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  • Single Sign On Technology: Central Authentication Tools for a Functional Service System

    This article discusses the problem of network authentication of a client when a functional web-system consists of various services, each of which is represented by a separate site. Particular attention is paid to Single Sign On technology - a single entry point as a way to achieve centralized authentication. A comparison of tools that provide a single input is given, and a conclusion is made about the best of them. Based on the research, the author proposes the Gluu single entry point server as a server that satisfies all the requirements of the functional service system presented in the example, and also able to work within the framework of popular authentication protocols.

    Keywords: functional service system, authentication, authentication protocol, single entry point, single entry point server, comparative analysis

  • Conceptual Framework for Integrated Modelling of a Holistic Engineering System

    Interdisciplinary is a fundamental category of functioning of all systems of modern science, it is achieved through convergence and becomes a new form of educational environment. The article presents the conceptual foundations of complex modeling of a holistic system of training of a specialist of an engineering university, updating interdisciplinary requirements to educational results. The methodology of the system approach, which allowed to develop a universal algorithm of disciplinary synthesis of all training cycles, was chosen as the national scientific basis of the study. As a result of solving the problem of functional adaptation of the educational model, an information model of interdisciplinary connections is formed on the basis of integrative parameters. As a didactic product of interdisciplinary integration are interdisciplinary cycle complexes, the algorithm of functioning of which is controlled by the methodology of construction and development of the general phylosophical category "scientific picture of the world." It has been shown that the inclusion of methodological bases of this category in the process of organizing the integrity of the engineer 's training provides forms of synthesis of scientific knowledge at all levels of the educational environment - internal, interdisciplinary and transdectoral. In this way the idea of convergence of the content of education as a means of increasing the level of integration is realized, which directly correlates with the fundamental goal of engineering training - formation of a holistic worldview and scientific outlook of the future specialist. An example of methodological organization of the educational process of the engineering university within the framework of the interdisciplinary approach is given.

    Keywords: educational model, design algorithm, system modeling strategy, functional model adaptation, control algorithms, interdisciplinary, knowledge convergence levels

  • Features of multi-channel signal processing with a quasiring arrangement of receiving elements

    Issues related to the features of multi-channel signal processing based on superresolution methods using a system with a quasi-ring arrangement of receivers are considered. The output characteristic is compared using the classical processing method (radiation pattern is formed) and the superresolution method (direction-finding relief is formed). As a basis of the signal processing algorithm, the property of 2π-periodicity of the angular dependence of the directivity characteristics of the receivers and the signal power is used. The issues of increasing the resolution in the angular direction of the received signals were studied during multichannel processing in a receiver system with a ring arrangement. The possibility of a significant improvement in resolution during the transition from the classical method to the method of superresolution is shown.

    Keywords: multichannel processing, radiation patterns, Hamiltonian cycle, angular distribution, annular and quasi-ring antenna array, directivity characteristics, synthesis of amplitude-phase distribution

  • On improving the monitoring system for air pollution with carbon monoxide in linear cities

    The article considers examples of cities with a linear-elongated configuration. Issues of air pollution are considered, examples of components of pollutants coming from stationary and mobile sources are given. Statistical data on human diseases in the Volgograd region for the period 2008-2017 are presented. Considers the issues of monitoring for the city of Volgograd.

    Keywords: linear city, highway, pollution, carbon monoxide, monitoring, monitoring posts, disease statistics, combined action, vehicles, noise, gas pollution, health, exhaust gases, length

  • Study of the features of the layout of the territory of a residential complex of increased comfort

    In this paper, we consider the aspects of identifying criteria for increased comfort of the territory of residential facilities. The concept of increased comfort is influenced by a variety of heterogeneous factors. However, a clear method for classifying these criteria has not been defined.The purpose of this work is to identify the criteria for increased comfort of a residential complex and study the features of the layout of these objects. This article discusses the qualitative and quantitative indicators that make up the concept of ""increased comfort"". The authors have studied the stages of organization of the territory of a high-comfort residential complex and their components. Parameters and environmental factors that influence decision-making in construction are identified. Functional zones of the territory of the residential complex of increased comfort are defined. In this paper, we propose a scheme that allows us to classify the criteria of increased comfort for a residential complex based on indicators of technical principles of organization and architectural and planning structure.

    Keywords: residential complex superbly comfortable, the organization of the territory and architectural-planning structure, functional area

  • On the issue of calculating the reinforcement in the junction of a beamless monolithic plate with a column

    The article discusses the results of the calculation of reinforcement in monolithic reinforced concrete floors. The subject of the study is the reinforcement of the slab section located next to the column. The study was carried out by setting up a computational experiment. Modeling was performed in software systems: Revit, Sapphire and Lira-CAD. Finite element models were calculated in Lira-CAD software. A total of 7 series of samples were calculated. The samples are a fragment of a monolithic reinforced concrete floor of a civil building. Investigated factors: triangulation parameters; the presence or absence of absolutely rigid bodies in the node. The authors performed a comparative analysis of the results of a computational experiment. It was found that for the most correct and economical selection of reinforcement in models without the use of AFL, it is desirable to take the triangulation step in the slab equal to the side of the column section or more than this value by no more than 15%, since an increase in the size of the finite elements leads to an underestimation of the reference moment and the resulting area calculation longitudinal working reinforcement. With this approach, the value of the maximum moment, and, therefore, the area obtained by the calculation of the reinforcement will be 6% higher, which makes it more preferable, although it increases the complexity of creating a finite element circuit.

    Keywords: BIM technology, reinforced concrete, girder-free overlap, reinforcement, triangulation, finite element, reinforcement selection, computational experiment, Rewit, Sapphire, Lira-CAD

  • Main approaches to geomechanical monitoring of transport tunnels

    The article provides a brief overview of geomechanical methods for studying the stress-strain state of the soil mass and tunnel lining. The organization of monitoring in tunnels using conventional and fiber-optic systems is considered. Criteria for analysis of monitoring data and structural strength conditions are described

    Keywords: railway tunnel, construction, operation, monitoring, strain gauge, stress, strain, strength, bearing capacity

  • Development of a protective polymer coating with high hydrophobic and adhesive properties

    The results of the development of a polymer protective coating based on oligopiperylene styrene binder for the protection of concrete and metal surfaces of structures of buildings and structures from the effects of adverse natural and technogenic factors are presented. Modification of this binder with tetraethoxysilane in an amount of 3-20 wt. including allows you to get a protective coating with good hydrophobic properties. Introduction to the composition of 1-12 wt. including tetraisopropyl titanate significantly improves the adhesive and strength properties of the protective coating, which is associated with the formation of bonds between oligopiperylene styrene and tetraisopropyl titanate, due to chemical interaction between the reactive groups of these compounds. The developed protective polymer coating provides good adhesion to the working surface, is easy to apply technologically, the curing of the coating occurs at room temperature, and the improvement of the strength and hydrophobic characteristics of the coating will significantly expand its field of application.

    Keywords: protective coating, oligopiperylene styrene binder, tetraethoxysilane, tetraisopropyl titanate, adhesion, hydrophobicity, contact angle

  • Semantics of a temple near the village of datuna in the Republic of Dagestan. The temple of king Solomon as a prototype of the medieval architectural tradition

    This article is devoted to the study of a medieval temple Dating from the end of the X - beginning of the XI century, located near the village of datuna in the Republic of Dagestan. It discusses its design features, provides arguments about their possible purpose and symbolic load. Stylistic and semantic analysis is carried out, as a result of which conclusions are drawn about the ownership of construction traditions. The proportions of the temple underlying the compositional structure are analyzed. Based on the revealed proportions, an analogy is drawn with the temple of Solomon, with which other common features are found. As a result, it is concluded that it served as a prototype for the construction of the Dagestan temple.

    Keywords: Datun temple, middle ages, religious architecture, Dagestan, proportions, single-nave Basilica, compositional structure, prototype

  • De-ironization of underground water with deposited membranes using a opoka

    The article is devoted to the use of natural minerals in water treatment. The paper presents the results of a study of the sorption properties of the opoka. The study showed the advantages of flask membranes compared to those deposited with silicic acid. The optimal conditions for the modification of the flask were determined, which make it possible to purify water from metal impurities to the required level.

    Keywords: groundwater, water purification, deferrization, membrane, deposited membrane, sorption methods, flask, polyacrylamide

  • Method for simulating the impulse response of a horizontally layered hydro-acoustic waveguide with a liquid bottom

    A hydroacoustic waveguide is considered as a linear system with parameters distributed over dis-tance. A method is proposed for modeling the impulse response of a waveguide. The fields of indi-vidual normal modes at fixed frequencies are calculated so that discretization theorems are satisfied. By performing the inverse Fourier transform of the fields of all modes separately, the time realiza-tions are restored. Then, summing the mode fields, the impulse response of the waveguide is calcu-lated. This approach allows you to "turn off" the fields of individual modes, add, if necessary, the fields of higher modes, or to study all fields separately, simulating the operation of mode selection. The impulse response is considered as a tool for solving the problems of inverting the acoustic characteristics of the seabed and modeling the propagation of signals in waveguides. The impulse response of the first mode of the Pekeris waveguide with the bottom in the form of an intermediate layer and half-space is restored, its wave attributes are revealed: ground wave, water wave, Airy wave. The frequency dependences of the group velocity of normal modes and the multimode im-pulse response are restored. Low-pass filtering of the impulse response makes it possible to reveal the Airy phase of the first mode.

    Keywords: normal modes, seabed, attenuation coefficient, group velocity, impulse response, intramode dispersion, intermode dispersion

  • Modification of installation technology for prefabricated space frame units

    The paper explores the opportunity to use tower cranes with a large boom length for installation of space frames configured as prefabricated units. The opportunity to modify the already existing technology by using new tower cranes with a large boom length allows cutting the cost of construction of industrial buildings with flat structural plates. Cost cuts are realized by reducing the scope of works pertaining to installation and dismantling of crane runway as well as crane relocation toward other spans of the building.

    Keywords: space frames, nodal connections, installation, technology, modification, crane

  • Ecowool properties in a timber-framed wooden building during long-term operation with variable heating mode

    A survey of the frame-panel building was carried out, in which ecowool was used as the heat-insulating material. A study was made of the moisture state of wooden frame walls and attic floors. Ecowool samples were taken from various sections of the wall. No mold was detected on material samples. In this case, the sorption humidity was not more than 16%. The results of laboratory tests of ecowool showed high persistence of density and coefficient of thermal conductivity during long-term operation. Tests were conducted to determine the effect of moisture on the change in the physical and technical properties of ecowool. The research results were processed by statistical methods. As a result of the study, it was found that moisture does not accumulate in the ecowool layer of the examined frame walls and attic flooring, but goes out through the insulation and elements of the building envelope. The conducted studies allow us to predict the preservation of the heat-shielding properties of ecowool during operation for a long time

    Keywords: ecowool, durability, sorption humidity, density, coefficient of thermal conductivity

  • Mathematical model of influence of external recycle on the process of granulation of ammophos in a drum granulator-dryer

    The granulation process of ammophos in a drum granulator-dryer (DGD) is considered. The main factors affecting the granulation process are considered. The inputs and outputs of the mathematical model of the granulation process are determined. A dynamic mathematical model has been developed for the formation of the equivalent diameter of ammophos granules depending on the flow rate and particle size distribution of the external recycle. Graphs of comparison of simulation results with actual data of normal operation are presented. A graph of the dependence of the equivalent diameter of the granules on the flow rate of external recycling is presented. The model is intended to create a system for stabilizing the granulation mode.

    Keywords: ammophos, recycle, granulation, particle size distribution, drum granulator-dryer, modelling, mathematical model

  • Features of high-rise construction in a modern metropolis

    In the view of most people, the criterion "high-rise buildings" is very blurred. Five or seven storey buildings were considered one or two centuries ago to be tall, but now you will not surprise anyone with a number of storeys over fifty. Russian law sets the maximum possible 75-meter height for residential buildings and 50-meter - for public buildings. The construction of higher facilities is subject to special requirements. The article discusses the development of high-rise buildings of a megalopolis using the example of the city of Rostov-on-Don, presenting famous high-rise buildings in Rostov at present. Along with increasing the number of storeys of buildings, their design features are also changing. The types of structural schemes of high-rise buildings, the materials of the supporting structures of high-rise buildings, their advantages and applications are described. The problems that arise in high-rise construction are described.

    Keywords: Rostov-on-Don city, high-rise construction, number of storeys, development, urban planning, zoning, architecture, design, high-strength concrete, high-strength reinforcement