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  • A choice of the optimal method for implementation of training control tool using analytic hierarchy process

    Web application building is used in implementation of different systems and tools when users need to be able to work at a distance using different computers. Training control tools where mainstream users are students and teachers participating in e-learning and blended learning are one of these tools. There are different types of web application building methods which have some advantages and disadvantages according to a set of criteria. A problem of multicriterion choice of the optimal solution occurs when choosing the web application building method for implementation of training control tool. Three web application building methods such as: method based on using compiled and compiled-interpreted language, method based on using interpreted script language and method based on using content management system and content construction kit are determined in the paper. A set of basic criteria including: web application building simplicity, web application building speed, experiences and support was defined. Analytic hierarchy process was used in choosing the optimal web application building method. The method allowed defining optimal web application building method for implementation of training control tool: method based on using interpreted script language.

    Keywords: multicriterion choice; analytic hierarchy process; web application building method; content management system; content construction kit; training control tool; e-learning; blended learning

  • Detection of a violation of electricity metering of the consumer

    The method is considered for seaching a single-phase or three-phase electricity meter with the radio control module installed in it. With the help of this module, the consumer of electric energy has the opportunity to disconnect the pecking motor of the electric meter. These actions are allow you not take into consideration actually consumed elecrtrical energy. This module is installed by the consumer illegally and when a network organization detects this , they make an act about unaccounted electric power consumption. The method is based on the measurement of the intaking power of the volt circuit by the maser gage CE601 of the analyzing counter of electrical power CE 101, with the mechanical counting mechanism. Herewith, the consumer's loading is switched off by supply feeders. This method is allow to draw the conclusions about the presence of embedded non-factory devices without disconnecting of the electricity meter from the network ( time saving ).

    Keywords: Electricity meter, loss of electrical energy, consumption analysis, commercial losses, electricity accounting

  • Optimization of technological process of manufacturing coils for SWG based on the concept of lean manufacturing

    The paper considers the optimization of technological process of manufacturing of the coils of the steam generator based on the concept of lean manufacturing. The analysis of the manufacturing process of the coils revealed problems: the yield of the pipe after conversion of the bending machine, large inventory of finished tubes, stored on the stocks vertical storage (racks), loss of time for travel, due to the placement site of flexible pipes in different spans, continuous changeover. To solve these problems were applied the principles of lean production. As a result of the optimization was able to reduce WIP 70%, to reduce logistics and remoteness of workplaces in the production flow by 10 times, reduce the time of processes for the conversion of 2 times, to reduce the risk of traces of mechanical damages on the surface of the coils.

    Keywords: Lean production, value of production losses, the coils of the steam generator, and process optimization

  • Simulation modeling as a tool for system analysis of the educational process

    The article discusses research in the field of systems analysis and computer simulation of the educational process. The article presents the results of the use of simulation as a tool for system analysis of the educational process. Analyzed the methodological basis for the creation of the simulation model. The principles and objectives of simulation in the educational process. In the result of the study identified problems that can be solved with the implementation of simulation. It is revealed that simulation modeling is mainly used to simulate behavior of system in different conditions, research of influence of its parameters and characteristics.

    Keywords: simulation, computer simulation, system analysis, model, system, educational process

  • The development of graph and matrix ways of representing algorithms

    In the article we consider serial hipping-chart of the abstract algorithm and a bipartite graph. Led the detailed algorithm of such a transformation. We gave an example of the ability to specify the algorithms in the matrix-predicate form. In conclusion, we indicated that the resulting matrix-predicate form is completely identical graphic form, however, allows you to work with algorithms much more efficient, since it is possible to ask them in the matrix predicate and partially automate the heuristic methods of their construction.

    Keywords: the algorithm graph-diagram, bipartite graph, set, matrix, predicate, logical operator, the circuit

  • The interaction of parallel algorithms

    In the article, we considered the actual problem of constructing an algorithm based on the interaction of parallel components. The paper contains elements of the methodology developed by the authors for the parallel functioning of algorithms based on graph theory. It is shown that the construction of an algorithm with parallel functioning of components is impossible without taking into account the time, for which the concept of a time axis was introduced, and the sequential algorithm is represented in the form of a bipartite graph by its additional definition. The methods of parallel algorithms represented in the article, realized as dual graphs or matrix predicate form, make it possible to use them in describing complex control and measuring systems. It is concluded that the advantage of such a representation of the parallel functioning of algorithms lies in the fact that it becomes possible to work with parallel hierarchical structures, tracing the changes in each of them by means of input time axes.

    Keywords: algorithm, parallel processing, algorithms, parallel operation of objects posledovatelnostyu algorithms, predicative unit, time axis, of the dual graph, the interaction of parallel algorithms, graph-scheme of algorithm, functional-predicate module

  • Deposition of TiO2 thin film by spin-coating using a laser annealing

    TiO2 thin films are widely used as a transparent layer n-type conductivity in the perovskite solar cells. Nanocrystalline TiO2 films were deposited on the surface of glass substrates coated with tin oxide with fluorine (FTO) by spin-coating and subsequent laser annealing radiation with a wavelength of 1064 nm. The effect of laser annealing on grain size in the TiO2 film and spin-coating speeds on its thickness. It is found that the grain diameter in the resulting TiO2 films on average 17-64 nm at a power of laser annealing 30-70 W. It was found that the thickness of the TiO2 film is changed in the range of 72-124 nm spin-coating speed. Optimal parameters TiO2 thin film formed by laser annealing can enhance the efficiency of the perovskite solar cell.

    Keywords: thin film, TiO2, centrifugation, laser annealing, surface morphology, thickness

  • Epoxy Waterborne Compositions Modified by Hydroxyurethanes

    Compositions of receiving and using waterborne epoxy - NIPU coating were developed. Experiments to study the compatibility of components in the waterborne epoxy - NIPU coatings were carried out . The optimum ratio of the components of the composition, in order to obtain the necessary physical and mechanical properties of the coating was determinate. The optimal compositions were recommended for industrial application.

    Keywords: coating, epoxy & nonisocyanate polyurethane, waterborne system, physical and mechanical properties

  • Numerical simulation of the effect of an alternating electric field on ion transport through a neuron membrane

    The paper presents a numerical study of the effect of external electromagnetic fields of various configurations on the computer model of a neuron; Briefly describes the created software product, allowing to conduct numerical simulation of nerve cells, the mechanism of conduction of the nerve impulse. In an alternating field, the ion flux behaves as follows: at frequencies below 1 kHz, 3 maxima of the function of the average ion velocity are observed: these are 82 Hz, 340 Hz and 801 Hz. Under the influence of fields of higher frequencies from 1 kHz to 900 kHz, strong changes in velocities and currents do not occur. It is possible that in this frequency range the field does not have time to change the velocity modulus, but at a frequency of 970 kHz there is a sharp increase in the average ion velocity, which is most likely related to the effect of the myelin sheath, since no maximum is observed from the myelin sheath.

    Keywords: Neuron, axon, biological effect, modeling, microwave radiation, axon potential

  • Research of hydrodynamics of flow of the gas-suspension of conversion lime carbonate in a tube-dryer

    The article presents the results of research of hydrodynamics of flow of the gas-suspension of conversion lime carbonate in a tube-dryer. For the first time equations for determining the speed and concentration of lime carbonate along the length of the tube-dryer at different air velocities and feed concentrations are received. The research results can be used to design pipes-dryers for large-tonnage productions of conversion of calcium carbonate. Experiments of research of hydrodynamics of the gas-suspension of conversion lime carbonate were carried out on the tube-dryer with an internal diameter to 0.069 m, length 4.8 m. Along the axis of the pipe on the rod vertically mounted discs, the first disc below the auger to 0.6 m, the second – above the auger to 0.7 m and further 1 m, total 5 disks.

    Keywords: conversion lime carbonate, drying, tube-dryer

  • Development and research of the work of an alkotester on the basis of a semiconductor sensor for the concentration of alcohol vapors

    Using a semiconductor sensor for the concentration of alcohol vapors based on a microcontroller, the authors developed a device for monitoring the content of alcohol vapors with an indication of the readings on the LCD display. An algorithm for the work of the alcohol content control device developed by the authors is proposed. To take samples of exhaled air, a mouthpiece made by the authors was used. The results of full-scale tests of the developed instrument are given

    Keywords: Alcohol intoxication, breathalyzer, traffic safety, device, alcohol, statistics of road accidents

  • Research of heat and mass transfer during drying of conversion lime carbonate in a tube-dryer

    The article presents the results of researches of heat and mass transfer in the flow of the gas-suspension of conversion lime carbonate in a tube-dryer. For the first time equations for determining the influence of initial air temperature at moisture content in a tube-dryer, the influence of air temperature on heat rate are received. The research results can be used to design pipes-dryers for large-tonnage productions of conversion of calcium carbonate. Experiments of researches of heat and mass transfer in the flow of the gas-suspension of conversion lime carbonate were carried out on the tube-dryer with an internal diameter to 0.069 m, length 4.8 m. Along the axis of the pipe on the rod vertically mounted discs, the first disc below the auger to 0.6 m, the second – above the auger to 0.7 m and further 1 m, total 5 disks.

    Keywords: conversion lime carbonate, drying, tube-dryer

  • Information technology as a means to improve the quality of teaching masters.

    The article describes a number of techniques whose use in the educational process contributes to the quality of teaching masters. The role of information technology to solve this problem. The analysis of the various technologies and techniques that can be used in learning masters to improve its quality. The influence of various factors on the quality of education. Line graphs are constructed, illustrating the difficulties arising at the masters, when studying any discipline, including, due to varying levels of preparation for admission, as well as an assessment of the quality of their training after using the proposed measures in the article. It is concluded that meaningful use of information technology in learning masters gives positive result.

    Keywords: information technology, quality of teaching, interdisciplinary communication, knowledge, research, control chart

  • The calculation of Peltier working mode using as a cooler in air drying module

    Drying module is a part of any modern gas analysing device. Using the Peltier elements for cooling the gas probe in druying module is a known technical solution. Peltier elements are very energy-intensive things. So the task of calculation of amount of electrical energy which is needed for predetermined temperature decline of gas probe is very topical. The solution of this task is given in the article. With formulas for partial pressure of vapour we can calculate the humidity of gas at the output of drying module. Then we can find the temperature of gas. Finally using the heat balance equation and nomogramms we can calculate the voltage for Peltier element.

    Keywords: Peltier element, gas probe, drying process, gas analyzer, heat balance, partial pressure of vapour

  • Modeling of thermal modes of action of laser radiation on a photocell with a thin-film structure ZnO-amorphous silicon on a glass substrate

    The influence of the laser material on the structure of the photocell based on thin films of zinc oxide and amorphous silicon on glass. It was modeled recrystallization processes in the solid state, considered the interaction of the surface of silicon by pulsed laser radiation, calculations are made for the surface temperature at the recrystallization of the amorphous film on Nd:YAG laser installation with length wave 532 nm. The proposed thermal model of the solution of the problem showed that the structure melt is already at the earliest stage of processing and the temperature distribution in the amorphous layer will depend on the structure of the ZnO film, as evidenced by modeling in ANSYS. According to the results of experimental studies performed, it can be said that the thermal conditions at the plant are poorly worked out, as evidenced by the roughness of the film of the amorphous layer. The mechanism of crystallization of the melt also requires refinement. The obtained results showed the prospects of the direction of silicon-on glass and ZnO

    Keywords: solar cells , laser recrystallization , an amorphous layer , ZnO film , thermal model , modeling of thermal modes , tube scan