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  • Assessment of the actual VAT designs residential building in Belovo Kemerovo on the results of the survey instrument

    In this paper, on the example of spatial mechanical and mathematical model of a residential building in an emergency Belovo Kemerovo area the opportunity to assess the actual condition of buildings and structures on the basis of geodetic observations and a series of numerical experiments. The obtained data were used to develop the methodology for assessing the technical condition of buildings and structures on the basis of monitoring. 
    Keywords: erratic rainfall, geodetic observations, finite element model.


  • Developing an algorithm of fuzzy adaptive management project metadata

    Based machine adaptation developed an algorithm that adaptively adjust the parameters of the membership function of design data. Adjustment parameters of the membership function is proposed based on the analysis of the reaction of the designer on the query results. This approach allows you to adjust power supplies design solutions to the corresponding values ​​of logical variables based on subjective opinions of experts consecutive. The presence of a mechanism of adaptation helps to reduce the impact of one-off, drop out of the general concept, opinions.
    Keywords: automatic adaptation fuzzy data correction.


  • Resource calls in the field of regional bio-energetics and a way of their overcoming

    The questions of regional bioenergetics development on the example of The Republic of Karelia are considered. The resource challenges in the field of harvesting and industrial use of energy wood and peat are described. The solutions to get over these challenges are identified.

    Keywords: Challenges, Regional Bioenergetics, Peat, Energy Wood.

  • Study of the dynamics of washing machines in the spin cycle

    The questions devoted to the study of influence of mass textile articles vibroaktivnosti drum type washing machine with a horizontal axis of rotation at a centrifugal spinning. Feature of research is accounting change in mass production during the spin cycle when calculating the amplitude of transverse vibrations, including during acceleration and passing the resonance zone. The object of investigation used a modern model of household washing machine. Initial operating parameters were varied, based on the actual values ​​for the machines of this type. In a paper on the study the graphs, the analysis of the data obtained. The results can be used to study the dynamics of washing machines to improve their vibration isolation systems.
    Keywords: Washing machines, dynamics, vibration amplitude, the influence of mass products.


  • Principles of risk management strategy OSH

    Proposed a mechanism for determining risk management strategies of labor protection, using the principle of ALARA (as low as reasonably achievable). This approach implies the maximum possible risk reduction achieved by actually available, but often limited resources of the enterprise. Results of risk control, including the choice of variability between conservation (abolition), decrease (prevention) or the transfer of risk. 
    Keywords: risk, risk management, risk control, health and safety.


  • Technology and equipment of clearing of the wood the areas with preparation of stubs and roots for bio-energetic

    The technology and the equipment providing clearing of the wood areas, their preparation for restoration of the wood of works and preparation of stubs and roots for use in bio-energetic are considered.

    Keywords: biological fuel, roots, korchevka, stubs, cutting, equipment, technology, power wood.

  • Arrangements of computational intelligence in solving the automatization problem of prediction of electricity

    In this paper we consider the problem of effective forecasting of electricity consumption for multiple objects in automatic mode. We propose an approach to automation of forecasting process, based on CRISP-DM. There were considered methods of computational intelligence for the data preprocessing - filling the gaps and identification of the emission, methods of construction and adjustment of forecasting models. As the computational basis are used connective models, based on neural networks and on constructive neural networks. There was shown the system architecture that implements the mechanisms of computational intelligence, and was presented the results of the tests.

    Keywords: consumption of electricity, forecasting automation, computational intelligence, identification of the emission, connective models.

  • Features of the state policy in the sphere of informatization of education in modern Russia

    The article discusses the advantages and disadvantages of the use of information technologies in education, the development of the individual's role in connection with the transformation of modern society, a new type of teacher preparation. Analyzes bearing on the state of higher education and innovation in educational practice. 
    Keywords: information society informatization of education, information technology.


  • Diagnosis evolution meso tier subregional postdepression PEST-based analysis of the development of the local grain-food market of the Eastern Donbass

    Development and improvement of local markets zernoprodovolstvennyh mining areas, as well as regional transaction sector agro-industrial complex of the Eastern Donbass centers contribute to the formation of institutional modernization of the regional economy. To identify the political, economic, social and technological factors in the external macro-environment that may significantly affect the business, structuring and formulation of the organization's strategy is an important analysis of institutional and market coordinates held in accessible form PEST-analysis.
    Keywords: region, local market, the institutional environment, PEST-analysis, macro environment, trade, protectionism, state support.


  • Model optimization solutions to reduce the risk of occupational safety

    The article describes the risk management model of labor protection, which allows to analyze the magnitude and risk management decisions aimed at its reduction to an extent corresponding to an acceptable risk. 
    Mathematical description of the model takes into account the limited resources available for the implementation of labor protection measures, as well as the interests of all stakeholders. 
    Keywords: risk, risk management, health and safety, the mathematical model.


  • Definition of modes of the generator of technological impulses for electro erosive profiling of diamond grinding circles

    Is calculated the mean distance between the diamond grains on grinding wheels by their characteristics. Is carried out of the duration, frequency and form of discharge impulses in electro erosion profiling of diamond grinding wheels.

    Keywords: electro erosion profiling, correction, the distance between the diamond grains, frequency of discharge impulses, the duration of discharge impulses.

  • Role of the subject of higher education informatization in modern Russia

    The article discusses the advantages and disadvantages of the use of information technologies in education, the development of the individual's role in connection with the transformation of modern society, a new type of teacher preparation. Analyzes bearing on the state of higher education and innovation in educational practice. 
    Keywords: information society informatization of education, information technology.


  • Clustering processes of industrial enterprises in the method of their adaptation under the order

    Showing the use of clustering of business processes of industrial enterprise in the mechanism of adaptation processes and identified prototypes for each of obtained clusters. The proposed approach reduces the analysis of the processes and their implementation, which contributes to efficient operation of the mechanism of adaptation process under the order in the information environment.


  • Ecological and socio-economic monitoring of Russian regions

    This article we study the influence of the mutual dependence of economic development due to their degree of human impact on the environment, and welfare of the population of Russia's regions.

    Keywords: ecological and socio-economic system, social and natural systems, monitoring, environmental and socio-economic monitoring.

  • Improving the efficiency of the drive oil switch

    In the article the urgency of increasing the efficiency of the electric oil switch in rural power grids. Revealed the possibility of using as an actuator for oil circuit breakers cylindrical linear induction motor. In mathematical form describes the basics of electric motors of this type. Numerical results that confirm the economic viability of the application presented in this paper findings.
    Keywords: Cylindrical linear induction motor, switch oil, electric, boost efficiency.  
