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  • University marketing: market policy, innovative self-employment of graduates and creation of hi-tech startups. Part 2

    The results of application development of the marketing concept, the market policy of the university, the education services and conditions for self-learners and graduates are given. Special attention is paid to the  self-employment of graduates, focused on startups, high technology and scientific capacity production, as potential innovators of Russian economy modernization. The article can be useful for economists and technical specialists dealing with the problem of increasing the efficiency of educational institutions, employment of graduates and development of self-employment.

    Keywords: Marketing, market policy, university, educational services, self-employment, startup, new economy, knowledge economy, high-technologies, scientific capacity production

  • Micropower selective amplifier in basis in radiation-hard process technology ABMK_1_3

    Classical implementation of active selective amplifiers (SA) are usually associated with design sophisticated active elements (operational amplifiers) that consume relatively large power from their universality. This paper present the active SA based on an analog array chip ABMK_1_3, that have high level of radiation resistance to the flow of neutrons and accumulated dose of radiation. This SA implemented on the basis of a voltage-to-current converter with a minimum number of transistors and low consumption static current. Efficient use of current amplifier can be explained by use frequency dependent symmetric chains in a feedback loop. This property provides the independence of the pole frequency f0 = fp on the gain of the active element, as well as maximizing the quality factor.
    The basic analytical expressions that establish the relationships between the SA and the characteristics of active and passive components are given. The relations that help minimize sensitivity of parameters SA to instability properties of the components are considered. Simulation results of desired SA are shown.  

    Keywords: selective amplifier, bandpass filter, active RC-filter, analog array chip, radiation hardness

  • Structural design of information and measurement systems for biopotential research

      The mathematical features of construction information and measuring health systems (IMS). Because biological systems are complex, not always well-defined structure, for their correct description and implementation of metrological analysis requires its imposition. Accordingly, the presentation described bioinstrumentalnoe MIS. Within the theory of metrological synthesis formulated the concept of IMS core. With the use of the mathematical theory of categories and object-oriented modeling describes the basic relationships between the elements of the core IMS. The basic position with regards to the construction of MIS based on its structure. A scheme of the developed system of environmental monitoring of water environment on the basis of an integrated assessment of water quality. The main components of the system were presented. Feature of the developed system is the consideration of non-fixed sources of pollution, which was made possible thanks to the developed method of integral evaluation.

    Keywords: Measuring health system, object-oriented modeling, method of integral evaluation

  • Multichannel OpAmp and JFET follower IC on radiation hardened array

    The features of circuit engineering and results of chip computer simulation which consists of 4-channel operational amplifier (op amp) and 2-channel electrometric voltage follower, designed for pre-processing of sensors signals in high-energy physics are considered. 
    The characteristic properties of designed op amp are the absence of current source in the input differential stage and the use of parallel high-frequency channel for increasing of the bandwidth and slew rate.
    The results of experimental research that have confirmed the low sensitivity of the parameters of designed integrated circuits created on the field programmable gate array "FGPA-1.3" without the horizontal p-n-p transistors to the influence of gamma-irradiation and electrons with energy of 4 MeV are given.  

    Keywords: operational amplifier, field programmable gate array, voltage follower, sensor, sensing element, radiation resistance.

  • Thermal-Electric degradation of fiber-optical communication lines problem and promising ways of its solution

    In this article authors give information about problem of fiber-optical communication lines thermal-electric degradation and its consequences and study main reasons and factors which have an influence upon the degree of thermal-electric degradation. Possible and the most promising research ways are examined in this subject area; they let not only study this subject of  fiber-optical communication lines thermal-electric degradation in detail but to solve this problem in whole.

    Keywords: electromagnetic field, thermal-electric degradation, fiber-optical communication lines, FOC-cored static wire, kevlar, electrified railway

  • Game theoretic formalization of the trust level between subjects of social partnership in the system of optional professional education

    A cooperative game theoretic model of dynamics of the trust level between subjects of the system of optional professional education is proposed. Some approaches to the model identification and investigation based on simulation modeling and differential cooperative game theory are considered.

    Keywords: social partnership, optional professional education, differential cooperative games, simulation modeling, identification

  • Principles of metrology information-measuring systems for analytical measurements in biomedicine

      Regarding the structural evaluation of the instrumental error of bio MIS tool software package was developed that allows to take into account the error in the analysis of clinical diagnostic measurement in hematology research. It allows to analyze the results of hematological measurements with the measurement error and issue you with a message that characterizes getting results within normal or unreliability. Nanoparticles in biomedical analytical measurements are used as contrast agents, since, being immobilized specific proteins with adhesion to the diseased cells and bacteria. Register ultrasonic signal produced when the laser blood flow to the entered nanoparticles allows the detection and enumeration of diseased cells. The block diagram of analytical studies was designed to prove its basic metrological characteristics. Research is conducted in the centers for collective use of the Southern Federal University "Nanotechnology" and "Laser Technology", equipped with modern and unique nanotechnology research equipment.

    Keywords: Bio MIS, nanoparticles, hematological measurements

  • Technology of formation of readiness of the future IT experts to interprofessional interaction

    The author's technology of formation of readiness of students of IT specialities of high school to the interprofessional interaction, focused on development  the values connected with interprofessional interaction is considered; adaptabilities;  self-control, the concept "readiness for interprofessional interaction" is specified with reference to a theme of research 

    Keywords: The IT expert, interprofessional interaction, technology, preparation of experts in high school

  • Filtering algorithms of bioelectric signals

      In this paper we consider the application of digital signal processing techniques to clean them from interference and to present in a special basis, which allows the detection of events related to the manifestation of the functioning of a functional system in health and disease. Implemented mathematical foundation and rapid synthesis methods for converting the signals used in electrophysiology based on the discrete wavelet and Gabor transforms. Filter synthesis using Filter Desing ToolBox package MatLab was observed. 

    Keywords: digital signal processing techniques, rapid synthesis methods, discrete wavelet transform, Gabor transform

  • Models of cooperation in the system of social partnership

    Relations between subjects of the system of social partnership in the domain of optional professional education are modeled by a voting game. For the 3-person voting game a comparative analysis of such optimality principles as C-core, NM-decision, and Shapley value for the typical values of the players' voices is conducted.

    Keywords: social partnership, optional professional education, voting games, C-core, NM-decision, Shapley value

  • Geostatistics methods for cadastral value of land horticultural non-profit association leningrads region

    The author of the article identified the cadastral value of land horticultural non-profit organizations of Leningrad region, using the method of geostatistics. Determined by the maximum distance between objects evaluation. Point at a distance lag more than the maximum distance, not spatially correlated. The construction of the cadastral value of the surface, using deterministic methods and methods of geostatistics is illustrated.

    Keywords: cadastral value, geostatistics, log, correlation, regression

  • Concrete on binding and small sand

    The influence of fine-dispersed mineral adds on the properties of cement stone and concrete has been investigated. The possibility of production of necessary strength concrete with small sand without increasing of standard expenditure of cement has been designed.

    Keywords: concrete, strength, small sand, add, mineral powder, cement, reduction, expenditure

  • The concept of organization of processing of the information in the systems of diagnostics and detection

     In the article there are considered the problems arising in the building of systems of diagnostics and recognition, provides methods to detect deviations in functioning of the various objects.

    Keywords: Diagnostics, еmpirical mode decomposition, extreme filtering, time-frequency distributions

  • The potential of using biogas in the agricultural region

    The article examines the development of biogas production in the Altai region. Indicates the need for wide implementation in ho-agricultural practice of farms renewable energy.  Provides information about the main raw materials and specific yield volumes of fuel out of it. Argued that there is a potential for the construction of facilities for the production of biogas based on large and medium-sized livestock operations. This can provide up to 20-25% of the demand in the Altai region gas fuel. It is noted that the implementation of this project requires coordination of government support measures with the mandatory inclusion of livestock facilities for biogas in the construction or reconstruction of livestock enterprises. Also priority for biogas energy in the Altai region called the creation of biogas plants with low capacity. They can be used by individuals to meet the challenges of energy supply and heating. Refers to the importance of their implementation in some areas Altai region. 

    Keywords: biogas, bioenergy, renewable energy, biofuel, energy-saving technology, aricultural region

  • Рerfection governmental сertification of scientific and scientific and pedagogical shots in respect social and economic evolution Russia

    New approaches to resource potential of national economic are considered in this article.

    Keywords: the development of the system of higher professional education, the institutions of higher professional education, potential of the system of higher education,сertification of scientific and scientific and pedagogical shots