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  • Developing a machine learning model for estimating driver eye condition

    Currently, special attention is paid to artificial intelligence systems in transport. One of the actual directions is the development of self-driving car. However, there is also an intermediate approach. When the control is not fully automatic and automated. In such systems a human plays an important role, but the system, analyzing data from the environment, allows to form various kinds of recommendations. Moreover, such systems allow to work on the warning in some situations. In particular, some driver monitoring systems allow to detect the fact of smoking while driving, turning your eyes away from the road. In this article, special attention is paid to the system of analysis of the driver's eyes. First of all, the results of such analysis can be used to determine the fact of falling asleep. However, by analyzing, the frequency of blinks, it is possible to predict sleep. Nevertheless, computing power is needed to build such a system. In this work, the performance is achieved by using Haar cascades and the Viola-Jones method in eye detection. The eyes detected in the video are images of a much smaller size compared to the whole frame of the video sequence, due to which high performance is achieved in their processing by the convolutional network in the next step. Structurally, the system consists of two neural networks operating in parallel for the left and right eyes. The obtained values of completeness are about 90%.

    Keywords: computer vision, artificial intelligence, security system, face detector, deep learning, target skipping, proportion of correct recognition, driver monitoring, eye recognition, Viola-Jones method, Haar cascades, optimization

  • Variants of "folk" temple building on the territory of Ingushetia as a manifestation of religious contamination in the architectural formation of temples

    The article is devoted to a comparative analysis of the architectural features of the sacred complexes of Galgai-che of the XIII-XIV centuries. on the territory of Ingushetia. In the context of the natural-spatial arrangement, the manifestations of religious contamination in the spatial organization and external forms of "folk" temples are considered. The originality of the options for "folk" temple building was revealed. The peculiarities of temples characteristic of late Nestorianism were revealed. This method is used for the first time to study the sacred complexes of Ingushetia. The scientific novelty of the article is due to the fact that a comprehensive study of planning, space-dimensional solutions and construction equipment of churches allows us to confirm their dating and attribution, to establish the chronological proximity of the monuments.

    Keywords: Folk temple building, architecture of the Middle Ages, traditional architecture of the Vainakhs

  • Overview of structures and design of a mobile pellet production plant

    The article discusses the production and use of environmentally friendly fuel - pellets. A review of the designs of mobile pellet production plants was carried out, the advantages and disadvantages of these designs were identified. Potential consumers of pellets and equipment (heating boilers for which pellets are the fuel) are considered. A mobile complex for the production of pellets on the chassis of the MSN-10-004-03 . The technology of pellet production using a mobile mobile installation is described.

    Keywords: pellets, mobile plant, design, biofuels, production technology

  • To determine the critical load on a single-span two-storey frame

    The cause of failures of building structures is design errors (18 - 51%). For metal structures the most frequent (22 - 44%) reason of failures is the loss of stability of its elements. At the conceptual design stage, it is important to have simple ways of determining design lengths of compressed structural members. A single-span two-storey hinge supported frame is considered. The magnitude of the critical load on the frame depends on the distribution of concentrated forces over the frame nodes. Doing a series of calculations, we find that: the minimum value of critical load is obtained when the force F of the left post of the second floor is loaded; maximum value is obtained by loading the first floor props with the same forces F/2. For practically important cases the parameters determining the critical load differ from one another by no more than 5% . The notion of ro-similar frames as frames with the same ratio of linear rigidity of a transom and a column is introduced. It is shown that the parameter, determining the critical load on the frame, is the same for ro-similar frames. For almost important cases, approximate formulas have been obtained, allowing to determine the critical load parameter and the calculated lengths of compressed rods with an error of not more than 5%.

    Keywords: flat frame, loss of stability, critical force, design lengths, stability equation, ro-similar frames, approximation, least squares method.

  • Hardware and software usb-hid device for controllthe pc cursor for people with impaired motor functions

    The use of information technologies in the tasks of medical rehabilitation is an effective method, but it is often complicated by the problems of using standard control devices and input into the computer by people with motor impairments. The developed hardware and software complex allows one to obtain data on the orientation of the joint in space, "turning" them into the movement of the mouse pointer, allowing one to interact with computer software, instead of the mouse manipulator. By changing the sensitivity of the sensors, the process of rehabilitation of patients is corrected. The used component base of the complex being developed and the technologies used make it possible to form a significantly lower cost, the possibility of using it outside the clinic, working without the help of specialists, application in control actions with computer software not only for rehabilitation but also for people with disabilities. The paper defines the tasks and functions that are solved by the hardware and software complex. In the 3D editor, the body frame and the internal arrangement of components are modeled, hardware and software tools are selected to ensure the implementation of the project. The functional scheme of the "Limbtracker" device has been developed. During the execution of the project, the following was implemented: reading data from sensors and writing them to a text file, filtering data by the Kalman algorithm, calibration of the device.

    Keywords: hardware and software complex, home rehabilitation, neurorehabilitation, STM32, microcontroller, device design, USB-hid

  • The main factors affecting the concentration of fine dust in the roadside areas of a linear city

    The article deals with the distribution of fine dust in the atmospheric air of roadside areas of cities with a linear configuration, factors affecting its concentration in the roadside area.

    Keywords: fine dust, roadside areas, road transport, wind speed, meteorological parameters

  • A method of collecting data using an oculoscope in the priority areas of sites

    From the point of view of practical value, data collection in priority areas of sites can be used by designers and owners of web resources to increase the conversion component of a web resource. Information about which areas on the site are most interesting to the user can indicate the places where the most important design elements need to be placed. In this paper, we will consider the method of data collection using an oculoscope in the priority areas of sites.

    Keywords: usability, view, website, eye tracker, heat map

  • Formation of a public center in military camps

    The article deals with the analysis of the formation of a public center in military camps, including the analysis of towns in various military districts, as well as the estimated number of military camps.

    Keywords: military camps, standard building projects, public buildings, numbers, cooperation

  • Design and creation of an request management information system for a mobile operator company

    The subject area analysis and the information system design using the methodology of the object-oriented approach and CASE-technologies is carried out. The used CASE tools made it possible to obtain a visual model in the form of UML diagrams. The IS data structure and composition is described. The IS requirements are formulated. Technical requirement has been formed. UML diagrams describing the AIS are constructed at the design stage. The database of the information system was designed in the form of ERD diagrams, using the CASE-tool ERwin Data Modeler. Automatic generation of an SQL script was performed to create all tables and relationships in the selected DBMS MySQL, including primary and foreign keys, relationships between tables, database integrity, etc. The information system user interface was designed, too.

    Keywords: subject area analysis, design, modeling, information system, object-oriented approach, CASE tool, UML language, UML diagram, ERD diagram

  • Influence of compressive force on the characteristics of a viscoelastic material

    Currently, one of the most promising and cost-effective methods of seismic isolation is the use of passive energy dissipation systems. The research carried out in this article focuses on the use of a new hybrid energy dissipation device that combines a parallel layer of an inexpensive viscoelastic material and a metal component. Typically, the viscoelastic material in such systems is attached to steel shock absorbers with an adhesive. In this article, the behavior of a viscoelastic material is studied when it is attached to a metal component without the use of glue, being held only by friction and pressure. The influence of the compression force on the elastic and damping properties of a viscoelastic material arranged in a seismic damper has been established, and the pressing force has been determined, which ensures the optimal functional properties of the viscoelastic material.

    Keywords: earthquake, seismic safety, damper, thermal expansion, viscoelastic material, rubber compound, rubber, resin, polymer, vibration, seismic isolation

  • Forecasting the vegetation index of agricultural Lands in the Volgograd Region using Neural Network methods

    The topic of monitoring the state of vegetation using satellite technologies is covered in this paper. The forming of fields' NDVI images is considered. It is proposed to supplement satellite images with new images which formed on predicted values ​​of the vegetation index. It can be helpful for timely detection of heterogeneous and defective areas of vegetation cover. The paper discusses methods for forecasting the NDVI values using Volgograd region as a study area. The results of training a recurrent neural network with the LSTM mechanism, as well as the results of training the XGBoost algorithm, are obtained. Based on the results of the training, the most important weather parameters affecting NDVI were identified. The performance of the trained models was evaluated using the RMSE metric.

    Keywords: precision farming, vegetation indices, NDVI, forecasting, time series, LSTM, random forest

  • Technology of iron-catalytic purification of natural hydrogen sulfide-containing waters in a reactor with an ultrafiltration separator

    The article presents a modern technological solution in the field of preparation of hydrogen sulfide natural waters for domestic and drinking and technical purposes. The developed technology of iron-catalytic purification of natural hydrogen sulfide-containing waters in a reactor with an ultrafiltration separator is easy to operate, a small amount of peripheral equipment and a high speed of processes, and also has no by-products and is completely environmentally safe. The proposed technological parameters are experimentally obtained and confirmed using approved scientifically based methods of analysis, the use of metrologically certified instruments and equipment, a large amount of experimental data and their high convergence with calculated values. The presented solution can be recommended for use at water treatment facilities for the purposes of water supply to enterprises, small blue areas and individual households.

    Keywords: purification of natural hydrogen sulfide waters, groundwater treatment technology, water treatment, hydrogen sulfide, catalytic iron oxidation, atmospheric oxygen, iron hydroxide, membrane separation, ultrafiltration, innovative technologies

  • Methods for determining the target sentence for automated test questions generation

    Automation of test question generation consists of four main stages. The first step is to determine the target sentence from which it will be possible to generate a test question. This article examines the existing methods for determining the target sentence Both foreign and Russian language sources are considered. The paper considers such methods as automatic text abstracting, similarity of syntactic analysis, a rule-based method, a method based on ranking by keywords, an algorithm for summarizing documents based on the frequency of words.

    Keywords: automatic test questions generation, automatic text processing, natural language processing, automatic abstracting, annotation

  • Security as an element of the formation of a favorable urban environment

    Urbanization and the growth of the urban population directly affect changes in the urban environment, the emergence of new problems related to ecology, comfort, safety and management. The favorability of the urban environment directly affects the attractiveness of the city and the city's compliance with modern standards of quality of life. This article discusses the criteria for the quality of the urban environment and, in particular, indicators for assessing its safety on the example of the city of Rostov-on-Don.

    Keywords: urban environment, environment, territory, city, landscaping, safety, landscaping

  • Algorithms for the movement of a mobile robot with the construction of a real-time terrain map

    This article describes the implementation of an orientation software package for a mobile robot with the construction of a terrain map and its subsequent analysis. As part of the work, a software module was developed for a mobile robot using a laser rangefinder (lidar), a Raspberry Pi 3B+ microcomputer with a ROS robotic operating system installed on it is used to obtain data from a laser rangefinder. The algorithm of movement of a mobile robotic complex in space with the construction of a terrain map in real time is described. Such complexes are currently widely used, they can significantly reduce the need for human participation in heavy and dangerous work.

    Keywords: mobile robot, robotic complex, laser rangefinder, lidar, ultrasonic sensor, vision system