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  • To the theory of diffraction of surface waves on the open end of the planar compositional structure with a synthetic environment

    The results of an analytical study of diffraction of surface waves in anisotropic gradient open planar structures were presented in this work. The solutions of the wave equation and the possible values ​​of the constants of propagation for waves in the complex plane transverse wave numbers were found. We obtained a graphical expression of the reflection coefficient of the first guided magnetic modes from the given size of the cross-structure for different values ​​of the gradient parameters in the transverse profiles of the elements of the dielectric tensor of waveguide layer. We finally showed the possibility of practical applications of all results.

    Keywords: compositional structure, waves of the discrete spectrum, the gradient tensor of the dielectric suseptibulity, the reflection coefficient of the first magnetic modes

  • Effect of a structuring additive on the physical and mechanical properties of non-autoclaved aerated concrete

    This article considers the influence of a structuring additive on the physical and mechanical properties of aerated concrete. As a structuring additive, a by-product was introduced into the composition of the aerated concrete mixture by cutting the top layer of the "gorbuschka" in an amount of 10 to 30%. Comparative analysis of the results of physical and mechanical tests of aerated concrete samples with different amount of structuring additive showed that its introduction increases the compressive strength, while simultaneously increasing the density of aerated concrete. At the same time, the value of the constructive quality factor in GB4 (with 20% of the "gorbuschka") is 20.4% higher than in GB2 (with 30% of the "gorbuschka") and 31% higher than for the aerated concrete base composition GB1 (control) that allowed us to take him for the optimal composition in further research.

    Keywords: "gorbuschka", structuring of aerated concrete, non-autoclaved aerated concrete, structuring additive, swelling process, plastic strength of the structure, constructive quality coefficient, average density in the dry state, compressive strength

  • Formation and processing of cognitive and parametrical information on a session of network tutoring

    Article contains the control system of distance learning with use of educational resources where the purpose of management set upgrading of tutoring by means of modification of content and the interface of an educational resource, for increase in number of the fissile users is described. Authors offered the motivation mechanism of users to sessions continuation of tutoring by means of behavioural interactive notices on the basis of data from a condition assessment subsystem of the trainee. Effectiveness of the offered mechanism is proved by urgent statistical data.

    Keywords: Educational resources, mobile applications developing resources, the active user, interactive notification messages, management system educational process, the user interface, content, the mechanism of motivation of users.

  • The main criteria of forming the urban centres from the point of view of town planning as a science

    The article discusses the criteria of a modern condition of urban centres and the need for reconstruction of buildings and structures. Recommendations for improvement of existing organizational forms of management of urban development from the position of the centering urban infrastructure. Indicated the need for a uniform management of the whole investment and construction complex from the beginning to the end of the operation of the facility

    Keywords: organization of construction; renovation and restoration, the formation of the city center

  • Development of a conceptual problem-oriented metamodel of figurative representation of complex system on the basis of a geographic information system

    This paper presents use metasystem approach to creation of complex system model. An opportunity to synthesize quantitative and qualitative models of separate subsystems in the form of a metamodel of complex system is distinctive feature of metasystem approach. Such approach gives the chance to develop and correct both the purposes of functioning of system, and a way of their achievement. The model of a geographic information system (GIS) acts as a metamodel basis. The GIS model integrates, processes and traces existential and coordinate information. The model of a geographic information system is in turn described as set of model of measurement of a condition of system and model of measurement of state of environment, including sets of rules, procedures and measuring means are considered. Separately in article the question of redundancy of data for which solution it is offered to use the National Instruments PXI platform which is turning on the reconfigurable input-output module (R-series module) is considered.

    Keywords: metamodel, complex system, geographic information system, compression data

  • About the organization of traffic conditions of bridge cranes for a circle

    The article describes the main principles of the movement around the circumference of the cranes circular steps. It is proved that the defining characteristics of the organization of the movement of the crane on the circle are the geometric parameters of the mutual reversal of the running wheels of the crane, not the observance of the reversal determines the transverse slippage of wheels of the crane, and the shape of the wheels depends only on the elastic longitudinal slide. The result of slides and slippage is firing the head of the rail with one hand and the loss of stability when moving the crane. Stability stability ensures the achievement of the precision targeting of the gripping device. These parameters are the main performance characteristics that should be valued in absolute terms should be minimal.

    Keywords: nuclear power station, crane circular steps, suspension bridge crane, suspension wheel, cylindrical wheel, bevel wheel, the mutual reversal of wheels

  • The method of analysis of absolute stability of nonlinear impulse-systems through a computer-based approach innors

    Abstract: The analysis of absolute stability is reduced to solving the problem of the distribution of the roots of a real polynomial with respect to the unit circle.Televisions recurrent expressions for by the computer to determine the coefficients for a system of arbitrary order. The machine is a technique for solving the problem of the distribution of the roots of the polynomial by computing determinants innorov and counting the number of sign changes in the ranks of the special values innornyh determinants whose elements are uniquely associated with the parameters of the system under study. To calculate determinants of matrices of values can be reduced to a triangular form, using the Gaussian elimination algorithm. However, a special kind of matrix (the presence of the left triangle of zeros) provides extremely effective double triangulyarizatsii algorithm that allows to determine the values innorov by computers with minimal cost.

    Keywords: Keywords: nonlinear pulse systems, the calculation of the coefficients of polynoms, building innornyh matrices, determination of absolute stability on the basis of analysis of the distribution of the roots of the polynomial by computing determinants innor

  • Simulation modeling as a tool for integrated assessment of strategic risks logistics companies

    The possibility of improving the management efficiency of the main business processes of a logistics enterprise on the basis of an integrated assessment of strategic risks is considered. The methodology is based on the idea of sharing the technology of simulation and two concepts: the Balanced Scorecard (BSС) and the Integrated Risk Management System (IRMS). We propose formula for calculating operational risk based on port statistics collected while running the simulation model, namely the chosen values of the triangular distribution of the statistical data. Also presented a formula linguistic evaluation of integrated strategic risk, lead to the conclusion the risk that previously designated port strategy will not be achieved.

    Keywords: Strategic risk, risk management system, logistics enterprise, business processes, balanced scorecard, strategic map, management decisions, competitiveness, simulation modeling

  • Option trading strategies efficiency analysis for MOEX assets with a machine learning approach.

    An inportant and challenging task for a market analyst is to predict a value or a direction of a certain indicator based on the behaviour of a given financial instrument. In this paper we use random forest algorithms to predict a value and a direction of an implied volatility of RTS index options. We collect and prepare the historical data with an algorithm which takes into account both the actual trades history and the ordlog. We then examine and use the effect of volatility clustering which can be observed on such options. Finally, we construct some simple option trading strategies based on the predictions we made and measure their performance on a subset of our historical data. The results obtained shows that such approach can of use as one of the mechanisms for making decisions in practical trading, and needs further research.

    Keywords: option, trading strategies, random forest, RTS index, spot market

  • Reconstruction of the overpass as a safety requirement

    Issues related to the safe operation of the transport system as a whole. The article touches upon the questions on how to repair the car in Volgograd. In the city, this guide is the only link in the area. Long-term operation of the overpass led to the accumulation of a large number of defects and damages that prevented it from being fully used. Accounting for all aspects of the safe use of the way to ensure its sustainable functioning. The measures ensuring the safe operation of transport facilities include: increasing the dimensions of the roadway of the overpass, strengthening structures to increase the carrying capacity to normative work, processing and storing seismic precipitation on the span, installing a video camera for rapid response in case of traffic accidents and illegal actions. To increase the load-bearing structures, the new beams should be replaced with new beams, designed for high loads, and also use composite reinforcement with carbon fiber.

    Keywords: safety, load-carrying capacity, reconstruction, bridges, sustainable functioning, reinforcement, diagnostics of structures, waterproofing

  • The ratio of the input circuit parameters UPFC

    This article examines the processes occurring in the input circuits of a universal AC control system. The calculated ratio of the power flow control algorithms between networks, provided consumption given the current nature of any nature in the generation of power. The dependences of the calculated ratios.

    Keywords: a universal system of alternating current control; power flow control; vector diagram; Power network voltage inverter, active rectifier, capacitive drive.

  • Analysis of effectiveness of laser processing of seeds spring-sown field of a grade of ""Irgin""

    Results of application of laser technology of processing of seeds of a spring-sown field are presented in article. Results of researches confirm positive influence of application of laser technology, selection of the optimum processing conditions of seeds of wheat therefore productivity of the processed wheat of a grade of "Irgin" increases is carried out.

    Keywords: intensive technology, use of the laser, mode of behavior, laser processing, efficiency, productivity, quality of products, radiation dose, experiment

  • Calibration of machines with numerical program control by means of a laser tracker of VINTAG

    Results of the performed works at calibration of the metal-cutting machine are given in article. The technology of performance of control is considered. The conclusion in which it is noted that laser trackers including the measuring Vintag vehicle produced by Faro firm, possess high efficiency of the solution of problems of calibration is made. Their software has an opportunity to carry out processing of results of measurements and preparation of reports directly on the platform of performance of work and to give results on the place. To provide the accuracy of measurements of the spatial coordinates of 0.005-0.01 mm at distances to 10000-15000 mm. All these characteristics allow to recommend to machine-building enterprises use of such and similar measuring cars for the solution of problems of calibration of metal-cutting machines.

    Keywords: Laser trekker, measurements, geometrical parameters, straightforwardness, perpendicularity, metrology, calibration, metrological characteristics

  • Parametric optimization of a trapezoidal wooden truss with ascending braces on metal toothed plates

    The results of research on the parametric optimization of a trapezoidal wooden truss with ascending braces on metal toothed plates are presented. A deterministic algorithm is developed and a program is developed that allows finding optimal farm parameters from the condition of minimizing the volume of wood, given the initial conditions. The optimum parameters for the farm span of 24 meters were determined for a given value of the external load, diagrams of the dependence of the objective function on the variable parameters.

    Keywords: Parametric optimization, deterministic algorithm, metal toothed plate, trapezoidal farm with ascending bracing

  • Foundations with no flat sole on the basis of a non-uniform loess

    The results of large-scale field experiments to study the interaction of the bases with different shapes and sizes of the protrusions at the bottom with an inhomogeneous loess foundation . It is shown that the protrusion at the base of a significant effect on the VAT base .

    Keywords: foundation , stress, strain , stamp , eccentricity , mean pressure