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  • Increase of power efficiency of protecting designs - a way of increase of efficiency of operation of buildings and constructions

    The role of technical inspection as source of definition of an actual state of protecting designs is considered. Not destroying methods of definition of durability and thermal properties of materials of external walls are resulted. The thermographic method of not destroying control is considered, the list of thermal characteristics which can be defined with its use is presented. Modern requirements to thermal characteristics of external walls are presented and the materials most often meeting in protecting designs are considered. It is considered as a possible variant of increase of thermal properties of protecting designs - the device of hinged ventilated facades. The scheme of carrying out of a damage control, a substantiation of economic efficiency of the device of hinged ventilated facades and other technical advantages concerning other ways of warming of facades is presented.

    Keywords: Technical inspection, thermographic quality monitoring, thermal characteristics of protecting designs, hinged ventilated facade

  • The extent of the stress-strain diagram of eccentrically compressed concrete pillars

    On the basis of experimental data on the resistance of reinforced concrete columns eccentric compression was obtained analytical dependence of the limiting compressibility of concrete from the varied factors: the relative eccentricity of the external force eo / h and the reinforcement ratio μ.

    Keywords: reinforced concrete column, longitudinal reinforcement, a protective layer of concrete, finite element method, critical load

  • The choice of boundary conditions for the simulation of the temperature field of soil

    The existing methods of calculation of the annual change in soil temperature. Identified areas of their application and the possible deviations from reality. The requirements to the boundary conditions of the calculation. Defines the principles of the choice of initial conditions. The preconditions for the development of a universal method of calculation.

    Keywords: heat pump, renewable energy, solar radiation, transient mode, soil

  • Modeling technology changeover

    The paper examines the main approaches to the modeling of scientific and technical progress. Details the conditions and change the model postulates technological structure , its main provisions . Put tasks that are of great interest for scientists involved in the modeling of scientific and technological progress , and for economists who are interested in the practical application of these results . Values ​​of other well-known models of STP . The variants of modernization and the possible synthesis of these approaches to modeling change tehnologichekogo order.

    Keywords: scientific and technological progress, advanced technology, changing technological way of practical experience, the elasticity of factor capital

  • Sustainable development in forming of effective region transport and logistic system

    The analysis of a current status of region transport system was carried out. Main problems of public transport system were revealed and the directions of their decision were determined. Author suggest to use the concept of a sustainable development for the purpose of creation of sustainable transport and logistic system (STLS). The main components were considered, the basic principles of creation of STLS were systematized. Result of research is the complex of managerial measures and strategy of STLS directed on forming.

    Keywords: public transport, transport and logistic system, sustainable development, complex

  • Review of solid waste consumption as the dispersed system

    The analysis of the main approaches to the classification of waste. Revealed their shortcomings. A new approach to the classification of the position to consider the consumption of solid waste as a dispersed system. The main parameters that characterize the processes and phenomena observed in the waste.

    Keywords: Solid waste consumption, classification attributes, parameters properties of the waste

  • The algorithm of determination of mechanical characteristics of metal at calculation of a residual resource of cranes

    Is considered the main content of the possibilities for extending the services of the lifting cranes, on the basis of the definition of a residual resource of the machine. The algorithm is sampled( measurements) of the metal structures of cranes. A variant of transition from the hardness of steel to its  strength.

    Keywords: chapel strength, chapel, endurance, a residual resource, providing design, resource rationing, hardness

  • The development of the information market as a condition and a result of becoming an information economy

    The paper discusses the features of the development of the information economy in Russia. The analysis of the current stage of development. Structure disclosed information market: actors and segments. Reflects the dynamics of the development of the information market and the integration of the domestic information market. Software market in 2011 grew by 23.8% and amounted to $ 162 million major share of the Russian market controlled by big international suppliers .
    The main share of the Russian market of equipment controlled by big international suppliers , whereby these segments are also characterized by a low level of competition: the company's market share is 16 % AcerInc sales , SamsungElectronicsRus -14% of the market. Growth of the Russian market of equipment for IT- communications mainly determined by the development segment tablets and laptops .

    Keywords: information market segments of the information market, cloud computing market, problems, especially

  • The model predictive control system simulation for the catalytic cracking process of oil

    The especially the functioning of fluid catalytic cracking plant are considered. A mathematical model of a catalytic cracking plant is presented here. Implemented model identification based on experimental data. The predictive controller based on predictive control method for dynamic processes is developed. Effectiveness of the approach is confirmed by the results of catalytic cracking plant simulation. 

    Keywords: catalytic cracking, modeling, model predictive control, multivariate control system, optimization

  • Simulation re-routing strategies for the CBD network of Rostov-on-Don.

    This paper presents the results obtained at simulation of various algorithms dynamic route guidance. A simulation experiments has been executed for the CBD network of Rostov-on-Don with using AIMSUN package. The main objectives of research are estimate routing strategy and relation between shape of the macroscopic fundamental diagram and traffic assignment on the network.

    Keywords: re-routing, rate, dynamic traffic assignment, traffic conditions

  • Computation re-routing rate and traffic conditions to dynamic traffic rerouting

    In the implementation of dynamic re-routing of traffic it is important to notice that the threshold depends on the network layout and type of the roads. Full paper includes appropriate relationships, figures and analysis of simulation results to define the re-routing rate of dynamic traffic reroutig

    Keywords: re-routing, rate, dynamic traffic assignment, traffic conditions

  • Service as a markering and logistics category

    In the article was shown the essence of the concept of "service" from the standpoint of marketing and logistic activities, the service dualism, the assessment of service of marketing and logistic positions. In the article was made an attempt to differentiate service operations to marketing or logistics activities in the aim of improving the management process of customer service and competitiveness of the company

    Keywords: service, service management, logistics service, marketing service, service assessment

  • Estimation of efficiency of marketing research from the position of economic indicators

    In the article was discusses the problem of assessing the effectiveness of marketing research with the help of different methods; was done an attempt to identify the approaches to determining the effectiveness of marketing research based on their goals. Also was developed the formulas for quantitative evaluation of the effectiveness of marketing research.

    Keywords: the efficiency of marketing research, assessment of marketing researches, economic efficiency of marketing research

  • Preparation of a color system of the early twentieth century

    The article deals with the preparation of the leading schools of art of the early twentieth century in Germany and Russia. Determined the reasons for leaving between classical training and subsequent return to the system of art education to the academicism.

    Keywords: coloristics, art education, color, professional education

  • Zoning of territories as the mechanism of real estate management

    Zoning of territories is one of the mechanisms of real estate management. Economic analysis of real estate includes consideration of the problems of spatial – economic development of real estate which exists in specially organized space. Difference in land value, expressed through economic parameters of real estate, forms the basis of territorial – economic zoning, definition of cost equivalent of real estate objects. Global practice shows, that it is increase of land value as a result of zonal-territorial policy realization that leads to the maximal economic benefit. Only joint influence on real estate objects and their spatial environment сan provide the best social and economic results.

    Keywords: Zoning of territories, real estate management, economic analysis, zonal-territorial policy realization, spatial – economic development of real estate