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  • Using of large-scale waste phosphogypsum to reduce emissions of SO2-containing coal power plant

    Possibility of using of a phosphate for receiving lime which can be used further as a sorbent of oxides of sulfur in coppers with technology of the circulating boiling layer, applied on coal thermal power plants is considered.

    Keywords: enterprises of power industry, phosphogypsum, with CFB boilers - circulating boiling layer, pollution of the atmosphere, sulphur dioxide, secondary resources, sulfuric acid

  • To the question of sources and volumes of oil components, input into Black sea

    The paper is devoted with the analysis of sources and volumes of oil components’ input into the Black sea. The topicality of this problem is connected with of transboundary the status of water object that contributes to the complexity of such works. Black Sea has important significance for transport and development in the coastal zone of the oil complex, combined with a great recreational potential. As a result, ecosystems are technogenic impact. The paper describes the main natural and anthropogenic sources of oil components in the Black Sea. On the basis of the results of our expeditionary research and analysis of sources of pollutant concluded chronic character oil pollution of the Black Sea. And the conclusion that the most optimistic estimates, entrance of oil components in the ecosystem in the Black Sea is approximately 270 thousand tons per year, which is higher than the currently accepted values of 2−2.5 times. 

    Keywords: sources, volumes, oil components, the Black Sea, hydrocarbons

  • Adaptibility as system characteristics of infrastructure support of small and medium business

    Dynamic changes of conditions of the business require the development of appropriate instruments at the present stage to support entrepreneurship. The article deals the analysis of adaptability as systemic characteristics of the object of management, and proposes a model of adaptive infrastructure of support of small and medium enterprises.

    Keywords: adaptability infrastructure to support small and medium business, public Association of entrepreneurs, small and medium business

  • Unsteady computational model inhomogeneous two-layer porous bearing of finite length when combined feed lubrication

    In this paper, based on Darcy equations that govern the lubricant in porous layers , and the modified Reynolds equation in the framework of a short bearing solve the problem of unsteady motion of a viscous incompressible lubricant in the bearing clearance double-layer porous . Here we consider the case when the permeability in porous layers in the axial direction is changed by the normal law , and the combined feed lubrication is performed simultaneously in the axial and perpendicular to the bearing axis directions. As a result, the pressure field found in porous layers and in the lubricating layer and analytical dependences for the efforts of the oil film . Compiled by the equation of motion tongue and solved the problem of the stability of the unsteady motion of a pin bearing , found that in the case of a combined bearing lubrication working more steadily compared with the cases or axial directions perpendicular to the axis lubrication . The results obtained can be offered for the development of cylindrical dampers with double-layer porous collar , effectively attenuating transmitted force imbalance in the combined feed lubrication.

    Keywords: two-layer porous plug; permeability porous layers, load capacity; equation of motion of the stud; stability

  • Cognitive and behavioural components of the relations to the political order of students of DGTU (according to 2013)

    The article examines the cognitive and behavioral components of group attitudes toward political order of students of DGTU.  Pilot study took place in 2013 and was carried out using questionnaires, which was attended by 52 people. The analysis represents a hierarchical clustering on the basis of consecutive factorization. It is received, group level of a relative deprivation – 0,46. In assessing deprivation group decomposed into two subgroups, with average values in each - 0.3 and 0.6. Perceptions of political order at the cognitive level:  -0,174 for local government and-0,139 for Russia. In perception of local government the group broke into two subgroups: -0,3 and 0,2. Behavioral component perception of political order defined by two subfactor: active behavioral level - 0.39, and the estimated level of oppositional behavior - 0.57.

    Keywords: group settings, the affective component, a behavioral component, cognitive component, relative deprivation, questioning, political attitudes, factor analysis

  • Modeling the emotional perception of the political order by students of DGTU

    In the autumn of 2013 a pilot survey was conducted among students DSTU, which was attended by 52 respondents. Purpose - to reveal emotional perception of the students of local and central political government by the method of semantic differential. The paper presents a psychosemantic phenomenological model processing of survey results by the method of semantic differential. On average semantic portraits are calculated relative distances between the group images of real political order and the images of the ideal constructs. Phenomenological parameters are determined by them and calculated the required level of group emotional perception of a political order. Calculations group levels of emotional perception of the political order showed similar results as the linear approximation: -0.015 for Region and for Russia as a whole -0.033. Shown, the model allows to determine not only the group levels of perception, but also to build the surface of the stationary states. This surface describes the behavior the level of perception associated with a quasistatic change of phenomenological parameters caused by external conditions. Images of perception of real political orders are in quiet area. At quasistatic variations of external conditions it is necessary to expect little smooth changes of level of perception.

    Keywords: political order, semantic differential, questioning, catastrophe theory, psychosemantic phenomenological modeling

  • Nanotechnology treatment of seeds with (nano) chips

    Nanotechnology is a technological breakthrough in agriculture, have great potential because they allow you to combine economic efficiency and natural ingredients to solve many problems in agriculture. To achieve high efficiency in agricultural production in recent years, using new agrobionanotehnologies. Authors of this article is working on the development of environmentally safe (nano) technology treatment of seeds of different crops using multi multifunctional biologically active (nano) chips. The obtained test results allow us to conclude about the prospect of being developed (nano) technology pre-sowing treatment and training opportunities 1-2 applications for patents on new research conducted in the development of the developed concept of «non-pesticidal agricultural products.

    Keywords: agrobionanotehnologies, (nano) chips, pre-sowing seed, sowing qualities

  • Criteria of rationality and efficiency of use of natural resources

    In article fundamental criteria of rationality and efficiency are considered. The analysis of a condition of nature economic activity of the Voronezh area  by three main criteria is carried out. These criteria are opened and analysed, their system decisions are proved.

    Keywords: criteria of efficiency and rationality, system of complex interaction, economic, social and ecological criteria, complex communication.

  • Opportunities and Prospects of small hydropower in agriculture of Altai region

    The article deals with development of hydropower in the Altai region. Indicates the need for widespread adoption in the economic practice of farms renewable energy. Provides information about the basic types of equipment of small hydro power plants. Analyzes the main problems encountered during the construction and operation of small hydroelectric power plants. In this time have a potential for the construction of small hydroelectric power stations for the needs of farms in the area of the foothill zone of the Altai Territory. It is noted that the implementation of such a project is possible only at the state level, because of the large amount of necessary investments. As a priority area of hydropower development for the needs of farms Altai proposed project of building 26 small hydro power plants on the rivers Charysh, Anouilh and Peschanaya. Indicated that the project could provide more than 95% of the needs of agriculture in the region's electricity . According to the analysis of the above issues,we can the following conclusions: (1) small hydropower plants are spent in terms of technology and affordable source of renewable energy, and (2) is now possible to create a sufficiently large hydroelectric complexes of low power, the ability to make a significant contribution to the region's energy supply structure and (3) the market has a large number of manufacturers of equipment for hydroelectric small power, including and domestic enterprises, which allows to put into practice projects by individual energy supply, without any technical difficulties, (4) the high priority in the development of small hydro power plants, in relation to the needs of the agriculture of the Altai Territory is to create a pool of 26 small hydro power plants on the rivers Charysh, Anouilh and Peschanaya with a total installed capacity of 404 MW, with an annual production volume of 1540 million kWh of electricity per year, and (5) small hydropower plants are a priority of energy supply based on renewable energy sources of agrarian industry in the foothills southeast of Altai Territory.

    Keywords: hidroenergy, renewable energy, energy-saving technology, aricultural region

  • A brief overview of the work in development of methodology for the analysis and synthesis of patentable subject matter of technique

    The need for specialists who know the basics of engineering creativity and practical skills of invention and the feasibility of using this methodology for functional and technological analysis. The results of the use of the said methodology in Petrozavodsk state University.

    Keywords: analysis and synthesis, methodology, technology patentable subject matter

  • Technique of optimization of tree cutting process via integrated machine

    The article suggests technique of optimization of tree cutting and skidding process via felling-skidding machines and felling-skidding-processing machines. The realization of this technique will allow reducing of time costs and raising of machine efficiency taking into account accessibility of stand cutting, relief features and technological working conditions.

    Keywords: integrated machine, cutting, tree, timber harvesting, skidding.

  • Comparative analysis of maximum power point tracker algorithms

    Maximum power pointtracking algorithms are widely used in the solar converters in order to obtain maximum power from the solar array. The article provides a brief description of the work of these algorithms, description of the method of testing based on mathematical modeling using Matlab, Simulink and SimScape packages. The results of modeling and comparative analysis  of the studied algorithms, its  strengths and weaknesses revealed.

    Keywords: maximum power point, maximum power point tracker, photovoltaic, buck converter, comparative study of algorithms, perturb and observe method, constant voltage method, constant current method, icremental conductance method

  • The Correlation Analysis of Vocal Speech as a Nonstationary Random Process

    Vocal speech is a random process. Taking into account the fact that the main characteristics of a singing voice vary with time, in the article vocal speech is studied as an acoustic nonstationary random process. To describe this process we should calculate one of its informative parameters – the autocorrelation function. The findings show that there are some differences between the autocorrelation functions for professional and nonprofessional singers. This helps to make a quantitative assessment of a singer’s professionalism which, alongside with a vocal teacher’s subjective assessment, can present an objective view on a singer’s voice and provide a good basis for optimization of academic voice training. Moreover a teacher does not have to be technically educated because this quantitative assessment is presented in diagrams which are quite easy to assess visually. It is especially important to consider when we use the given voice assessing method in music schools, colleges and universities.

    Keywords: Vocal speech, acoustic signal, nonstationary random process, autocorrelation function, the maximum autocorrelation interval, quantitative assessment

  • Improving the efficiency of thermal power plants by controlling the combustion of fuel in the ion current signal

    The methods of improving the efficiency of thermal power plants. Improve the efficiency improvement offers reach the combustion process. Outlines the benefits of controlling the combustion of fuel in the ion current signal.

    Keywords: power system, power plants, combustion control, the ion current, the detonation

  • Secure modification of LSB matching steganography method

    The modification of the most common steganography method for various container is presented. This modification allows to increase the resistance of steganography to the statistical analisys. A comparative analysis of the effect of the traditional LSB matching method and the proposed modification to the frequency histogram of sample values ​​in the container is presented.

    Keywords: steganography, steganalysis, information security, embedded data transfer