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  • Passive pressure sensor based on surface acoustic waves

      Proposed to use a sensor based on surface acoustic wave (SAW), which represents a delay line with unidirectional interdigital transducers (IDT) for measuring the pressure in the liquid. Reflective IDT loaded by series connected inductor and two capacities. One of these capacities - this trimmer, and another - a membrane capacitor whose capacitance depends on the pressure. When the pressure changes of the membrane capacitance capacitor, which changes the reflectivity of the reflective IDT. The magnitude of changes in this ratio determines the pressure applied to the membrane capacity.  

    Keywords: Sensor, pressure, surface acoustic wave, pulse answer, liquid

  • Problem analysis of navigation in portable scientific data representation

      Article describes actual problems of personal navigation in portable scientific document set representation. Proposed algorithm for ranking document graph paths based on machine learning, described algorithm analysis and most probable navigation context parts.

    Keywords: Document set navigation, machine learning, navigation context, scientific data visualization

  • Research dimensional stability of base polymer materials for advanced printed circuit boards

    Considers and researches dimensional stability advanced base polyimide materials for high-density PCB.

    Keywords: Printed circuit boards, flexible printed circuit boards, flex-rigid printed circuit boards, foil dielectric materials, polyimide foil materials

  • Psychosemantical analysis of perception the political order in a stressful condition

    This paper focuses on defining the elements forming the political tension - on the emotional component of a group of political attitude. Baseline data were obtained by questionnaire. All were interviewed 66 patients. Respondents were asked to rate 20 attributes-antonyms two "ideal", positive and negative political orders. And two real order: in Region and in Russia as a whole. It is shown that the investigated audience is characterized by low political activity, and the activity of the emotional perception of the existing orders of magnitude higher than the perception of ideal constructs. An unexpected result of a negative perception of the political order in Russia in a whole, the local order in due permanent stressful situation for the given audience. People normally (or neutral) treat policy which always acts them through region policy. And of the troubles accuse (probably unconsciously) change of a political system which associates at them with center policy. 

    Keywords: political order, semantic differential, factor analysis, the emotional component, questionnaire

  • The integrated cognitive architectureof models of sicial systems

      The article deals with the scientific principles of modern cognitive modeling offered in foreign practice to combine already existing and new models in the future in the form of cognitive architectures. Our approach is based on the concept of a unified theory of cognition, described by Alan Newell, which offers the general provisions for cognitive models used in all areas. In the computer environment, the theory is realized in the form of cognitive architectures. Shown, cognitive architecture is a system integration of static and behavioral models, which provides a solid approach to modeling knowledge of social processes, from the empirical data to quantify the simulation  of results, from level of the neural description to system level, thus the cognitive model is scaled to higher level with preservation of qualitative properties, and as a platform for integration the storage of data serves. Formally described by the level of integration corresponds to the construction of integrated information environment that combines unified storage of data with appendices of analytics.

    Keywords: cognitive modeling, theory of knowledge, cognitive architecture, information environment, storage of data

  • Infrastructure model of a cultural complex

      It is shown that the simulation as part of the cultural complex social simulation developed within the general methodological trends inherent in sociology as a whole. To study the possibilities and patterns of cultural complex of the Rostov region (for example cultural complex in Rostov-on-Don), as a complex socio-economic system is the most productive synthesis of systems analysis, simulation of socio-economic processes and mapping method. The model, built with the help of a simulation tool AnyLogic 6, there are two levels of sub-system: the level of the model with a high degree of abstraction to model the interaction of people and the cultural infrastructure of the region - for implementation using multi-agent approach and the level of the model with an average level of abstraction for simulations Queuing (cultural needs of the population) at cultural complex. Based on the data obtained in the course of the experiment the number of dissatisfied cultural infrastructure remains about the same - about 16-17% of the total number of residents who use the cultural complex.

    Keywords: simulation, infrastructure, AnyLogic, multiagent approach, the processes of social interaction

  • Determination of the angles of complete refraction with the large zenith distances

    Is obtained formula for determining the angles of complete refraction with the large zenith distances. Is executed the study of the accuracy of the determination of the angles of complete refraction from the obtained formula for zenith distances of 890 and 900 for the conditions of the standard atmosphere ГОСТ 4401-81.

    Keywords: Geodesy, Refraction, Atmosphere

  • Investigation of influence of adsorbtion of CO on characteristics of hold-up line on SAW with ZnO nanorods sensitive element

    Structure of  surface acoustic waves(SAW) of CO sensor was developed. SAW sensor include transceiving IDT and catoptric IDT, which is loaded on the impedance of ZnO nanorods. Peak of reflection SAW from IDT clearly observed as result Fourier transformation of time function of pulsed response. IDT loaded on resistance paralleled ZnO nanorods, which depends on the concentration of CO.

    Keywords: ZnO nanorods, device on SAW, CO sensor

  • Definition of a subject of geodesy

    In the article a brief and universal definition of a subject of geodesy in general has been substantiated and proposed. The definition is valid for all geodesy sections and applications

    Keywords: Subject, Geodesy, Positioning, Points, Realty, Objects, Space

      Based on the analysis of European in forming technological platform shows the feasibility of forming the national technological platform for the forest sector in Russia.

    Keywords: European technological platform, the forest sector, forest industry

  • Algorithm of construction of development of surfaces

    In article the algorithm of construction of development not linear surfaces is de-scribed. The algorithm is realised on technology ObjectARX for AutoCAD. It has allowed to integrate algorithm in AutoCAD. The developed algorithms can be used in various technical problems where there is a necessity of construction of development of surfaces.

    Keywords: nonlinear surface, surface development, triangulation method

  • Running inductance of circular conductors with axial density of current in the complex functional blocks

    The paper analytical method for calculation of magnetic characteristics of infinitely long circular and hollow cylindrical conductors has been proposed. The method permits: to calculate radial distribution of vector potential and induction of magnetic fields, being formed by direct current in the internal and external areas of the conductor; to determine the value of magnetic flux in the internal and external areas of the conductor; to calculate the current and flux running inductances of circular and hollow conductors; to find frequency dependence of Q-quality of cylindrical conductors and to de-fine the scales of characteristic frequencies.

    Keywords: inductance, distribution of magnetic fields, magnetic flux, Q-quality, complex functional block

      The paper covers the development of geometry-based skeletal animation algorithms for deforming 3D models. Linear Blend Skinning technique being widely used, much attention is given to the method description and its shortcomings. The paper gives wide coverage to the state of the art in geometry-based skeletal animation algorithms. 

    Keywords: skeletal animation, skinning, geometry-based algorithms, character animation

  • Character and geological the nature gravitational and magnetic fields the Tersko-Caspian depression

      The results of the analysis of gravitational and magnetic fields of the Tersko-Caspian depression are introduced. The main feature of the potential fields of the region is the presence of high-gradient zones. Distributions of azimuths of gravity and magnetic lineaments testify to the coincidence of the basic maxima on histograms of directions of gradients. About the general nature of these zones caused fault tectonics. 

    Keywords: gravitational and magnetic fields, a fault, a gradient, The Tersko-Caspian depression

  • A comparison of the aggregate shift of finite volume and minimum sample value, depending on the model parameters for excavator parts

    A comparison shift the aggregate final volume and minimum sample value, depending on model parameters for parts excavator. The studies revealed the following pattern: in the range of the Range R = 17-20 sets of the coefficients are significantly different from the values ​​of other Ranges.

    Keywords: General population of finite volume, scope aggregate, shift the aggregate, the minimum sample value, selection.