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  • Impedance assessment of cell suspensions in space flight

        In this paper we evaluate the viability of cell suspensions with the assessment of their bioelectric properties. A method for evaluation of cell suspensions, based on the method of pulse impedance. The frequency response of the electric impedance of suspensions chondroblasts, determined by analysis of the transition function. Under the transition function is meant to test the reaction of the object exposure, for which current is used as a reaction - voltage electrodes placed in the sample suspension. After the time-frequency transform data to a PC, the transfer function is considered in the space of states that characterize the electrical properties of multicomponent biological tissues, which allows us to go to the electrical equivalents of its constituents. The measurement process, i.e. impact on the sample cell suspension is carried out within the pulse of electric current, which allows a quick assessment of the cell suspension.

    Keywords: cell suspensions, electrical impedance, transfer function, state space, the functional identification

  • Properties of materials, which are used in the study of the performance of strengthened reinforced concrete constructions

    This paper addresses the testing results of steel rods with grade A500 and A600, which used as a conventional reinforcement. It was investigated the strength properties of carbon and fiberglass sheets with different number of material layers. The results are compared with the data given in the quality certificates.

    Keywords: fiberglass, carbon frp sheets, laminates, sheets of carbon and fiberglass, the ultimate load ,strength

  • A model of optimal biological resource exploitation with corruption

    The paper reports on dynamical model of optimal biological resource exploitation with corruption. Particularly, it is allowed a fish quota increase after paid a bribe. The research has been realized with the sustainable development conception by the Pontryagin's maximum principle. A time moment, where the bribe is profitable, is considered. Fight corruption methods are presented.

    Keywords: Mathematical model, optimal exploitation, corruption

  • Research questions of flexural reinforced concrete elements, strengthened with different types of composite materials

    The questions related to the study of various varying factors on the strength of normal sections in beams. Here's a program of research by one methodology designed to study the effect of the type and content of steel reinforcement and externally composite on the strength of normal sections that have not previously been investigated.

    Keywords: Concrete, reinforced concrete, the percentage of reinforcement, carbon frp sheets, fiberglass, laminates

  • Measuring convertor of auditory evoked potentials of bioelectrical brain activity

    Structure and features of biosignals digital processing in measuring convertor of auditory evoked potentials of bioelectrical brain activity are considered at this article. Measuring convertor of auditory evoked potentials of bioelectrical brain activity is the main part of neurological diagnostics systems allowed to obtain information about the current state of the human nervous system. This paper describes the processing method of evoked potentials based on recording and processing a continuous electroencephalographic (EEG) signal. The proposed method consists of three main steps: registration of the EEG signal, segmentation of the EEG signal and the averaging of segmented fragments of the EEG signal.

    Keywords: measuring convertor of biosignal, evoked potential of bioelectrical brain activity, biosignal averaging

  • Construction of a model of equiresistant multispan beams

    Method of successive approximations was used to solve the problem of optimization of multispan continuous beam. Cross section of a beam was a welded I-beam.  By the variation of the width of the shelf we ensured that the maximum equivalent stress for energy theory of strength in each section is the same throughout. The solution is made numerically using complex MatLab. Bearing capacity of beams with variable stiffness along the length increased in 2 times in comparison with the beam with constant stiffness and the same mass. The proposed method can be applied to frames, taking into account the contribution of longitudinal forces in the equal stresses. Another effective way to change stiffness is to change the height of the wall of I-beam. In practice curvilinear shape of beams or shelves are not used because of complexity of manufacturing. They are replaced by the discrete form of cross section.

    Keywords: multispan beams, work method, optimization, uniform strength, welded I-beam, variable stiffness

  • The influence of steel and composite reinforcement on the width of the normal cracks

    An analysis for the influence, of type and quantity of steel and composite reinforcement, on the normal cracks development, at different load levels, and by the maximum allowable deflection in beams. It was Found that throughout the load range, the reference beams are most cracked. The reduction degree in crack width depends on the strength and percentage of the steel reinforcement.

    Keywords: concrete, reinforced concrete, steel, fiberglass, carbon fiber, laminate, maximum allowable crack width, load level, the development of cracks, the relative width

  • Creation of algorithms of recognition of events of a dream on the basis of research of histograms

      Method of an automatic recognition of sleep events is described. The method is based on analysis of amplitude histograms that are built on each of registered channels. The method is designed for sleep events, distinctive feature of which is expressed amplitude change that appears simultaneously on several channels. For example, "General body movement" and "Limbs movement" events. But this is not limited; method can be applied to other events, for example "Snore". Algorithm can be divided into three stages: histograms building and analysis, vertical analysis, results processing.

    Keywords: PSG, sleep events, histogram, detection algorithm

  • Mathematic modeling of ring dynamic on two bearings with application of basic functions

    The  researches results of possibility of  equations simplification of ring dynamic, which is based on two bearings with the help of task of special base functions system, in accordance with conditions of  zero transmissions in bearings points are represented. The calculation of the coefficients of the basis functions of a linear function and the polynomial of degree  two and three.

    Keywords: ring based on two bearings, zero displacement at points bearings, system of basis functions

  • Investigation of wave front dynamics of a focusing radiator of ultrasound

      The analysis of a spherically converging sound beam is made. As the parameter reflecting evolution of a wave, the front surface curvature is used. The expressions are received, allowing determining value of a phase front curvature of sound beams with various amplitude distributions. Axial and cross distributions of front curvature of focused beam with gauss and uniform amplitude distributions are resulted. Different influence of radiator surface curvature on wave front dynamics in cases ,  and  is marked. Similar characteristics for a flat radiator are presented. 

    Keywords: Focusing radiator; diffraction; phase front curvature

  • Attenuator for high-speed input circuit analog-digital interfaces

    This article addresses options for building advanced of resistive voltage dividers (attenuator), providing a reduction in a given number of once input voltage in a wide range of operating frequencies. To correct the frequency error in the AT parasitic capacitance the load is proposed modified scheme with the special frequency attenuator correction, which allows for one to two orders extend the range of working frequencies the AT and increase performance.
    Results of computer modeling.

    Keywords: attenuator, a resistive voltage divider, the parasitic capacitance load correction capacitor, speed, large-amplitude pulse signal, the compensation effect, the upper frequency limit, broadband, analog-to-digital interfaces

  • Formation of a geographical information database of residential and business housing stock of Rostov-on-Don

    Development of urban areas, especially Rostov-on-Don, which is one the largest city of the south of Russia, should be based on a comprehensive assessment and analysis of the structure of housing stock and engineering services, which provide all types of resources for the city. Research of the structure of housing stock, analysis of residential and private housings, municipal and business buildings, information on the territorial distribution of these objects with reference to the topography would allow to create a reliable information base for the development of district heating schemes. Housing stock of Rostov-on-Don was ranked by the year of construction, number of floors and material of the wall. The article assesses the providing of municipal and business buildings, kindergartens, schools, institutions consumer services, culture and sport institutions.

    Keywords: urban development, energy, heating, year of construction, material of walls, floors

  • The use of ballistogramm components, caused by cardiac activity, at research of human set posture stabilization

      The components of force plate signals, generated by cardiac activity, are investigated. The person stays in an ortograde posture, sit in the relaxed pose and in a pose at which the trunk keeps vertically and don’t contact with seatback. On the basis of a spectral approach features of power plate “Stabilan” indications and hardware-software complex «A multifunctional chair» are analyzed at inspection of the person holding set postures in different functional conditions (before and after physical activity). It is shown that change of vertical force (ballistogramm data) is an integrative signal. Manifestation of muscular components in force plate signals for an ortograde posture and a human pose sitting with vertical trunk are discussed.

    Keywords: Force plate vertical signal, cardiac activity, posture stabilization

  • Stylistic features of eclecticism in the central part of the city of Rostov-on-Don at the turn of XIX - XX centuries.

    The article is devoted to the peculiarities of eclecticism in the central part of the city of Rostov-on-Don at the turn of the XIX - XX centuries. The Russian architecture in the years 1840-1850. prevailing eclecticism. All the variety of its variants is reduced in the Russian architecture in two varieties: the first of which dates back to the tradition of a warrant (neogrek, Renaissance, Baroque, Rococo, pampeyansky), and the second - to the non-classical heritage (Byzantine, Russian, Gothic, Romanesque styles). In Rostov architecture became widespread both varieties. This was facilitated not only the diversity of life in the city, the intensive development of trade industry, generating a variety of new types of buildings, but also the technical progress by which the means of production have changed.

    Keywords: city​​, eclectic architecture, building, shape

  • Developing of the algorithm of maximum flow of minimum cost finding in a fuzzy dynamic network

    The article considers the problem of maximum flow of minimum cost finding in fuzzy dynamic transportation network. The relevance of the problem is in its wide practical application on the rail, air, sea and other roads in finding of routes of minimum cost. The feature of the problem statement is that fuzzy nature of the network parameters, such as arc capacities and costs is taken into account. It allows us to make decisions more sensitive to environmental changes. The dependence of network parameters from flow departure is also considered, that allows to introduce the notion "dynamic" network as opposed to "stationary-dynamic", examined in the literature. The algorithm for solving the described problem in fuzzy conditions is proposed. To illustrate the algorithm a numerical example is presented.

    Keywords: dynamic network, maximum flow of minimum cost, fuzzy numbers, arc capacity, transit time