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  • The studying of oscillations of the corpulent cantilever rod model with a defect

    Defined criteria for identification of defect parameters, on the basis of the analysis of the different modes of own fluctuations, with the use of finite element modal calculation console corpulent model of a rod with a single defect. Developed finite element model of a universal complex . Considered corpulent (3-d) model on the basis of 3D finite element Solid92. When solving the problem considered on 26 oscillation modes depending on the size of the defect and its location.

    Keywords: Damaged, defective, swing, cantilever, frequency

  • Modelling of rods with defects with different types of fastening

    The task of identification of defects in rods with different variants of fastening. In the basis of lies method parameter identification based on an analysis of the frequencies and parameters of natural modes of the structure. Built model of the rod design has defects fluctuations, using finite element of the complex 

    Keywords: Defect, damage, rod, the oscillations of the cantilever rod

  • Consensus Protocol in Asynchronous Networks with Failures

    Consensus problem involves a system of processes, some of which may be faulty. A fundamental problem of fault-tolerant distributed computing is for the reliable processes to reach a agreement on a same decision. One approach to achieving such agreement is for processes to vote and agree on the majority value. In the absence of faults, this works fine, but the vote even one faulty process can swing the outcome. In this paper we present some result of analysis of a mixed-failure model, where t processes may fail, b out of which is the Byzantine failures and remaining c is crash processes. In a asynchronous model of computation for several distributed problems it turns out that a collection of N processes can tolerate c crash failures if 2c < N, while robustness against b Byzantine failures requires 3b < N. Our algorithm rely on a weak definition of the Byzantine failures which disallows them act as a dead or a crash processes and can tolerate the 2(N – 2c)/3 failures.

    Keywords: fault tolerance, distributed algorithms, asynchronous networks, byzantine failures

  • Microwave band-pass filter on waveguides of complex cross-section, integrated into a multilayered chip with SIW technology

    The possibilities of waveguide elements realization in the structure of multilayered integrated chips of centimeter and millimeter ranges with SIW (Substrate Integrated Waveguide)-technology application are considered. The approaches allowing effectively using in new structures the algorithms and techniques of the electrodynamic analysis and synthesis of passive devices on classical all-metal waveguides are offered. Advantages of use in SIW structure the waveguides of complex cross-section are considered on the example of the microwave band-pass filter.

    Keywords: A.A. Gadzieva, V.V. Zemlyakov, S.V. Krutiev

  • Problems of designing a new school complex for 1,400 students in a residential area "Leventsovsky" the city of Rostov-on-Don

    This article discusses the design of complete large- schools, school building maintenance problems complexes contradictions relevant requirements of normative documents . Analyzes the space-planning decisions , tsvetofakturnye using modern environmentally friendly and durable materials and technologies in the finish, including vandal-proof coating. Designers have been carefully studied dedicated land for future construction of a school complex with a view to the most rational "landing" of the school building , to provide the necessary sanitary requirements , insolation and aeration territory , reliable solution that reduces the cost of running the building.

    Keywords: design, stroiteotstvo, space-planning decisions, decoration, interior

  • Modeling the production of cultivated mushrooms using the apparatus of production functions

    For system performance analysis using production resources and capacity of the company in the article gribovodcheskoy used machine production functions. Built several classes of production functions, were identified by their parameters. Obtained statistical quality assessment of identified parameters, the approximation and prediction of properties of calculated dependencies identified model with satisfactory approximation properties

    Keywords: production of cultivated mushrooms, production functions

  • The analysis and classification of methods of identification of production noise in building industry

    In article efficiency and accuracy медов measurements of noise characteristics of the equipment and cars are considered.

    Keywords: The risk, injuring factors, labour safety

  • Algorithm of a «problem about transfer»

    The algorithm of a problem about transfer in a higher educational institution by results of Uniform Graduation Examination in view of various groups of introductory tests, priorities of receipt on a speciality,  the minimal lowest passing scores in subjects of groups of introductory tests and estimated figures of reception in high school is considered. The algorithm is realized on the basis of database Mirosoft Excel and programming language Visual Basic for Applications.

    Keywords: group of introductory tests, the candidate of transfer on a speciality, the applicant of transfer for a speciality

  • Improvement of methods for extending the life cycle of the technical condition of long-exploited water conveyance facilities

    In this article the basic parameters required for residual life assessment and life extension of the technical condition of water or long operated facilities. Inlet water or prolonged use many facilities design elements out of order it - complete destruction of concrete structures water conveyance structures, the formation of defects, normal operational performance of the design water conveyance facilities, such as violation of butt joints, as well as the destruction of the individual elements of the structure, etc. During the development of methods for extending the life cycle of water conveyance structures are obtained by the use of impervious geotextile cover that make for a correct evaluation of residual life of structures may extend its operational life cycle. The question arises of the need for correct and timely manner and to assess the remaining amount of the carrying capacity of water conveyance structures, to evaluate the technical condition and extend its life cycle. To do this, we can apply the proposed impervious geotextile cover. 

    Keywords: hydraulic structures, water-conducting structures, life cycle, residual life, technical condition

  • Social and economic efficiency of bringing workplaces to the requirements of labor protection rules

    The article describes the method to assess the social and economic efficiency of bringing workplaces to the requirements of standard of health and safety. The article considers the possibility of calculating the individual groups of social and economic indicators in accordance with the evaluation of various schemes.

    Keywords: social and economic efficiency, assessment methodology workplaces, standard of labor protection, labor conditions

  • Development of a new resource-saving technology for treatment of sloping lands

    A new resource-saving technology for treatment of sloping lands providing for deep ripping to reduce erosion processes on irrigated and dry-farming lands as described in the article. The experimental results on determination of geometric characteristics for loosing scopes of chisel plows are given.

    Keywords: sloping lands, deep ripping, soil overcompactness, moisture accumulation, intrasoil moisture accumulation, loosing scope, intrasoil walls

  • A family of surfaces defined formulas transform coordinates and its envelope

      In many applications of profiling cutting tool, define the envelope surface collection. Along with the classic approach to the definition of the envelope of the recently used and new. So, if your family schedule projected two-dimensional surfaces in space R4, then get some three dimensional hypersurface Σ. Kriminanta this is the envelope of family of surfaces. The authors study the surface Σ when setting its parametric equations and equation in implicit form held in the works.  Found some new properties of such surfaces. Due to the fact that when profiling cutting tool set family of surfaces, coordinate transformation equations, an important task is the study received thus hypersurface. On the basis of article studies obtained in a general manner the necessary payment according to calculate kriminanty and diskriminanty hypersurface.  They show examples of how to define envelopes two families of spheres. These are family formulas transform coordinates defining the translational and helical movement. The results are illustrated by computer polygonal models.  

    Keywords: a family of surfaces, hypersurface, profiling, feature display, cutting tool

  • Winter concreting technology with flexible heating elements

    The article describes one of the possible ways to improve the durability of roofing bitumen-emulsion mastics used in the repair and new construction due to the introduction of surfactant inhibitors.

    Keywords: SAW inhibitors, roofing, mastics, durability, modifiers

  • On the design features a unique, long-span and high-rise buildings and structures

    Design unique buildings and structures is a complex task requiring high qualifications, training and experience specific performers. The article describes in detail the contents of the various etapovproektirovaniya, the basic requirements and features, starting with the technical specifications of the project and finishing expertise. Outlines the features of pre-training, the issues that must be resolved before the start of work. We consider the load that must be considered and especially the calculations. The requirements on the development of specific technical specifications (CTS) on the object and scientific and technical support of the project (NTS) Particular attention is given of experimental studies of physical models of buildings and unique structures. The following material can serve as a basis for program and algorithm for the design of long-span and high-rise buildings and unique structures.

    Keywords: Unique building, maintenance building, pre-project, load a single spatial system, structural analysis, specific technical specifications (CTS), scientific and technical support, monitoring, model, examination

  • Raman spectra on three phase transitions of perchlorate of natrium

    The analysis of temperature dependence of frequencies of lines  is conducted active in the spectrums of combination dispersion of  perchlorate of natrium. The theory analysis of spectrums is conducted.

    Keywords: Perchlorat of natrium, anion, spectrums of combination dispersion, phase change