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  • Research and modernization of the automated oil filling system

    The article discusses the issues of modernization of the automated system for filling petroleum products (ASN). The complexity of maintenance of the automated control system due to the lack of up-to-date documentation and updated software, as well as periodic failures and high cost of spare parts became the main reasons for the implementation of modernization. Automatic control systems based on the law of proportional-integral-differential regulation have been developed: using a shut-off control valve with a positional actuator or a frequency converter to control the ACN. Mathematical models of the automatic control system have been developed in the MATLAB program using the Simulink library. An experimental model of a pumping station was assembled in laboratory conditions, and simulation modeling of the operation of an automated control system for a discharge and filling station was carried out. According to the results of experimental studies on the direct characteristics of assessing the quality of the transient process, the graph of a circuit with a frequency converter demonstrates the best results.

    Keywords: automated pumping station, petroleum products, mathematical models, PID controller

  • Prediction of gas concentrations based on a recurrent neural network

    The article discusses the use of a recurrent neural network in the problem of forecasting pollutants in the air based on actual data in the form of a time series. A description of the network architecture, the training method used, and the method for generating training and testing data is provided. During training, a data set consisting of 126 measurements of various components was used. As a result, the quality of the conclusions of the resulting model was assessed and the averaged coefficients of the MSE metric were calculated.

    Keywords: air pollution, forecasting, neural networks, machine learning, recurrent network, time series analysis

  • Prospects for the implementation of lean construction principles

    The construction industry is undergoing regular changes these days, influenced by many different factors. Large and structurally complex construction projects reveal more and more imperfections in traditional construction methods, e.g. increased time or production costs, downtime, delays, etc. Lean construction and its principles have emerged in search of solutions to problems in construction. In the search for solutions to problems in construction, the term - lean construction and its principles appeared, which replaced traditional methods and aimed at finding new approaches in the implementation of construction activities. In this scientific article the definition of Lean Construction is given, and also the history of Lean Construction and its chronology are considered. The comparison of the traditional construction model and Lean model is given, and also the connection of Building Information Modeling (BIM) with Lean Construction principles is analysed and an example of this connection is given.

    Keywords: lean manufacturing, lean construction, construction, lean construction principles, lean technology, lean model, lean philosophy, life cycle of an object, information modelling technologies, engineering

  • A way to increase the bearing capacity of columns during the reconstruction of buildings

    The article presents a way to increase the load-bearing capacity of a reinforced concrete column due to metal clips from the corners with an increase in the load on it. To ensure the joint operation of the existing column and the metal cage, the corners are subjected to prestressing, which is achieved by compressing the corners with jacks.

    Keywords: reinforced concrete column, column reinforcement, metal cage, prestressing of the cage

  • Numerical analysis of connections of steel structure elements

    The practical significance associated with the development of automated software systems for calculating joints of steel structures of buildings and structures is noted. Using the IDEA Statica software package as an example, the calculation and analysis of the operation of a steel unit connecting the lower chord of a truss to a column was carried out. The order and sequence of entering the initial data for calculating the connection is shown. The calculation results present in tabular and graphical forms the equivalent stresses and plastic deformations of the main elements, as well as the results of inspections of bolted and welded connections of these elements to each other. A comparative analysis of numerical and analytical calculations was performed. Conclusions are formulated based on the results presented in the article.

    Keywords: calculation model, connections, steel structures, component finite element method, design, nonlinear analysis, work analysis, stress, plastic deformation, bolted connection, welded connection

  • Framed steel earthquake-resistant structures traditional design principles

    The main means of seismic protection for increasing the seismic resistance of buildings and structures are described. The main problems associated with the design of special seismic protection equipment are outlined. The basic requirements for the design and calculations of steel frame frames taking into account seismic impact in accordance with the current design standards in the Russian Federation are analyzed. There is an insufficient description of the requirements specified in the standards for performing calculations and design of structures and their connections. Recommendations and instructions are given for taking into account the requirements of the standards for the design of steel frame frames. Schematic diagrams of special units for coupling columns with crossbars, necessary for design in seismically hazardous areas, are presented. Conclusions are formulated.

    Keywords: special units, columns, beams, seismic impact, seismic protection, steel frames, plastic hinges, excess strength factor, forces, plastic moment, design.

  • Application of three-phase foams to reduce the concentration of diesel fuel in water

    The effect of organomodified silica particles on the extraction of dissolved diesel fuel from water was studied. The dependence of the efficiency of water purification on the concentration and type of solid particles, as well as the concentration and type of surfactant, is shown. When using a short-chain surfactant to modify the surface of silica particles, the minimum residual concentration of diesel fuel was 2.71 mg/l at a concentration of 4% Aerosil-380 and hexylamine 57 mmol/l. Replacing the short-chain surfactant hexylamine with the long-chain CTAMB led to an 8% improvement in the quality of water purification due to an increase in the surface activity of the organic cation. The use of modified clay particles to purify water from diesel fuel showed lower efficiency compared to Aerosil-380 particles at similar concentrations of the solid phase and surfactant modifier.

    Keywords: Pickering foam, foam emulsion, diesel fuel, water purification, silica, cationic surfactant, hexylamine, cetyltrimethylammonium bromide

  • Visualization of scientific data using interpolation methods and the NVIDIA IndeX plugin in the ParaView software

    The paper presents a solution to the problem of accelerating the process of visualizing the results of numerical simulation. The volumes of such data can be very large and the development of tools to speed up the process of analyzing modeling results is an urgent task. This article proposes a solution to the problem based on the development of a set of programs that automate the process of processing large-volume scientific data of the same type to create high-quality visualizations of the results of numerical modeling. The results are presented using the example of solving problems in astrophysics, but the proposed methodology can be quite easily applied to other subject areas in which models based on the dynamics of particle systems are used. The research described in the work is devoted to solving issues related to converting data obtained from numerical modeling into a format that can be read by the ParaView softwart, which implements many methods that allow obtaining very high-quality visualization. The work also describes the process of automating batch processing of a large amount of data that has the same structure, presents the results of an analysis of the acceleration of the visualization process when using the NVIDIA IndeX plug-in, and considers the possibility of improving the quality of visualization results when applying Delaunay triangulation to the original data.

    Keywords: data visualization, Delaunay triangulation, rendering acceleration, ParaView, NVIDIA IndeX, VTK

  • The use of slag-alkali binders in the technology of drilling piles

    The article discusses proposals for improving the use of discharge-pulse technology in the construction of boron-injection piles and camouflage widenings of bored piles with diameters of more than 300 mm. The application of voltages on the electrode system of a pulse current generator from 10 to 50 kV and an electric capacity of about 300 UF is considered. It has been found that in the case of using a relatively low voltage on the electrodes and an increase in the electrical capacity of the capacitor bank, the duration of the shock wave pressure on the ground increases several times. This contributes to a more intensive penetration of the liquid hardening material into the intergranular space of the near-well soil massif. It is proposed to use solutions using slag-alkali binders as a hardening material in the formation of boron-injection piles. Such solutions have greater fluidity compared to cement solutions and, when hardened, form a stone with greater strength and density. The article presents data from experimental studies confirming the increased strength (R = 130 MPa) and frost resistance of a solution prepared on slag-alkali binders, as well as data on determining their corrosion resistance to various aggressive media contained in groundwater. The possibility of stable breakdown of the interelectrode gap in aqueous solutions of slag-alkali media of various consistencies has been established, optimal energy parameters of the discharge have been determined for maximum effect of fixing the soils of the foundations.

    Keywords: foundations, drilling piles, discharge-pulse technology, slag-alkali binders

  • Module for searching destructive information in the text

    Destructive information in text is widespread and dangerous for children and teenagers as well as for adults. Current methods of searching destructive information in text: “keyword search”, “reverse document frequency method” have a number of disadvantages that can cause false positives, which reduces the accuracy of their work. In this article we consider a new developed method of searching destructive information in text, which is used in Python module. This method utilizes Spacy, pymorphy3 libraries which allows us to examine the sentence in detail and delve into its meaning. The developed method reduces false positives and thus increases the efficiency of its use. The paper shows the schemes of sentence parsing, the algorithm of the new method, as well as figures demonstrating its work. The comparative analysis of the new method with analogs is shown.

    Keywords: Spacy, disruptive content, information security, TF-IDF, keyword search, pymorphy3, Net Nanny, CyberPatrol, Oculus, child protection

  • Module for searching destructive information in images

    Images on web-sites, social networks, computers may contain destructive content and pose a threat to the psyche of a child or adolescent. Conventional image classification does not always classify it correctly and accordingly has a number of drawbacks due to which there can be false positives, which reduces the accuracy of classification. The paper presents a method in Python module that can detect malicious content in images. The method described in the paper is based on the use of Yolov8 library, which provides good classification of images and further analysis. Using the developed method it was possible to reduce the number of false positives, which led to an increase in its efficiency. The paper shows the scheme of operation of the new method, as well as demonstrated the search for objects in images. Similar programs are considered and their comparative analysis with the developed method is carried out.

    Keywords: Spacy, disruptive images, information security, pymorphy3, ultralytics, disruptive text, disruptive content, YoloV8, child safety, benchmarking, digital hash

  • The work of reinforced concrete slabs during pressing

    This article discusses the results of studies of the behavior of reinforced concrete slabs during punching. The parameters affecting the shear strength of the joints of columns and slabs are considered. Studies of the influence of the strength of concrete, the location of reinforcement, the reinforcement coefficient, the shape and size of the column are given. Various types of reinforcement of reinforced concrete slabs in the punching zone are presented.

    Keywords: floor slab, column, punching, shear, bending, transverse reinforcement, dowel action

  • Detection of false positive cybersecurity incidents based on artificial neural networks

    The possibility of detecting false positive cybersecurity incidents using deep learning models - GRU, Bidirectional LSTM (Bi-LSTM), LSTM - has been studied. The results obtained demonstrate the effectiveness of solving the problem for Powershell scripts. The Bi-LSTM model showed the best classification results, demonstrating an accuracy of 98.50% on the test sample.

    Keywords: machine learning, classification, cybersecurity, deep learning, Powershell

  • Development of a digital twin of a robotic manipulator

    The process of creating an aggregated digital twin for a physical prototype of a manipulator with a load-gripping mechanism is considered. To solve the problem of controlling the system nodes, the freely distributed software platform Robot Operating System (ROS) was used, in particular, the MoveIt packages for manipulator control, OpenCV for computer vision and RViz for visualization. A description of the physical prototype and the stages of creating a model of the robotic complex in the form of URDF files is given. The developed system creates a level of abstraction between hardware and software, which allows exploring new technological solutions in the field of automation of processes of transport and cargo systems.

    Keywords: machine vision, robotics, digital twin, control system, manipulator, ROS

  • Study of hardware implementation of neural networks when processing information in residue number system

    This article examines models of arithmetic devices for finite ring neural networks of the second and third orders. The arithmetic devices under study were synthesized on the basis of FPGA. Estimates of hardware costs and performance of computers for system modules of residual classes of different capacity were obtained. The structure of a finite ring neural network with dynamic connections is proposed, the efficiency of which in terms of hardware costs is observed with increasing capacity of the residue number system module. The advantage of a finite ring neural network with dynamic connections is established for modules with a capacity of 64 bits and higher.

    Keywords: neural networks, residue number system, group of elliptic curve points, FPGA, multiplier, adder