selecting right balance between often and rare model rebuilding and expediency criteria of the monitoring process generation system usage.

    Keywords: complex technical object, monitoring, program generation

  • Study of the heat transfer process in a liquid cooling system of a computer based on ferrofluids

    In this research the research problem of the liquid cooling system of supercomputer processors on nanomagnetic liquids by numerical modeling and the pilot study of processes of heat convection in the studied object is set. In article results of numerical modeling and the pilot study of process of the heat transfer are given in the heat exchanger of the liquid cooling system of supercomputer processors on the basis of nanomagnetic liquids, or ferroflyuid at influence of magnetic field impact assessment of magnetic field on the thermal resistance of the system and coefficient of heat convection the wall liquid Is made at different strengths of magnetic field. The numerical model of process of the heat transfer in the system the processor heat exchanger was investigated.

    Keywords: processor, thermal resistance, Laplace equation, liquid computer cooling system, ferrofluid, nanomagnetic liquid, heat transfer, heat transfer coefficient

  • Systems for automatic generation of monitoring programs

    Models of monitoring program generation systems are proposed. to significantly reduce the cost of time and other resources for monitoring complex technical objects. Systems are considered at several levels: subsystems and modules, communication links, use cases, physical representation. A technique for adapting system models to subject areas.

    Keywords: complex technical object, monitoring, models of software systems, program generation

  • Development of an interface and software for the implementation of an automatic seeding system

    Automation of agricultural production is one of the main tasks in the modern world. One of the areas of agriculture, which is primarily in need of automation, is selection, since manual labor is used in most technical operations. This article discusses the software with which the system of intelligent seeding will be implemented.

    Keywords: intellectual seeding, software, selection, seeding algorithm, interface, hardware, process structure, data block, calculation procedure, import substitution