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  • System analysis and control risks to human health on the basis of an automated monitoring system

    The question of system analysis and risk management for public health is important and requires a thorough study. As part of its study on chosen method has been implemented an algorithm for estimating the risk of isolated effects of air pollutants on human health, then conducted a systematic analysis of the results, and management solution put forward to improve the safety and health of Taganrog. Based on the data of automated monitoring system has been established that the risk of adverse effects in humans with daily admission of matter in life is insignificant, and this influence is characterized as acceptable.

    Keywords: Estimation analysis and control of risk, health and safety of the population, atmosphere pollution, dangerous chemical substances

  • The development of gas recognition technique using multysensor system for air monitoring

      The problem of air quality control is relevant at the present time. There are a lot of different devices and methods of air monitoring. The promising devices for air monitoring are automated air monitoring systems functioning in real time regime. The basic part of such system is a chemical gas sensor. Gas sensors can be combined into the arrays or so called multisensory systems to increase their effectiveness. Sensor arrays using semiconductor sensors based on SiO2CuOx, SiO2SnOxCuOy, SnOxZrOy, silver-polyacrylonitrile thin films made at department of chemistry and ecology have been investigated in this work. As a result of sensors signals processing gas recognition technique has been developed. The recognition of ammonia, nitrogen dioxide, chlorine has been made.

    Keywords: monitoring, massifs of sensors, semiconductor sensors of gases

  • Study of SiO2SnOxCuOy Sensor Response Stability to Carbon Oxide (II)

      Stability of sensors on the basis of inorganic oxide materials is one of the primary goals by working out of atmospheric air control devices. In this work long-term stability of a sensor response on the basis of the SiO2SnOxCuOy material to carbon oxide (II) exposure in a range of concentration 1-100 ppm is studied. It is shown that the sensor response differs high stability and reproducibility. Continuous heating within 21 days to working temperature (350°С) influence its value negligibly.

    Keywords: stability of a response, sensor, carbon oxide, material of structure of SiO2SnOxCuOy.

  • Investigation properties of composite material for high sensitivity nitrogen dioxide sensors

      We have investigated electrical and gas sensitive properties of gas sensor based on carbon nanotubes (CNT) and carbon nanotubes modified by metal oxides (such as tin oxide and silicon oxide).  Also we  have find out that modification of  CNT by  metal oxides helps to  improve film`s adhesion to substrate, decrease electrical resistance, recovery time, working temperature , enhance gas sensitivity in comparison with sensitive elements based  only on CNT or metal oxides. Moreover experimental results showed that properties of composite material depend on concentration correlation of solutions. As a result we can get highest sensitivity of sensor element by choosing optimal relation between concentrations of solutions.

    Keywords: Сarbon nanotubes, modification, tin oxide, silicon oxide, gas sensor

  • The relationship of the tax planning and strategic management accounting as the basis of the effective work of the enterprise

    This article  considers different points of views on tax planning .There is difference in attitude of Russian and foreign scientists and businessmen  and foreign experts towards tax planning. The article considers the essence of tax planning, its aims and  the necessity of combination of  strategic management with tax planning. The finance planning matrix correlating strategic management with tax planning is given here.

    Keywords: tex, tex planning , management accounting, strategic management accounting, rolling forecasts, texing forecasts, optimistic tex, activity-based management, finance planning

  • Application of neural networks to build prediction model of urban air pollution

      Neural network model of distribution of pollutant in the atmosphere of the city of Taganrog has been developed on the basis of monitoring data, meteorological information and calculation made by software «Ecolog-gorod». The results of the work of model have been visualized in software ArcGis. Distribution maps of nitrogen dioxide has been built under the conditions of eight directions of wind, two wind speeds and two temperature ranges.

    Keywords: Neural network, prediction model, urban air pollution

  • Development of technology of fabricating unheated gas sensors based on polyacrylonitrile for hybrid sensor systems

      Technology of fabricating unheated gas sensors based on polyacrylonitrile (PAN) using different temperature and time modes of a two stages IR-pyrolyze is developed for the remote control of the human condition. Gas-sensing elements based on PAN films and cobalt- and copper-containing PAN films are fabricated. Gas sensitive characteristics of the gained samples to CO, Cl2 and CHCl3 in atmospheric conditions are determined. We have found that gas-sensitivity of the samples depends on the composition of the original film-forming solution and on the process parameters of fabricating the film material. Moreover the samples show sensitivity and selectivity at room temperature. The benefits of this study is that films based on PAN and metal-PAN are the most promising material for electronic engineering including gas sensors for the remote monitoring of the human condition.

    Keywords: Nanocomposite materials, gas-sensing layer, metal-containing organic polymers, IR- pyrolyze

  • Accounting for the effects of differences between the moduli of elasticity in compression and tension in the calculation of the strength of reinforced beams with filler of foamy fibrous concrete

    The article investigates the impact on the normal stresses of inequality of the young modulus for tension and compression in the bending of reinforced beams. Obtained formulas for determination of the bending moments that arise in the fixture, compressed and stretched zone of the aggregate. Found the formula for the normal stresses arbitrarily supported reinforced beams, arbitrary cross section and arbitrarily loaded bending loads. For example, reinforced beams of rectangular cross-section shows the determination of the neutral line and maximum stresses.

    Keywords: reinforced beam, elastic modulus, stress, normal concrete

  • Research of point surface defect’s composition and structure on casts of stainless steel when casting by investment pattern

    Results of research the ties of refrectory oxide, which form in the course of filling with stainless steels, and specific point defects impairing casts of stainless steel.

    Keywords: quartz mould, chromium steel, oxides, chemical analysis, physicochemical interaction

  • A method of numerical modeling of spectrometric systems of gas sensors

      A principle of spectrometric systems of gas sensors was described. A model and a method of numerical modeling of spectrometric gas sensor with the combined radiator-receiver of infrared radiation on the basis of the punched semiconductor thermoresistor were proposed.

    Keywords: spectrometric gas sensor, model, method of modeling

  • Development of technology of receiving high-sensitivity gas sensors on the basis of zirconium oxide for hybrid sensor systems

      In this work the technology of receiving high-sensitivity gas sensors on the basis of zirconium oxide is developed for hybrid sensor systems. Laboratory samples of sensors of gas on the basis of zirconium oxide are made with use sol-gel method. Gas-sensitive characteristics of samples of sensors in relation to nitrogen dioxide are defined: limit of detection and factor of gas sensitivity. The received gas sensors will help to determine approach of an attack of bronchial asthma some hours prior to its beginning by level of an oxide of nitrogen in exhaled air of the person.

    Keywords: hybrid sensor systems, zirconium oxide, bronchial asthma, nitrogen dioxide

  • Study the effect of different gases and volatile liquids on the mechanical properties of the films mycelium

      The algorithm of the research, including the technology of making the mycelium film on the resonator of bulk acoustic wave and gas medium with the given concentration was developed. As a result of the investigations the sorption sensitivity of extracts of the higher shiitake mushroom mycelium to the fume of volatile liquids and gases (acetone, ethyl acetate, formaldehyde, chloroform, acetic acid and hydrochloric acid, hexane, 10% aqueous ammonia) was studied. The study has shown that there are the processes of making the mycelium films, which keep the initial values of the resonant frequency and the quality factor of the resonator after moving off the fumes or gases. This work has shown that the mycelia films are very promising as a new material for gas selective coatings of electro acoustic sensors.

    Keywords: mycelia films, flying liquids, gases, gas electro-acoustic sensors

  • University marketing: market policy, innovative self-employment of graduates and creation of hi-tech startups. Part 1

    The results of theoretical analysis and application development of the marketing concept that underlies the market policy of the university, determining the direction and content of the education services, creating opportunities and conditions for self-learners and graduates are given. Special attention is paid to the marketing of education services and self-employment of graduates, focused on startups, high technology and scientific capacity production, as potential innovators of Russian economy modernization, which is to acquire the features of new economy and knowledge economy. The article can be useful for economists and technical specialists dealing with the problem of increasing the efficiency of educational institutions, employment of graduates and development of self-employment.

    Keywords: Marketing, market policy, university, educational services, self-employment, startup, labor market, new economy, knowledge economy, high-technologies, scientific capacity production

  • Priority problem green building in Rostov-on-Don

    To create in Rostov-on-Don, ecologically effective, technologically advanced and durable green plantings to solve the problem: 1. Create a variety of trees for landscaping cities and towns; 2. Determine the principles of green plantings, ensuring their maximum environmental efficiency. In the steppe zone of Russia should use the structure of the park, with a high proportion of dense plantings (400 trees per hectare) of long-lived trees of the first magnitude.

    Keywords: green building, greening cities, assortment of trees, ecologically effective green plantings, the steppe zone

  • Mathematical and statistical models predicting efficiency of surgical treatment of certain diseases

    Article focuses on the use of statistical models to predict tolerability surgery using intracavitary hyperthermic chemotherapy (IHCT) and the definition of indications and contraindications to perform operations and tolerability for patients with cancer based on the hemostatic patient. This technique allows a high enough accuracy to prediction portability planned surgery, duration of disease-free period, the period and quality of life in the immediate and late postoperative period.Improve treatment of patients with malignant tumors of the abdomen and pelvis, is one of the priorities of modern health care. Relevance of various parameters of immunity, clinical and biological parameters of homeostasis and prognosis of malignant disease in humans will significantly reduce the proportion of late diagnoses of relapses. Recently there has been increased research to find a method of complex cytoreductive surgery and the use of cytotoxic drugs, and physical therapies, one of which is a local intraoperative hyperthermic chemotherapy. With the help of statistical methods has been studied the degree of influence on the parameters IHCT immunity and an estimate of the nature of the immunological changes in different types of surgery. Methods of binary logistic regression analysis was calculated diskriminatnogo forecast portability operation - patient survival probability. Based on the method of multiple regression were obtained algorithms calculate the duration of life of patients after surgery, and the duration of DFS. Studies based on the factor analysis showed that the main factors affecting the prognosis of disease-free period and the period of life are the morphological structure of the tumor volume cytoreduction, the sum of your immune system and cancer markers. Peritoneal cancer index, sex and age of the patient does not have a significant effect on these parameters. Thus, the introduction into clinical practice of the proposed computer systems and statistical forecasting models allow physicians to objectively evaluate the performance of homeostasis, the portability of the planned surgery, more accurately predict the course of the cancer disease and the likelihood of recurrence of the disease and the duration and quality of life.

    Keywords: statistics, modeling, forecasting, surgery, colorectal cancer, disease-free life expectancy, tolerance of surgery, immunological parameters, factor analysis, regression equation