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  • Elements of environmental monitoring, their brief description and impact on the quality of the environment and the health of the region's population

    The article covers the main elements of environmental monitoring, which are divided into two groups: industrial, household and sanitary epidemilogicheskie, proposed economic-mathematical model of the mechanism of action of the resulting elements of the environment on human health.

    Keywords: monitoring, monitoring items, monitoring parameters, environment, health, the mechanism of action.

  • Selecting a base payment indicators in developing business plans investments in agribusiness

    This article is intended for investors wishing to invest in the Russian agricultural sector, as well as professionals involved in the development of appropriate business plans. Attention is focused on the selection of adequate quantities of basic design parameters used in the development of business plans investments in crop production. The article is written based on real experience of investing in agriculture of the Russian Federation, as well as the analysis of a number of existing business plans.
    Keywords: agriculture, crop production, investment, business planning, basic design parameters.


  • Elektroaerozol moistening the air. Particularities of the selection parameter functioning the generator

    Information is brought In article on using electro aerosol generator as humidifier of the air. They are Brought main formulas, allowing calculate the main parameters of the work electro aerosol humidifiers. The Offered design efficient electro aerosol generator, taking into account all particularities of the work electro aerosol generator in to quality of the humidifier.

    Keywords: moistening, increasing to moisture of the air, electro aerosol, electro aerosol generator.

  • The approximate methods of the search and correct fault in acs of tp rational strategy problem solution on the markov chain model and games theory base

    The two approximate methods of choosing the rational strategy to search and correct a fault on the Markov chain model base with a game-theoretic definition of the unknown transition probabilities is proposed. A comparative analysis is completed.

    Keywords: Markov chains, game-theoretical optimization, matrix games.

  • Method of temperature detection in a custom building’s location in case of incomplete sensor network coverage

    This article gives a survey of the issue of the thermal dynamics identification of the sensor network based systems, such as buildings. Given problems: weaknesses of the modern sensor network based intelligence systems, that mostly limits their potential and increasing calculation costs are overviewed. Article describes a novel approach for intelligence control systems design based on sensor networks, using methods of fuzzy modeling. The key future of the given approach is in saving of high efficiency characteristics of modeling in case of sensor network nodes amount decreasing.  As an example of the approach usage there are presented results of experimental test space thermal dynamics simulation model analyzing. The advantages of the developed solution to other existing commercial solutions are shown. The methodology was tested and its efficiency is shown.

    Keywords: intellectual control systems, sensor network, data analyzing, fuzzy modeling, fuzzy classification, membership function.

  • Investigation of the video data on the hydroacoustic communication channel

    The article deals with sonar communication channel, its characteristics, factors affecting the distribution of hydro-acoustic waves in the ocean environment. For video data compression methods are considered digital imaging and design of proposed systems for transmission of digital video signal and a block diagram of the ADC.

    Keywords: sonar, hydroacoustic communication channel, the acoustic wave, high-speed ADC.

  • Investments in power generation

    This article discusses the state of the electricity sector after the reform. The main conclusion of the results of the reform is based on indicators of sustainability. At the end of the article the author makes recommendations for the introduction of the single tax benefits and the need for state intervention in the issue of attracting investment.

    Keywords: energy, investment, production capacity, stability, state

  • Study of the growth of ZnO nanorods carbothermal synthesis method for thin film sublayers ZnO: Ga

    Carbothermal synthesis method on substrates of a-Al2O3 thin film with sublayers ZnO: Ga, using copper as a catalyst for the arrays obtained by varying the zinc oxide rod morphology. It was established that growth of the rods occurs direction perpendicular to the substrate using a thin (~ 1 nm) layers of the catalyst. With increasing thickness of the catalyst layer to 3 nm rods growth occurs at an angle to the surface of the rod with a mutual orientation in the plane of the substrate surface at angles that are multiples of 60 °. Also, the selectivity demonstrated growth ZnO rods arrays on portions of the substrate coated with the catalyst.
    Keywords: zinc oxide, micro - and nanorods carbothermic synthesis method, film sublayer growth catalyst.


  • Social responsibility of business in the region as a factor in social policy

    The article deals with the social responsibility of business, provides a definition and direction of social policy, and discusses its objects and subjects. In a brief review of points of view stand four types of regions according to the degree of social influence business. It is suggested that the social responsibility of business is a factor of regional social policy and provides a list of the positions of social responsibility, as well as nine motifs stimulate business to social activities in the region.

    Keywords: social responsibility of business, entrepreneurship, region.

  • Temperature dependence of reception of an anode powder of copper on a dioxide of lead and a manganese dioxide

    In article the generalized given receptions of an electrolytic copper powder on catalytically active materials are cited at various temperatures.

    Keywords: an electrolytic powder of copper, catalytically an active material, a lead dioxide, a manganese dioxide.

  • Economic and mathematical model of strategic risk assessment in choosing a strategy of development of industrial enterprises

    In this paper we construct complex econometric models, allowing to estimate the value of strategic risks when choosing a development strategy of industrial enterprise on the basis of imitation processes change the current profits and losses of the industrial enterprise in the face of uncertainty, including the assessment model laws distributions of profits and losses, both in the presence and in the absence of historical statistical data.
    Keywords: strategic risk, in-house planning. industrial enterprise, risk ratio strategy.


  • Application of multi-layer radial basis neural networks for the verification of relational databases

    Offers intelligent method of assessing the reliability of data (verification), in databases, based on the theory of artificial neural networks. The method consists of three steps: data clustering using the Kohonen network, training radial basic network and its computation using the validation database table rows. To create a radial basis networks and their training Backpropagation developed software tool. The proposed verification method of data can be used in various applications of information systems.
    Keywords: database, relational algebra, verification, radial basis neural network training neural networks, Kohonen networks, clustering.


  • Lean production as a factor for Competitiveness Improvement for enterprises

    Devised the models of introduce of lean manufacturing tools in industry at an enterprise and the regional level. To evaluate the effectiveness of work an enterprise by lean manufacturing was developed the "wheel of lean manufacturing

    Keywords: competitiveness of the enterprise, lean manufacturing, “wheel of lean manufacturing”, strategic triangle, intellectual triangle, production triangle, resource triangle

  • Spectral-signature microprocessor diagnostics information management systems of railway automation and remote control

    This article discusses a method for calculating the combined diagnostic feature called spectral signature, based on the use of mathematical apparatus Walsh transformations for logic functions and differential logical calculus. We consider a class of devices which can be implemented in the proposed method. A method for determining the spectral signatures for discrete devices differs from the known methods of diagnosis less computational complexity and allows the implementation of a self-test in the operation of devices.
    Keywords: spectral testing, signature analysis, technical diagnostics, information and control systems.


  • The comparative analysis a cognitive group component of student installation in relation to a political order of some regions the North Caucasus

    Researches based on results of the questioning, conducted in late 2010 - early 2011 among the students of Rostov-on-Don (RSCU), Vladikavkaz (GTU) and Grozny (GGNI). Results were interviewed about 500 people (58.4% - 40.6% of men and - women). 33.3% of respondents represented Rostov-on-Don, 40.4% - the city of Grozny and 26.4% - the city of Vladikavkaz. The questionnaire consisted of questions focused at identifying the subjective opinions on own relation of respondents to a political order, and also questions opening level of a group relative deprivation. The received results of a cognitive component were processed by a method of the statistical analysis. It is revealed, during the studied period there is a low level of participation of the young people to political processes with the average level of an involvement at Rostov-on-Don. In Grozny there are average and high levels of participation of the young people to political processes in the Republic, and also high level of an emotional involvement. Analysis the block of relative deprivation showed the youth of Rostov-on-Don and Vladikavkaz is more subject to a political tension, the least possible tension in the city of Grozny. It is revealed, at Rostov-on-Don there is a process of political alienation. The students of Vladikavkaz associate an assessment of the level of a political tension with local political order, instead of with Russia as a whole. Shown, in general, the level of relative deprivation at the end of 2011 is average.

    Keywords: a political tension, deprivation, group installation in relation to a political order, cognitive component, questionnaire, the descriptive statistics.