This article discusses numerical methods used to estimate the parameters of a family of Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity (GARCH) models, which are widely used for analyzing and predicting financial time series with variable variance. The paper provides a comparative analysis of numerical methods for estimating GARCH effects, which are based on the gradient descent method of adaptive algorithms, various variations of quadratic methods based on the Newton method, as well as alternative methods based on the simplex method, linear and quadratic interpolation. The analysis is carried out on the basis of synthetic data and on real data on quotations of the Moscow Exchange stock index using the Python 3 programming language and libraries scipy, numpy, matplotlib and others. The results of the study show that the specifics of the financial time series problem are sensitive to the choice of numerical methods for solving the optimization problem of maximizing the likelihood function. Numerical experiment has shown that using the Nelder-Meade method to evaluate GARCH effects gives the best results for solving the problem of maximizing the likelihood function.
Keywords: mathematical modeling, numerical methods, maximum likelihood method, gradient descent, Newton's method, mathematical modeling, GARCH, time series, stock market, news flows
In an era when knowledge is becoming the foundation of a company's success, skillful human factor management is of great importance. The employee is the main generator of knowledge, skills and abilities. Personnel is an indispensable element in the production system, as nothing happens without human involvement. A person and their qualifications become a key determinant of the efficiency of the production process. The perception of employees through the prism of capital capable of generating profits is being introduced as a concept into daily management practice. However, the stereotypes that have formed over the years about the benefits of using cheap, unskilled labor as an easily replaceable component cannot be quickly overcome. The effective functioning of the production system and the achievement of its goals require the introduction of modern human factor management concepts that respond to the challenges occurring in the internal and external environment of modern organizations. Today, it is becoming necessary to take into account the problems associated with quantitative and qualitative transformations of human resources. The qualification of personnel is an important factor in the accurate execution of the production plan, which is confirmed by empirical research data.
Keywords: organization management, personnel, human resources, human factor, plan execution
The article proposes an approach to determining the level of developer brand protection, which is understood as the reputation of the developer in relation to the regional market, formed in the Internet. The level of protection of the developer's brand takes into account the Gunning Nebula Index of text reviews about the developer, the average volume of words in text reviews about the developer, the number of negative text reviews about the developer, the total number of text reviews about the developer and the degree of competitiveness of the real estate market in the region. Estimates of the level of brand protection of developers in Perm and Yekaterinburg are given and analyzed. To reduce reputational risks and increase the level of brand protection, if it is not high enough, developers are recommended to regularly collect positive customer feedback, conduct brand protection audits, collect and classify negative feedback into true and false. True negative reviews should be discussed with customers, address the cause of the negative review, and then invite customers to remove or correct the negative review. When dealing with false negative reviews, you should seek their removal or publish detailed reasoned rebuttals to them online.
Keywords: real estate developer, online reviews, Gunning Nebula Index, brand protection, degree of competitiveness in the market, reputational risk management