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  • Transverse vibrations of the gas discharge shaft made of a polymer thermosetting self-supporting shell "Furanflex" with a finite number of degrees of freedom with uniform fixing in height

    This article discusses the theoretical order and practical solution of the problem of calculating the transverse vibrations of a thermosetting polymer self-supporting shell pipe " Furanflex».Сalculation scheme with a finite number of degrees of freedom.The pipe is evenly fixed in height.The procedure for creating a universal calculation algorithm for determining the natural frequencies of pipe vibrations is considered in detail.When creating an algorithm and calculating natural frequencies, determining coefficients, plotting plots, the Mathcad software package is used.When creating an algorithm and calculating natural frequencies, determining coefficients, plotting plots, the Mathcad software package is used. The article may be of interest to design engineers, specialists in calculating the dynamics and strength of structures and specialists of heat-generating companies and thermal power plants, teachers and students of universities in the construction industry.

    Keywords: eigenvalues, polymer tube "furanflex", eigenvalues of the matrix

  • Quartz generator of decimeter waves

    An experimental study of a quartz generator of the GK380-P-7VS-450M-3.3 s type was carried out.A description of the scheme and design is given. The results of the experiment are presented, including the frequency run-out, the frequency dependence on the supply voltage, and the output signal spectra for three different viewing bands. The following parameters of the output signal were obtained: the operating frequency of 450 MHz, the amplitude of the sinusoidal signal of 210 mV, the frequency run - out in 20 minutes of 550 Hz, frequency instability when the supply voltage changes 230 Hz, suppression of the second and third harmonics of at least 30 dB.

    Keywords: quartz oscillator, frequency instability, frequency run-out, the amplitude of the sinusoidal signal, the spectrum of the output signal

  • Solving the problem of material resistance by calculating a vertically loaded beam using the Mathcad computer complex

    This article discusses the theoretical order and practical solution of the problem of calculating the beam by the initial parameters method using the Mathcad calculation complex. The article describes in Detail and proposes the procedure for creating a universal calculation algorithm and program for any combination of vertical load. . Программа автоматизировано создает эпюры. The program automatically creates diagrams of internal force factors, displacements, rotation angles of beam sections.The article may be of interest to design engineers, specialists in calculating the dynamics and strength of structures, teachers and students of engineering Universities and the construction industry.

    Keywords: method of initial parameters, beams, diagrams of internal force factors, beam movement, angles of rotation of sections

  • Research of an access control system based on a user's palms heatmap

    The paper is focused on research of an access control system based on the analysis of the thermal radiation of the user's palms using common components, it is shown that the use of multifactor biometric authentication based on the thermal image of the palms and infrared images of the user's veins allows to reduce the errors of the first and second kind during biometric authentication.

    Keywords: biometric authentication, thermal palm print, access control system, infrared vein imaging

  • Comparison of statically undetectable prestressed reinforced concrete trusses

    For the statically indeterminate systems under consideration, there is an optimal ratio between the load-bearing capacity of stretched and out-of-center compressed elements, in which the required reliability will be provided at the lowest value of the mathematical expectation of an external destructive load. It should also be noted that for statically indeterminate systems, the beginning of rebar fluidity is not a sign of destruction, but only indicates the beginning of an intensive redistribution of forces in it. Therefore, the values of C, do not refer to the beginning of the rebar flow, but to the complete exhaustion of the load-bearing capacity. The reliability of statically undetectable systems, including prestressed trusses, is always higher, all other things being equal, than that of statically definable systems.

    Keywords: reinforced concrete, reinforced concrete structures, statically indeterminate systems, reliability

  • The impact of wastewater treatment plants on the environment as a result of the release of harmful substances into the atmosphere

    The emission of pollutants from wastewater disposal facilities has become a topic of increased interest, given its significant impact on the overall climate footprint of wastewater treatment plants. This paper presents comparative data in the field of air quality monitoring on the territory of domestic and industrial wastewater treatment plants abroad and in Russia. The issue of the influence of odors on human health is considered. Practical examples of the control of bad-smelling emissions are offered. A brief review of scientific papers on topics related to gaseous emissions from wastewater disposal systems is presented. Experimental studies of the quantities of specific components of the gas-air mixture above the surface of the waste liquid of the aeration tanks of the sewage treatment plants (CBS) of the city of Novoshakhtinsk, Rostov region are presented. Based on the analysis of the obtained results, technologies for reducing the amount of emissions from CBS facilities are considered.

    Keywords: monitoring of air pollution, emissions, foul-smelling emissions, sulfur dioxide, aeration tank

  • Propagation of a narrow-band impulse in a shallow water hydroacoustic waveguide

    The article considered the propagation of a long impulse signal in a hydroacoustic waveguide. A solution is given for a replica of a impulse signal in the second approximation of the dispersion theory. The propagation of a single-mode and multimode impulse in a Pekeris waveguide with a bottom in the form of an absorbing half-space is simulated. The acoustic properties of the half-space correspond to medium sand with an average grain size 0,3 mm. The result of the solution in the second approximation of the dispersion theory is compared with the result of the simulation of the impulse replica obtained as a convolution of the input signal with the impulse response of the waveguide. The disadvantages of the solution in the second approximation of the dispersion theory are shown and analyzed. It is shown that the theory of dispersion incorrectly reproduces the transients when the signal is switched on and off in cases where the signal frequency lies near the critical frequency of the first or second mode. It is shown that the theory of dispersion correctly reproduces the envelope of a multimode impulse signal.

    Keywords: impulse signal, normal modes, group velocity, dispersion theory, intramode dispersion, intermode dispersion

  • Improvement of the control system for operating modes of centralized hot water supply from a central heating point

    The paper provides an overview of the applications in central heating points (CHP) of technologies and equipment to improve energy efficiency and quality of heat supply from district heating systems. The main equipment and characteristics of the hot water supply system taken as an example of the central heating station "MGU" are given. Described is the method of choosing the heating circuit of the central heating station from the ratio of the maximum loads of hot water supply and heating. For the adopted example of a central heating station, based on the above characteristics, the main indicator of energy efficiency is the specific consumption of electrical energy for the transport of thermal energy. Factors that have the greatest impact on this indicator: coefficient of uneven consumption of "hot water"; quality of regulation of hot water supplied to the hot water supply network; precise control of the productivity of the boosting and circulation pumping stations. The standard total power of the pump drives has been determined to be 13.58 kW and the range of actual power is from 10.79 kW to 22.04 kW.To reduce the influence of factors in the control scheme, it is proposed to use flow (pressure) regulators to maintain a constant direct-acting pressure drop. Use the pressure (pressure difference) of hot water discharged to the DHW system and returned from the system as balancing forces for this regulator. The parameters of hot water of rational modes of operation of the hot water supply system from the central heating station "MGU" were determined: temperature of hot water at the outlet of the heat exchange equipment 75 ° С; hot water pressure at the outlet of the heat exchange equipment 45 m; hot water pressure at the inlet of the circulation pump 25 m. The implementation of the proposed option without the inertial control scheme for the temperature of "hot water" and the developed rational modes of operation of the hot water supply system, according to the assessment of efficiency indicators, will reduce the specific consumption of electrical energy in the central heating station by 28.4% from 0.631 kW * h / m3 to 0.452 kW * h / m3.

    Keywords: central heating station, hydraulic mode, flow regulator, pump characteristic

  • Numerical simulation of the dynamics of a pre-modulated electron beam in the drift space of a transit klystron

    It is indicated in the article that the study of the electron bunching process in the drift space of a transit klystron is an urgent task that allows one to establish general laws applicable to more complex models. In this connection, the behavior of the pre-modulated electron beam in the drift space of the transit klystron has been investigated. A numerical model has been implemented that takes into account the effect of space charge fields and the interaction of charged particles with elements of an electrodynamic system. A series of numerical experiments with different values ​​of the current and initial velocities of electrons, as well as their comparison with theoretical data, have been carried out. As a result of numerical experiments, data were obtained that characterize the dynamics of the electron flux in the drift space of the transit klystron at different values ​​of the initial velocity (0.5 s, 0.9 s) and cathode current (10 mA, 1A, 10A).

    Keywords: flyby klystron, mathematical model, numerical simulation, large particle method, particle-particle method, drift space, convection current distribution, electron flow, multithreaded calculations, system of differential equations

  • Research of a multicriteria problem оf decision about selecting a franchise to investment by using method of Fuzzy VICOR

    For a decision maker, the problem is to choose the best franchise on a wide variety of existing Russian and foreign alternatives in the face of uncertainty. For a successful business, a decision maker needs to analyze the data on all the criteria among the selected franchises. In this paper, 5 alternatives- franchises of linguistic centers were considered. To calculate the weights of the importance of the criteria, the hierarchy analysis method was used. By fuzzy criteria using the Fuzzy VICOR method, a comparative analysis of several franchises was conducted. As a result, the best franchise for doing business was revealed. The Fuzzy VICOR method allows to get an effective result even in the conditions of uncertainty of input data.

    Keywords: decision making, franchising, fuzzy decision making method, hierarchy analysis, defuzzification, Fuzzy VICOR

  • A method for assessing the security of a special purpose automated information system against DDoS attacks based on a theoretical-empirical approach

    A model that implements a method for assessing the security of a special purpose automated information system is considered in the article. The model takes into account both the intensity of the load on the system and the number of channels as a means of protecting information from DDoS attacks based on the combination of theoretical and empirical approaches to assessing security of special purpose automated information system. The transition from a theoretical model using empirical states and continuous time to a discrete time model is applied to build a new model. The purpose of the work is to develop a model that implements a method for assessing the security of a special purpose automated information system against DDoS attacks based on a theoretical-empirical approach to modeling information protection means against DDoS attacks.The following tasks are solved in the article: analysis of known models that implement the method for assessing the security of special purpose automated information system from DDoS attacks; the model which implements a method for assessing the security of special purpose automated information system based on a theoretical-empirical approach to modeling information protection against DDoS attacks is being developed. The use of the new model makes it possible to apply both empirical values obtained as a result of measurements or modeling, and a theoretical basis for modeling information protection means under the influence of DDoS attacks, taking into account their characteristics, which will be reflected by the income function and the choice of the optimal mode of functioning of the special purpose automated information system in discrete moments in time. When synthesizing the models presented in the article, the lack of the static nature of the assessment of the security of the special purpose automated information system was eliminated, the intensity of computer attacks such as DDoS, which dynamically changes both the parameters evaluating the means of protection and the probability of the system being in critical states, was taken into account.

    Keywords: automated system, modeling, security assessment, queuing system, probabilistic assessment, DDoS attack

  • Application of monolithic expanded clay concrete in enclosing structures of country cottages with intermittent heating

    A method for determining the optimal value of the heat transfer resistance of a three-layer exterior wall of a country cottage building is presented. As an optimization criterion, the specific consumption of thermal energy for the weekly cycle of operation of the building is selected. As a result of the study of the function describing the total specific energy consumption for heat loss compensation and heating of 1 m2 of the outer wall, an analytical expression was obtained to determine the optimal value of the heat transfer resistance. Based on the obtained solution, the thickness of the monolithic expanded clay concrete used as a structural and thermal insulation material in the outer wall is optimized. An analytical relationship is obtained to evaluate the energy-saving effect due to additional insulation of the outer wall of a country cottage.

    Keywords: intermittent heating, heat transfer resistance, enclosing structure, energy consumption, heat protection characteristics

  • Modern methods for monitoring deformations of buildings and structures

    The object of the research, the result of which is the presented work, is a comprehensive system of spatial data of the railway infrastructure, within which a high-precision system of coordinates of the Russian Railways has been created, and methods definition of normal heights in the Baltic Heights System 1977. The strategy and prospects for the development of high-speed transport highways (VSM) have been described. Methods for determining normal heights at research sites are given.

    Keywords: monitoring, buildings, facilities, engineering and geodesic research, laser scanning, GNSS receivers, design, construction, observations, geodesic measurements

  • Improvement of the methodology for plotting a stress-strain diagram for concrete with indirect reinforcement in the form of cross welded mesh

    Setting the indirect reinforcement in the form of cross welded mesh is one of the effective ways to increase the strength and deformation characteristics of compressed concrete. When performing engineering calculations of structures with indirect reinforcement, in order to ensure the required reliability, it is necessary to use the design values of the strength of materials. At the same time, initially the calculation formulas were derived and analyzed for the experimental average strength values, which are significantly higher than the design ones. Based on the results of the calculations, it was found that a simple substitution of the calculated strength values in the formulas leads to an overestimation of the strength and ultimate compressibility values of concrete with indirect reinforcement.

    Keywords: indirect reinforcement, welded mesh, volumetric stress state, compression diagram

  • Fixing weak water-saturated soils on the example of a residential building in Taganrog

    " This article deals with the problem of fixing bulk and weak soils, leveling the deformation properties of soils during their water saturation. The technology of injecting the fixing cement-sand solution, closed with a solution of liquid glass, was described on the example of fixing the base under the foundations of a residential building under construction in the floodplain zone of the Taganrog Bay on Kruysa Street.

    Keywords: structurally unstable soil, hydrogeological risk, floodplain zone, foundation consolidation, cementation, liquid glass, cement-sand mortar, foundation plate, deformation, ground water