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  • Stability of linear delay-differential equation of milling process

    A stability problem of milling process is under consideration. A novel analytical tool is presented to assess the optimal cutting parameters which provide a chatter free machining. Chatter instability is broadly studied in the literature. However, the problem of simultaneous optimization of radial and axial depths of cut is kept out of scope. To describe the optimization method a single-degree-of-freedom model of milling process is investigated as well as corresponding equation of motion and function of cutting force. A unified delay-differential equation is proposed. A theorem of asymptotic stability is suggested. Suggested optimization technique allows to create a diagram of radial and axial depth-of-cut dependence.  As shown, there exists an extremum of function of axial and radial depth-of-cut dependence.  

    Keywords: chatter, stability, delay-differential equation, oscilations, self-excited vibrations, optimization

  • Circuit solutions of R-S-latch and D-trigger having nonvolatile electrically programmable memory

    In this work new circuit solutions of R-S-latch and D-trigger having nonvolatile electrically programmable memory and nonvolatile shift register are presented. It shows that nonvolatile R-S-latch can be effectively used as a memory cell and simultaneously as write and read circuits for it, thus it makes possible to increase reliability of read operation from EEPROM at the expense of differential read for every bit.

    Keywords: CMOS, R-S-latch, D-tirgger, shift register, EEPROM, nonvolatile memory

  • Economic aspects of diversification of thermal energy taking into account ecological requirements

    Reviews the basic contents of diversification of thermal power plants, which will contribute to improve environmental and economic performance in the industry.

    Keywords: diversification, enterprises of power industry, enrichment of coal, ash dumps, pollution, species blade, air pollution, ash, slag ash, secondary resources.

  • Research of algorithms vibroacoustic diagnostics vehicles

    With the growing fleet's increasingly acute problem arises safety and reliability their exploitation as a result of this increase in productivity and accuracy of their technical diagnostics. Urgent task to further improve diagnosis for vehicles is to develop new methods and algorithms highlight the dominant component of the information in relation to a wide class of vehicles. The methods joint time-frequency and wavelet analysis. To isolate the dominant component of the information proposed to use the method of wavelet decomposition. Using vibro acoustic registration nodes vehicles funds allowed to receive signals carrying information about the defects of individual units of vehicles. The proposed decoding algorithms signals have high reliability, allow technical inspection, subsequent monitoring of the technical state of the vehicle. Using vibroacoustic registration of vehicles allowed nodes receive signals carry-ing information about the defects of individual units of vehicles. The proposed decoding algorithms signals have high reliability, allow technical inspection, subsequent monitoring of the technical state of the vehicle.

    Keywords: vehicle, vibroacoustic diagnostics, dominant information, time-frequency analysis, wavelet analysis

  • Synthesis and electrochemical characteristics of the new composite cathode material of LiMn2O4@LiCoO2 for lithium-ion battery

    The composite cathode material of the core@shell type with the LiMn2O4@LiCoO2 formula of has been successfully synthesized using the solid-state reactions in several stages. Its structure has been studied by means of X-ray diffraction, scanning and transmission electron microscopy and vibrational infrared spectroscopy. Electrochemical investigation in two-electrode cell has been showed improvement of characteristics of the synthesized cathode material than the constituent components. The specific power of LiMn2O4@LiCoO2 is 650 mWh/g, against 450 and 500 mWh/g for LiCoO2 and LiMn2O4, respectively.

    Keywords: lithium-ion batteries, cathode materials, Delafosse, X-ray structural analysis, electron microscopy, electrochemical properties

  • Method for railway car numbers block recognition based on committee neuroimmune classification

    This paper presents a new neuroimmune-based method for block recognition of railway rolling stock inventory numbers. The advantage of such approach is  classification without using of negative samples. Developed technique combines segmentation and classification that allows to achieve higher noise robustness, segmentation possibility of fuzzy combined digits which have different fonts and typeface, and invariance of existing numbers to scale changes. Proposed method allows to constantly increase the training set for the improvement in classification accuracy by new committee classifiers statistics due to the data reduction property achieved by using the immune clustering mechanism. Research results were implemented in the software system of automatic recognition of cars numbers (ARNV), which is operated on the JSC Russian Railways.

    Keywords: Method for letters block recognition, the committee neuroimmune classification model, identification, automatic recognition car number, duplicate number

  • Display of the orthogonal projection of a four-dimensional hypersurface

    Problem research of display the orthogonal projection of four dimensional hypersurface defined by the equation in an implicit form one and two hyperplane. To communicate and bypass hypersurface Discriminants assumes that the hypersurface of the two-parameter family of two-dimensional display received surfaces in five-dimensional space. The analysis of kriminant four dimensional hypersurface orthogonal projection onto the coordinate hyperplane in two coordinate axes. The intersection of three dimensional hypersurfaces axiom (kriminant) defines a two-dimensional surface that is the envelope of the two-parameter family of two-dimensional surfaces. Are the necessary and sufficient conditions of existence of this envelope.
    The results obtained are used to study the Discriminants four-dimensional hypersurface, the display of two-parameter family of spheres in a five-dimensional space.  

    Keywords: a family of surfaces, hypersurface, envelope, the display features, а discriminant.

  • Regularities modeling of time between failures distribution of bulldozers at oil and gas objects bases construction

    In the article, the problem of reliability ensuring of bulldozers working at oil and gas objects bases backfill is considered. Typical failures are revealed. Statistical data on time between failures of bulldozers’ elements are obtained. Time between failures distribution regularities of running gear elements and engine are determined. Adequacy of logarithmic normal law of distribution and Weibull’s law is proved. Directions of the received results use are offered.

    Keywords: Bulldozers, reliability, time between failures, distribution law, oil and gas objects

  • Local logistic centers in urban environment

    The article presents the local type of logistic centers in urban environment as an essential part of freight network and its place in hierarchic logistic system of a country. Transport, compositional, ecologic and other aspects that have impact on spacial concept of local logistic centers are under examination. Thus generalized models of local logistic centers are put forward. They are developed by the authors with large volume of handled cargo, turnover capacity, and are space-saving. The main concepts of such models are following:  vertical development of storage volume due to construction of several floor and shelf storage levels with different ramps as well as provision of comfort one-way transport of minimum maneuvers and without crossing and conflicting traffic.

    Keywords: architectural spatial concepts, logistic centers, warehousing types , generalized spacial model

  • Adaptive agent's behavior: the effects of actions and acceptor efferent synthesis

    Peculiarities mechanisms predict and evaluate the results of actions of an intelligent agent. Building and planning procedures and correction strategy and tactics based on the behavior of a cybernetic circuit functional systems. This scheme is a concept of an intelligent agent architecture.

    Keywords: Intelligent agent, adaptive behavior, the model achieve the goal, the efferent mechanism synthesis

  • Sensitivity CMOS voltage reference to variations of the parameters of elements

    The article describes the preparation of the sensitivity of the output voltage for a typical architecture of voltage reference to variations of the parameters of elements. Also considers the main advantages of this approach in the analysis and design of circuits. The article presents the corresponding graphs sensitivities. Based on the findings conclusions about the impact of deviations of circuit elements on the output parameters of the reference voltage was done.

    Keywords: Sensitivity, CMOS voltage reference, bias voltage, group bias

  • Practical application of its own software system topology synthesis in a design flow

    The aim of this work was the use of practical testing of a software module of topology synthesis of a IC design flow, built on the basis of EDA modules one of the leading companies, Cadence Design Systems. System compatibility with Cadence modules is achieved by using of input and output files in standard formats of data exchange - LEF and DEF. Because the data files are text format, it allows customization in any configuration of the IC and library basis. The developed software system can be used both on routing stage and use to synthesis topology (solving the placement and routing problems). Developed design flow have been tested on three projects based chipset analog-to-digital FPGA (CMOS technology on bulk silicon with 2.6 micron design rules). The developed software system can be used as a step trace compounds and to comply fully with the synthesis of topology, solving the problem of locating elements of the project and laying tracks.Positive practical results obtained allow us to conclude about the correctness of the developed algorithms, and the overall system performance.

    Keywords: topology synthesis, IC, design flow, routing, placement and routing problems

  • Liquid glass and aqueous solutions of silicates, as a promising basis for technological processes of new nanocomposite materials

    The properties of the water-soluble high-modulus silicate systems: based on alkali metal polysilicates called liquid glass and chain their transformation from lower to higher oligomers, with the subsequent formation of colloidal solutions - silica sol. The methods of preparation, properties and applications of water-soluble high-modulus silicate systems. The possibilities of their use as a binder and modifying agents for various nanostructured composite materials. The examples of promising areas of application of liquid glass and high modulus of aqueous solutions of silicates in construction and industry. In particular show the possibility of using liquid glass and aqueous solutions of silicates in the production of nanostructured silicate polymer. In space engineering for manufacturing water-destructed mandrels used in the manufacture of solid rocket motor casings and pressure vessels 'cocoon' of composite materials by winding. The application of the inorganic sol to obtain a nanocomposite ceramics and monolithic blocks of silicon oxide, which can be used in various fields of modern technology. The possibility of using silica sol as a binder for refractory ultra-lightweight shielding materials used to protect equipment from high impacts. The directions of development of the production of new acid-resistant materials and linings for protection of chemical equipment, parts and components operating in corrosive environments.

    Keywords: Keywords: water glass, silicate polymer concrete, additives, silicates organic bases tetrafurfuriloksisilan, furfural alcohol, nanostructure composite materials, water-soluble silicates, silica sol, sol-gel transition, cured xerogel water-destructed mandr

  • Simulation of the process of optimal placement of goods in stock self-service by evolutionary search algorithms

    The paper contains a description of a new method for automatic generation of maps of goods placement. Map of goods placement created by the author's search algorithm. The algorithm is based on ideas of evolutionary search. The proposed algorithm works with a population of constant size, allows not use complex search methods and for a reasonable time find a solution close to the optimum.

    Keywords: simulation, evolutionary computation, multicriteria optimization, genetic algorithms

  • Features of obtaining manganese dioxide by method thermolysis on the tantalum anode of condenser

    In the article obtaining of cathodic coating MnO2 on condenser porous tantalum anode was researched. It was ascertained that formation of crystalline defects from hydrated MnO2 on MnO2 coating obtaining by known technology is possible. Such formations disturb tantalum capacitor cathode integrity. To determine the reasons of the crystal defects formation conveyed simultaneous thermal analysis of Mn(NO3)2x4H2O and Mn(NO3)2x6H2O with an analysis of the flue gases by FTIR spectroscopy. Based on the analysis results a mechanism of manganese nitrate thermolysis was suggested and the cause of the crystal defects on the surface after the coating of manganese dioxide removed from the furnace was ascertained. It was established that the thermolysis process is followed by the formation of such manganese nitrate intermediates as manganese hydroxynitrate, manganese oxyhydroxide and its further oxidation to manganese dioxide. Because of secondary processes leaking on the MnO­2 cover manganese oxyhydroxide residual can react with water vapor and oxygen, that leads to the formation of crystalline defects. Such phenomenon has a negative impact on the chemical composition and integrity of the coating on the surface of the porous MnO2 tantalum capacitor anode. Also it has been found experimentally that manganese hydroxynitrate is formed from manganese nitrate in the form of microtubules on the porous tantalum vehicle surface.

    Keywords: manganese dioxide, coating, manganese nitrate, thermolysis, crystalline defects, microtubules